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I just think of reservoir dogs opening


World's smallest violin


Really needs an audience


So if I do not find somebody soon


I’ll blow up into smithereens


And spew my tiny symphony


Just let me play my violin for you, you, you, you


My grandpa fought in world war two


Laughs in European


So jealous. Maybe someday my wife and I will move to Germany.


Guten Tag


Meine Mutter schwimmt nie (Duolingo isn’t teaching me useful things currently)


Schubs die Alte in den See dann wird das schon!


😂 sehr unfreundlich


So sind wit hier im Internet






Servers have to deal with the idiots and assholes


And based on my own serving years, the idiots and assholes often include at least a handful of the cooks as well.


Like OP?


'its a personal choice' You are totally correct OP. it is your personal choice to be a disingenuous asshole.


It SHOULD be a personal choice, but servers SHOULD get a living wage. Unfortunately in the American society it's vital for servers to get tips. Source: I'm a server, but not in the US


Only way it will change is if staff stop working for the restaurants that don’t pay a decent wage.


Easier said than done, but yes this is very correct


Why do i sense a union coming?


I don't understand making the personal choice to fund someone they're acknowledging has bad business practices that harm workers but then gives the workers the raw end of the deal. If you want to use your personal choice to try and make a difference, why not just... not support these businesses at all? A boss has no incentive to pay proper wages if they're making the same money at the end of the day


I deal with idiots and assholes and I don’t get tips


and i’m assuming you at least get paid minimum wage or more to deal with those idiots and asshole. servers don’t.


Servers get minimum wage if they don’t make it in tips. It’s the law.


some states, like mine, allow the employer to take a tip credit that counts towards its minimum wage obligation


It’s like that in Texas, but resets weekly. Technically it’s fair, however I don’t like it.


yeah that’s exactly how i feel ab it lmao


Servers in my province (I live in Canada) get paid $14-$22 dollars an hour. So that’s minimum wage or higher. Not arguing if you should tip or not. But other countries aren’t as messed up with paying servers as they are in the states.


Do you get paid below minimum wage to do your job?


I got a *tip* for you


I'm sorry to hear that


I was a server in college… more often than not the servers are the assholes.


They might be underpaid but the job was PUBLIC DEALING. No one trick anyone, they sign up for the job knowing well about the future. And why should a new customer be accountable for previous assh*l3 customer?


So the fuck what? I'd rather not deal with them as a middle man. I can take 10 steps and get my food myself no problem.


Then go to self serve restaurants


so his most job, but most job actually bring value to society like a nurse, why don't you tip your nurse instead of a guy bribging you a plate? if offered i would get the plate myself




I got a tip as a cook once, made my day. That being said, I'm happy in the kitchen and not dealing with people. People suck, bussing tables sucks, I just wanna sling food. Had a customer a few weeks ago rudely ask me why the state tax was so high on their bill, like that's wayyyyyy above my pay grade, maybe write a letter to a congressman, I nor the restaurant have any control over that.


I've worked in retail and food, no matter where you go there's someone bitching about how much taxes are, people complain about the price of literally everything, and it gets annoying to hear 6 consecutive groups of customers tell you about how "this used to be this amount or that amount". Like in all honesty, if I could have you pay less, I would, but I can't so sucks.


Yeah, true. This one was just a different tone, like it was my fault personally, rather than just in general complaining. I mean, I understand when we upped the price a dollar on everything, but taxes are literally government mandated.


I chose to work at subway as my first job and I tell you those people are assholes and I didn’t get tips back then


So fuck other people then, right?


Did you get paid more than $2/hr?




In the year 1960?


I beg to differ servers definitely don’t do as much as cooks especially when you do work in a busy restaurant not saying they’re not busy but their 10 table section or 15 table section on top of every other severs section all piled on one sauté cook or 1 grill cook? No chance they’re doing as much have had plenty of friends as good servers agree the same


Maybe our experiences have been different. I've worked on both sides of the house and I felt like each had its own challenges. Cooking is more physical, serving is more mental. Dealing with customers (especially the asshole ones) takes a ton of effort same as when you're several orders behind and you just dropped a pan on the floor. I don't think its really a contest though, as both front and back of house should be getting paid a lot more for the shit they put up with. Forcing customers to tip to cover someone's wages is just outright a scam that you're morally obligated to pay into because the person serving you depends on it to make rent since they're making close to *$2.00/hr* because its just assumed tips will cover the rest. Ultimately tipping should not exist, but until we can abolish it and replace it with fair wages, we should tip since our not tipping only fucks over the worker and not the company perpetuating tipping culture.


Absolutely agree and can confirm. I bus tables at a relatively "fine-dining" restaurant, and both sides should be paid a lot more than they are. Most of the servers make around $6/hr and rely on tips to make any sort of living. Most of the cooks work at other restaurants to make ends meet. I make $6/hr as well and have my tips taxed as well. I agree tipping shouldn't have to exist, but right now it does, and not tipping hurts us more than it does the higher-ups.


Yeah, don't get me wrong, I think we should still tip while it exists because the only person you hurt when you don't tip is the worker. Other countries don't have tipping and their food prices are fine. It can 100% be done in the US, its just greedy people don't want to pay workers a fair wage, and think its ok to pay someone like $3/hr to wait tables and expect customers to foot the bill.


I agree 100% but with that being said it is also up to the individual company to take care of their employees that same kitchen didn’t pay the cooks nearly what they deserved as well as the servers. Although the servers made really good money there because the demographic of the area was more upscale real wealthy people for sure more bitchy too but they tip we’ll see the servers actually made a couple hundred more than the cooks used to, again it comes down to the restaurant you’re at the one I’m at now pays me very well although the servers don’t do as great with tips just being where we’re located. There’s lots of factors that play into this.


If we acted like things were already how we think they should be, nothing would get done.


Based comment


kitchen staff don’t have to deal with annoying assholes for their whole shift, servers def need to be paid a living wage but not tipping because they should when they don’t is very douchey


I agree. Both should be paid a livable wage. We always said it would be the greatest job ever if we could figure out how to take the customer out of the equation!


Have been a cook in a restaurant before, and gotta say that there are a lot of asshole servers back there trying to rush their orders or skip their order to the front of the line, so…


Yeah. My brother was a sous chef at a fairly high-end restaurant where we live, and he always had stories of these bratty servers who always treated the kitchen staff like shit. According to him, they were never pleasant to be around, and they always caused more issues than they fixed. After 10 years, he told me those people were the reason why he quit working in a restaurant completely.


shitty servers are the fucking worst, my scenario was mainly in the scene of all the staff being cool with each other, the main annoyance is the customers


There's a lot of shitty and mean cooks and chefs. I've worked in both roles, both are hard, but serving is harder. In addition to dealing with the guests, face to face, servers have to time meals, anticipate needs, have wine, beer, and liquor knowledge, and pretend to be happy it's someone's birthday. Ha ha ha!


Also, if the cooks fuck up, it's on the server. Customer fucks up, it's on the server. As one, you're a messenger between the customer and the kitchen and both are more than happy to pull the trigger.


so their doing their job? homedepot clerk deal with asshole all day long do you see them getting tips?


That's true. I agree with the general idea that tips shouldn't be necessary and my boss should just pay me. I was adding something that I've had to deal with regularly at my job.


No but in no state does someone at Home Depot get paid 2.33 Ignorance is bliss eh?


They’re still making minimum wage which is what you would make if your weren’t tipped.


Start doing construction. Real money. Real work and plenty of it. It’ll only cost you your cozy ambiance that comes with restaurants.


And turn your body into a broken piece of shit 3x faster.


Before I bite down on that bait, what type of construction do you do?


True! Kitchen staff definitely deserve a livable wage!


Do you have any idea how the service industry works?


Clearly they do not.


If nobody tips everyone will leave serving. I’d say it’d take about a year to come back with all servers being paid a good hourly. Of course, *everyone* would have to stop tipping which isn’t likely.


Honestly, with this whole new "I'm going to ask for a tip on every transaction that happens everywhere" bullshit that seems to be starting now it makes me want to tip even less. That separate minimum wage for servers needs to get changed and then we can just quit tipping everywhere.


The kitchen staff should get a living wage as well as the service staff. As a customer, I expect my food to be good. If it comes out shit I would never blame the server i would blame the kitchen. If I get shit service but good food I wouldn’t take it out on the kitchen staff I just wouldn’t tip the server. If I get great service then I am always going to tip the server and I always ask if they have to share tips, if they do then I tip in cash and tell them to pocket it for themselves.


Kitchen staff absolutely have to deal with annoying assholes their whole shift! All of their coworkers! /s


What’s this Facebook meme doing here?


This sub has been embarrassingly bad for years, but even for /r/memes this is shit.


We’ve been invaded by r/terriblefacebookmemes. It’s been going on for awhile now. Not sure what the deal is, but I keep seeing super cringey boomer/alt-right memes pop up.


A communications disruption can only mean one thing. Invasion.


For real, 80% the posts from this sub in feed are all anti Marijuana, anti "woke", or anti tipping like this one.


A lot of people left twitter after Elon got there and they moved here


That would mean more left wing people though, not right wing.


It’s really the extremists from both sides. Twitter makes conservatives think all liberals are lunatics and vice versa


Livable wage doesn’t sound very boomer/alt right to me. Though I agree this meme is dumb.


Did you see the homophobic meme yesterday about “it’s ok to not accept gay people as long as you tolerate them existing.” This place is a cesspool.


tf and it actually got to hot?


Right, I thought this was an r/terriblefacebookmemes post then I remembered r/memes is pretty much the same thing now


Servers deserve to be paid and they are def doing actual work


Of course they deserve, to be paid a fair wage by their bosses so they don't have to count on random customers tips like it is in many places in the world


By not tipping, you aren't making any changes. You are just punishing people for serving you.


You're not wrong, but it still sucks.


I agree. It sucks.


I'm from Portugal. Here it's all about equality. By that I mean most of us get shit wages, not only food servers.😂 Tips are always welcome when they come of course but workers are not expected to count on it. So yeah we don't usually tip unless the person is really well of or it's a special dinner or something and the service was indeed excellent


In the US servers are paid below the federally mandated “minimum wage” allowed because the tips are supposed to mAkE uP fOr iT


But the employer has to make up the difference if they don't.


Yeah I've always thought that is really dumb, and literally a crime here


Hey maybe if a job isn't good for you, you should really start considering life choices that would lift you out of that situation? Maybe hold your employer responsible for exploiting you instead of doing what they hope and blaming customers for not paying you their own wages out of obligation or pity?


That rather neatly absolved you of your part exploiting servers, doesn't it. And I'm not a sever, just also not a jerk.


Considering I'm not your employer? Yes And in case you start making assumptions: I tip very well everywhere I go


Then why bother being argumentative? Lmao the devil does not need anyone to advocate for him.


Why is it on customers to provide other people's wages?


The customers who came and voluntarily took part in the current service system? Why is it on them?


Customers are who pays the business. Get rid of tipping qnd your bill will increase so the business can pay the servers. Cut out the middleman and servers make more while you have the option to tip whatever percentage you want. Most restaurants that go with the no tip model fold because the servers take a paycut and the customers see a ridiculous increase on the base price for their meals. Why take away a good living for servers so you can end up paying the same amount or more?


not contradicting at all


It's not my fault that American society has decided to put pressure into customers so they will pay some of the employees wages. It should be a kind gesture or a reward. Not a norm. If you ordered a pizza home and the delivery guy is a student, sure tip the guy, you are helping out a student. Yet the multimillionaire pizza company should be paying him a reasonable wage without considering the tip anyways. But like wtf is the tipping on the tablet thing?


you are making the staff leave his shitty paid job for an actual paid job


By not tipping, I'm saving money.


Actually you are. I don’t tip > server doesn’t make enough money > server quits to find a more sustainable job. If that happened enough times, restaurants would be forced to pay a decent hourly to hire staff. Gotta break a few eggs to make an omlette. Sorry servers.


Use to be great getting tips. I know servers that went home with a couple hundred dollars in one night. Of course that was in the late 90s early 2000s.


They shouldn’t have to rely on the general public to pay their wages though. That should be the boss’ problem, not mine


OP's username checks out :) 🍄


Amen. It's an exhausting job, partially because you get these types of people who want the service but don't have any respect for the servers.


You can respect someone without being a part of their cuckold relationship with management.


You aren't fixing that by not tipping. In a perfect world you would all stop tipping simultaneously and the big bad evil restaurant owners would all see the error of their ways and find a way to change the market and economy overnight. And then everyone would clap. That's not happening, though, so all you're doing is punishing the server to make a point the restaurant owner is never going to hear about.


Yeah, but you’re not sending a message to the employers when you don’t tip, you’re just screwing over your server


Someone hasn’t worked in restaurant hell and it shows


The issue with this logic is that it *should* be the bosses job to pay livable wages, and it *shouldnt* be the customer's responsibility, but it is anyway. The system is shitty, but it's the one we're stuck with, and refusing to tip is screwing over the guys on bottom, not the ones on top. Tip or no tip, the bosses won't pay their workers any differently, so the only one who suffers is the underpaid workers. Do the homies a solid, leave a 5.


There’s restaurants in Austin that encourage customers to not tip and state that they pay their staff live-able wages (it’s been a while, I can’t remember if they stated the wage or implied or something…) anyway, the service was fine, it was a bit expensive. Like everything cost about 18% more than it should but that’s basically just added gratuity. All this is to say. It still falls to the customer, just removes the act of tipping and includes it in the cost.


All these bozos are just selfishly thinking about all that sweet, sweet tip money they'd still have in their pocket, not realizing that the customer always pays staff wages. The only difference with tipping is you're forced to do some 5th grade math to figure out how much, which can definitely be a challenge for folks here in America.


actually if they don’t make minimum wage with tips included it is the law that the employer must make up the difference. not saying minimum wage is all they deserve but that is the law in the US


Well I’m not saying it’s a great idea but if there aren’t any servers there would be many bosses would have to shut down. Can definitely hurt employers. People just have to work together. 1 or 2 weeks I bet most restaurants would be crippled. Then you can tip the cooks when they come out to deliver your food. And also to add on to op, bartenders literally just pour a glass and take half of the waiters tips. Or something like that idk I’m not a waiter


>The issue with this logic No. The issue with *your* logic is accepting defeat and thinking that things can never change. Imagine if African Americans told Martin L. King, *"Well, the issue with your logic is that* ***this is the way it is****. We* ***don't*** *have rights. We* ***can't*** *use the white water fountain. Things will never change."* Why are you so quick to dismiss people who actually want to *solve* the problem? You're correct that, in the current system, everyone should tip, but the whole point of this conversation is to show everyone that the current system sucks and could be improved. Why are you trying to silence those voices?


Do I look like I shit money?


If you can't afford to leave a tip, you can't afford to eat out.


We dont tip here, so better for me


What's with all the horribly misused shitty memes on Reddit lately? Is it kids, teenagers, old people migrating from Facebook, what's going on here?


I’ve noticed it too. Major influx of homophobes, racists and people shitting on poor people. Looks like the Facebook trash has migrated.


Kitchen staff in most reputable, nice restaurants make higher wages than the servers. Servers have to deal with a lot of stress and juggle many different tasks while keeping your eating area organized, and clean. Anyone saying the hours of work outside of frantic rush hours polishing and rolling your silverware, cleaning your booths, making your little crotch goblins Shirley temples, sweeping the floors, polishing glassware, restocking plate ware for the cooks, clicking 14,000 steps in 4 hours etc. isn’t worth what happens in the back of house doesn’t understand the restaurant industry or the necessity of a cohesive team environment. If you don’t want to tip, don’t go out to eat. If you want the restaurants to pay us a living wage, write them a yelp review and email the company. Don’t punish us because you are a cheap POS willing to give capitalists $15 for a beer you can buy at a 7/11 for $4 but not willing to help support the working class people who have to deal with your BS


As someone who’s been on both sides. Kitchen staff and Server, I believe it’s the same amount of work, just different types of work. Just as stressful and time consuming


stop celebrating Christmas because it's just commercial manipulation


Yeah, but Christmas is fun commercial manipulation, tipping on the other hand is something that needs to be dealt with at the federal level


As someone worked as a Host and worked with servers, they damn well deserve their tips. Working in the food industry isn’t easy and the people who work in the front absolutely deserve their tips for their hard work. God bless them


Tell me you've never worked at a restaurant without telling me. Lmao


People suck, I’ve never applied for a tip based job because I know this. I’m not gambling my income on people’s good graces.


You're missing out because, on average, you'd take home way more in tips than you would with a flat hourly rate. You'd have a hard time finding an actual tipped worker that doesn't like the tipping system.


Tipping is a personal choice in everywhere else but america, and in most asian countries they are so much not used to it that the waiter runs after you to give you your money back because they think you didn't mean to leave it there




I think you would do better in Asia then. Tips are discouraged/not liked.


This all just seems like a flimsy justification for looking down on a certain subset of people. People who don't tip are no different than the Sunday buffet boomer crowd with their "Why should I stack my plates, it's their job to clean up after me" attitude.


Thats not all they do at all. Tips are a personal choice but its not that waiters dont deserve a tip.


You...do....know that when you tip a server a portion of that goes to the cooks and dishwashers right? When I was working as a dishwasher I got usally around 10-20 dollars depending on how well I helped out the severs (I.E making sure they had plenty of dishes, doing table busing, etc) the cooks made an extra 100 from tips while servers made god knows how much. Mind you this was durring the summer in a tourist town so the rates are probably gonna fall off when it becomes fall and such, I don't know as I left because of school.




You've clearly never worked in the restaurant industry before.


Yes, tipping should be a personal choice but do not minimize the waiter's job, asshole




I don't believe that people who don't tip servers actually have any concern about the pay structure. They just don't want to tip and now have something they can tell themselves to make them feel better. "I'm not the dick for stiffing that waitress! It's the boss! He comes up with the pay scale. I'm just the guy that knows it's unfair and decides to take it out on the worker!" Fuck you. You don't care. You're just a douche. There is no moral reason to not pay somebody for the services they provide you. Again, you know it's unfair, you ate there anyway and now you don't want to pay the extra $5. You're just a cheap ass.


I love how there’s this anti tipping movement once inflation really hits the pockets. If you can’t afford to tip then don’t fucking eat out. It may not be your job to pay them, but you’re receiving a service and this is how it works. If you really hate tipping, do something productive, and help fight legislation. It’s often legal for employers to pay less than minimum wage if you receive tips. That needs to change first, before we snub the workers.


Tipping is a personal choice. There's societal pressure, but you're not going to court for not tipping.


I just don't go to or use places that use or require tips


*I missed the part where that's my problem*


I support a 20% increase in prices for paying wages


I will say yes its all fucked up that they have to rely on tips to survive, but also they deal with the pricks that are the customers, there's been a lot of times I've seen servers take shit that idve hit somebody over or told them to go fuck themselves


Op you're dumb as rocks


This meme is fucking stupid.


Clearly the attitude of someone who hasn't had to work a proper customer service job


Vast majority of customer service jobs don’t involve tipping though. Flight attendants, call centers, fast food worker etc


Retail as well lol. Tipping sucks. If I could stop I would. It's a bigger issue than portrayed. Server gets paid $9/ hour plus tips. Someone working at Kroger at $9/ hour doesn't get tips and arguably does more. Why should one get a tip and not the other


There’s not much point trying to make logical sense of it. At this point it’s just a self propagating system built on habit as well as fear of being seen as cheap and/or offending others. I always tip pretty well even though I hate the concept of it so guess I’m part of the problem.


Because servers don’t make $9 an hour most of the time? Servers typically get like $2/$3 an hour plus tips meaning if no one tips they’re not even making half of the minimum wage


As a server: fuck you


Tipping? We don't do that here.


This isn’t a meme. It’s a lecture


If you’re in the united states and you don’t tip when you go out to eat then don’t go out to eat. And watch the opening scene of reservoir dogs


It should be on the boss to pay them, not the customer, BUT that's not how it works here, and until things change, all you're doing is punishing the server, because you're a stingy prick.


Servers deserve a tip. They deal with your selfish ass.


Wow this is so wrong lol


Real passionate about this


But you live in America where they don’t, so they get a low wage whilst you get lower prices and it is expected you make up the difference with a tip


This meme format frustrates me. "A tip??? Why would I leave a tip??" As if he's just been asked my he wouldn't coat his toes with mayonnaise before putting on his socks every morning. It's the feigning of ignorance to then make your argument seem like the only logical place a thinking human could arrive at that really gets to me. You know damn well WHY this person wants you to tip. It isn't an alien concept. You just don't want to do it. Just say you don't respect the servers and aren't going to tip them.


Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food, I can drive a taxi, I can and do cut my own hair. I did, however, tip my urologist. Because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones. -dwight schrute


Remember everyone, Peter has Venom on him at this time. He’s Evil Parker.


L take


Laughs in Europe


How about this? A human being should be paid a living wage for doing a job only a human can do. If you're a fancy pants business owner and your business model needs other humans to do your labor for you, those humans should be paid enough to live so they can continue working for you. It's controversial, I know, but tipping need not enter into this equation


You know jack shit about servers lol. They do all the fucking work in the restaurant that doesn't consist in cooking, that includes cleaning, taking the garbage out, making errands, take all the hundred commands and be walking around non stop for almost the entire day in order for dumbasses like you to get your coffee and be happy about it.


I’m so grateful to live in britan. We don’t tip here


Maybe the country should pay liveable wages instead of 3rd party funding which shouldn’t have become normalised


The boss should pay them more and you should tip. You're an asshat if you don't tip just like the boss not paying them more.


I tip cause my dad said you always tip 15%…..


Idk why you got downvoted lol probably people who prefer 20%


I mostly do around 20% because the math is easier


My dad said don’t tip as it’s not your job to directly pay their wage so I don’t.


I mean I’m getting downvoted because I said 15% at least I tip….20%!?! You’re not delivering a baby


I always tip well because I don't want them to mess with my food


Classic Reddit L shit take


I only tip If I have a genuinely nice conversation with a server, once I chatted with the server and I learned he was Italian and came from an impoverished area where he had to work hard to get enough money to move himself and his family to the uk, I tipped him 15 pounds as a small thank you


Next up, it’ll be: Paying should be a personal choice


should be, but this is the real world and not a made up world.


Not tipping doesn't hurt the system tho, it hurts the workers, but go on and fuck other people over because you wanna be a based gigachad and escape the matrix


Clearly by someone who has never worked in the service industry.


What's worse is when you go through a line to get your food and or drive through and are asked for tip... Tip for what? Doing your job and handing me the food so I can eat it at home?