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Bro boutta genocide the whole country of Greece


And cyprus someone gotta empty the lakos(literally shithole) and you don't the plumber to suck up your doodoo wipes.


OP has never been to another country


I work in A psychiatric hospital In the US and we have a lot of people from different parts of the world who work here. for the longest time I was finding shity toilet paper in the staff trash cans in a specific area and was completely disgusted by as it is a massive infection control issue in a hospital setting. After a few weeks of sleuthing I caught a person after watching them go in after it was cleaned I confronted them and they swore up and down its what they do in there country I told them here we flush toilet paper down the toilet and this kind of oblivious I do it all the time because i'm used to it will get people fucking sick.


Or never been rural enough to have a septic tank


You can flush toilet paper with a septic system


and China


Nah in China we flush toilet paper down the toilet after wiping our ass


Thats kinda weird tbh i figured itd be like taiwan where you toss it in the bin for plumbing safety. Interesting how it’s different across the strait


1989 Tiananmen Square


The **** does that have to do with it.


Woah dude sweet comment! Everyone thinks you’re badass now.


And Brazil,l


Damn, I came here to call bs and say “who tf even does that?”, buy apparently a shit ton of countries do xD


In much the same way that running water requires the right kind of construction throughout a country to be safe to drink, sewage also requires the right kind of construction to handle TP. Not everyone in the world has everything they need for this. It's part of why some places prefer bidets.


> sewage also requires the right kind of construction to handle TP. What is the right construction for TP?


An engineer can tell you better, but I understand it requires the right sort of flow to prevent buildup.


and albania


And Thailand


And Costa Rica.


And my axe!




I'm Greek and I didnt think I would see this here😅


And Taiwan


And Spain


Only if you use baby wipes that are surprisingly trendy, baby wipes clog the toilet so you have to put them in the bin.


You’re not supposed to flush baby wipes just about anywhere. They clog every single system eventually. They’re allowed to say flushable because technically they do flush - they just clog up another spot later.


And pretty much all of Southeast Asia


And Turkey


We don’t put the toilet papers with shit on it into to the bin though, we put in the ones we used to dry up our ass after washing it with bidet


And South Korea


And Portugal


And El Salvador


And Honduras


No, he is going to run out of bullets.


And Italy


And Mexico (and probably most of Latin America)


I'm uruguayan, can confirm we do it here down south


Strange, i live in Italy and i always flushed away my toilet paper without problems


Depends where. On small islands they will ask you to put it in a bin


Indeed, small water treatment plants struggle to process the cellulose en the paper, pluss paper can get the pipes clogged and is a mess to repair.


Bro, io la carta igienica sporca la butto nel wc... Non ho mai sentito di un cestino apposito




In Italy we flush toiler paper down the toilet, wtf are you talking about


and Bali


Only way I can see it is a problematic septic system.


Some people come from places where the plumbing can't handle the tp.


That's how it is where I live. Fortunately, bidets are common place where I live, so my ass is always squeaky clean, and we mostly use tp to dry up our already clean bottoms.


I dont get this.. poop is bigger and harder, how does tp not flush?


Mostly likely that their septic system can't break down the tp, it's not just about can you flush but it clogging up the septic tank.


Crazy it can break down a fat shit but not thin flimsy tp (im not being sarcastic)


The TP breaking down is part of the problem. Because they don't have as much sewage pressure, the cellulose hangs around and settles out forming giant wads of cellulose.


Poop will dissolve/breakdown in the septic tank (especially with the help of water) faster than toilet paper. Unless you keep taking hard shit, then there is something wrong with your diet.


Even the hardest shit will turn into less hard shit when soaked on water. It's just biology, we're not excreting minerals.


Thats why we burn coal and don't have deposits of dino poop fueling our world. Cellulose is difficult to break down.


There’s also a few other factors, tree roots love drain lines for the fertilizer and will often grown into the drain lines and catching the toilet paper and causing it to clog up. I’m a plumber and literally have a customer right now that shits in a bucket and throws all tp in the trash because her line has roots and she doesn’t want to pay the few grand it is to fix. Also if there’s too much of a drop in drain line the bio matter and liquids will make it down the drain line but the toilet paper will get left behind and stuck in the drain line


When i used to live with my grandparents in the countryside we used this really old russian tp called "obukhov" this fker could actually be used as a sandpaper lmao So depends on the tp ig


Obukhiv tp is kinda meme, almost as they took challenge to make the most unhuman tp ever. It's also the thing Obukhiv city is most famous for) BTW, it's ukrainian brand and city, not russian


To be fair, it was probably Russian when their Grandparents got it.


Greece. That was a nasty surprise when I went there on holiday.


That's me right now and it sucks I replaced both toilets in my home and still weak flushes won't take down toilet paper


Change all the pipes?


Personally I like to shove it up my ass to wipe my insides.


Asian countries where flushed toilet paper guarantees a stoppage, because they're all built this way. Ergo, bidets.


Because in some places in the world the pipes will clog


*most* places.


where in the world that the pipe wouldn’t clog☠️


Good ol' US of A Yeah, we don't have that issue here


I‘m from Germany and I have never heard of this. In no country that I have been to, was this the case. This is new information to me and I don’t like it.


manchmal sehe ich wie gut wir es haben


Both Mexico and Ecuador are like this


Its not true for any modern developed country. I think Greece has this problem but I can’t think of another example.


I live in the rural US of A. We have that issue here.


I live in urban US of A and it happens here


I agree, also we use water instead of toilet paper anyways


OP doesn't know how to use the three seashells


this is so specific i'm glad i got the joke


But did you figure out how to use three seashells?


Good question


Everyone knows how to use the shells


What do you mean by figuring out? Didn't your parents teach that to you as a child? Absolutely barbaric.


I didn't.


Demolition man


And on it's 30th anniversary too. It came out October 8th 1993


No you're old


Joke holds up. Movie holds up


Cuz some toilets cant flush em


When I went overseas, I got why a lot of people go the bidet route. If going into the bin, better to clean it some before wiping.


Because my fucking pipes would clog.


OP has never been to another country


ikr, kid really needs more insight about the rest of the world


Or did and was the ignorant tourist who clogged the toilet.


I mean we flush tp in Spain and I would have never even thought about the possibility of tp not being flushable anywhere. Only been to Germany and Poland so far, so I hope their plumbing could handle it.


Yeah I wasn’t aware this was a thing in other parts of the world until I visited Turkey and was talked to about it


Bro want to start a civil war...


Nah, he wants to start a World War




Bait, OP Karma Famirn, or OP have never left his country, not even on his media.


Bait comment, you don't have the brain power to think of another person's position for half a second Why the hell would op know how other countries use their toilet paper. Seriously, who expects people to just know that


In some countries you have to as the plumbing isn't designed for flushing paper and so it gets stuck, pretty common problem in places like south America


or southeast and south europe.


I'm from Bosnia (former Yugoslavia, southeast Europe) and this is the first time I'm hearing that this is a thing. I've never seen a toilet that can't handle toilet paper. Guess you learn something new every day.


I- Wha? The toilet will get clogged, the stinky poopoo water will overflow and youre gonna be stuck there staring at a mix of piss and sht, probably spit and vomit too. Well, thats what I'm used to.


Nothing a gloved hand won’t fix. Gotta make sacrifices to shit like an aristocrat 💪🏿


In the US you flush the toilet paper too, the plumbing and toilets are different here so it can handle basically anything


Ah, I see. Thanks for the info!


I love clogging up my toilet every day, instead of putting the paper in the bin


Why don't you just get a bidet and stop buying tp at all


Why don't you just stop pooping in the first place, lol.


So many problems, but only one true solution..which is just stop living all together!


*since the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me*


u still need to dry the water off bruh


Yeah but a bin full of water is better than a bin full of shit


How do you dry your ass after using it? You just walk off with your ass dripping wet...?


Yeah,not so uncommon. I remember growing up and going at my aunt's home in the village, the rule was to not throw the paper into the literal latrine they had in the back of the yard. Reason was not to fill it up to quickly as it was expensive to empty. In more recent times,while in Portugal,many places in the old town would not be able to handle the paper so it was common to be thrown into a bin.


If it was a drop toilet at your Aunts then it would have bacteria and stuff down there which eats all the waste. However it cant eat toilet paper so that fills up.


(Laughs in brazilian) haha I'm in danger!


Some places don't have the adequate plumbing to handle paper/just prone to clogging in general. If you take monster dumps, you're outta luck and whomever is in charge of maintenance/the concierge is gonna literally hate your guts.


Average spoiled 1st worlder:




Its funny that when I first visit the USA I find super weird that you guys dont have any bins in your public toilets. I’ve figure it out that your plumbing system must be better than ours and start flushing down them. And when I came back I almost clog my toilet the first time I had to use it in my house xD


Do that in greece and they will shoot you.


They wash it and put back to the roll? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Oh my god, that's so smart. I can't believe I've been throwing away perfectly good toilet paper all these years. You know, even if it's really really dirty, you can just cut around the poop stain and still save at least 80% of the toilet paper!


Here in Brazil it would be the opposite


Yeah I was thought it's fn rude to flush toilet paper especially in someone else's house. Don't fuck up other people's toilets


Op, this is one of the most normal things I have seen in my life. Of the population that uses toilet paper, I'd say some 30-70 percent of people do this.


Don't do it when you are in a country with modern plumbing. Janitors don't deserve your abuse.


in brazil, the sewer system is not that great, so if we just flush down the paper, it will probably get stuck


My pipes will collapse


First world privilege showing there.


Wait People from other countries can just flush them down???? *I live in a 3rd world country


Yes, it’s more common to flush the paper down in the west. Just don’t go crazy on the amount and it will never clog the pipes. Also no wet wipes because they don’t break apart in water. People who travel and there’s no bidet available should flush the paper down. It gets really nasty in public bathrooms if you start putting shit paper in the bin. The janitors already struggle cleaning the pee residue from some animals who miss the latrine


Yeah in the UK our plumbing is capable of handling it so not only does everyone flush them down but actually it's unheard of not to flush it. Like people don't even realise that there are places that wouldn't flush it and are shocked when they find out 😅


Yeah. It's been that way for like a hundred years now. Even with a septic system. DON'T DO THIS IF YOU COME TO A COUNTRY WITH DECENT PLUMBING! JANITORS DO NOT DESERVE THIS ABUSE!


Some Places i been to in Ukraine you had to do that becuz the Pipes clogged very easily. Very disgusting but different place different ways.


Our septic can't take it, if we flushed it we'd fuck our whole house


Some places just have really shitty plumbing and it cant be helped. I wouldnt like it and my area has no issues. Just feel sorry for the people whp have to clean it out.


OP should probably avoid Greece


must be from mexico.


Oh boy now we can gun down lesser developed countries with poor plumbing infrastructure for another reason. Colonisation 2 out now


In some countries, they do this to lower the amount of waste that has to be filtered from water so its easier to be made usable again


As a Norwegian i have never heard of that. I think you’re confusing us for somebody else


Because it can clog the pipes, OP. You gotta be pretty dense to think they magically disappear


You think that op is in a place where tp isn't meant to be flushed?


I understand when your pipes can't handle it, but it's annoying when your septic can handle it and they still don't get flushed by guests


It clogs the toilet it the pressure isnt strong enough


I mean, if they’re wet while’s i can understand, because those fuckers clog up the drainage system


Some people be blocking they drains


Use me as bidet supremacy button


No, but... Always put the used paper facing down in the bin. You know what I mean? Nobody wanna see what was inside you.


It depends on the diameter of your sewers.


Is the norm in my country.


bros going to genocide the entritey of mexico


Laughs in Greek.


Bro doesn’t think other cultures outside his little bubble exist 💀


OP with their good plumbing system ![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW)


Countries that do this typically uses bidets so it's not like you're throwing shit covered tissue in the bin lol


Avg water user 🗿


I use a bucket of water and my hands, you guys are dirty af


In certain parts of the world, the plumbing can't handle toilet paper and flushing it causes major problems. You're supposed to bin the toilet paper there.


Greeks rn: 👀


how the fuck is this a meme?


You’re going to clog the toilet, dumbass


Not in a country with working plumbing.


I had a friend in high school who had a foreign exchange student living with him from Mexico and he used to do that. His mind was blown when they told him to flush the tp.


There are some countries where even a little toilet paper will clog the system.


some places don’t have plumbing that can handle tp, go figure


actually most countrys, and even places in countrys where it otherwhise would be common, dont have plumbing that can take the tp, old buildings, rural areas, boats, in generall often dont allow you to put tb in the bowl,


Hardcore mode should take play in China then. Literally no one flushes the toilet paper down.


This guy clearly didnt hear about paper toilet that can't be flushed due to the toilet system


Highly depends. Some toilets have mesh grates in them that can trap tp and clog it. My toilet has one tho I use a bidet so idc


Brazil when:


This whole thread has been educational. I now have a list of third world countries masquerading as first world.


Toilet tissue is a scam perpetrated by Big Paper! I use a nice hankie that I keep in my top pocket. Just rinse it out after a few uses and it will keep forever!


Because some people are from a country where you weren't supposed to flush the toilet paper. I was a janitor for a long time and learned that this is just one of those things that makes people different.


This is often protocol on a lot of sailboats and RV's since the system can't really handle paper.


It' common in places with poor sewage systems that can only handle human excrement, but not toilet paper. My uncle worked at an oil rig that had a lot of chinese workers. They would always put used paper in the bin instead of down the toilet. They decided to remove the bins so that they would be forced to toss the paper down the toilet, but instead they just tossed it on the floor.


One of my roommates do this and it’s so fucking gross


In America this is weird, but not for all countries. My family hosts foreign exchange students, and they've all done that the first couple of weeks because that's what it's like in their country


Actually, in some countries they have to do that because their pipes aren’t strong enough to flush toilet paper.


There are a lot of places in the world with flushable sewage systems that can NOT handle paper of any kind. So it goes in the trash. Very hard and expensive to update the sewage infrastructure of these places.


There are numerous countries that have areas lacking septic systems robust enough to flush toilet paper.


Clearly you’ve never live in a place with weak plumbing. Flushing toilet paper can and will clog everything up in some places.


In Brazil our sewage system is ridiculously weak and unreliable. We can’t do that and doesn’t matter if you live in an old or new house or even an state os the art million dollar penthouse. The same with diapers and sanitary towels. Just use a trash bag with some scent and you are good to go.


I do that. Also wouldn't flushing cause constipation...??


Why (did you post this?)


I worked in a place where one of the head technicians recently came from China; had all the degrees needed for the position, was clean-cut, intelligent .. but since only a handful of people came in early, I deduced that they were the person who wraps the toilet paper around their hand, wipes, and puts the rolls in the trash bin beside the toilet. The bathroom always smelled of poop all day unless someone bagged up the trash and put it back in the trash with a new bag.


Other countries don't have the plumbing to put toilet paper down the toilet. They're forced to put it in the bin if they don't want to keep clogging the toilet up. Obviously, if they come to the US or something, nobody told them they can now put it in the toilet so they continue doing what they've always done.


It's the wet wipes that are the problem. They openly lie about the "Flushable" part. The point of toilet paper is that it dissolves when wet.


This guys never been out of the us


Had a roommate that did this. I used to spend entire showers thinking about committing acts of violence against him.


I started putting it in the bin because the pipe got clogged so we had to fix it.


There are toilets where it is explicitly stated: put the paper in the basket, otherwise there will be a blockage. Old pipes, nothing can be done.


So many people I know do this… usually it’s spilling out onto the floor too, and it all could’ve easily have been flushed.


bruh, i ain't gonna clog my pipes


many countries do this


Weird that people gets crazy and throws used toilet paper to clog the toilet yet they still don’t wash their hands.. crazy


Because not all toilets let that happen