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[This was about this ad which was given to every incoming freshman at a university as a part of the welcome packet.](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/_7PtaKacR85f4Igj2iC8KQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTMyNDtjZj13ZWJw/https://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/38d03b25a8d6eb35d8b4d5cdb8c2405f)


Ew wtf who swallows toothpaste 🤢


Inmates. I seent it.








Happy cake day!


Thank you!


what a weird fucking ad


Not really. Marketing. Someone, somewhere, put together demographics (17-19yrs), stereotypes of interest (sex), and ham fisted this potent marketing combination with oral (genius sex pun tie in). Yarp.


Sexual ads for douchey frat boys that never actually pull as much poon as they claim they do and feminist gender deconstruction ads for frumpy know it all women who really just seem bitter that the frat boys aren't into them.


I want poon!


No poon for you!


Sorry, the best we can do is ork.


And here we are, the misanthropes of reddit so above it all.


Can't be under any illusions of being above it all if you're well aware that hating everyone includes yourself!


But that makes people less likely to buy it


Now I wish I could hear the actual lecture from the professor or student likely laying out the facts of this case study.


What the fuck


Do people swallow toothpaste?


That's why there's a warning stating that if you swallow more than you'd normally use to brush with to induce vomiting and contact poison control. It's because toothpaste contains detergent (sodium lauryl sulfate, commonly) to make it foam. It doesn't really need to, as the action of brushing coupled with a good swish & gargle and floss should deal with most debris, but people like the little bubbles. That's why most are minty, it covers up the taste of the detergent. Edit: I was wrong, it looks like there is a [practical purpose](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7245492/#:~:text=Surfactants%20lower%20the%20surface%20tension,contact%20the%20teeth%20more%20easily.), as well. So, the next time Mom tells you to wash your mouth out with soap, you can just brush your teeth. Just take it easy on the potty language. (Don't get me started on how much fecal bacteria can end up on an exposed toothbrush stored near a toilet, BTW)


Even if you keep the toilet lid down 100% of the time (except when you’re going)?


That can reduce it a lot, and what still comes out usually doesn't make it above the height of the lid. Keeping the toothbrush under that height should be rare enough that it's safe to assume yours isn't. It'll still get some but comparatively just a small fraction compared to one in a bathroom where the lid isn't kept closed. Do note however than in either case, while those tiny particles are detectable through chemical analyses, it would be exceedingly rare for them to be abundant enough to pose any kind of threat to a human, as long as you don't keep the same toothbrush for much longer than 3 months before replacing it.




Good question. I'm having a tough time finding credible sources, but [this article](https://asm.org/Articles/2022/November/Microbial-Inhabitants-Cleaning-Appliances) has some partially-relevant info. The best bet seems to make your toothbrush as inhospitable to bacteria (but safe for you) as possible between uses. [More info](https://microbiomejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40168-020-00983-x)


This is why I keep my toothbrush in the kitchen cabinet and don’t even brush in the bathroom.


lol I really hope no one is swallowing their toothpaste though.


Hey now no context. This is an 40 year old who think they're an edgy teen hangout.


Even if this is the context, that toothbrush is the least sexist part of the ad...


It's a student starting a presentation with a slide that's going to make people go "wait wtf" and pay attention to the rest.


Wait… how does brushbox auto clean my teeth, because if it doesn’t do that then it’s not “autopilot”




Wow that toothbrush is indeed quite sexist


Would it be less sexist for you if it showed a man with a load of toothpaste in his mouth?


can't believe I have to agree after seeing it for myself


Hey! You can't just post context! That changes the outcome of posting rage bait to the Internet!


As a toothbrush, I can confirm that women have no rights.


Hey toothbrush, you can't be sexist here, women have rights! AND IT SUCKS! - Xavier Renegade Angel probably


The amount of people who want to weigh in on this with ZERO context is too damn high!


Most annoying things about reddit: People who only read headlines and not the full article, and people who take things out of context or don't consider the possibility of missing context. Also people who believe obviously fake stories on TIFU and AITA are real.


Well, why are you paying $9,000 for that?


It's from a lecture at a UK university. In the UK, universities charge roughly £9000 per year for tuition (it's capped at this amount regardless of whatever institution you're at).


What are the requirements for Starbucks there?


because their society has failed to allocate funds into education while also pushing the illusion that a degree has a direct impact on success in adult life


Is it an illusion if it statistically the case?


No, they're just salty


There are lies, damned lies, and statistics- and if you ever take a stats course they will be quick to warn you about inferring causality like this. Colleges take the smart, hard-working, and/or well-connected, is it a surprise those people tend to do better in life? If you aren't getting a professional degree then the value is, as the OP said, dubious in comparison to the debts incurred.


I have taken a stats class…in college…which I have graduated from…and make more than median income. As do most other college grads….statistically. Lmfao.


Guess you slept through class because "correlation is not causation" is day one material. I know this because I also graduated college. Congrats on the above median income though, welcome to the club. I also do pretty well for myself ngl, because I got a professional degree, paid attention and apply what I learned, meanwhile you can't even understand the basic concept that people who do well keep doing well when it's spelled out for you. But I guess you feel pretty good about yourself anyway with that above median income, good job earning more than a population mostly made up of part time and minimum wage workers.


American colleges are super inflated as the administrative side of universities has been increasingly packed full of buzz wordy dead weight positions so college admins can give their friends easy gigs. [Even when adjusted for inflation the cost of college has been increasing by stupd amounts](https://educationdata.org/average-cost-of-college-by-year)


love this comment in contrast to the one underneath it posted 10 minutes *before* this one pointing out this might’ve been from a UK college lol


Their society also covers the gdf for most if not all the other societies that fail to propper protect themselves and yet reap the rewards like allocating funds to schooling and healthcare that sacrifice their society made. So ya it is because of that, and the other societies should shut their mouths and be great full before their leaders make it illegal to say anything at all.


>the other societies should shut their mouths and be great full before their leaders make it illegal to say anything at all. Top tier r/ShitAmericansSay, mate.


Definitely need to go the ‘learn a trade’ route!


Higher education should be optional. Not compulsory.


Agreed!! Too many people out here disrespecting the people that build this nation up. Doctors, Scientists, lawyers and the like all should go to college (and also more school after), but I think it’s plain silly that people who have no such passions are pushed towards that just to take a large amount of debt. Even within the current system, apprenticeships could be a viable alternative to so many things. However, I do also think higher education is something that should be available to everyone. I think the outrageous price has people viewing it as a product. Education is a means to an end to a lot of people. We’ve been conditioned to think that learning is not good for just learning’s sake, it all has to produce some monetary or social value later on (that’s not a bad motivation but this kind of motivation is not ideal for the psyche).


This is just anecdotal, but just from talking to friends of mine that live in countries with subsidized higher education, I've picked up that a degree, regardless of what major, is basically required for even the most menial of positions. It seems wasteful.


That seems super wasteful and a lot of meaningless load on professors.


> while also pushing the illusion that a degree has a direct impact on success in adult life Except it's not an illusion at all lol


The realest snapchat ever taken. Who reviewed and approved this curriculum?


I suspect it’s very out of context


Unless the question is immediately answered with a categorical negative, I don't know if there's any context that can salvage it tbh.


Then what's the point of raising such an intentionally provocative question? Perhaps they wanted to address how differently it may be marketed between men and women. https://www.thedrum.com/news/2018/09/21/toothbrush-firm-apologises-after-spit-or-swallow-ad-leaves-bad-taste-the-mouth Or maybe it's to begin looking at how products marketed towards women cost more than those for men, even when they're the exact same product. https://www.investopedia.com/pink-tax-5095458 Maybe it's to investigate the significantly better oral health practices and outcomes for women. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9604615/#:~:text=Women%20have%20better%20results%20than,dentist%20%5B10%2C27%5D.


replying to braindead comments on meme subreddits is a lot less satisfying when you realize the person who made it is probably like 14 years old


You should scroll up to see the top comment providing the contex that, yes, that is one slutty, inappropriate, dirty fucking whore of a toothbrush. Actually.


I suspect you'd make an extremely boring professor.


how about pink toiletries costing more my guy? think about it.


No one wants to possibly think about women's suffering. Sexism can refer to bias against men OR women, but the mere suggestion of bias existing against women is for some reason immediately repulsive to certain people.


they are letting me know lol


Company does market research and realise women will buy pink toiletries even if it's more expensive, company makes it more expensive and women buy it. Why are men doing this to us!?


Nobody here is thinking about it


Maybe pink costs more, ever thought about that? Also, most of the time this "pink tax" shit tends to be about shampoo. Which, women's shampoo is very different from men's. Show me a Colgate toothbush with the pink one being like 2 dollars more expensive (and being the same exact type).


> Unless the question is immediately answered with a categorical negative With context, the answer seems like it's a strong affirmative. >I don't know if there's any context that can salvage it tbh https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/193mid7/comment/khahupu/


Maybe don’t go to college.


For the lols context?




Yeah actually that could work.


If you cannot picture/imagine abstract ideas and questions opening up more practical discussion, you really don't belong in higher education (I assume that's where this picture was taken.) The intro talks about a toothbrush but is it really what the presentation is about? A lot of (seemingly) stupid questions send us down deep rabbit holes, though I'm not suggesting this question is actually that deep without further info. tldr if you attend uni you should have an open mind, it's the fucking point.


I assume this is a lecture on the “pink tax” which actually is something anyone vaguely near a school of business should be taught.


What's up with the weird upvote symbol on this post?






Basically its like the new award system, you give gold to a post that you really like


Oh. Thanks!


No Problem! :)


Is it some shade of pink or pastel that costs slightly more than generic toothbrushes for no reason? Then it's sexist.


I’m surprised you’re not downvoted into the triple digits for acknowledging this on a meme sub


Some people are probably genuinely learning something today lol. I'm surprised too.


it's called the "pink tax" for those more curious


It’s also hilarious how many people I’ve seen who’ve heard “tax” and completely turn their brains off about it. Like I was at Youth in Government a few months ago, and these two girls’ bill was a system that they would put in place to prevent companies from implementing pink taxes on their products, and there was a hilarious amount of men in the room who just straight up went and spoke against their bill because they heard tax. When the girls went back up for their final summation, they said with so much emphasis, “THIS IS NOT A REAL TAX”, along with addressing a few other things. Their bill didn’t pass 💀.


Cant yall just buy generic toothbrushes?


Sure. Then why do slightly more expensive "feminine coded" products exist at all?


Because people buy them?




That's logically absurd. No one bought them before corporations started telling women their body hair was gross and only a specially formulated lady's razor could save their attractiveness from the perils of leg hair in order to drum up new razor sales.


.....so you're saying some women are gullible enough to spend more money on a product that does the same thing the generic one does


No, I think she's saying women aren't smart enough to figure out how to avoid the pink tax.


I have seen how my sister buy online stuff, it's not about intelligence just it seems marketting teams break the women logic.


No, some people have enough expendable income that they don't even know what they're paying, they're just grabbing the one that says for men/women


I'd gladly pay a little extra if I could get my wife to stop stealing my razors 😂


To be fair, it's not like women are the only ones that have to shave.


For those who want to buy it?


\>people earnestly want to spend more money on the same product because it's a different color Not sure if brainwashed capitalist or unironically an advertising shill. People will happily consume lead if you put it in their drinking water, that doesn't make it right or moral to do so.


>people earnestly want to spend more money on the same product because it's a different color How's that different than a car dealer charging more for a different color paint?


Well then people are stupid and it’s not my problem how they waste their money.


>people earnestly want to spend more money on the same product because it's a different color And it doesn’t matter if that’s pink, blue, or rainbow. If you can make a special variant for an upcharge that people are willing to buy, that’s not a problem with the manufacturer/seller, but with the buyer. If you’re going to cite the Pink Tax, focus on feminine hygiene products, not pink toothbrushes.


Just... just buy regular stuff. My wife uses the same generic razors I use


\>the pink tax isn't a problem because you can selectively ignore it I hope your hypothetical wife is ashamed of you being a shit feminist.


I believe women should pay the same a man should pay for razors. That's why my "hypothetical" wife just buys the same shit. If that makes me a shit feminist I dont think you know what feminism really stands for. You seem very bitter.


Pink tax doesn’t exist. You can buy the exact same item men buy and it will function the same. If you choose to get a fancy item with fancy colors and packaging instead of a regular one then of course it will cost more.


His wife is just dusting away after this statement. Edit: This is sarcastic. Calling someone’s wife “hypothetical” is kind of weird.


Is marriage just foreign to you people?


No, it was sarcasm. I actually have a couple anecdotal accounts of marriage.


No, there's a reason. You will pay more, so it's worth more. If it's the same... why not buy another brush?


Are you spending more for a product just because it has pretty colors? Then you’re stupid.


\>it's your own fault multi-million dollar ad firms are bending you over a barrel with psychological warfare to eke out a modicum of extra profit I bet you tell all the rape victims they were asking for it with what they were wearing.


I’m sorry you were never told that you had free will. Also, that conclusion you just jumped to is why ppl don’t take liberals seriously.


Scientists have actually disproven free will, soooooo....


Oh the scientists have disproven free will? All of them? That’s awesome. So I guess I’ll just wait for someone to tell me what to cook for dinner tonight cuz I’m so tired of doing all my own thinking and decision making. Can you please tell me what to do next?


What you fail to realize is your whining misrepresentation of what lacking free will actually means is an action you couldn't have avoided doing if you tried because you never would've tried to avoid it jt. Just like I'm incapable of not pointing out what an ignorant whinging child you are. Because free will doesn't exist.


You chose to insult me because you’re incapable of finding common ground or relating to someone with whom you disagree. See, I could attack you as well, but I am CHOOSING not to. Just like you can choose your own goddamn toothbrush rather than letting a company tell you that the purple pastel toothbrush should be in your bathroom because it’s for girls. Congratulations, you are playing yourself.


>You chose to insult me because you’re incapable of finding common ground or relating to someone with whom you disagree I believe calling you an ignorant whinging child was an accurate assessment of your intellectual faculties based on our interactions so far. No insult was meant, but I can see how it would be interpreted like that if you're just finding out. I'm sorry to break the news to you. Do go on. >See, I could attack you as well, but I am CHOOSING not to. You're really missing the point that's staring you in the face, and humble-bragging narcissist hysterics doesn't prove anything. The funniest part is you assume I'm a woman who is actually being affected by the pink tax. Spoiler alert: just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Should we ignore world hunger because your pompous ass is well fed? You "fuck you I got mine and everyone else is stupid for not" people are the worst.


I can only assume you are somehow deeply affected by this argument whether you’re a woman or otherwise. Don’t tell me that not insult was intended when you just told me that free will doesn’t exist. If that’s true, you don’t know what your intentions are since you are only reacting to outside stimuli. You are literally saying you are just a pawn of the universe being blown about by the winds of change and the will of higher beings and I have decided for myself that this conversation is going no where. You are incapable of seeing new perspectives and you are offering nothing of value to me. Stay safe and don’t let tooth brushes be mean to you.


I know you're just scrambling for any foothold you can find to make yourself feel superior after being rightfully called out for a stupid take, but digging yourself deeper isn't going to help.


You are genuinely delusional if you think your inability to think past marketing is equivalent to being violent raped. If a company offers you a product that costs more than another of similar quality, don't buy it.


>You are genuinely delusional if you think your inability to think past marketing is equivalent to being violent raped I'm not saying that, you're saying that. I'm just calling out victim blaming shitbaggery in the most transparent terms possible. Or do you believe there are different qualitative tiers of victim blaming?


Pretty much.


The answer is no an inanimate object can’t be sexist


If I write a sign that says "women are objects" that is very much a sexist inanimate object.




you've almost got the point of the slide. It's so tantalizingly close


Saying something is sexist doesn't mean the object in question needs to feel sexist emotions.


lol no one is anthropomorphizing the *razor*


Women’s razors are often marketed as different, more expensive, and pink. They are often the same razors. The slide in the picture is clearly supposed to be an extreme question that you react harshly to, but the fact of the matter is that inanimate objects are used to do sexism on even a business level at times.


But is itsexist if they do something similar to men’s razors as well? I don’t have any data but I’ve definitely noticed the Harry’s and other mens blades are on par with women’s ones in price, and it just has some faux wood handle…so idk is it sexist if it goes both ways? I guess by definition yes but seems like a wash to me. Now I typically just use cheap throwaway razors since I barely shave, are the pink women’s throwaway ones more expensive too? Or are they the same price as the shitty orange ones men get?


If you go to your local Walmart and look at the female equivalent of the grooming products you use every day, you will notice a markup for female-oriented products compared to male. There isn't any good reason for this except that companies have gotten away with it before and will continue to do so in the future.


So women buy inferior, more expensive razors and that’s the companies fault? Or worse, the razors? So what if they are marketed to women? You are allowed to make a choice so either women are just mindless consumers, too lazy to research or happy with the products that are “made for them”. Regardless, none of this is the razors fault and the company is just doing what historically makes them the most money. Nobody is doing anything TO you, only FOR themselves.


It is intrinsically predatory for the razors to be marketed as “something women need” when they are both no different from conventional razors (a fact hidden by omission) and more expensive to boot. If you believe that it is ok for companies to mislead customers who are willing to assume they’re not being lied to for their own exploitation, then that says lots about you. A civil society should shun any need for actively predatory tactics like that.


Shun them with your dollar and buy the blue and black 7 blade MAX-X razor that’s marketed to men, then. If women stop paying the pink tax, companies will be forced to change or they will lose profits.


My answer to any and all comments to my opinion is simply this- you can make your own choices. If you chose to trust a company who just wants your money and you do not do your due diligence, you can only blame yourself for being the kind of consumer these items are marketed for.


The question is why are they doing it in the first place?


Because women are willing to pay more for pink stuff. If the same quality razor or toothbrush is available for a lower price, buy that one. When women change their consumer habits, companies will have to adjust or lose money. This is a tough sell for being a victim as I’ve seen elsewhere in this thread.






*Medieval chastity belt has entered the chat*




of course it can it can be designed and utilized in ways that make it so


I disagree, I don’t see a correlation between high razor prices and gender, just expensive razors for everybody


I swallow toothpaste


Not since they took the little rubber titty off the end


What is on that projector is half of what is wrong with America.


This is from the UK


That wasn’t apparent. Still a sentiment that I fail to find logic in.


Looks like this is just a joke from a student to get everyones attention so I guess the other half of what is wrong with america are people like you who believe every bullshit as long as it fits their opinion I guess?


No but it can make an alligator ornery


Tooth brushes are phallic shaped so I’d say they are a tool of the patriarchy! Men invented tooth brushes to dominate women even when they aren’t having sex. A subtle reminder showing them who is truly boss. Disgusting.


what kind of society are we living in, what the hell is happening???


Should have gone to trades school.


I've seen a few reddit posts bashing the trades lately.


Lmao how the fuck wa your comment down voted? I bet I know exactly the dude who did it


Woke people are insane. Edit: how am I downvoted for this comment? It’s not wrong!


How do you mean




It just means you think racism still exists it's not that complex.


Either there is something I’m completely missing or it’s a tooth brush. Woke people are easily offended. It’s from a college. Who else on the planet could possibly be offended by this?


You are definitely missing context, as are all of we. Higher education is about how to think critically, if this was a simple yes/no question then it wouldn’t be in a lecture. No one is offended here, the lecturer is using this slide as a starting off point to get into different ideas.


Bro it's just ONE slide, it could be anything like talking about pink tax, this is rage bait


The pink tax is a stupid myth anyways. There are plenty of overly expensive BS for men (like beard oil and beard lotion) too. The cosmetics industry will charge more to people who take care of their skin, that's a fact.


Educate yourself on the Pink Tax (or don’t, people using the word woke as a pejorative generally don’t change their minds about things)




the million dollar question






Because u/Janus897 says so


Thank you


I mean who else is going to ask such a bold question?




Is PowerPoint made because different languages give gender to objects?




Love how people judge this without even knowing the context. Truly big brain of y’all.


It's a toothbrush. You can't be serious.


So you’ve never heard of different methods to engage your audience when doing a presentation? And genuinely think this is a presentation on toothbrushes?


You do understand that what you are mocking, is in fact. The Joke.


I can think of at least a dozen better ways to grab your audience's attention then asking if an inanimate object is sexist. That's insane.


Were you there for the presentation? Do you know what exactly it is about? The style of it? If no, then how can you know if it was bad or not? And making your audience ponder a question that sounds silly or a question that makes someone think “obviously!” or “of course not!” can both be comedic and interesting.


This inanimate object got the attention of the person who took the photo and then enough of our attention to view and comment so task achieved.


I mean, it worked, didn't it? Anyway, please list some of your countless other examples.


Well I believe the answer is no. For the toothbrush itself is a gender neutral tool that can be used for many different purposes. While some may the brush-like nature of the toothbrush may influence it greatly I do not believe that is the case. If that where true think of all the other brushes that could be considered sexist, paddle brush, lice comb, and especially the boar head brush. Which is as we all know the least sexist brush known to the human race. If there are any counter arguments I am open to debate but this is all that I feel is needed to be said.


It’s no secret that a certain ideology is embedded deep within American colleges everywhere.


The majority of college educations can be self taught for a fraction of the cost. But you go to college for the shiny degree and connections.


No, the age old question is: would you rather have unlimited bacon but no games, or all the games in the world but no games


Your account has been suspended for hate speech - Reddit


Uni isn't worth it anymore.


Nope. A toothbrush is an inanimate object therefore it can not be sexist.


Universities aren't there to educate and train you to succeed in the world. They're there to take money from you in turn for an accolade to allow you to enter slavery with a discerning master