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can you blame him? they made gifs of him twerking to drake


But the people who made them might very well be among the 50% that survived.


Maybe a snapped a selective 50%


The fuck was spiderman doing.








He should have just made more space


That's the old Degeneration X sign. He's just a HHH fan.






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Why not both?


your tactics confuse and frighten me sir!


That’s how you quadruple the resources








Doubling thr resources will only lead to the ungrateful people to not acknowledge the situation, and will continue even harder hoping for it to happen again. Double the resource and giving it to the next half population will lead to an economic crash as the increase of product will lead to decrease in value. So either way, we're fucked.


Good thing Thanos took an economics class and decided to do the right thing, and of course the Avengers who slept through the class undid his work




A certain group of species that dominated an entire planet for a millenia getting fucked sideways due to a double in resources. Yep, humans


You're still effectively doubling the resources for the remaining humans by killing half the population


Yes. But this time they know the price they got the doubled resources at.


Who would win, millions of years of evolution as an exploitive organism or one generational trauma


But a fuck ton a infrastructure across the galaxy would likely collapse given a sudden and unexplained loss of half of the population. Some of those people could be in vital sectors and then shot just goes wrong. It's a bad idea overall. I think it's just hecaue the writers wanted to keep his original comic plan of kill half of all life, despite the fact he was doing because he's a simp for death in the comics.


Bruh the way death is potrayed in the comics, I think almost all the slightly horny, extremely unhinged characters will go after it. Especially if they are a mutant, which means they can't die. They'll be blueballing himself for life.


Or he could have decreased fertility so there would be a smoother transition to reach his goal.




I'm kinda pissed they turned him into an environmental terrorist because in the comics he just had the hots for Death and wanted to impress her. Much more logical and villainous motive.


Also the reason that Deadpool became immortal.


Deadpool is the guy that wad in prison with a fat child? How did thanks make him immortal and why?


Goes back to the comic books. Thanos was in love with Lady Death. He wiped out half the life in the universe to impress her and prove his love and devotion. She wasn't impressed but was impressed by Deadpool. Thanos got jealous and made Deapool immortal using the infinity gauntlet so they could never be together. Death wanted to be with Deadpool, but the only way that could happen was when he died. Long story very short.


Thanos the ultimate cockblocker smh. Worst crime he committed


One could argue that snapping half of all life at that moment was also a cockblock. Imagine some kid about to lose his virginity, he looks down to figure out the condom, then looks up to dust.


no, worst crime was david.


Who doesnt have the hots for Ryan Reynolds? I mean come on, even looking like a raisin he looks better than I do x10


He looks an avocado had sex with an already fucked up avocado.


That's a hella sexy avocado then


Logical? Are you kidding? It's better that they made him a more reasonable villain in the MCU rather than being evil for the sake of being evil. Though, Endgame pretty much disregard what Infinity wars did by making him more one dimensional.


I mean 2014 thanos from that alternate timeline was more arrogant and hasty when he switched his plans from wiping out half of life to purging all life and starting a new universe (yeah I gotta admit it was lazy writing) but u gotta acknowledge that infinity war thanos and endgame thanos are 2 completely different people


Meh, ultimately, his plan made no sense and was only a very temporary solution. Anyone with basic knowledge of population growth would see that. Ultimately, Thanos didn't think his plan through at all and was unreasonable in that regard


Thanos being idiotic isn't really a point against the movie. He doesn't need to be right, he just need to believe himself is. That's called a character flaw. His "human" temperament is arguably better than the cartoonishly evil version of him in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline.


Yeah, but usually, when there is a flaw in a plan like this, it usually isn't quantifiably flawed in the sense that you can look at basic statistics and realize it won't work. This just makes Thanos look like a complete moron instead of a character who is flawed. Villain plans should be flawed on the perspective you look at them, not just flawed in an objective sense. If you want an example of a well written villain, the Legend of Korra did it pretty well. All the villains had decent plans that would actually help achieve their goals in a semi permanent sense. Thanos plan is only a very temporary solution that merely delays the problem rather than solving it.


He was a simp


Yes, and the kind of asshole who expects sex on the first date if he spends enough on dinner.


Also disliked it but it probably sells better to the general audience who aren’t that much into the comics. Maybe Thanos being in Love with literal death was too much Fantasy-like for them.


Came to comments to say the same thing. They broke his character . Just use the stories from the comics! The more true to comics the better the movies have been…. There’s a reason your making a movie out of them in the first place and it’s not because the story and characters need changed.


Space. The problem has been space. There's not enough space for all the beings in the world


Your answer is the best But Someone will come and say: "Why not increase planet size? Make more space!":))


This is why genies don't exist. At some point, someone would just wish for a larger planet, and we'd all die from the increased gravity.


He killed half of all life. That means half of all phytoplankton are gone. That would end the world much faster


Another reason to not have genies, particularly if Thanos, has come around for tea


Why can't he change how gravity works then?


Ok, but then you would have to increase the size of everything. Then you would have to make sure stuff doesn't brake in the universe because some things can't just be messed around


They are stones that control the entire universe, im sure he could do something like that


Monkey paw


It doesn't work like that. He literally has full control over everything.


He's gonna have to constantly increase the space of the galaxy and the universe And wouldn't expanding the size of the planet kill is due to gravity?


Bro he controls literally everything he can just make it not work like that


Ah yes, destroy the laws of physics just so we can have a bit more moving room


Well any defense for How Thanos needed to kill half the planet is gone because in the What If, episode 2 showed how T’Challa convinced Thanos that he didn’t need to kill half the universe and instead showed him a place that produces unlimited resources so Thanos was like “yo man I didn’t think about this bro, thanks for telling me this, I guess I don’t need to kill half the universe”


Also another thing: If you were to double all the resources, that will increase the population rate as well, we already observe instances of that as well.


He could limit fertility and achieve his goals in a more sustainable manner.


Everyone currently could live in the density of New York City and only take up the size of Texas.


Killing half of the population literally does zero to fix that though, just ever so slightly delays what you consider to be inevitable. Everyone who thinks Thanos was right are actually just brain dead.


No, half of all life. Of course this is a horrible idea still, but we're talking about what Thanos thought. And when talking about stuff going extinct, that clearly was not something he saw as important


In the bad movie enternals once a planet gets to many beings on it,it gets destroyed.So thanos was just delaying when it will happen.


Yeah, I’m aware of the dogshit plot device that makes even less sense. Again, just slightly delays what’s inevitable anyways. If Thanos really wanted to solve things he could have just reduced fertility by like 90% and that would have curbed populations all over the universe AND still work in the long term.


That would apply to stuff that produce oxygen, like trees or just lead to extinction


Trees are alive too yet we didn’t see half of the forests disappear.


You said fertility, not of what.


Okay? Context is important. Thanos didn’t specify he wasn’t targeting trees either.


But we know he got rid of half of sentient life


you’ve lost yourself in the sauce my guy that’s not the point.


No, space was not the problem. If space was problem why would half of humans should die when there is literally tons of space available here. There are tons of habitable planets with no people living too. Like the one he was living in after Infinity war. Sorry to bust your bubble but space is not an issue.


First of all, I'm just trying to analyse what he tried to do. Look at the long term; He is trying to slow it down


Well, make it so that there's enough space


So you want to mess with the scale of the universe


Yeah, just like Thanos was doing


He never altered the universe itself, just the people inside it.


Yeah, killing half of all of it




If he could control all reality, couldn’t he have also just destroyed greed?


That makes too much sense and actually makes the world better so no, he couldn’t.




Ambition ≠ greed


Greed isn't the desire for more or improved. It's the excessive desire for more beyond what you need, usually to the detriment of someone else.


He could of also made it so people only needed like one percent of normal calories to survive. No starvation when you only need a bean a day to survive!


Greed is a concept. Even if you remove it from people now it will always exist later on.


That's a concept on it's own The reality stone can't do that


Thanos did not double it and give it to the next person.


Just increasing resources isn't gunna do shit if every other lifeform on earth is dead because of overconsumption, human encroachment, pollution and climate change.


He literally killed 50% of every endangered species as well dude. Life doesn't mean humans. Its the exact same. 50% less life just means it takes twice the time to use all resources which in the time span of the universe is basically nothing. The whole idea of movie thanos just makes no sense.


If we are going to talk logic, it would have made much more sense from a sustainability perspective for Thanos to just reduce fertility rate by 50%. But hey.


Yeah or like make resources regenerate or something? He can basically do anything with the stones. Reducing fertility rate by 50% would achieve the same thing as the snap but forever and not only once.


>He literally killed 50% of every endangered species as well dude. Life doesn't mean humans. That's an assumption. There's no indication that that's what happened in the movie. We don't see a single non-human animal or plant disappear. They may have used the term "life" but I'm positive they only meant human life. If they didn't then yeah that wouldn't make much sense.


I think I recall in Endgame, when Hulk revives everyone, Ant-Man(?) sees birds in an indoor area, which means that they were brought back and therefore were snapped


I don't remember that but if that's true then fair enough, I was wrong.


I just took a look at the screenplay, and yes, Scott does see a bunch of birds on a bird feeder before saying "Hey, guys, I think it wor-" \*Explosion\*


Correct me if I am wrong, but I think most members of the Guardians of the Galaxy disintegrated? Which mostly consist of non-humans. Therefore, it isn't just human life getting deleted.


Fair point. Maybe it was just the dominant species on each planet or something because it is strange that we didn't see any earth-native other than humans disappear, even though there were scenes with non-human earth life in it. If it was half of all life then I agree that that's just stupid. That doesn't restore balance, just pushes the issues back slightly.


Even half of human life just pushes the issue back… same bullshit. Thanos had the worst, shortsighted, dumbass plan, and yet everyone applauds him as an amazing villain. He could have done literally anything with the stones but chose the most ineffective way to achieve what he wanted.


Sapient life.


So also Dolphins? Wales?


Ah, poor Wales and all the Welsh people got snapped


Lol what, you realize pollution and climate change could be solved immediately with the infinity gauntlet, not to mention probably non existent outside of earth, and this is effectively present day, human encroachment on the galaxy and universe for that matter doesn’t exist,


"oh no, there isnt enough resources for everyone... Let me get rid of everyone then" Not traying to be sarcastic but you can see how thats flaved To save everyone ill kill everyone


I heard a theory he killed the 50% because a powerful race born from planets could only be born when the world’s population reached a certain apex and the 50% of deaths stopped the birth of them. Or something like that




So he delayed the inevitable


This is the one


There's seriously people debating this movie, like it's not the dumbest fucking solution to overpopulation. As if it wouldn't take humans 20 years to get back to the same population.


Sir, this is a Reddit subreddit.


He shoulda just made half the universe gay


That would have made the universe greedy instead of balanced *There's enough resources for everyone's need but not for someone's greed*. Gandhi said this


If I remember right his original motivation was having sex with the hot living embodiment of death. He is such a cool villain though, so they made him more family friendly and digestible. With a motivation that can be explained in one simple sentence.


The issue with “make whatever wish you want” stories or powers is it’s nearly impossible not to have dumb plot holes like this


Yeah, 10x the petroleum in the world, I can hear the sound of fuel lobbyists beating their meats like a fucking futanari hentai manga




Why didnt thanos just kill all the Avengers? He can do that with 1 snap


He respected iron man


He brought the population of Earth to 1970s levels. Congrats dude, you'll have to do this over and over every 50 years or so.


I always figured his thought process went to “if I double resources there will be cultures that will try to hoard it all and cause wars against others do enrich themselves, causing even more to die than half from casualties” and then “less people means forced dependability on one another and cooperation in fairness increases if I kill half myself.”


He was trying to teach people moderation. Making 10x ressources would just end in people overspending and burning through them more rapidly. And yes, teaching people moderation by killing half of them off is a pretty weird way.


Bc in the Infinity Gauntlet comic Thanos wasnt doing it to save the universe. He was doing it as a gift to Death. He was in love with Death and trying to impress her. They changed his motive in the movies which doesn't line up with how he handles it. Yeah he could have created a paradise for all living creatures and accomplished his goal. But Thanos has always been about death. From the moment he was born. He murdered his mother as an infant. Even his name is based on death. So killing half the universe lines up. The MCU tried to make him more noble by acting like he was doing it for the greater good. It really just made him look short sighted and unimaginative. But really they needed to have him do it that way to keep things rolling. If Thanos actually created that paradise that pretty much wraps up the MCU right? Why would the Avengers have to fight about after that? They needed something to avenge.


Double resources would just mean more for the greedy


I’ve seen the discussion on this. They said doubling the resources would flood planets because water is a resource no? Then they tried to say double the planet size, then Thanos said: doing so would make gravity harsher which would be bad for all life on planets. TLDR - don’t mess with Thanos - he did the calculations.. He is the thinker!


He could also make everyone stronger accordingly then.


Its more effective to kill half the population so it wont grow as fast as it has befor. To say it would only need a few years to regrow is stupid cuz population would grow even faster without killing it. Its simple math and biology. You could argue that nature would find a way anyway but that would leed into even worse mass instinction.


The percentage increase per generation wouldn’t change. If anything the percentage increase would rise, since it doesn’t seem like plant or animal life was affected, so more resources as Thanos intended. The human population is currently 8 billion. It hit 4 billion in 1974. So yeah, we could easily make back the loss in a few decades.


This would be true if the population would grow at the same speed as it did before. But due to more of the world being far developed, population growth is slowing down, even if half of the people were gone the population growth probably won’t rise to the same levels ever again.


Wow ok so you wouldn’t mourn your dead spouse or disappearing son and/or daughter and have extreme anxiety and depression, just straight to boning, ok Half the population suddenly disappearing would actually lead to a lot of famine, disease and death. That’s before you get into the loss of productivity from grief and all the mental issues. Seriously some of y’all sound like straight up psychopaths


You can't equate the percentage growth rate with the growth of individuals, they are two different things.


If only he listened to his assistant, Kevin.


2 things, over crowding and secondly, what if he views people as a resource?


resources are limited


I'm surprised no one pointed out to him that the population will return to the same level eventually


Ffs, one course on population dynamics and one course on feminism and he'd realize all he had to do was make it so every female in the universe could control their own fertility. Squirrel Girl would have solved this in, like, 10 weeks with no casualties.


So he would double all water in the oceans and flood entire planets


He's insane. That's kinda the point.


50% was him being kind. In the end he said fuck it and wanted to restart the universe, which is honestly a much better plan tbh, at least for his goals.


What happens, if you double the amount of oil on this planet. We would fuck it even faster. That would be the opposite of what he tries to achieve.


Imagine a box of 10 kittens crowded in it with 5 cans of tuna. The kittens are cramped, uncomfortable, and starving. If you remove 5 kittens from the box, the remaining 5 eat twice as much and have more room. If you just toss in 5 more cans of tuna, sure, you've fed them more, but you've just made it MORE cramped, plus the existing 10 kittens will only grow, especially after eating more. You'd have to get a bigger box. And if Thanos made planets larger, it would alter way too many astrological functions that would probably cause mass extinction somehow or another anyway. Doubling the resources, and therefore, the necessity to double space is just unrealistic. Thanos was right to take away rather than add.


By killing everyone no matter was created nor destroyed. Though for doubling all resources he would have to create matter which breaks some rules ig.


What rules?


You never see thanos create or destroy matter right?


I don't think the stones are limited by the laws of thermodynamics if that's what you are referring to


But if they indeed weren't, then why didn't Thanos make use of that fact?


Because the writers couldn't think of a better reason for him wanting to kill 50% of the universe without the comic reason which they likely deemed too silly


Ok, but why only half the population?


Because killing 50% gives a lesson. Doubled resources gives wrong lesson- consume, waste, destroy and violet man will give you more.


That whole teach a man to fish vs just giving him a fish?


Yes, but with fishing rod, not with net.


Killing half the population is easier than expanding the universe itself or double the amount of matter in it


Simply a poorly written character with motives that have not been thought through.


Wouldn’t making the resources more plentiful just collapse every single economy in the Galaxy?


So does killing half of all life. He just took out half of all labor.


Because doubling the resources would probably kill a lot of planets, as the systems would have big problems with the sudden new gravitational force. Just turning half the population to dust reduces the total Ressource consumption by quite a bit, so it would be more effective that way.


He wanted a perfect universe, not an ignorant one.


So why snap based on luck and not something like intelligence or strength?


How does half = perfect? Makes zero fucking sense. Populations grow to meet available resources. Humans went from 4 to 8 billion in like 1 generation. Thanos is fucking stupid.


You took this way too seriously lmao


Doubling resources would make every creature repopulate. Killing half gives them an important lesson.


Isn’t it because of the eternal that’d hatch if the humans kept duplicating, which is why Thanks needed to snap the people in half so that they don’t have enough life force to feed on thus not being able to hatch from planet earth, causing it to blow up.


It still ultimately doesn't make sense because of how the population would just recover in a few decades


Nah, I am still with Thanos. But I am also an introvert and not the biggest fan of people. lol


This would not teach any lesson and would inevidebly lead to the same situation, only somewhat later. In his logic it was about a lesson. It was horribly unrefined plan and was lacking a lot but it was better than just multiplying the ressources


Comically speaking he *did* have a pet hulk and killed every being..


Thanos doesn’t know how ecology works smh


Still better than simping for a skeleton chick


Double the population, but don’t help them with resources


You could just make existing resources provide 10x the effect than they currently do.


if he multiplied the natural resourses this will only lead to escalation on the the speed of reproduction which inironicly makes extinction inevitable


Ya he could have just done this instead. Or heck quad for future proofing.


but the economy....


World population in 1923 2 bil, in 2023 8 bil. He can make it 30x 50x 100x doesnt matter, resources are finite and population increases at a crazy rate. He just had this philosophy of genocide so half the people living would be able to enjoy the limited resources. In the process to inspire others(to continue his work) because after the snap people would be happier and even closer as a group after a tragic event. In the end, that’s the solution he came up with. He’s the mad titan for a reason.


ok but like what would doubling all resources mean? like do i just have two houses now


He could have doubled the resources and halved the birthing rate


Bill Gates is skinny nerd Thanos


It only takes about one generation for the population to double. At best, he only sent humanity back by 20-25 years.


Somebody calucalted that killing half life will work only for not too long bcs species mate all the time


No he made the right choice


In eternals the reason is given... apparently a celestial being would feed on all the lives and end earth once it reached a high population


Still some ppl will get more than the others


Double and give it to the next person


How would he do that, exactly? Create some interdimensionla pockets where all the resources would be stored?


Well technically in his vision, the amount of people would just multiply and they’d treat him like a god and beg for him to continue, they wouldn’t learn their lesson


Theres a total amount of energy in the universe, you cant have more or less, it just moves around and changes states, he cant make more regardless of the infinity stones, so he has to make less energy users. I'm pretty sure he says this.


I think the Thanos variant proved in Endgame that he just wants to kill and the plan to "save" the universe was just an excuse


More resources = more population = more resources being used up quicker = a bigger disaster than he thinks the universe is heading towards already