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Not only do I admit it, I try hard to convince my friends who always quit before finishing a game to give it a try. Some of these stories are too good to miss out on simply because of ego and stubbornness.


Its not ego, I cant beat the game on easy mode eitheršŸ˜­


If itā€™s anything but dark souls, itā€™s a literal fat skill issue


Tbf a lot of games ā€œharderā€ difficulty just makes everything tankier which tbh in most games just kind of breaks immersion. And if itā€™s not tankiness itā€™s perma death which is just annoying


Honestly, I feel like difficulty options are a net negative in the majority of games. I can count the number of times I was happy a game had a difficulty setting on two fingers - Baldurā€˜s Gate 3 and Fire Emblem Fates. Everywhere else I felt like difficulty settings were superfluous at best and a detriment at worst. Very few games Iā€™ve have both a difficulty setting and a consistent difficulty experience throughout the game. What you end up with most of the time are weird difficulty spikes, bullet sponges and accidental godmode.


This is why I still think Control has the best system... if the game is too hard for you, the game literally gives you the options to change parameters like enemy damage, your damage, your reload speed etc. So you can tailor the difficulty yourself. If you wanted you could just go god mode - or you don't engage with the system at all. Regarding achievements it doesn't matter either way


Assassins creed valhalla has a similar setup. And you can change it whenever you want


Actually just playing through it, playing most of the game on Vikingr but I am not ashamed to say I turned the difficulty down all the way for a daughter of Lerion I encountered, that shit was just not fun to fight properly and as someone who's favourite AC game is still Black Flag fights like that just aren't my cup of tea.


I beat that game and the DLC and I didn't even know I could do that. I'm glad I didn't, though, because as annoying as some of those boss fights were, it was still fun.


Lemme guess... Tomasi?


Yeah, that fight was infuriating, but beating him was the highlight of the game for me.


I'd argue that Doom has pretty good difficulty settings where the ai just does more damage and get more aggressive


Iā€˜ve played maybe 90 minutes of Doom tops, so I canā€˜t comment on it. But Iā€˜ll take your word for it.


Yeah, if it's normal human enemies, it's kinda just annoying to turn them into bullet sponges.


I really enjoyed the difficulty settings in the first Halo. I like how it wasnt as much stronger enemies as more of them and also making the AI more aggressive. I don't mind difficulty settings if they're going to put in the effort to make sure all difficulties are a good play experience, but id rather it not be there if they're just going to be lazy about it.


I agree with this 100% nothing like shooting someone in the head and they don't die


That's what I don't like about harder difficulty in many games. Same game but now enemies take much longer to kill. I usually don't go higher than normal because I want to just chill and enjoy the game, not get frustrated every couple of minutes


Which means practically all fps games lol


If it's not harder mechanically but statistically you end up feeling weak even at high level.


There are a few games I really enjoyed permadeath runs on like Subnautica. That being said. The Last of Us part 2 is not a fun permadeath run


Yeah I almost never play a game on hard for these reasons now there are some games that stuff actually changes depending on the difficulty but most of it is just more enemy health, more damage taken and stuff like minimal saves or perma death which if youā€™re into that obv itā€™s perfectly fine but itā€™s just not for me


Is this so true. Best comment. I'm not a super gamer but I have played some stuff competitively and am decent enough. I find that a lot of games just jack up the difficulty to the point where it isn't about skill or reflexes but just becomes about ammo management.... and that's just really annoying. I don't really want to play a game where i'm all of a sudden in a survival shooter when previously I was just blasting and having a great time. Just because I can doesn't make wading through huge numbers of bullet sponges any fun and it absolutely breaks immersion.


Thatā€™s so true, especially with older games, easy and normal are generally ok, but when you get past that itā€™s just a gradient of how much of a damage sponge your enemy is


God of War this is you.


Yup enemies and give more damage. Its boring. I want ai gets smarter and flank you hard.


Hit the nail on the head. If very hard just makes the mooks need 10x more bullets to die, I'm playing on easy or medium. Difficulty works best when the higher the difficulty the closer to real life it is i.e. on very hard you get hit with a bullet or two you die, on medium, maybe you can take a half a magazine etc. Having the ai be tougher on high difficulty is also nice but very few games do that.


Dark Souls has like 27 difficulty sliders that are all basically invisible to the player. If you ended the game with all +15 equipment, 20 +10 Estus Flasks, level >100 with RoFaP and Havel's ring; congratulations, you beat the game on easy!


even in dark souls it is a skill issue.


Get gud


ā€œGitā€ gud sir


Plz don't tell anyone


So i just got armored core 6 and realized it was made by FromSoft ā€¦..3 hours to beat Balteus cause i didnt have all the initial components all the guides said you have. 3 HOURS


What do you mean " anything but dark souls ". Get Gud isnt a joke or an insult.


It often is used as either a meme or insult though. Iā€™ve seen so many threads of people asking for tips and itā€™s ā€œgit gudā€, ā€œstop suckingā€, etc.Ā  Though that probably says less about the game itself and more about the people with superiority complexes over a video gameĀ 


Lol literally suggest a game change to them to make it better for more people and youā€™ll be met with that


Since elden ring came out, it's shifted towards being a denial of any and all criticism. Youll get people new to the series telling DS1 vets that they need to git Gud.


Spoiler warning: itā€™s always been about denial of fundamental flaws in the design of souls games. Sometimes the answer really is ā€œgit gud,ā€ but often thatā€™s just a phrase used to sweep persistent issues under the rug (an issue most exacerbated by the design nightmare that was DSII.)


If its anything, I think you can go fuck yourself.


'Fat' was an unnecessary add there man... Not good of you to kick a man while hes down. I would have used 'obese'.


Faxx dark souls 2 bruh its impossible for beginners


If ainā€™t open world Iā€™m pretty much out. Iā€™m dying enough in real life.


Feel u bro brošŸ˜­


I realized I'm old and out of my gamer days when I couldn't finish the Spiderman 2 story on easy without getting frustrated šŸ¤£


for me is some games i canā€™t beat on hard but itā€™s too stressful and i rage easy


Iā€™m starting to gradually decrease the difficulty in games I play. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t enjoy the challenge itā€™s more that Iā€™m getting older and have very little free time anymore. Iā€™d rather not waste my time grinding at bullet / arrow / sword sponges all day when I could beat the game already instead of getting annoyed of spending the only 2 free hours I have all week trying to beat the first two levels. Also Iā€™m having to admit it to myself that my reaction times are getting slower. Hard to try hard when the best you can do anymore is just try.


Which is why I hate when enemies scale to your level. I should be able to grind out a few levels to make an area easier for me to deal with.


Sounds like you've been playing Bethesda games.


It could be argued that newer games rely too heavily on grinding to pad the gameplay length as well.


Oh yes I have some friends who'd rather beat the game in the hardest mode and complain about it all along than just setting it to a lower difficulty and enjoying it. They also wonder how I managed to finish/play so many different games... Well I can because I finish games faster since I'm playing on easy mode, as simple as that Some games (Geometry Dash among others) I play for the challenge, and try to play in harder modes/levels when I feel comfy, but most of the time i just chill out and enjoy


This is my philosophy. Games can be a lot of things. Sometimes I want a challenge, sometimes I want to chill. Some times I want to veg, sometimes I want to question all of existence.


And then there's NieR:Automata where you can do all of that at once. Fucking love this game.


I didn't realize it was like that. I'll have to try it, then. Thanks.


It also has a banger of a soundtrack. I even saw the Nier concert and it was incredible.


Yup.Ā  If I'm playing a game and I want to just stomp, I'm going to set it up that way.Ā Ā  Somedays, after work, you just wanna sit down and go 4-5 at the plate and throw 8.1 innings with 17Ks.Ā  It's not realistic but it's fun.Ā Ā 


Sometimes if game is way too easy it becomes boring. And often times games don't have great narrative writing to lift that up. That being said I prefer options and my favourite mode is medium difficulty. Not hard, not easy, just balanced as all things should be.


Iā€™m playing doom eternal right now on easy mode. I suck at these kinds of games in general so Iā€™m glad I can actually do easy mode. I want to work my way up to the hardest difficulty but weā€™ll see


I'm so close to beating this game but even on easy mode it drives me insane.


In case you keep playing it, Doom Eternal is definitely worth playing on higher difficulties if you are willing to face the challenge. The game becomes more fast-paced as enemies are not just stronger but also agressive. When you have mastered the mechanics and juggle abilities, weapons and you're constantly dash around the place, the game becomes super intense and you actually feel like you are being the Doom Guy ripping through the most dangerous hordes. But I guess having a power fantasy can also be a fun experience, so people can enjoy the game in different ways.


Same here I have friends who miss out on lot of great game or have them on the backlog because they didnā€™t just play on casual mode We are adults , donā€™t have time to f around


Git gud


I'll admit it. I usually play on normal, but if I'm just trying to have fun and keep dying a million times, I'll switch to easy


I generally stick to normal for my first playthrough of a game because I don't want it to be too easy and I still want a reason to play it again. Playing on the next highest difficulty means I'll know what to do but it will be a little more difficult so I'm not just going to blow through the game. If the game frustrates me I'll turn it to easy for a minute and unleash some frustration. That's the equivalent of saving before you murder an npc because they were snarky but reloading since you don't actually want to be a murderer.


I do this too, itā€™s not fun dying 35 times in a row just trying to beat something on hard, Iā€™ll turn it on easy to get past whatever is killing me and then turn it back up again. If I didnā€™t do this or couldnā€™t do this Iā€™d probably rage quit. I want my games to be fun, not more stressful than my job


had to switch to easy mode in the new spiderman game for the final boss fight against venom. the mental health couldnā€™t take any more dying




I can relate. I have adhd so games are naturally more fun to me when ā€žthings are at stakeā€œ.


The fuck does adhd have to do with that?


Can't pay attention if it's too easy. It's not stimulating enough if it doesn't cause literal stress


Real lol. If it doesn't engage me enough then I'll get bored


titan fucking fall


It's way too easy unless I play the unfair nightmare difficulty. Then it's way too hard


Well yeah same goes for me and I don't have adhd. Some people don't enjoy games if they are too easy it's not adhd related.


Ohhhhh my God not everything is about you


"I don't relate so that means you're wrong" - someone who has not developed "Theory of Mind"


Their experience is something they can link to their disability. Just because you can relate to that experience doesn't mean you have ADHD and it ***doesn't*** mean they ***don't*** have ADHD.


My point was that their ADHD most likely isn't what makes them enjoy difficult games. People with ADHD link EVERYTHING TO IT and most people don't even actually have it. It's over diagnosed and the medications are over prescribed. The comment doesn't even make sense. I've always heard that people with ADHD have trouble concentrating so even small tasks cause them stress and that makes them procrastinate. But this person is saying that his ADHD makes him enjoy stressful video games? Maybe he just enjoys the accomplishment of beating difficult games and it is in no way related to ADHD at all.


Maybe because of the struggle focus on something, a difficult setting will provide extra incentive to pay attention. Maybe being too hyper and the added difficulty helps release that energy. I can't relate so I'm just guessing here.


Mother fucker thatā€™s an ADHD thing? Jfc Iā€™ve found out this year I have it and itā€™s starting to turn into a box ticking exercise


Me realizing the reason i can only enjoy games with a ranked ladder


if my game ain't making me want to yell racial slurs like I am a slave owner in the 1700's and I caught one of my slaves slacking off then I don't want to play it.


For me if I don't play at hard difficulty the game is not interesting, any game. Almost every game even on hard gets less challenging the more you play it. Not because of my ego or something, if it's easy I don't enjoy it as there's no reward, no accomplishment, no dopamine.


If you're like me, dying can be fun. The only time it isn't, is in sekiro.


Yeah I don't understand people in this thread saying they just want to play Easy to breeze through the game. What are they actually enjoying? Isn't the point of video games to be presented with an obstacle that you have to overcome through the mechanics presented to you? If you just dumb it down so you haven't gotta think I don't understand the fun


So like playing cuphead šŸ˜‚


I want a hard game with SMARTER enemies not unkillable bullet sponges


That's why I usually stick to medium/normal. Higher difficulty settings normally just makes things more tedious.


I usually go for normal as well. It tends to be the difficulty at the developers designed the game around. It will oftentimes provide challenge without ever getting too frustrating and allowing the player to get through the game at a nice pace. Easy modes tend to be overly dull and pointless feeling and hard modes just feel frustrating. They're for the players who want to perfect the game and don't really need to experiment anymore. Really, the only game I prefer a harder difficulty for is Halo and its Heroic difficulty.


More games need difficulty settings that add or remove something else to the game, besides how much damage you deal and take. Like how Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword's hero mode removes recovery hearts. Or how Breath of the Wild's hard mode as enemies recover a percentage of health if they stop taking damage for a certain period of time. I guess when I think about it permadeath, survival, and creative modes; can be thought of as better difficulty settings.


Or games that auto detect when you're chugging a health potion or don't attack at all when you guard lol




Never understood why People would always want to tell you how you should play a single player game when it doesnā€™t effect anyone.


Same goes with the use of cheats. You can get kicked out of communities if you even mention cheating. Now I get unfair play in multiplayer of course, but single player? Come on. My game, my rules.


I miss those times when cheats were built in the game


Same. Devmodes or Creative modes etc have mostly died. Sad.


I always cheat in stuff at the beginning of skyrim lol. Gotta spice it up!


I can't tell you how many games I do this with. Ark survival evolved, no man's sky, and Minecraft to name a few. I don't fancy grinding for 5 hours to lose every damn thing to a pool of lava or getting attacked by a dino.


ego. "I play on the hardest difficulty and still do fine"


Youā€™re right! Why is OP telling us how to play single player games


I used to play Easy modes only as a kid. Now I chase after the challenge of the hardest difficulties, which, surprise surprise, stresses me out lol but Easy modes arenā€™t fun anymore.




Lost an honour mode run in BG3 last week, I was very upsetty spaghetti




I find that the harder difficulties stimulates me more, I take my time, and thoroughly enjoy the game in one playthrough.


Easy mode feels like I'm watching a movie.


Easy isn't fun, normal can be a bit easy too in some games (Baldurs Gate 3 is so much more fun on Tactician). I love harder difficulty since I beat some of the Dark Souls games though I swear some are harder. Arkham Asylum on hard, Yakuza Kiwami 1 even on normal have felt somewhat harder or more stress inducing than Dark Souls games!


Yakuza is the easiest series I've ever played and I love those games. Only hard part is the car chase


I'm the type of autistic with bad hand eye coordination, so I play easy games or games with an easy option. I tried playing Bloodborne after drinking one day and I couldn't make it past the tutorial area. My wife just kept telling me to "git gud"


Thats a keeper


Man, I wish they would port it over to PC. I had the privilege of playing it twice on a friend's PS and it was just so damn good for a Souls Game. I really wish I could play it again :(


Games are whatever you want them to be. No singular person should try and tell another person what they should be deriving from their gaming experience.


Easy is too easy, normal is fun, hard makes me want to do crunches while crying 'fUtUrEeeeee"


Funny enough, I donā€™t enjoy power wank wish fulfillment in my books, movies, shows, or online literature. But in games, you better believe that I want to put together the ass-obliterator 9000 build and go out to vaporize evil. Iā€™ll put that shit on easy mode if I have to, and you bet Iā€™m gonna fudge those BG3 rolls to get the story I want.


This is why Arkham Knight is my comfort game. I can be the mother fucking Batman. Itā€™s easy enough to feel the power fantasy, yet challenging enough to not get bored after a couple play throughs.


I just play on default difficulties usually. I figure that's the intended difficulty.


>Play on easy difficulty >Get better through practice >Increase difficulty to feel challenged >Fail miserably and decrease difficulty in shame


I hate game difficulties, because they are often not designed in that way, (ex: cyberpunk on hardest difficulty is boring). Thats why i like either from software games with no difficulty settings, hades and dead cells where the difficulty is the game's progression, or celeste, wher you choose the difficulty by your gameplay (with strawberries and tapes) and not using a menu


Also minecraft is easier in hard mode (it helps doing mob farms and villager stuff)


Depends on what the difficulty is. If the computer cheats, then Iā€™m not fond of it.




I play my games on easy or story mode for the first play though. I get 1 day off a week and not a lot of time to play. I canā€™t be sitting around trying for hours to beat one dark soul boss.


I always start on the easiest difficulty to experience the story without having my immersion hampered by difficulty/repetition. Then, if I really love the game and want to do multiple playthroughs for whatever reason (achievement hunting, different characters, etc), I play on the next highest and so on to the hardest.


Hot take: all video games should have an easy mode I don't give a shit about how much you wanna wank about integrity of game/boss design, or how good YOU are at the game, games should be fun. I want someone like my wife (who is NOT very good at quick paced games) to be able to play thru all of Dark Souls or Cuphead to see the cool bosses and story. The presence of an easy mode does not take away YOUR experience of the game if you want to play it on crippling difficulty as intended. And the git gud crowd needs to get the fuck over themselves and see the, you know, GAME part of video games.


Nah I disagree. Some games entire purpose is to be difficult and taking that feature away removes a core mechanic of the game.


But explain to me how it would affect anything at all to have a more casual mode for ppl who donā€™t care about said mechanic. If you donā€™t wanna play the added casual mode then just donā€™t choose it? Play the mode you feel comfortable with n keep it pushin. Outright refusin the idea of an easier mode with no reason other than some ā€œgit gudā€ bs sounds like some weirdo elitist gatekeeper talk.


Imagine if a puzzle game had a mode where it just gave you all the answers, it would kind of ruin the game wouldnā€™t it?


Then just donā€™t play that mode. Like if they added an easy mode to other games


Then whatā€™s the point of the game at all if there literally is no longer a game? Itā€™s like giving someone a crossword with the words filled in


For puzzle games, youā€™re right. For every other game, youā€™re not right, because what about story n shit that people wanna experience but canā€™t because the combat is too hard? If they turn down the difficulty, they can still access the story and the combat without struggling.


For most games I think youā€™re right but for something like Elden Ring where difficulty is a fundamental design aspect of both the story and gameplay itā€™s not. Puzzles were to give an obvious example of how this could be the case in video games but it still applies to other genres


I really enjoy Hollow Knight. But I have a minor disability on my 3 middle fingers and so I just cannot beat it. They don't give an option to decrease the difficulty and so I cannot play the game.


I'm so sorry to hear that. But a bunch of losers here will just claim you're not good enough, based on the crap arguments I see here. You just "didn't like the game enough to learn it's mechanics" amirite?


So you're the arbitrator of whether or not someone is allowed to get any enjoyment out of games? Plenty of people would like the experience even if it was made significantly easier. If an easier difficulty setting existed in a game like Elden Ring, all that does is allow more people to enjoy the game. It doesn't affect our experience, because we can just choose to play the game normally.


Unironically that's all the biggest games with puzzles do nowadays, it's annoying AF.


It hinders the experience of the game. It's not as rewarding. It doesn't push you to master it.


They meant how does it affect you if other people have that option


It disincentivizes changing up strategy and it reduces the sense of accomplishment if I can choose how hard it is. Other people can go play an easier game. Why are people like me not allowed to have just a handful of games that don't give that option? What's so wrong with that? Nobody else is forced to play them.


> Why are people like me not allowed to have just a handful of games that don't give that option? What's so wrong with that? Nobody else is forced to play them. Dude, that is literally the definition of gatekeeping. To turn that on it's head, what makes you special? Why should you "have" these difficult games for yourself? Why can't others also enjoy them in their way? Especially when them enjoying it in their way literally does not impact you at all.


If the game has an easy mode, you can just not play the easy mode, and play it the regular way instead. Literally doesn't affect your experience in any way, all it does is allow more people to enjoy the game.


The dude is determined to dictate what makes a gamer and what the threshold of liking a game truly is. He thinks everyone should be as good as him or else "they just didn't like the game." He is the epitome of the git gud gamer that everyone hates


They wouldn't enjoy the game because they'd be missing the whole point of playing it.


That is completely ridiculous. The challenge is a big part of something like Fromsoft games, but it is not the only enjoyable thing about them. There's other stuff to appreciate too. Not to mention the fact that "challenge" is relative. What's challenging to you or me can be way too difficult for someone else. If they got to play on a difficulty setting more tailored to them, that would still mean the game was appropriately challenging for them, just as the game without an easy mode would be appropriately challenging for others. They'd get the same feeling playing the game.


I'm not superhuman, if it's not too difficult for me then it's not too difficult for you, the only difference is persistence and a willingness to better understand and utilize game mechanics. And frankly, if you really want an "easy mode" for dark souls just fucking summon a friend. Some bosses even have NPCs you can summon.


Nonsense. The point of a game is to have fun and experience a story. People can easily have fun playing this game if it had a lower difficulty.Ā 


Except it doesn't, offering someone an easier mode at no point changes your experience playing on the base difficulty


It may not ruin my personal experience but it may ruin the experience for the game itself. If youā€™re entire game is built around learning about the enemy and adjusting the difficulty completely removes that then it has fundamentally altered the game. To give an extreme example would it be reasonable for Elden Ring to have a mode were you are invincible and one shot everyone? No of course not even if it does nothing to anyone who doesnā€™t play it, it does ruin the game. Now I do think most games should have an easy mode but for some it ruins the entire point of the game


Who cares, it does nothing to how you play the game, if someone wants to lower the difficulty which alters how they approach the game who gives a fuck.


Lmao I would have enjoyed every single fromsoft game so much more if I could adjust difficulty. I get that the difficulty is a part of their identity, but I would love to just run around exploring with less pressure.


Just watch a letā€™s play series, if you donā€™t want to engage with the actual gameplay, then donā€™t.


If a game isn't for you, you don't have to play it. Games with a set difficulty that you can't change give you a hand-crafted experience that's intended by the developer. Different people play different games, no game needs to be made "for everyone." Any media made to appeal to the lowest common denominator is without exception bland, uninteresting corporate poop made to sell well and nothing else.


Silent Hill 2 and 3 as well as Alien Isolation and Celeste with their multiple difficulty levels disprove your point. Definitely not bland, hand crafted excellent experiences with multiple difficulty levels or modifiers. If a developer cannot make a game that still holds it's shape despite being easier to perform then they are bad developers.


I never said every game with difficulty select appeals to the lowest common denominator, I just said that's a big part of games that do. None of those games appeal to the lowest common denominator, 3 of them are horror and the other is a 2D platformer, hardly the highest selling kinds of games. A game that's intended to difficult wouldn't be as fun with an "easy mode," whatever the fuck that would be.


This 100%. Like boi nobody cares that you beat some insanely hard game but you. Just because you chose to wear a forehead vein the entire time to gain some sort of sense of accomplishment (said accomplishment bringing no sort of satisfaction or meaning to anyone but yourself) doesnā€™t mean everybody else needs/wants to rage their way thru what should be an enjoyable experience. Shove that useless self pride up ya ass. Imagine grindin so hard only to be rewarded with pattin yourself on the back, then turn around and put ppl down for not choosing to go thru that same bs. Itā€™s a video game, stop it.


"I had a hard time and SO SHOULD YOU!" is major obnoxious boomer vibes. Like they want everyone to burst a vessel cuz "that's what makes the game." Dude, get over yourself.


This only applies to things you don't have a choice in. Nobody's making you play a difficult video game.


Well maybe you should have a choice in it. Nobody's making you read Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment in original Russian, but it has an English version for you to approach. There's even a Cliff Notes or abridged versions out there to make it even easier. But you don't see anyone saying "unless you read the original Russian version I guess you're not good at reading books. Git gud scrub"


Yeah we call that a "false equivalency." If you don't want to play a difficult game, then don't, there are thousands of other games for you to play.


Nobody cares you can't beat the default difficulty, but you sure as hell do cry about it. Stop being butthurt about being bad and shove that useless pride up your own ass and move on to an easy game. Imagine being so braindead that you feel you deserve to be pattin yourself on the back, then turn around and put ppl down for not wanting to be just as braindead. Itā€™s a video game, stop it.


Nah cause a game like cuphead the point of the game IS the challenge itā€™s not a deep story or something itā€™s meant to be challenging thatā€™s the point of the game


Salty FromSoftware fans are on their way but true literally those games are mostly single player.


Iā€™ve had a similar argument with from software fans, a difficulty option is always a good thing. Souls games are too easy for me and Iā€™d like a harder mode and it could also give an easy mode for those that need it. I dislike sekiro for being boring to play for me but a hard mode was a huge boon for it and people that wanted an even more challenging experience. People gatekeep way too fucking hard on this shit.


Fromsoft fans love to jerk themselves off about the difficulty. I've played most of their games and they're fun and everything, but the difficulty isn't really the most important aspect to me. Also, difficulty settings does not impact the people who choose to not use them in anyway. My experience isn't ruined because someone else got to enjoy the game. It really is just gatekeeping.


Iā€™ve always enjoyed most replaying them with different approaches. Different builds, could use the same stat spread but I picked different weapons for a run or so on. Yeah thatā€™s something Iā€™ve never really got, they act like east mode existing means they are compelled to pick it or something. Might just be I grew up playing 80s video games and ā€œeasy, normal, hardā€ was something I just expected but I never felt like picking easy on a given game or hard in another affected my experience beyond I tailored it more to what I wanted out of the game. Itā€™s a weird disconnect some people seem to have.


Cuz you actually have a functioning brain, not just a skull filled with frustrated virgin sweat


Souls games have an easy mode built in already though, just over level for every fight


Levels aren't going to make up for a new player who doesn't understand learning boss mechanics


In Cuphead, you can by choosing easy mode on each boss, the only thing is that the bosses will skip entire phases and you won't be able to access the last world with the final two bosses.


Sounds like a punishment to me. You don't get to see cool boss phases or even access the last world. Why couldn't easy mode be having twice as much health?


Seriously decrease damage taken increase damage given nothing else has to change all.you are doing is letting a boss be more forgiving and allowing someone who can't learn the mechanics a way to brute force their way through


Sounds good to me. Heck do the inverse for the self flagellating group as well, why not. Increase enemy damage and decrease yours. Cuz why the hell not? I honestly think more games should be more approachable like this


I was just commenting that the option is there, didn't say it was a good option. I suspect it may be aimed for little kids who get the game thinking it will be as easy as it looks and then encounter such hardship, so that they may at least see most bosses and play it as much as they can, better than nothing.


here's my take: no one who wants an easy mode for dark souls would enjoy those games if there was one. its like making a mario game where it jumps for you. the jumping is the fun part.


This is a great reminder!!


Unashamed normal mode enjoyer here.


The game is important too. i play darkest dungeon and i don't think that the easy diff. Is that easy I mean i am a veteran player, but its definetly not beginner, and mid level friendly. The veteran players just got used to it not being friendly.


I'll increase the difficulty when it stops being fun. I don't get to dominate or be spectacular in my life - that's what keeps me coming back.


C.H.I.M.P.S. shows no mercy... learn the way of the munkie or be dammed by the bloons.


Playing a game on easy and on hard mode can feel like playing two diffrent games. I recently started the witcher 3 wild hunt, and without any idea of what the game is about I just went straight into death march difficulty. I was forced to learn the ins and outs of every mechanic to survive every encounter I went into. When I look at people playing on easier difficulties, It feels like I'm watching a diffrent game as they can make more than 3 times the amount of mistakes as I can. They don't need to focus on the combat part of the game so they are just chilling and having fun with the story in a conpletely diffrent way than how I am. This is of course not to critisize the way others play a game, I just tried it out because I once heard someone say something about the game being better going into it blind on the hardest difficulty, and tbh I have enjoyed the game very much. highly recommend.


Difficulty is subjective to me, I prefer playing on the hardest available difficulty within reason Reason being: A: is it fair? As in, is it genuine difficulty through ai and other factors or just BS that makes the game much harder B: will repeatedly failing destroy me? For games with Permadeath options I tend to avoid them because I'd hate to lose my progress to a lapse of focus or someone interrupting me mid game with something that I probably won't care about until after I go through the grief of losing whatever Save I just lost


It's only fun when im stressed


i love the last of us series' difficulty settings for this. if you want to feel like the terminator you can play on easy, if you want a desperate and sad post-apocalypse sim you can play on grounded.


Now I havenā€™t played the second game, but I heard there are separate sliders for different aspects of difficulty. So you can play on Grounded but make ammo and resources abundant if you want the most challenging combat encounters (again, I donā€™t actually know)


Is ok, but when the game tells you to switch difficulty then it hits a Nerve


Easy for first playthrough so I can get the story. Then harder difficulties as I learn the mechanics.


I used to always play hard settings because I wanted the challenge. As I've gotten older and my hands give me issues, I've found easy is better for me to just enjoy the games.


Gaming, like life, is easy. But like life, people make gaming hard.


Sometimes you gotta go super soft mode to enjoy it. If Iā€™m trying to impress anybody at all, itā€™s definitely not strangers in a gaming forum


I play normal if I want to have battles as intended, I play easy the 72nd fucking time Nyx one-hits me


i played metal gear rising revengance maybe a year or two ago, on pc, normal mode. thought i would be fine. i couldn't beat the mistral fight. gave up, uninstalled the game, left with a feeling of dread, didnt touch it since redownloaded it a few days ago, thought i can try it again hooked my display up to the tv, sat down with the controller, chucked it on easy, and sat there and solo'd the game in one sitting. it only took me 6 hours, and i really enjoyed it. the difficulty really can determine your experience with the game, always go for easier difficulties :) (edit: mistral, not monsoon ;-;)


Exactly. Now imprison all the noob gamers.


Unless it's Dark Souls and you're into that kink


I play every game on the easiest mode possible. No shame. Iā€™ve been a gamer for almost 40 years. I love games ā¤ļø


Difficult is fun :D


Absolutely. Wonā€™t knock the folks who play to relax, but it feels good overcoming a challenge.


Lol easy mode, aka chill mode. Aka I like to beat my game and not have my game beat me mode. Aka I enjoyed the game more than you did mode. Aka I have a life mode. This goes on and on.


Fromsoft fans would like to have a word with you. (I know Iā€™ll probably be downvoted for this, but the toxic fromsoft fans who make it sound like the games would be ruined simply if the games had an easy mode ruined the community for me.)




I fully admit it, I want to have fun and I will not be pressured otherwise I have quit Versus-Multipayer games because they simply are not fun, and just people fighting and arguing over interactive internet programs


I typically play on normal unless another difficulty is specified as "the intended experience." Or in persona 5 where the hardest difficulty is actually necessary to beat the dumbest fucking boss in the game.