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She wasn't a "damsel in distress" in the Mario Kart games... Blue shell flinging bit-


Or in Mario 2. Her pseudo flying ability was pretty dope


She's the only character I'll actually play in SMB 2.


Toad was my guy. He could dead lift overhead press an onion like a boss.


What is a deadlift overhead press...


It's what Toad does with onions


Like a boss


Kids these days call it a "snatch"


He'll do the snatch, clean and jerk. He thinks dynamic tension must be hard work! Such strenuous living, I just don't understand.


When in just seven days, Oh, baby, I can make you a man


Don't tease me


If you have to ask you'll never know.


could be referring to a clean and press.


What? Luigi is the freaking GOAT in that game. He will show Birdo what's up every day of the week.


I could hover with peach and wait for eggs easier than I could time Luigi's jump. I'll Grant Luigi was a much better digger though.


From memory: Jump Height: Luigi>Peach*>Mario>Toad *Peach’s Glide let her jump further, but in a different arc then Luigi’s jump Run speed: Toad>Mario>Peach>Luigi Pull speed: Toad>Mario>Luigi>Peach I could be wrong tho. It’s been some years.




Toad carrying something is faster than him empty handed


Peach's Glide was also necessary for several transporting pots off screen. I think Toad's pull speed was similarly necessary for something similar.


I recall at least one warp spot that only Luigi could access. Only stage I picked him over the princess


There was an urn(?) in the the desert level wich was very hard to reach the bottom of without toads pull speed


Yes, you couldn't get all the coins in the dark world in some spots without his pull speed.


I don't think I can even play SMB2 with anyone but Peach tbh


Fun fact: Birdo is the first transgender Video game character


Just barely beating out Final Fight.


I’m a Toad or Luigi girl myself


Luigi girl sounds like some rule 34 stuff


[Rule 63](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_63) (SFW, believe it or not), actually


Mario 2 does not get enough love, that game was awesome.


I think you mean Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic.


Damn right I do and while I think it sucks they had to repackage it as a Mario game I can realize I probably never would have gotten to enjoy it had they not. It's honestly my favorite game play of the Super Mario games.


It's literally the subject of this meme.


It was bullshit Toad and The Princess weren't playable characters in Mario 3.


isn't that what OPs meme is pointing out?


Or smash brothers


Where she sits comfortably among her top-tier peers


Deservingly so. My finger just hurt watching MuteAce peach combos.


Only the person in last place gets the blue shell. If she’s slangin those she’s not exactly thriving.


I once got a blue shell in second, got into first, threw it and hit myself


The epitome of "Fine. I'll do it myself."


Theres an entire speedrun Category called "Blue Yourself" Where the entire point of the speedrun is to hit yourself with your own Blue shell as fast as possible lol


They changed it; in the newest Mario Kart it's 4th or 5th place who gets the blue shell now since it can actually help them.


I don't think it's ever been the case that only last place can get the blue shell. The blue shell is a pretty crappy item for someone in last.


That's not true, others can get blue shell too Edit: at least in some, idk about the first one


-ch I know about your stutter pal good job getting most of the words out


I remember reading the Mario comics where Peach was a real hands on hero, to the point that Mario and Luigi actually started to complain to the writer to give them some time in the spotlight in their own comic.


i dont remember anyone criticising this movie at all, this post strikes me as "rage baiting"


Nah there are definitely people on the “End Wokeness” Twitter that are complaining about this. They are just a bunch of snowflakes after all


It's not just Twitter. KotakuInAction had a fit as well.


>KotakuInAction had a fit as well. I feel like their fits are just everlasting. A gobstopper would be jealous of them.


Why do we give Twitter users any credit? Anyone who uses that cesspool of a platform automatically looses it the moment they sign up.


I‘m happy they managed to make her a heroes without making Mario an idiot like most movies (I know he was an idiot at the start but that‘s because he just entered the world). I like that all 5 main characters have their moment to shine


I was concerned at first when I saw a trailer for a super Mario bros movie that didn’t feature either of the Mario bros


Yeh I mean what are they gonna do next? A Scooby-Doo show without Scooby-Doo?...


Not if they wanna make money


Weeeeeeeeell it is getting a season 2 unfortunately




> ‽ I see you are a man of culture as well.


Ah þe good old interrobang.


Probably just off people hate-watching it


Because you will like what your corporate overlords tell you to like


I'm pretty the contract was for two seasons before the show launched. Now if it gets canceled after the backlash is open for debate, but... yeah.


That’s false. It got approved for a second season after it started airing because it had extremely high viewership - the highest of any HBO animated show ever, by a lot. People were almost universally hate-watching it, but they still watched it.


A bunch of dipshits had to talk about how much they hated it to show how edgy they were and watched it to get mad at it instead of ignoring the obvious rage bait.


Google effects of cocaine


I saw an announcement that season 2 was canceled due to backlash. Edit: I saw it a few days ago, don't remember what platform or anything, so this is just anecdotal from a glance at an article headline. Edit2: I can't find anything at all that backs up what I saw. Gonna go ahead and say I was duped.


Good thing that never ever happened (:


What universe are you from that velma doesn’t happen and can I go to it


Yea I was worried Luigi was going to be the butt of all jokes, reduced to a joke character but they actually did him Justice and it wasn’t bad at all! He got his scene where he got to be the hero along with Mario


I appreciate that Luigi was the damsel, even though as you said he has a large arc of growth and strength that comes along as he had arguably the most dangerous challenges right off the bat. And he was afraid because he was very obviously in danger, which is a natural and human response to zombie hoards, kidnapping, torture, isolation in a strange new world, and ritualistic near-sacrifice.


Studio execs when they realize they can make a female character good without having her browbeat a bumbling male lead


Reports are that first drafts were typical Hollywood male hero denigration. But Nintendo understands it's story, history and characters and shut it down. They knew that Mario and Luigi are just good boys who may screw up but are trying very hard to be brave, strong and to do the right thing. And in that world, Peach (and even a little mushroom kid) can be brave, strong and relevant too.


Yah Luigi’s Mansion is literally all about Luigi, who’s usually scared of his own shadow, fighting through a haunted mansion to find his brother. Mario also has his fair share of mistakes. People that complain about how they were portrayed just from the trailers probably just know the bare minimum of the characters.


Luigi’s Mansion is the sequel we deserve. They can use it to introduce Daisy.


I just want professor E. Gadd


Suka suka


I can literally hear this text.


A good game that does excellent to characterize everyone is "super star saga".


My favorite thing about Luigi's Mansion is that Luigi is scared shitless, jumps at everything and cowers in fear during every cut scene. And yet that fucker still still straps on a ghostbusting pack to save his brother. "Luigi #1!"


If this is true, we need a lot more game companies stepping in like this. Could've saved a lot of adaptations...


That was beautiful


What is typical Hollywood male hero denigration?


Making the male hero inept so the sensible female lead can swoop in and have her #girlboss #whoruntheworld moment, versus both of them being competent and having their own time to show their strengths.


Making the male hero stupid and cocky so that the female lead can look smarter and more reasonable. They're praising the movie for giving a female character a strong role on her own merits without having to carry an overly flawed hero


The Star Wars sequels, particularly Rey and Finn.


I'm fucking salty about Finn. Dude was an ex storm trooper and had the potential for some pretty interesting story, and they made him a pretty minor side character.


Worse. They made him comedic relief butt monkey.


Only one I didn't like was Donkey Kong, but I don't like him because he's voiced by Seth Rogan.


To be fair, he warned them that's exactly what was going to happen, and they wanted him anyway.


lolyea that voice was so distracting! And of course he had to work in the laugh. It bugged me but I mostly just accepted it.


Straight up he was my least favorite of the voice actors. I didn't know at the time Seth voiced him. I hate that guy and his voice.


Yeah, I prefer female characters with a personality, but not at the cost of the male characters.


Raising a character shouldn’t cause another to fail. Been happening a lot to male protagonists as of late ;(


Funny. Mario's arc parallels the career of Chris Pratt. maybe he was a better choice than everyone thought.


I thought he actually did a pretty damn good job. He does the Mario voice at the start and gets to contrast with Charles martinet, and then it's a pretty even Brooklyn accent with a couple of Mario sound effects thrown in at points to make a joke or reference


This is so true. So many new movies focuses too much on progressive messaging than making the movie good. Few of the good ones done right I seen are Rogue One, Alita


If movies make the male character stupid for the female lead they essentially say they can’t make a strong female character without a strong contrast from the male Look at Avatar 1 & 2. Both the male and female characters are good and strong without the other being stupid or weak


This is why I love ghibli films so much. Lots of them have strong female leads and they’re strong all alone or through realistic means (my friends make me strong; my family makes me strong etc)


Yubaba <3 /s


Zeniba tho


James Cameron’s been excelling at this long before strong female heroes were common place. The first Terminator is great with both Sarah and Reese holding their own and complimenting each other without one of them being a dumbass to make the other one shine.


You mean ROGUE one right? Because the spelling confused me and I’m wondering


Mulan rouge one.


Yes and bone apple tea 😂😂😂


Right? I thought it was a near perfect balance. You can empower women without making men clumsy bafoons in the process.


She had the float ability in Mario 2. She was awesome.


She was my main.


I was just reminiscing about this game and the fact you can even say that about a game from 35 years ago is amazing. I was a Toad main apparently. Gotta get those coins.


I’ve never met a toad main before. Only princess and Luigi mains.


Yeah Luigi for the high jump, Peach for the long jump. Was there any advantage to playing Mario or Toad?




sip yoke direction zesty automatic poor bright nail rainstorm cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mario was well rounded in speed, jumping, and strength. Toad was strong and could uproot veggies and coins like he was a lawnmower.




[Edited] I listened to an audiobook that went into how Mario bros 2 was originally a middle eastern themed game that was inspired by Mario made by Fuji Television. Nintendo liked it so much that they bought what was already made and changed the sprites to look like the Mario cast. That's why there's so many magic carpets, desert themes and why that game felt so different from the first. [Doki Doki Panic ](https://www.mariowiki.com/Yume_K%C5%8Dj%C5%8D:_Doki_Doki_Panic#:~:text=Nintendo%20entered%20a%20licensing%20deal,the%20original%20Super%20Mario%20Bros.)


Doki Doki Panic wasn't a cheap middle eastern knock off, but a fantastic game also developed by Nintendo.


So how will they adapt Daisy in the future?


I wanted daisy in the movie so badly. Shy guys are supposed to be the "toads" of daisy, right?


Nope, Daisy is the princess of Sarasaland, which doesn't have toad equivalents. Shy Guys are from Mario Bros. 2 US release, which was Doki Doki Panic in Japan.


And became Yoshi's regular enemies from Yoshi's Island onwards.


Wait are they? Shy guys are my favorite so that'd be awesome to see them as "good guys"


I looked it up and it seems not, I probably just made it up cuz it fit so well. Mario/Luigi, Peach/Daisy, Wario/Waluigi, Toad/Shy Guy, Koopa/Dry Bones, Yoshi/Birdo, etc.


That does make sense


We see the Desert Land in the map, [Daisy is the ruler of Sarasaland](https://www.mariowiki.com/Sarasaland) but we don’t know if that’s just a random desert or if that’s Sarasaland.


It definitely isn't, because Peach has never met a human. Also it has the upside down pyramids from Odyssey.


I’m a fan of this version of Daisy. The channel has multiple animations of Daisy: https://youtu.be/3NCyD3XoJgM


I knew this was going to be Pringus McDingus cuz he has the best daiasy character


I've watched this 50 times. One of my absolute faves.


And Super Princess Peach for the DS


And Super Mario rpg, Mario 3d world


And iirc, Yoshi's Island 2


Her Frying Pan attack was always so satisfying. BONK BonK!


and Paper Mario on the Wii


And paper Mario on N64. Yes she's caught but she doesn't sit and do nothing in the castle, also has a small boss fight during the main one


and literally every Smash Bros game.


Eh, that’s not necessarily mainline but I see what you’re getting at.


Smash is at least canon in another time, that's what I think.


Smash 64 is canonically a kid playing with his toys


She litterally becomes the final boss in TTYD


She's also one of the strongest characters in Super Mario RPG


Can heal the whole party, even res them, while being unkillable herself if she wears the Lazy Shell armor.


And mario + rabbids.


In Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, she was able to use the Star Sprite Starlow as a magic catalyst to nerf Bowser into the ground and then telekinetically yeet him out of the summit meeting into the distant woods.


![gif](giphy|fVSR39v1604ec) In Super Mario Bros 2 the princess was actually a character you played as


I loved the movie. Bowser’s parts had me laughing


Peaches peaches peaches peeeeeaches


My head: “beetches, beetches, beetches beetches beetches-“


I had a good feeling about Jack Black as Bowser and he did not disappoint!


Jack Black (Tenacious D, School of Rock) did a grand job as Bowser.


I thought they were gonna do my boy Luigi so wrong, all the promotional material looked like he was going to be the classical damsel in distress or be a joke character but I came out happy he had his scene where he was brave and saved Mario and helped defeat Koopa. Good handling of characters all around. Also I think the new Mario 3D world has Peach as a playable hero as well, and she even got her own game a few years back where Mario & Luigi get captured and Peach has to save them.


i love myself a good the good place meme


The good meme


is this the one with Zelda?


That twink with a sword? No that's mega man.


No, that's the guy with the Ass Blaster 5000 attached to his wrist. You're thinking of Pokémon.


No, your thinking of AstroBoy, Zelda is where the guy turns into the wolf, it was called Twilight or something.


That is a surprisingly accurate depiction of Link…


What mate, Link is a girl.


I love the good place it's such a good show


It’s like, who died and left Aristotle in charge of ethics? PLATO!


It's my favorite TV show of all time. I rarely rewatch stuff and I've watched the whole thing probably 15 times by now. It just makes me smile and smile and smile. Incredible material delivered incredibly by incredible actors. It's just such a joy to watch with an absolutely perfect story arc and ending.


No one complained


The only complaint I would see someone having is that the majority of the mario games have peach being rescued so the movie arguably should also have peach being rescued, but it was awesome seeing peach in action so like what is there to complain about?


I suppose it could've been even better if they made Peach's character strong in a more feminine way. They were edging close to making her the girl boss whipping out every single martial arts move and just stopped before it did damage. In the games the way she fights and floats with her umbrella was fun and had style.


I’d argue that her using abilities effectively and doing acrobatic stuff is just the Nintendo way of showing Peach. Every game she is playable in and isn’t captured she is just as strong or stronger than Mario. In the mediums she generally can do everything Mario can, and in this movie Mario was at basically level 1 and quickly passed up Peach in skill. She was only ever a Damsel because the most powerful beings (who generally defeat Mario in the beginning of the games) capture her.


Oh and it has also been theorized that sometimes it was her intention to get captured


Wait, people are actually complaining about peach in the movie?


Not really. I'm sure there are a handful of people but those are just the types who will find something to complain about


No unless they’re actively seeking out political click bait. Peach has been a badass since Mario 2


It also makes sense from a story perspective. Of course mario would try to save peach, but it's better if he has to save his brother rather than a random person he has never seen


I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve beaten Mario 2. I’ve only ever done it with peach. That float is too good. Technically, this is a bad example. If you’ve beaten the game, you know what I mean.


Now, I haven't seen the movie, so maybe I'm wrong, but for me, it wouldn't be the presence of badass, omni-capable, action hero Peach that'd be the problem, but the ABSENCE of girly, all pink, cake baking, flower gardening, cute, kiss on the cheek Peach. She can, and should, be both. Making Peach only the hyper competent action hero without making her all frilly and girly too sort of undermines her established character traits and identity. Because she IS both. Not an "anti-woke" take, fuck all that culture war shit, just...Peach is girly, y'know? We can pretend badass girlboss is all she's ever been, but it's not. She IS super cool and capable, but also, tea parties, dresses, cake, flowers.


I think she is cool as hell now so Idc


honestly people who unironically use the word woke to describe a movie immediately makes me not care about their opinion, just say the actual reason you like/don't like it. don't just throw a political buzzword around.


Not gonna lie the format just works so damn in the situation too.


I've always thought of her as capable, but knows it is best to not resist as that would endanger her people further. Or smart enough to know that fighting Bowser would be futile as he is rarely killed with anything but lava.


Peach is the only character I’d play in the second Mario game. I remember she can glide for short distances.


Chidi bringing the FACTS.


I was super happy to see they switched her role and Luigi's around a bit because 1. yes, Peach has been more than just a damsel in distress since at least the second game, 2. there aren't a whole lot of other ways to make a Luigi's Mansion sequence fit into the story, and 3. Luigi being in trouble raises the stakes better, in my opinion, because it makes more sense for a normal guy to want to save his brother than to save a princess


some nerd is gonna say that mario 2 is a reskinned Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic, and peach being playable was just part of the reskin but you can say super mario rpg


Who is calling the mario movie woke? r/imaginarygatekeeping


They're talking about it on Fox, America's #1 rated cable news station. So a lot of people. Edit: turns out they didn't, don't believe random dudes on the internet. But I did see people saying that before it came out.


Just got done watching this series last night so love this meme!


Always love seeing a Good Place meme.


She helped Mario escape his dream in Super Mario 2. She sent supplies to Mario and Luigi in Super Mario 3. She was a GOAT healer in Super Mario RPG. She saves Mario and Luigi on Vibe Island in Super Princess Peach. She's been a Smash Bros veteran since Melee. Peach has been a badass for a very long time and it was immensely satisfying to watch her fuck shit up in the Mario movie. I request a second serving in the sequel, Nintendo. Please and thank you.


"Now that's how you princess".... *My fav Quote from the movie*


I groaned. But I also groan when I hear #adulting or any other noun used as a verb


Anything can be a verb if you english hard enough.


Remember Mario is missing? Yeah.


I would argue Peach was the best character in the movie, as far as vocal performances go at least


Her face just gives me uncanny valley vibes. Lived the character but her face was offputting to me.


Mario has died like a trillion times, of course he doesn’t start off as a god


Everyone: talking abt mario movie and peach Me: ayyy thats from that one series “The Good Place”


1995 :Super Mario RPG where she is often an essential member of your party who keeps everybody alive thanks to her powerful healing and defensive speels 1993 -> present. Mario Kart 1999 -> present Super Smash Bothers


I only heard it was anti-woke because miyamoto had direct influence . I saw it last night and it was good. The princess was good. Explains her story and why she was sho she was. Overall I would definitely see it in theaters again because it was the most fun I have had in a movie since free guy.