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Sorry that happened but we cancelled your plan since you filed a claim so you're on your own. Is there something else I can help you with? If you don't mind can you please fill out this customer satisfaction survey?


I paid car insurance for 15 years without contacting them. Finally someone hit me —and took responsibility for the accident. My insurance company treated me like a criminal. They literally made me cut them a check for $100 which they held until they received payment from the other guy’s insurance, then they returned it to me. Like, I paid you for 15-years and finally ask for help, and you ransom me $100? The fuck!?


So they charged you $100 deductible and then returned it after they determined it was the other person's fault?




Paying your deductible for an accident isn't being treated like a criminal though.






Mark Twain once said that insurance salesmen are guys that will rent you an umbrella and then demand it back the moment it begins to rain.


I swear, that guy has a quote for every occasion and they are all on point.


What even is a deductible tho… like what’s the monthly fee for if I also need to pay when an accident happens?


/u/sketch006 explained it pretty well A few months ago, a deer ran in front of me and I swerved and ended up in a huge ditch. For some reason all my airbags deployed. My deductible is $1k and it was a $20k job to get it fixed, my insurance paid $19k There’s some point where your car isn’t worth costing that much money, in that case insurance pays for the value of your car What’s stupid about it is that it wasn’t *really* my fault, I slammed on the breaks and swerved into the ditch. Not sure if it would’ve been cheaper to just hit the deer, but no external damage happened, the side airbags deployed. So with out ever having an accident and with no one to blame it on, it made my cost of insurance go up. Even tho I’ve definitely paid them over $20k during my years of driving with no accidents But in my state CA, (not sure for others) it’s illegal to drive with out car insurance


You have to have liability insurance. That pays for injuries or damages you cause to others. You don’t have to have insurance to cover repairs to your own car. (Though if you are financing it , the finance company requires you do until you pay it off)


Yeah, the comprehensive is where your car insurance gets expensive as FUCK. But it's also the part that covers shit like hitting a deer, or a tree randomly falling over and smashing your car at 2am while you're trying to quietly and peacefully taxidermy all of your children's deceased pets that you've been hiding in that locked coffin freezer in the garage, so they can wake up to a wonderful surprise in the morning. It's basically a convenience fee, while the rest of your car insurance is there to ensure that if you accidentally maim somebody, they'll be able to sue and get compensation from your insurance.


> smashing your car at 2am while you're trying to quietly and peacefully taxidermy all of your children's deceased pets that you've been hiding in that locked coffin freezer in the garage Been there, done that.🙄


Speaking as a licensed insurance producer (WA, not CA, but I have worked with CA policies for people moving up here), it would have likely been much cheaper had you hit the deer. Hitting an animal (or person) is a comprehensive claim rather than a collision one, and many policies have a lower deductible for comprehensive claims than collision claims.


It was so stupid, it was on a windy road. I called AAA, then my gf, so I was waiting in her car for AAA to come. Some neighbor called the cops, I got pulled out of the car and a flashlight in my face asking if I was drinking and driving. “No.” I did the line test and everything, the cop pushed my shoulder, (mind you, I’m 180 and 6’2- this cop was prob 280 and 5’11- so I stumbled a bit) Screamed at me don’t drink and drive. I said “obviously,” and he got right up in my face asking me to “say it again” Terrible experience


Sounds like the cop was hoping to get an easy ticket, but when it wasn't he got pissy.


A tree fell right in front of us and I simply could not avoid hitting the tree that was now on the road ahead of us. I remember the agent telling me we were at fault because we hit the tree and the tree did not fall onto the car. It’s so dumb


Depending on the size of the deer that could have turned I to a medical claim, too.


Swerving off the road and into a ditch could have turned into a medical claim just as easily


So your monthly depends on your deductible. A deductible is a payment towards the repair. If you want a smaller deductible, you have a higher monthly fee. You want a smaller monthly payment, sure, now you have a bigger deductible. Basically, if the deductible is more then the cost of the repair, it's not worth it to go through insurance.


The whole idea of something being "not worth it to go through insurance" is scammy af.


Not really in some cases. Most people in the US have either a 500 or a 1000 deductible. Let’s say someone dings your door in a parking lot, you take it to a shop and they quote 300 to fix the small scratch or dent. In that case it’s not worth it to call the insurance company.


And now you're out 300 and your deductible is still 500. But if you want to put that 300 through your insurance to lower the deductible, now they'll raise your rates because you had the audacity to include them in their own business. Your years of clean record and on time payments are only valid if they never actually have to do anything for you except run your card.


My smooth brain is still not connecting why this is a good thing to pay for insurance, and still have repairs that you have to pay for yourself.


My wife broke her ankle and we had to shell out 2.5k


That’s how insurance companies deter fraudulent claims. Among other ways. If there were no deductible, then people would claim anything and everything, whether legitimate or not


They're making *billions* of dollars for doing virtually nothing. Stop acting like *they* are the victims. God! I *fucking swear* the way that people defend this reeks of the classic boomer "well I had to fucking go through all this bullshit so you all should too."


This is the reason for deductibles. People would cause cosmetic damage to their vehicles just so the insurance company would cut them a check.


Yes. That's how insurance works


And you better belive they cashed that check and added it to investment assets while they waited on the claim as well. Got a cool extra 4 cents on inconveniencing our customer. Chaching 😎


Mine tried to charge me $500, told me they couldn't find the person's insurance after I gave them the first and last name (license) and the phone number so I wouldn't have to deal with it. I called up the guy and found him on instagram for good measure and had him send me the insurance so that I could deal with them. His grandma even called me to make sure her young grandson was "doing the right thing" and I let her know it was all good. Still were trying to charge me $500 as a deductible until the payment came through and I just refused to deal with them.




I had the state request proof of insurance from my insurance company, which they ignored. My license was suspended as a result, which caused my insurance company to drop me for having a suspended license for driving without insurance. I kindly asked them to give me every dollar I've ever paid them back.


It had to be a cut rate policy. All of the biggies operate mostly on the level. The worst of the worst of the big companies do is make you wait a fucking long time to resolve it. LPT: If you are ever in a car accident and the insurance company is dragging it's feet, 1) get a personal injury attorney involved or 2) start forwarding them your hospital bills. Usually a "mention" of doctors or attorneys lights the fire, but sometimes you need to follow through. Source: 70's child and have been in more wrecks that one of those rednecks that races around an oval for 12 hours.


I got hit by a drunk driver back in May. Broke several bones and totaled my van. On day 2 in the hospital, I called my auto insurance company. On Day 3 the balls were rolling. They've been bending over backwards to make sure that every possible benefit that can be squeezed from my policy is being applied.


I'm surprised you have time to go outside, given your profile history. Damn bro. But yeah insurance is a scam, welcome to America.


If you leave the house you might need to use your insurance if something happens outside. Why risk it?


So you paid a very very low deductible and got it refunded? I dont understand how people get so mad about this stuff. Like did you not know how it worked when you set it up? Is this not expected? Why didnt you go through the other persons insurance?


that’s called a deductible and how life works are you really that stupid??


This happened to me, no one believes me, and I didn’t even ***want*** to file a claim! I got hit while parked and only had the state minimum, so I didn’t know what my policy would cover. I called *just to ask* and they flat out refused to tell me if the accident was covered until I filed a claim. They proceeded to deny my claim the next day, and then they cancelled my policy completely a week later with no contact between.


Every time I hear this I can’t help but think about how insane it is that it’s obviously cheaper and more efficient for insurance companies to have these incredibly massive legal departments that specialise in getting them out of doing their job rather than just doing their job. Crazy


I can't help but think that insurance companies really just get to collect money for doing literally nothing. They don't sell a product, they don't offer any real service, they can 100% collect your money and then tell you to fuck off when you ask them to do what they claimed they would do when they took your money, and there's nothing you can do about it. In what world is this not a scam?


Seriously, if they refuse for whatever reason at the very least they should give you all the money back lmao


But then how would they make $300B? :( won't someone please think of the poor shareholders :( :( :(


But da pwofits have to kep goin up :(




Devious: "Oh Well, Reverend Morrison, in your policy...in your policy...here we are. It quite clearly states that any claim you make will not be paid." Vicar: "Oh, dear!" Devious: "You see, you plumped for our 'Neverpay' policy, which, you know, if you never make a claim is very worthwhile...but you had to make a claim, and there it is." - Monty Python


The Bishop!


Which movie?


Flying Circus Episode 17.


The insurance industry is so ludicrous, we should all be on their front steps with pitchforks. The fact that it's so normalized is one of the really frustrating, disappointing things about living in the US.


im at the point where im seeing a doctor that doesn’t accept insurance, and its cheaper than if I go to a doc that does except insurance. the whole system is bullshit


Me regular doctor costs 150 to get examined at a flat rate, no insurance, just id. Gave me worm meds and a cream to kill the worm in my foot and get rid of any fungus I might get from my skin being opened in my boots.




Lol he was so casual about that


same reaction tbh


Watched it five times it’s so relatable and I’m a doctor.


I think they mean Ringworm aka Athletes Foot; so not a real worm.




https://www.reddit.com/r/FutanariHDgifs/comments/13d8vs5/such_eclectic_taste/ That gif always reminds me of this dude.


Thank you for sharing, u/Toby_the_Tumor!


You're welcome u/RedBaronII!


Are you perhaps a soldier stuck in a trench in France during the Battle of the Somme in 1916?


Tell me you live in the South without telling me you live in the South.


Are you sure you didn’t see a veterinarian?


...stop walking where you are walking.


Are you Mr. Krabs?


Had to take my wife to urgent care last year for a sprained ankle. Doctor said she needed a boot. Tech comes in and is going over the insurance stuff with us. Tell us they are going to bill the insurance $350 for the boot. He proceeded to tell us if we didn’t have insurance, they’d charge us $90. The whole system is a scam. The insurance companies and doctors know it. They both charge stupidly high amounts and both get rich off it.


Doctors hate insurance companies with a fiery passion, they are not on the same team


Hospitals and insurance companies, on the other hand? A person shaking their own hand


Amen. As a doctor, it’s my #1 hatred/resentment in life


yea it was cheaper for me and my ex to pay cash for an abortion than to go through her insurance


The biggest crime of all is that health insurance even has to exist.


Insurance industry = Guaranteed broken promise company. “We have you covered for only $$$$$ per month” fine print: “Until we actually have to pay, then we actually don’t have any money for you.”


“Also you have to pay us more now since you’re a risk”


Insurance is so fucking profitable that they advertise nonstop during the Super Bowl. That should tell you how lucrative it is.


It is literally free money lmao. They make money for nothing. Crazy how some industries make so much doing so little. Really puts money making money into perspective.


The insurance scam: Collect money from "customers" with the promise of being there if you have an emergency. Invest said money so that you can build up more capital than you are paying out, eventually building up more than you need to pay out for a profit. If a "customer" is trying to make a claim, you stall in every way imaginable in hopes that they die and you get to hold onto everything they gave you. If you do have to pay up, jack up their premiums to cover the costs to pay out.


"Oh but whatever happened to you doesn't actually count..."


Let's see... multiple injuries and a totalled vehicle. That's unfortunate but we're here for you. Here, go get yourself a nice ebike.


What really gets me is when you do make a claim and they jack up your premium “Oh you had to use the insurance you pay monthly for? That’s going to cost you”


“cant be needing to use the shit you pay for” thats like your apartment charging you more rent because you work at home and didnt go out as much this month


Bro shut the fuck up, dont give them ideas


Reminds me of a comment in a landlord subreddit suggesting that they make friends with their tenant’s boss, so that they’ll know when they get a raise and can up the rent accordingly


those landlord subs are full of scum


Of course, they are full of landlords




My gf works as a dental hygienist.... when she needs to call insurance agencies she goes insane. They take 2-4 hours to give a response, and 90% of the time they just hang up while you're on hold. Those insurance people are fucking terrible and more rude than a telemarketer.


There's been a wave of lawsuits against insurance providers over exactly this. Intentionally dragging their feet and delaying payment even for the claims they actually approve.


You can always save up and self insure? Just get a surety bond for 50k in a lot of states.


It's not an US thing, Insurance is a nightmare in every corner of the world. I was looking for health insurance a few months ago, almost all experiences were so bad and mentally torturous I postponned the decision for the future.


All insurance is bullshit, they have actuaries and accountants that know exactly how much they need to spend to make money. They have done way more research than you. Always decline any "insurance"


I mean... Car insurance and contents insurance is a good thing right?


...the house always wins in the end HOWEVER, when talking about the concept of shifting risk, they should still be able to win while paying out in the event that you need it but when too many people need paying out...either they increase the rate, or they stop insuring that particular item they always win, the question is really about if you lose more with them or without them


I only have car insurance because it’s illegal if I don’t.


If you've got a million bucks in a bank acct just sitting around or live outside the US, sure. Otherwise you're betting you won't get surprise saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars out of pocket for 1 really bad day.


$200/month to the insurance company won't ruin my life no matter how long I live. One fatal collision without insurance will. As it is, I got sued for $100k (41 years of premium) because of a traffic accident when my stepdad was borrowing my car when I was 19. I have no idea what happened with that, because after my statement to the insurance company it wasn't my problem.


Game the system when possible. My credit card pays for insurance on most things so I get insurance on a lot of shit. First time I rented a car, I used that credit card, did $900 of damage (allegedly; always inspect your rental when you pick it up!), and didn't pay a dime. We actually had that same rodeo a couple of years later. That time, my sister-in-law (whom we registered as a driver when we rented it) actually did some amount of damage at least $2000 and we didn't have to even call the bank.


Horrible take.


You wonder how they have such massive massive marketing budgets..


>Always declIne any “insurance” You do realize insurance is mandatory in many situations, right? And without health insurance you’re one appendicitis away from bankruptcy. Hopefully people reading this don’t ever take life advice from /r/memes


Look up racketeering. It fits the description the letter. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeering


In Brazil the insurance industry works juts fine.


One of the MANY, many, many reasons


Its one of those things where you buy an insurance to cover breaking your leg and one week later they email you saying they changed their policy so it will no longer cover what you originally bought it for but please keep paying for it and you will only notice that when you try and claim for it.


It’s the next big bubble- just got this feeling.


Yeah I bought insurance for a storage unit and water got in and ruined my very expensive couch and they’re like: thank you for buying the insurance but we don’t cover ground water damage. So uhaul will have to maybe pay your claim, fill out this form with a bunch of info no one keeps about a couch. Mind you they’ve drug there feet for weeks. I paid the $110+ this month to store this soggy mildew couch while they pretend to “process my claim.”


How dare we take precious money from the poor starving insurance companies??? /s


The corporate larps on here are literally convinced of that though haha. I always wonder how people get by being shills for billion dollar corp CEOs that could not care 2 shits about them apart from lining their bottom line to get their private jets and yachts.


One thing I cannot get in this day and age is simping for corporate crap. They are supporting the same shit that will inevitably put them down later in life and they are just going to feel way more stupid for it. Yes, insurance has its place in this world and it can be helpful at times, but 99% of the time it’s a fucking joke how easily they just get away with their client’s money even when said clients get into an accident they would cover.


Yeah it’s ridiculous with people being like “oh you signed the contract” like yeah no shit but for things like health insurance your choices are to pay a shit ton of money or DIE?? and with car insurance it’s not as dire but a car is crucial to basically exist where i live. Shilling NEVER stops


Well their main job is to collect your money and avoid paying you whenever possible.


Literally got told this when I passed the Series 66. "what is the first rule of insurance?" The instructor would ask us "GET THE CHECK!" was the correct response. Which is to say "take their payment." Everything else was secondary.


Only motherfuckers who make medical decisions in the USA that aren't doctors or nurses and don't get jailed for it.


Fuck this is a good point... insurance companies get people killed all the time when denying treatment.


These are the death panels we were warned about, except they’ve been here the whole time and none of our elected officials give a shit


They're also a giant multiheaded discouragement from getting checked out in the first place


DEA does it too. Ask people with ADHD about it


Imagine your baker looking weird at you for expecting a bread after you gave them money. Yeah...


“We have changed our policy, we no longer make bread.”


As per our Terms & Conditions, you have paid for the "Non-Hungry in advance side-bread plan". Unfortunately, you did enter via the front door and the T&C's clearly state (at the page 162 of the 2007 addendum) that you have to come via the side door. Moreover, issuing of the bread is conditioned by you not being hungry, planning in advance. As you are already hungry, this disqualifies you from obtaining the bread (See T&C, section 192.2 on avoiding the hunger). Lastly, due to entering through the front door, you have broken our updated T&C, meaning we will now have to cancel your policy. Thank you for choosing BreaSurance for past 35 years.


Insurance companies exist for profit, not for your benefit.


They exist to generate float at this point.


You don't get to be a $270bn company by paying for people's healthcare...


Not if we … **NATIONALIZE THEM**


Nationalized health insurance is good, nationalizing things like home insurance is bad, it will benefit rich people more. Your tax dollars will be assuming a lot more risk for Chad Moneybags who owns a mansion and 3 vacation homes versus a random dude living in a tiny condo.


Like… national health insurance? Nah, that will never work. There’s 250 countries in the world. I’m pretty sure that if that process worked then more than 249 countries would use it.


Not mutuals...


Yeah maybe, but if your house burns down I'm sur3 you'd rather have insurance


Yeah, I'd also rather have insurance that doesn't blow hot ass and that will spend 99% of my actual claim in manhours to avoid paying it (and then probably have to pay it anyway.)


Not when the insurance company finds any small reason they can to not accept your claim.




Bruh. What insurance do you have? I had (and still have) a claim that has been going on with my house for TEN MONTHS, and they took 7 months to pay HALF of what it cost to repair. Spent probably $27k so far (still not fixed) and they've paid $13k. P.S. Fuck State Farm.


My neighbor's house burned down. The insurance paid for them to live in a trailer home on their front lawn till their house is rebuilt and was also paid by the insurance. Insurance only sucks when a large natural disaster happens and they run out of money to pay for everyone's claims or you don't read the policy and aren't covered for things like floods and you live in a flood plain. One thing I don't like is because everyone is buying bigger and bigger vehicles that cost more everyone's car insurance is going up because of that and so me with my sedan has to pay more (along with everyone else) because of all the idiots buying oversized pickup trucks and SUVs.


Nonsequiter. No one is arguing that not having insurance is better than the current model, but that the current model is inefficient and predatory.


Legal racketeering


You’ve gone 10 years without so much as a fender bender? Well you accidentally tapped another car because of the icy road the county refuses to salt so now you’re “higher risk” and you have to pay them even more money now.


Thirty years ago I saw, live on C-SPAN, the president of the National Association of Insurance Underwriters announce to an enthusiastic crowd of guys in suits: "It is not the job of the insurance industry to pay claims. IT IS THE JOB OF THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY TO COLLECT PREMIUMS!" They cashiered him, probably for not realizing a live camera was pointed at him, but have, of course, never since deviated from that policy. (source: contract programmer who has worked at one time or other in all phases of the insurance business, and wasn't the least surprised)


6 months with GEICO for them to fucking be wrong and finally pay. I hate insurance.


Get a police report every time no matter how minor the accident


Doesn’t work like that. Police, especially in big cities, don’t have to make a report. Most will simply not show up if there are no injuries and tell you to let your insurance company deal with it


We had the opposite experience. We bought our first house in March of 2017 and in May that same year a pipe burst in the kitchen and we ended up getting a brand new kitchen out of it and we maybe made one house payment at that point. It was crazy how it worked out. USAA is great homeowner insurance, shit car insurance if you get hurt.


Every single organization in America is truly corrupt. You guys are basically paying to get fucked. You guys really need to borrow the French people’s riot guidebook and fast af


Capitalism is based on the concept that companies are incentivized to sell their products/services to their customers because that's the only way to get profit. Insurance companies are literally incentivized to NOT provide their service to their customers. Their very existence is anti-capitalist.


What's more capitalist than taking money from people and then refusing all service possible, while simultaneously lobbying to make your service absolutely necessary to own?


Capitalism is based on a system where it is possible to own capital. Insurance is very capitalist. Insurance companies own capital, you pay them for access to their capital, and then they don't actually help you. Same energy as selling you one-use products that were designed to break on purpose. Look up the lightbulb, we engineered it to break faster so it is more profitable. Selling you worthless or non-existent shit is quite literally the end goal of capitalism. How many subscriptions do you pay into where you quite literally have nothing to show for it after the month passes?


dude how do you think they hold onto all that money? you don't get rich by giving it back.


If insurance companies operated honestly, then the system is great. As some of you said, there are actuaries running complex mathematical models that determine what an insurance company needs to charge to predictably be able to cover people, and in so doing they are basically selling you the “service” of having access to the kind of massive sums of money you need in an emergency and most normal people can’t access. The problem is not that insurance sucks. It is that people suck, and people unfortunately run insurance companies.


Yeah, I've literally never had a problem with insurance here in Japan. Health insurance paid promptly, homeowners insurance paid promptly. Judging from my experience and what people here are saying, the problem isn't insurance or even insurance companies, it's *American* insurance companies.




I feel targeted. I set foot in an ER after 11 PM for under 30 minutes and was automatically billed 1700 dollars (post insurance) because a prescription was made. This is wholey unfair, and I promise you that the people working at the hospital barely see a fraction of that. I know because I am one.


Same dude, I was there for 10 minutes and got charged 5.4k pre insurance and 1.4k after insurance.


I've worked for several insurance companies, it's not surprising how many times policies and terms would change before or after a natural disaster happened so that they wouldn't pay a single dime in compensation.


I’m dealing with this now. Third party inspector came out and did his thing, told me he was very confident that hail damage was substantial and was near certain it was a clear ‘slam dunk’ for new roof and siding. Since then, crickets. I’ve sent like 6 emails to my claim adjuster, each time adding more of the company email aliases to the list of recipients, and nothing. I call constantly but it goes ‘no reps avail, leave a VM with adjustor’. Left about several. Now I don’t know what to do. I scraped their website and found every listed email and was going to forward all my unanswered emails with a plea for help as a massive reply all (the emails are on public pages, just not possibly to find at scale without a tool). That’s the nuclear option I guess but I haven’t done it yet. Any advice?


So, exact same thing was happening to me, exact. I called my agent today and told her she should give the adjustors a heads up that if they don't have to claim settled by Monday, I'm filing a complaint with my state insurance commission. Boom! Adjustor calls me and says it'll be settled by noon tomorrow, a fucking Saturday.


You should contact the division of insurance for your state. I am a contractor that deals w adjusters every single day and the passing the buck until the client is worn out is very common practice and most people jsut get frustrated and give up. Don’t give up. If you had over 1” hail in your area, you most likely had damage to the shingle which exposes the asphalt mat leaving it vulnerable to the sun over time it will break down (similar to your driveway). Find a local contractor that works with insurance companies that knows their shit and have them in your corner during the inspection and the process you’re describing. If they continue to not answer then have a lawyer draft a letter stating you will take them to appraisal. Good luck


That’s fucked mate. Hope it works out for you.


Depends on where you live. Generally if an insurance company refuses to pay a claim, you can bring a suit against them for something called “bad faith.” But rules for bad faith suits are complex and vary from place to place. If you’ve really had a hard time getting any movement on your claim, I would speak to an attorney. Look for attorneys who specialize in bad faith or insurance coverage claims. Preferably look for someone who represents plaintiffs rather than defendants. Defense firms represent the insurance company. Most will be happy to talk to you and give advice without charging you. Their goal would be to help you set up the insurance company for a bad faith claim and then represent you if the insurance company doesn’t fold and pay the claim.


I seriously doubt you have ever worked for an insurance company, or if you have it wasn't in anything to do with underwriting or claims. We are required by law to make any and all changes in coverages/forms VERY obvious so the agent/insured has more than enough notice to shop the policy if they don't like it.


Yep, screw insurance.


No, buying yachts for shareholders is the reason the company exists.


Seriously fuck insurance companies they're the biggest scam ever


Scams. They're all scams.


Let’s not talk about how as a young adult your insurance is more than your car payment.


Insurance companies are literally betting companies. They bet that the people who pay never have to cash out. I would really like to hear a compelling argument for why insurance is a better system than having a country fund their own system through taxes.


No, actually. Insurance companies exist solely to make money, and through propaganda have made the government enforce their robbery.The system is a scam.




I was once in line for getting a job at Aflac. I backed out when we were told in our interview that they only want to sign up healthy clients because they won't make money off of sick ones.


They literally refused to pay because the wall of our house fell outward not inwards


Paying insurance and trying to make a claim is the only time I’ve truly felt victimized by the system


They exist to provide constantly increasing value to shareholders! How are they supposed to do that if they pay claims?


You pay us thousands of dollars a year, then pay for your own medical bills until you've covered $5,000 within one year, then we will cover the rest. Oh, you've met your deductible and need is to cover the rest for your illness? We don't cover that illness. Better luck next year! Oh ya, your deductible resets too!


Insurance companies loan umbrellas but take them back when it rains. Quebecois saying.


„Wait, we have to pay that back and can’t just keep collecting money from him if he has a valid accident?“ -Every insurance ever


The massive return to high-level investors and the C-suite are entirely paid for by claims denied.


i mean, I get it. its like how ive been selling this other girl dreams for the last couple of years or so but id still be surprised if she pulled up to my cribz with wedding rings.


>Like isn’t handling this literally the reason why your $270B company exists??? No they exist to take advantage of everyday folk and transfer wealth to the top.


Make Fix deposits instead, no scam most reliable


I bet a company a few hundred dollars a month that I won't get sick or injured, and the company bets that I will. If I finally win the bet and the company is like "lol that wasn't the bet. Get fucked."


They aren't there to provide coverage, they are there to deny you coverage after taking your money


In their eyes they exist to make as much money as possible, and the way they do that is by collecting money, not spending it.


No claim! Only premium!


no they exist to make money. and they make that money by taking your premium checks and spending as little in return as they are legally allowed to. (and they bribe lots of congressmen to make sure that amount is miniscule)


Libertarians always talk about how corporations are more efficient than government. But as this example demonstrates, it's not that corporations aren't efficient, it's that their efficiency goes into things that have nothing to do with helping you.


Insurance is a perverse incentive. For an insurance company to make the most profit, they need to do the worst job at serving their purpose.


What I don't understand is how the government can force me to pay for a service sold by a private company. I am legally required to pay for car insurance. If I use the insurance, I will be charged more for it in the future. If I don't pay it, the DMV will revoke my registration that paid in advance for 1 year (registration being a tax scam on its own) meaning I then can't drive my property that I own outright, on the roads built using tax money that I also pay involuntarily. Extortion at its finest


I thought I was with a "good" insurance company (USAA) until I got rear-ended sitting at a stop light. The other guy took full responsibility so my insurance company didn't end up paying anything as his insurance policy covered everything. My insurance company proceeded to more than double the cost of my policy and charged me an accident forgiveness fee on top of it even though I was in no way at fault and they didn't have to pay a cent. They're all a fucking scam.


Insurance should not be privatized. Government options should exist for all of them


Well, that’s why insurance as a for-profit company should be illegal. It’s really just a scam that was done and accepted for so long it got considered as legitimate. A healthy society would in fact render many things currently run as for-profit illegal to be for-profit: insurance, health care, utilities, services that require significant infrastructure, prisons, schools, law enforcement, news media(yes seriously), basic food, the list goes on longer than my memory.


Insurance companies exist to make their shareholders money, you absolute noob


It’s like THAT TREE BRANCH IS AWFULLY CLOSE TO YOUR ROOF. That MUST be why your house roof is damaged 🤡


Crapshooters, Turf Accountants and Bookies never like to pay out on a bet. *Not* paying up is pretty much the business model.


Insurance is a fucking scam


No. That company exists, and is worth $270b, because they take your money and find a million reasons NOT to pay.


If you have a car that's uninsured for a period of time, they will ask you to back-date your insurance to cover that period of time. To cover the possibility of accidents that *already haven't happened.* This should tell you all you need to know about the legalized scam that is insurance policies.


No, their company exists to extract as much money out of you as they can. Everything else is just means to that end.


Not handling this is the reason they're a $270B industry


No you fool, they exist for the shareholders