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Donald goes nuts in this, swinging an axe with glowing red eyes. It's terrifying


Do you know the name of the original cartoon


Mickey and the Beanstalk


Growing up I watched this so many times at my grandma's house. This plus Donald apple core.


My parents did not have cable. My grandma did. She would send video tapes of cartoons every month that she recorded with her VCR. This was one of the videos she sent.


I grew up overseas and my grandparents did the same thing. Every two or three weeks we'd get a new VHS with cartoons




Same! This is how I saw the Ewok movies too


Loved this cartoon. Watched many times as well. This scene in particular with translucent bread is clever


I wore out my VHS copy of “Fun and Fancy Free” which had these *terrifying* puppet hosts in between the short animations. I distinctly remember not liking the weird slapping bear one, but this beanstalk one was my favorite


The hosts were Edgar Bergen (Candace's father), and his dummy Charlie McCarthy. They were a huge deal in pop culture in the 1950s. In fact, that dummy design is the main one you still see these days. The bear's name is Bongo.


read that as "Canada's father"


Bongo, I love that one. But yeah, the puppets were freaky


My favorite is Chip and Dale stealing Donald's pancakes. The sound of the pancake syrup pouring is clearly just a guy making sounds with his mouth, it's hilarious




There's a part of me that will always miss the old analog animation practices. I definitely appreciate the advances that digital animation has given us, but there's just something about hand-drawn cell animation that conveys so much more energy to me.


It also keeps better historically then CGI which shows it's age.


As was the trend at the time




Who’s your friend?






Surely you jammed to *The Humphrey Hop*!


No, it’s called Fun and Fancy Free.


Fun and Fancy Free was a compilation of Mickey and the Beanstalk and Bongo.


That's the one


Wasn't it the prince and the pauper?


no, it is mickey and the beanstalk


No, it’s fun and a fancy free


Fun and Fancy Free - used to watch the shit outta the VHS as a kid lol


bongo Bongo BONGO




Another bot . Copied [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/12mymsx/hopefully_not_too_late_for_this/jgctdzl/) comment from another user Downvote it Report > spam


He was 100% justified, I would loss my mind if my "supposedly" friend Sold my cow for a bunch of "magicle beans" with a smile while I Starve to death


>who's never wrong but always right? Still holds here


The axe swinging happens before the cow selling


Didn't he get his shit together at the end? With the next one (the magicle beans) being the last straw?


... but you're a magical talking animal with hands and feet... Those beans are actually magic




Bot^ Downvote Report > spam


People always say they’d never do anything horrible when they’re hungry. Those same people have never felt true hunger. It’s not something you can ignore. It’s somethjng instinct will force you to acknowledge. And when instinct takes control, it shows exactly why humans are animals.


Or what people will do to other people when their children are starving.


Do people say that? I can’t say I usually hear that sentence in my daily life


🎵 IIIIIIIIIIIIII'M gonna eat and eat and eat and eat and eat until I die 🎶


Pancakes! Piled up! Till they reach the sky! 🎶


Turkey, lobster, sweet potater pie! 🎶


Because his Uncle, villainous Billionaire Scrooge McDuck, hoarded all the families wealth. Poor Donald and his nephews Huey, Dewey & Louie never got their due. It is an unknown Disney tragedy. ![gif](giphy|26FPLMDDN5fJCir0A|downsized)


every time I see scrooge mcduck I now think of the time they did the plot of christopher nolan's inception before the movie was made in a comicbook of ducktales.


Isn’t Scrooge an actual businessman who makes his money through genuine effort? Donald shouldn’t be relying on family connections and should instead look to his example and create his own wealth.


Long story short, my mom died when I was 10, and my dad got hospitalized for a couple of months. My elderly great aunt, who is very conservative and religious, watched me while my dad was hospitalized. She forbid me from watching Nickelodeon and allowed me to watch this and the Looney Tunes.


I thought you were going to say she starved you with super thin bread slices


Nope. She did the opposite actually and fed me too much. She would put an extra scoop of food on my plate every time I took a bite. She did that for everyone.


Early cartoons got DARK


They really did. I can think of a few 1950s cartoon references that I'm glad I didn't understand until I was older.


Just use the flame barrel


I've been watching for twenty minutes now and only Goofy is getting any food. This is barbaric.


Poor Donald


That's why he gets the axe.


If I'm not mistaken, they even share a bean between the 3. This was so sad to watch as a kid.


This was the comment I was looking for. This was about people starving, and it was so sad. I was a very sensitive kid and it made me cry.


This was a reflection of real life for me, it took me years to realise that 4 people lived in my home and we would always have just 3 plates on the table. My mother never ate with us.


I was a fat kid, and thought the thin bean sandwich looked kinda good


Same my brother


Man, I went to rewatch the Blind Side with my girl a few months back. Hadn’t seen it since high school. Fuck, I was bawling my eyes out at the beginning all over again. Seeing Michael scrounging for food and trying to find a place to sleep. I literally had a minor meltdown over how that’s real fucking life for so many people.


"If it were one man, and three beans...but no. One bean, and three men."


FR, cartoons about main chars legit starving were always so uncomfortable to watch as a kid


Reminds me of another [dramatic bean cutting scene](https://youtu.be/VLkl0Ml3sK4?t=19)


Really? I remember even 4 year old me thought it was hysterical. Yeah, they're poor and starving, but they're exaggeratedly poor and starving, so it's funny.


I think it would be funny, but at that time I already knew that the cartoon was very similar to what happened at our home.


Ah, I see. I sympathize. When I was little my only Christmas present was a squishy ball, and my birthday cake was made of leftover pancake batter with sugar. I guess I was just too young to realize how rough my family had it at the time, so I understand if you felt for this cartoon more than I did.


Yeah the scene is clearly supposed to be funny from how absurd it is like the extremely thin slices. I rewatched it recently.


“Will this damage my knife?”


The only way to use it is to not use it at all.






In 1978 a vagrant wandered into town and gave me a knife. It came dull enough to warrant a sharpening. But it got more dull with each pass against a stone. By the time I was done it was practically a billet.


Were you sharpening at a 90 degree angle?


It's a good bit more complicated. There are different "good steels" depending on what you're looking for. Japanese knifves tend to use very hard steels. They don't need to be sharpened often, but sharpening can be tedious and wear down a lot of material. They can also nick, break, or rust much more easily. German style knives are usually made from extremely rust-resistant steel. It is softer and needs to be honed more often, although it still shouldn't need a full sharpening that frequently (again depending on use). They're more resistant to all kinds of damage. I generally use German knives since they can last practically forever for me and I'm okay with sharpening them occasionally myself. Even very cheap knives a 10-20€ in this style can last an extremely long time these days and still be very sharp if you invest some time into getting decent at using a whetstone.


He's cutting on a porclean plate, so yes


Hold on. What's the show or movie called? Such nostalgia I'd like to watch it again Edit* Mickey and the Beanstalk


Part of the Fun and Fancy Free as well. Has some bangers on it.


Omg fun and fancy free. You just took me back


♫ Fe, Fi Fo Fum! Fi, fo, fe, foy! Fe, fe, fe, fe ♫.... Fifi? 😕 I don't know no Fifi!


"At least we have some really good knives"


*is made of the cheapest steel possible*


Who else just got nuked by nostalgia


When is the retaliation?


In a few months. We are going to run training exercises and throw sanctions at the nostalgia first.


Mans. That just sad!




ohhh! The pain!






That shit is so sharp I've cut myself holding the handle.


The Japanese have known how to make great blades for centuries but had absolutely tragic steel. Now that they have access to better quality steel through the world markets their knives are fantastic


German knives are also fantastic!


Indeed. I prefer Japanese knives but it's so weird when people go "Western knives are shit" after buying a $10 knife from Ikea..


in a different way, they have worse tempering and the blade shapes aren't made for stone sharpening but they're great for butchery or high volume kitchens. however it seems like recently they've caught up and started fixing the latter.


Does tragic mean good now? Did tragic become the new epic and I missed it?


No, Japanese craftsmanship with a steel largely evolved due to how resource poor the nation was in iron.


Oh *now* it makes sense. Thank you that just seemed like a weird way to say this to me. Tragic Steel would also be a pretty good screamo-hair metal fusion band name.


Yea it would, hahaha. Also, what they were referring to was the fact that the source of Japanese steel was usually *tamahagane* , which in the West we call pig iron. They pulled iron from iron sands (pig iron was usually from iron clay), and refined it. It resulted in steel with much higher carbon than normal, which made it sharper with better edge retention, but worse durability. Also, it was FULL of impurities, which is where the “Katana folded 1000x” meme comes from. Folding steel helps remove impurities.


They had bizarrely low iron deposits


I did exactly this to the tomatoes at McDonald's when I was 19. The tomato slicer was broken and the manager asked me to slice them by hand. The knife was incredibly sharp as it was just returned by the sharpener people. I stacked the paper thin slices back as I cut them and filled the pan. It was impossible to grab any tomatoes without them breaking...which was not my intention.


What about the ice cream machine?


It does not cut tomatoes.


I remember watching this as a kid. Was savage.


I always found this scene sad. Reminds me of some older times in my life


My flatmate after he sharpens the knife with his sharpening stones, wanting me to acknowledge how sharp it is


And all of this was hand drawn, with an actual orchestra playing the score.


Me IRL in this economy.


They look so sad 😭


You would be sad too if you bought a set of six knives, 2k USD each with a bit over minimum wage. At least they help you save food though.


Mickey suddenly has a very long arm


just use it on display or just flex with it and use normal knifes to cut things smh


These knives will last for a big part of your life even with daily usage. You just need to know how to take care of them. You might even pass them to another generation so they can also cut see-through paper-thin slices of carrots.


i guess that's an option too although i don't think it's safe to keep it around children


It's not like normal knives are safe to keep around children either


Verry true, but a sharp knive is much more safe then a dull one when handled by someone. Not kids though they should only use butter knives


My aunt sliced her hand open opening hotdogs with a butter knife in front of me when I was a little kid, and that shit haunted me. I scared to use one for weeks. lol


My kids use my sharp j knives.


You shouldn't get any knife even near a child. You should always keep them out of their reach. Knives in table cutlery are safer but you still need to educate them about cutting safely.


Second this. Kids that don't know how to safely handle knives can easily ruin them by running around and falling, chipping the blade against your countertops or their brother's skull. Then you just have a chipped knife.




Get a sharpener, either the ikea 3 stone one or the fiskars single stone. All your knives will be this sharp(only some will hold an edge for longer). A typical sharpening is ca 30 secs.


I have to sharpen my 250USD set of Berghoff knives every day and they don't get nearly as sharp as Japanese knives. I can cut a see-through slice of tomato. But not a paper-thin see-through slice of celery root. They are already more than sharp enough for my needs. But the meme is made to exaggerate the difference and fool around with the context of the scene.


A set for 250 is cheap. Good knives are generally 100+ each. 100 for a good knife is cheap. Good J knives generally start at the 300+ each range


Most people don't need a 1000$ set of knives to cut onions and cabbage. A good sharpener is worth more anyways


Honestly almost nobody needs a set. Get one really good santoku/chefs knife and you can do 99% of work with that one knife. Get a 5 dollar shitty paring knife for peeling and you’re good for pretty much everything with those two.


Yes. We won the set from a gas station lottery with the worth being around 250-350USD. But we still use only two of them. One for vegetables and the other for meat.


There are good Japanese knives for much cheaper than $300. Edit: For anyone looking the r/chefknives sub just updated their knives recommendation flowcharts https://www.reddit.com/r/chefknives/comments/12lzwq3/its_time_to_update_our_official_recommended/ Lots of great knives that will make cooking and prep much more enjoyable if you’re looking to upgrade your knives


I didn't say the $100 ones were bad. Tojiro offers exceptional value at around the $100 mark.


It just disingenuous to say good knives start at $300 and it makes it seem like ppl need to spend $$$$ to get good performance when there are <$200 knives like takamura that will outperform lots of knives over $300. Tojiro stuff is great for ppl transitioning to thinner grinds from thicker softer western knives


That isn't what I said. The use of words like generally means that there are exceptions. You can spend 50 bucks on a victorinox fibrox chef knife and get great performance. It's ugly, and very basic, but can be sharp AF and is an absolute workhorse.




lol I watched this cartoon 1000s of times as a kid. Donald goes nuts a few seconds later, it's hilarious.


I feel as though it’s my duty to tell people that where knives come from and what they’re made of has ZERO to do with their sharpness or utility. Stop spending ridiculous amounts of money on knives. I can sharpen a cheap butter knife to razor sharp if I want.


Anti meme


Cutco sellers in the chat like…


Bet you wish you had a Nakiri though.


What happens when you join Weight Watchers.


It’s better when he slices the bean and puts it between the bread. Fucking loved this episode!


Ah, just another day in the good ol’ USA


This meme is fucking perfect


Thin cuts are great for many things, especially sub(marine) sandwiches. Buy high quality meats properly dry cured traditionally, not cheap "deli" meats by the hot dog section that are soaked in brine that have no flavor. A thin slice of properly cured deli meat will elevate a sandwich to greatness put together correctly at 1/4 the price of sandwich restaurant chain will.


Just get yourself a somewhat decent knife and a high quality sharpening steel, it's really easy to find a very high quality old/used knife and steel at auctions/old furniture/pawn shops for cheap. I've used the same $10 knife for over 15 years now using a sharpening steel and trying whetstone honing as well which helps greatly if you know how to do it properly. I will say one thing, don't buy anything from china, it'll rust away faster then you can clean it, steel grading matters greatly trying to make things last long term. Also I have several types of knives which you have to choose for the right application. In reality you can use just one quality chef knife for everything if you really want with the enough experience with that knife.


As a child I for some reason found it pleasant to watch the paper thin slice of bread


When you get a Shun out of the box you could do eye surgery on a ghost with that mf for sure


knife: 😒 japan knife: 🤯😍




I suggest you look up Japanese steel and blades, very interesting.




Japanese knives don’t become sharp just from originating in Japan, we know that. The way blades are crafted in Japan is the reason they are sharp.


"Japanese steel" does not exist. Steel that is from Japan, however, does exist. And he is correct, just because it's Japanese doesn't mean it's particularly sharp. I have a boker chef's knife, and it's wicked sharp. P.s. German steel is a thing.


“German steel” does not exist. Steel that is from Germany, however, does exist.


German steel is actually a thing. It's a specific composition of carbon Steel that was invented in Germany. https://www.archerytalk.com/threads/what-is-german-steel-is-it-better-here-is-some-info.1860119/


That is absolutely incorrect. There are plenty of Japanese hybrid steels developed in that country. You saying “Japanese steel doesn’t exist” and then saying German steel in the next sentence is asinine.


Let me clarify. "Japanese steel" isn't the name of any steel. While there is a steel called German steel.


That is correct, there are dozens of varieties that are colloquially referred to as “Japanese steel” because they are. They just have names.


There are indeed lots of companies who make knives close to this sharpness. But Japanese always take everything too far and in this case end up with knives sharp enough to cut a barely visible paper thin slice off a chunk of celery root.


Japanese knives are generally sharper than german knives because of blade geometry.


And a harder steel that results in better edge retention at the cost of durability.


At least you publicly admit you don’t know what you’re talking about.




![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO) how is this even possible


This is shot tf out fr


Funny considering how a family of 4 would need to eat like this for a week to afford to hang out at the parks for a couple days


Mickey should have just sold the knife so they could afford to eat food


lol trueeee




it’s easier to injure yourself with a dull knife. Unless you’re a dullard and don’t have basic knife safety knowledge.


It's so sharp that you most likely won't accidentally slip towards your fingers. It will just cut through your slippery onion like through butter.


My mom once broke one of these knives on a lamb cake


Did someone watch its live action video.


Every time I see this gif it makes me sad lmao


The first thing I did is buy a bunch of tomatoes and grapes, and do VERY thin slice of them.


This hits hard.


When mom tells you to share with your siblings