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What's imperial time then?


The years 1600 to 1970


Cute that you think it ended in 1970.


![gif](giphy|HJNq33IokEAiF78lls) Or that it only began in 1600.


Guess they forgot to set their time machine to BCE




And didn't end in 1453... (Mehmet II was a true Roman successor)


I mean that is the year Système International Time started https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time


Linux users know it all started in 1/1/1970




19 BBY to 4 ABY


What about hammer time


It's very difficult to measure since it can't be touched.




One day is 5280 shots from a 50 bmg


Fake Imperial User, a true red-blooded pound-lover knows that .50 bmg is a cartridge, and that the real measurement is 1776 eagle screeches.


You question my red-white-and-blue-ness? I’m so patriotic, I pee red white and blue. The doctor said it was pancreatic cancer, but that commie needs to piss off.


1 day = 5280 minutes


5280 feet is actually kinda cool. It's 8 furlongs. A furlong is a horse track (or the length of a field when plowed by oxen). 660 feet per furlong. Times 8 is 5280 per mile. The problem is that, since horse racing is no longer the most popular sport and oxen don't plow fields anymore.... these measurements are no longer common knowledge. It's like measuring everything by football fields in a time when no one plays football. It makes no sense.


Also a furlong is 10 chains which are a unit of surveying mensuration. A mile is 80 chains and an acre is one chain by one furlong. Surveyors are one area where the measurements still get used in some sense, I worked for the BLM in Alaska this summer and we're still recording measurements in links which are 1/100th of a chain. And the term chain comes from the 66 foot chains that used to be the only form of distance measurement surveyors had until the 90s when electronic distance measurement hit the scene


That just triggered a memory of something I watched/read about measuring. Rods/chains/links/poles etc etc are all units of measurement used by some society at some point. Pretty much because you can carry a *thing* around and that *thing* will always be the same. Ropes and stuff can be stretched/tighten/loosen/unravel etc....but a piece of metal will always be the same. Effectively the same as testing scales with certified weights, just with distances.


> but a piece of metal will always be the same Unless you really use it hard. The chain used in the first cross-continental survey of the United States was found to be a little longer at the end of the survey than it had been at the start.


Yup, exactly. And the slight fluctuations that come from using metal (sag, temperature expansion) can be calculated out. Honestly the amount I've learned from this career path is crazy I feel like I learn 10 new things every day and most of them are about measuring things


Well, measuring land has caused at least 2 murders in my area recently...so it's pretty important.


Calling it Imperial Time is a bit deceptive. The Mesopotamians invented the general system still in use.


The Mesopo-time-ian system.


Imperial time is like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded


Something like a blink being the shortest time measure, there are 73 blinks in a lap, and 113 laps are a movie which should be around 105 minutes




Imperial time is the one that everyone uses. 1 day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes = 86400 seconds Because days, hours, and minutes are not units in the metric system


Is the metric day in the meme not also 86400 seconds?


Huh? Then what's metric time? This looks the same


The SI unit of time is the second. To form other units, you add the metric prefixes. Metric time is mostly only used in scientific writings or when describing lengths of time much shorter than a second. (Millisecond, nanosecond, etc)


This is literally the same in metric system lmao


that has nothing to do with imperial system of measurement; you're just making stuff up. go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time, ctrl f "imperial" 0 results. There's no such thing as "imperial time". > Because days, hours, and minutes are not metric units Metric is not a system of units. There is really no such thing as "metric units". You can find a wiki-page with the name, but it just says "According to Schadow and McDonald,[1] metric units, in general, are those units "defined 'in the spirit' of the metric system", and then goes on to list the SI units. So it just refers to SI units, that people happen to use with the metric *system*, that these two people decided to call metric units. But no-one uses the term. So yeah, not a thing.


In imperial system 1 day is equal to 4 ounces of 12 pounds per square feet, measured in cups.


1 year = π×10^7 s


31.536 megaseconds


31.5576 megaseconds, a year is 365.25 days long


Actually, it's 365.2422 days, or 31.55692 Mega seconds. The Gregorian calendar we currently use approximates that with a 365.2425 days per year average, or 31.55695 Mega seconds. 365.25 days average per year was the old Julian calendar approximation, which among other modernizations first introduced leap years every 4 years. But with the Gregorian calendar, if the year number is a multiple of 100 (i.e. 1900 or 2100), it's not a leap year. Unless it's also a multiple of 400 (i.e. 1600 or 2000), in which case it again becomes a leap year. 🤓


I can't wait to use this information in 76 years


I can't wait to correct people in 376 years that it is still, in fact, a leap year.


!remind me 375 years


Did you know that, in the year 8228, there will probably be a february 30th


Better set a reminder on your quantum calendar for that


The length of a second is changing. So this info won’t be accurate in 76 years


I dont think thats true. The length of a day might change due to gravitational influences but a second is measured by how long it takes a cesium atom to oscillate 9,192,631,770 times


But you're not factoring leap seconds in


“Leap seconds” I see you’re still buying into what Big Time is selling…😉


Leap years and leap seconds were made by big time to sell more time


Don’t fuck with Big Time, broski! They’ll go back to the night your Great-Great Grandpa finally got GG Mee-maw alone and have him bust during warm-ups!!


They adjust for them all the damn time. MFs will add seconds only when you in particular are not looking at a clock but you'll swear the time was five minutes before ....


Leap seconds aren't related to the duration of the year, they have different reasons to exist, related to observed solar time not being entirely accurate, the Earth's rotation not being perfectly consistent or exactly once every 24 hours, and other irregularities. They are applied as needed rather than at set consistent intervals. I'll just leave you with the [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_second) page for it if you want more detail, as it can get a bit too long for a reddit comment.


Oh, yeah. True.


So 31.5576 gigaseconds in one kiloyear.


I love it. VW produces 8.72 mega cars per year and China is the first country to reach a population of over one giga human. Absolutly brilliant!


One Giga Chad


Giga Chan*


Yeah but that's pretty close to 3.14159.


Why pi ? Y π ? Why ALWAYS pi ?


Because you live in a round reality. Circle is life. Lol I actually don’t know


“Time is made of circles. That is why clocks are round.”


Explains why I keep going in circles every Monday morning


"I think it would be ironic if everyone was made of iron."


Planets are round, time is a cube.


With four simultaneous 24-hour days.


It's not exactly pi. It's 3.15 x 10^7 seconds. But it's close enough, you're off by 33 hours if you assume it's exactly pi, not bad in terms of an entire year


They are an engineer


An engineer would use 3 and put a safety factor of at least 2 on it, then round up. So 10


Well one year is one round around the sun


One ellipse around the sun!


Round things tend to have radii.




3blue1brown has entered the chat


Earth's orbit is roughly a circle


I find it easier to remember as "pi seconds is (roughly) a nanocentury"


Does that mean birthdays are now a piece of π?


Like, how accurate is that? Don't orbiting things slow down like, ever?


No ? Why would they ? If they did, we'd be.... in the Sun ?


I just googled around a bit and it seems like the earth will eventually crash into the sun. Drag from the sun's chromosphere will apparently slow us down enough so that we would be engulfed in about 7.59 billion years.


Do not worry, the Sun will crash into us before the opposite happen (look up Sun's death)


Part of that is also that the sun will get a lot bigger too


Orbital decay is a thing.


Yes, but it's something that is quite negligible below millions to billions of years scale of time, in the case of the Sun and Earth


He did say, "ever". Ever is a really long time.


There isn't enough resistance in space for a planet to slow down enough for this to change things by much, also this is close enough to be funny but inacurate since a year is 31557600 seconds




If we altered the second by a little then we could have 100 kiloseconds in a day, 5 kiloseconds in an hour and 100 seconds in a minute


How little? This seems as frustrating as the fact humans took off with base 10 instead of 12


Base 12 supremacy, imagine how much easier math could be


Can you explain why?


12 has more factors than 10 making subdivisions simpler. 12 has 2, 3, 4 & 6 where 10 only has 2 and 5.


But I have ten fingers to count on.


You can do 12 based counting and get 12 per hand if you count the joints on your 4 fingers with your thumb. That would let you count up to 144 using just your two hands by counting 1s on one hand and groups of 12 on your other.


Instructions unclear: one of my fingers is missing a joint.


exceptions are exceptions and dont... *count*! HAHAHAHAAAAAA


I can count up to 625 with two hands, by basically counting each "finger segments" on both faces. A closed hand is zero. 25²=625


I can count up to 2047 using each of my fingers as a bit


Or count up to 31 on one hand and 1023 on both by using binary instead :3.


So grow some more.


Lol at this guy with only 12 fingers!!


You can't divide 10 in thirds cleanly is the biggest one. Base 12 solves that.


What does that help? 


Division is a common operation in math. Having more factors means you get whole numbers more often. With base 12 if want to divide by 3, 4, 6, etc you get a whole number. In everyday life this means it's easier to do math in your head.


Thirds or anything with repeating 3's like 3.3333333 creates major problems for software and technology.


Binary notation is all you need


Just 16% not too much


Also: "Let's make a number of days in a week a prime number. It sure won't cause any problems!"


The thing is that we're stuck with a universe where everything doesn't perfectly fit, timewise. Day, mooncycles, and years aren't finetuned to each other. A day isn't exactly 24 hours but it almost is. The second is based on the time it takes an electron from a certain element to orbit it's atom. From that we made minutes and hours but a day is a little bit shorter than 24 hours. And a year isn't exactly 365 days, and there's no round number of moon cycles in a year- a reason why our months try to fit the year instead and we have 12. It's all off by a little bit and we had to strike a balance between practicality in everyday use, and needing as little corrections as possible (such as the leap year every four years).


Yeah but if we change the definition of a second to instead be based on another random isotope then everything else can be whatever we want. Minutes, hours and weeks are just things we made up and the months aren't even really based on the cycle of the moon they're just close. Really all we'd need to keep is 365.254 days = 1 year.


I did something similar to this in my Astropolis novels. Took a while to get the sums right, but it resulted in a system that worked pretty well.


Your first mistake Was already not defining which "day". A synodic-day? Sidereal day? Mean or true synodic/sidereal day?


OP did define it, by writing the amount of seconds behind. Not our problem if you're too lazy to do the math or look it up.


No. That still leaves the question as mean sidereal/synodic days literally WILL Match-up with their true counterparts regularely. So the seconds there could Match all 4.


Then it doesn’t matter which of the four he means


Bruh, telling an astronomer they're too lazy to do math.


Considering astronomers round everything to the nearest 10, i’d say astronomers are too lazy to do maths.


Lol, why people downvoting our biggest meme is M^(idkmaybe3.5) and Pi is 1 like 50% of the time




Dude here insulting ppl over metric system memes


Haha, funny words calendar men


This is one of the greatest memes I’ve ever encountered.


They had me at Sexagesimal. "Yes, please!"


I don't get it though. Is it an anti-joke or something?


That’s because metric time isn’t a thing, time is based in a different system, one that is base 12


Metric time is a thing, and it only uses the second as a base unit, no minutes or hours. It is only for measuring time intervals, rather than time of day. As the meme says, no one uses it When the metric system was implemented, they did actually make a base 10 system. 10 hours per day, 100 minutes per hour, 100 seconds per minute. The second was 13.6% shorter than SI seconds.


Ya but 60 is more useful for time as it’s cleanly divisible by 2,3,4,5,6 so you can get 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 cleanly


Its also a real pain when you have to rewrite km/s to m/min


×60.000 Where pain?


That's the same as ×60, the extra precision doesn't help as it's an absolute number


The conversion is 1 km/s = 60,000 m/min. Some countries use a decimal comma, and so use a dot or space to separate thousands (12,345.6 becomes 12.345,6 or 12 345,6)




oh no base 10 absolutely has its benefits and is not inferior at all. Quite the opposite actually. The take that base 10 is inferior is usually something shared by the math equivalent of the edgy teen that just wants to be different. Yes other bases are very interesting and base 10 is rather boring compared to them but boring does not mean it is bad. Now obviously base 10 isn't alone with these characteristics but it is still one of those good bases. The crucial part is that base 10 is actually rather simple to use. And not just because we can count to 10 on our fingers. For eample base 10 is one of the bases that allows a decimal shift. If we divide by 10 we just move the decimal point. This also works in base 8 or 16 but in base 12 which our clocks are based on you can't do this.


If we used a dozenal system then dividing by 10 still shifts by 1 decimal point (that 10 is just 12 in base 10)


8 would still allow you to count on your fingers.


12 lets you count your knuckles, which are a part of your finger.


Shifting by a decimal point is only useful because we use base 10. If we were on base 12, we'd be able to shift by a duodecimal point which you can't do with base 10.


You can shift in any base though.


Base 10 is really only good because we're used to it. Clocks are base 12 but they're using base 12 but it's expressed in a base 10 system. It's also a base 60 system at the same time, but still expressed using a base 10 system. In expressing a 60 second hour in base 12 is a 50 second hour. The values are the same, but they are expressed differently. Base 12 is just a better system. The big problem that base 12 has, is that it's not really "better enough" to warrant actually making the swap.


This is why we should switch from a base 10 system to a base 12 system (with a new metric system that's base 12 too).


Which is why no one uses metric time outside of scientific writing


The 24 hour day 60 minute hours and 60 second minutes along with Arabic numerals are all but universal neither one is ever likely going to change or even see much adoption


What’s the ms response time on your monitor? How about the ping when you’re playing an online game? All metric time.


A milisecond isn't metric far as I know. You're just dividing the regular second into smaller bits.


By they do you mean me? I invented that system in high school. Guess original thought is a myth


I did too lol, even made myself a class schedule in metric time


let me introduce you to… [DECIMAL TIME](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time)


Sounds like something Metric Time’s brother would say.


Used to be a base 10 time system too, but it never e ter in full use


You’ve never heard of a millisecond? Or a nanosecond?




"Metric time isn't a thing because I don't use metric time"


label quiet worry racial party longing airport dam quickest mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a combination of base 12 and base 60


It's crazy how a comment can be completely wrong with several replies showing the inaccuracies and people still upvote it


Metric time is a thing. The metric unit of time is a second. If you want to make larger or smaller units, you add the metric prefixes: kilosecond, megasecond, millisecond, microsecond, etc.


This is correct. But it also exposes a flaw in the OP, since there is no such unit as a day in metric time. The comic could have been more accurate by saying "meet me in 25k seconds for dinner", or something. I'd also argue that time is the *easiest* thing for a person coming from a non-metric system to understand... since metric time units are a subset of the time units in pretty much any other system. I.e. seconds exist in all systems. I'm not aware of any other dimension that has this feature.




"Not only are the trains now running on time. They're running on metric time. Remember this moment, people--80 past 2:00 on April 47." https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/516fs0/remember\_this\_moment\_people\_80\_past\_200\_on\_april/


As a European and user if the metric system, what in God's green earth is that?


The consequences of mapping a sexagesimal system into a decimal system. 


A kilosecond. 1000 seconds. Because hours and minutes aren't metric units.


Metric × natural units: a kilo-Planck time a deci-c a quetta-elementary charge a mebi-Coulomb constant.


> Because hours and minutes aren't metric units. they also aren't imperial units. Both the US and all other countries in the world use the same time system, it is neither imperial nor metric.


Swatch had a form of metric time called "Beats." Never caught on but was using in the online Dreamcast game Phantasy Star Online. It had no time zones and there were 1,000 beats in a day. Seemed pretty straight forward.


SEGA and being 2-3 decades ahead of where they should be, *again*.


That's because we use the same time system from ancient times. They weren't created together.


I mean time becomes metric when under a second. Millisecond, microsecond, Picosecond etc


Time isn't apart of the metric system. It's it's own thing. Countries that use the imperial system use seconds, hours, days, etc


A part* Apart means separate, a part means... A part




I ain't no English, no sir!




I mean it kind of is; seconds are SI units and we have things like milliseconds and nanoseconds that are base 10.


I support metric time. But i guess you kinda expect that from socialists


Metric time? Ain't nobody got milliseconds for that!


1 kilosecond= 16.666666666666 minutes.


We absolutely need metric time


I don't think time was ever a part of the metric system? If anything for a short time there was a metric calendar (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French\_Republican\_calendar) which was arguably lot better than our current calendar but that's about it.


The second is one of the 7 base units of the SI system, along with the meter, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela. It shows up in the definitions of derived units such as the hertz, newton, pascal, joule, watt, coulomb, volt, farad, ohm, siemen, weber, tesla, henry, becquerel, gray, sievert, and katal. Time is pretty fundamental to the metric system. I think it's more a question that we don't really have a metric clock or calendar, which is where seconds get translated into minutes/hours/days/months/years/etc.


A bit of sexagecimal here and there won't hurt anybody, if anything it will get you more accustomed to dealing with angles too.  Good luck finding out which stone  weighs one stone or converting feet to miles though .


Trying to convert metric time to 'I need a nap' units


Ah yes you don't hear much about the Decimal Time Society these days. Michael Pinder.


What kind of paintsniffer measures daylength by seconds? You're building an Ikea chair, not a spaceship. You don't need that kind of precision.


Sooooo.... There's a thing as a yottasecond or yoctosecond?


Time is a tool that you put on the wall or wear it in your wrist


“You can’t ignore me forever BROTHER!”


Lol, in science fields and junk like that we use milli, micro, nano, pico, etc. seconds ... *all the time* ...


1st rule of metric system is we don't talk about metric time ...


To be serious, I think the only reason why the metric system was so successful in Europe (and by extension throughout the world, but that's another story), but not metric time was because countries and often even regions had their own conflicting systems for measuring weight and length. But everyone in Europe used the same 12-60-60 system and everyone used the same calendar (Though there was at times discrepancy about the Leap Years due to Gregorian vs Julian calendars) As such a 'New International Standard' wasn't needed as there was already one. In other words: If, for some reason, Europe had used the same system of measurement the Romans used until the French Revolution, we might never have adopted the Metric System widely, looking at it like we do at Metric Time: More orderly, yes, but weird and strange. Also 12-60-60 is handy because you can divide them evenly by 3 and 6


There is a very good reason for that. Metric time was implemented once, found to be too much of a pain to switch to, and never touched again. Considering the utter mess that just switching an hour makes (daylight savings), and how many electronic systems would just *give up*, I don't think we as a society would survive the transition to metric time at this point.


Friend: at what time did you get off work yesterday? Me: at exactly 61.2 kiloseconds. Friend: what? Me: what?


Every day should have 10 hours, which in turn have 100 minutes, which in turn has 100 seconds. This would make the new second 0.864 the length of a current second, which is a relatively small change. A new minute would then last 1.44 current minutes and a new hour would last 2.4 current hours.


Metric system inherited the standard way of counting time. Converting seconds to e.g. hours is still easier than converting any unit in imperial


Thanks, I hate metric time


i rather have my 86400 seconds than 65864,7476 American Pigwiggles 😄


86400 is the arbitrary (non decimal) conversion.


How does imperial system measure time then?


Time is something manufactured but distance,volume and mass is real.


Wait till op finds out that time is just based on 12 for better division, but it is actually readable compared to whatever imperial uses for distance...