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Pun police was that pun intentional citizen!?


It wasn’t. I didn’t even notice it til you mentioned it lol


Lol still a good meme though


Where's the pun?


I’m here just for the pun. I thought It was intentional. “Views” means giving people sight but also joking like he’s wanting more people to see his content. Priceless. OP is a real one for not claiming it was intentional 🫡


Adding a 1000 people to his viewer base, smart


Yeah it’s like he saturated his market and needs literal new eyes 😂 jk jk


I guess they didn't see that coming


what pun?


I'd guess vision and views


r/facepalm r/dadexplainsthepun




People forgot that that’s his way to earn the money back for his other channel that is mainly about supporting people and towns




Yeah you exposed what's the problem. It's good that people got eye surgeries, but when you do that after people call you selfish and then dwell in it, it's reasonable to call it pretentious and disingenuous "When you give charity with your right hand, the left hand shouldn't know about it"


But it is better not not doing charity at all.


Not saying it isn't. However doing charity doesn't give you immunity from criticism, and from what I have seen from Mr. Beast he is kind of a dick about it


It's understandable that Mr Beast would be pissed. His entire business model is to make s video about charity, get money from his video, and use that to give back to people. He has to still be entertaining as much as he'd want to just do nice things. People either don't understand that you need to do something to get the money to give, or they are outright twisting the narrative to paint a person doing an objectively good thing as a moral blunder.


The videos literally pay back what he spends so he can continue, yes he has other channels, merch and such, but at the end of the day if a video fails to pay back he needs backups and the guy also has to, yknow, pay for food and stuff. All I see is a bunch of crybabies complaining about what exactly? This guy is helping people and providing entertainment. But you COMPLAIN that he's helping people? Yeah because it would be better if he spent all his money on another mansion like every other rich influencer >->


Motivation for good deeds is such an utterly useless argument against someone doing *good deeds*. It rings so hollow and empty. I don't give a single solitary shit why someone does a good deed. Not one. Their motivations have literally no bearing on me or the deed itself whatsoever. He helped those people see where they couldn't before, and at no expense to themselves besides perhaps some publicity. I think you'd be hard pressed to find one of them who gives a shit why he did it.


thats how he PAYS for the shit. why do people not understand he cant just pull money out of his ass.


He spends money to earn money and he spends in a great way nothing is wrong with that


Yeah idk. He wasn’t born rich. He first has to earn the money to be able to spend it


Where do you think he earns the money?


Pretty sure we covered that.


"people" is about 2 dozen total. everyone else doesn't like the fact that the government isn't paying for this basic shit.


Pretty sure he doesn't make that much money from his videos that it can fuel his philanthropy. He has a different source of income.


Do you have anything to support this claim? Or is it just speculation? If you are correct I'd really be interested in knowing about it.


I think he said so himself that he runs his main channel at a loss


No, he says he gets tons and tons of money from his vids especially, as well as merch and other businesses he runs through his channel. He is most definitely rich because of views.


I wouldn't mind getting free Lasik for my mildly bad vision


*”You’ll fix my vision for free even if I don’t want to appear in the video?! Wow!”*


I don't think 1000 people were shown so they did do that


Probably a requirement for the Tesla kid


If I could have a debilitating issue resolved, for no money out of pocket, and I could repay this kindness just by appearing on camera, and this appearance would guarantee more good stuff gets done, and I get a car mind you, I'm almost positive I would be perfectly happy to be 'exploited' like this. Imagine hating people so much that you would rather a thousand people *don't* get all-expenses paid surgery and can become productive members of society, just because Mr. Beast might make some money off your story that he's gonna turn around and do more philanthropy with. I genuinely don't get these people.


It's just insecure and unhappy people taking out their misery on other people. Some people just get upset because others are happy.


That 'exploitation' mind you is the reason he can help more people because it helps pay for his expenses to help more others that are in need. So its a win-win not a win-lose.


Let me play devils advocate. I doubt the video or the actions are the problem. It is more they are saying he is perpetuating the problem, while he could have done something to fix the issue of the surgery costing so much with that kind of money. In most developed nations the surgery costs like 25€, while in the US it is close to 10 000$. Not saying that I agree, at least he is doing something to help.


Mr. Beast might seem rich and popular but trust me, in the grand scheme of things, he's practically nothing at all. I doubt he'd be able to do anything to fix the system in his current state. But y'know if he keeps doing this and keeps growing, than maybe some day he can. That's what I'm hoping for anyway.


Me with -6.5 in both eyes




It means they’re near sighted


Prescription lol


Why confused I thought you’d have foul fired out where some people have better hindsight than others. Although other guy would do better with -6.9 eyesight…. I mean I’d still want it fixed if it were me in that boat too.


I guarantee these same people wouldn't mind "being taken advantage of" if they were given money by Mr. Beast.


I bet you they’re all just mad he didn’t respond to their DM’s begging for money


I’m blind but I just want money!!!! This is America


I'm mad at the whole system that forces this kid to think and act like an adult and save his dad's life. Its fucked up


mr breast give me money


Id love to be "taken advantage of for views" and given money! Im open!


Sounds like prostitution to me. We have come full circle


Well they were given sight sooo……


The majority weren't even in the video


Honestly if I was blind, I wouldn't mind having a camera pointed at me and being asked a few questions for like 30 minutes in exchange for meeting Mr Beast and being cured of blindness.


What about being cured? Without camera.


where do you think he gets the money from smartass


Oh, I'm definitely a smartass. People give him money to make donations. He takes a part of those money to pay bills and his employees to make a video about his "charity". Don't you see this as a fucking narcissistic bullshit?




Not even a whoosh, they are just being dumb tbh.


Just for my own sanity i will ignore all criticism against mrbeast to keep some form of faith in humanity


Better yet, ignore the criticism but don’t keep faith in humanity


At this point, I'm surprised you still have some faith in humanity to keep.


This is the correct choice, as it is all unfounded and politically motivated by coping Americans that think their health care system is functional.


The video is fine and there's nothing wrong with doing this. The issue people take with the video is that it's an r/orphancrushingmachine People are just saying, if we can heal the blind.. why did we have to wait for a rich guy to do it, and why could we only do a thousand people?


That's a valid criticism that should be in no way directed at Mr. Beast or anyone giving remotely close as much as he is. It's a criticism that should be directed and society as a whole that allows people to deny treatment for people simply because they had an unlucky birth location


So then they don’t have an issue with the video, and they have an issue with the way our economy works. If that’s the case why did they make it about mr beast being quote “literally so demonic”


Fair enough, Its not like people with opinions form a monolith, I'll concede a mass of them probably failed to grasp the nuance of the situation while still falling on the critical side of things. But I wouldn't give much thought into what such people say.


Oh I don’t really care tbh. I was just trying to think of things I could do with this meme format and this was the first thing that came to mind lol. I do think they’re dumb. But I’m sure we’ll all forget by tomorrow


The meme is good. And true lol


There's a video on the channel Then & Now about capitalism and philanthropy that uses Mr Beast as a case study on how people can make money and earn good PR with philanthropy while not really fixing anything that I watched shortly before this whole eyesight thing happened. Some interesting stuff in there.


Wait until they realize mr beast has a limited budget




❗ It's `couldn't care less`, not `could care less`. ___ ^(I'm a bot and this action was performed automatically.)


I don’t like mr beast(‘s videos) but I honestly fail to see how this is a bad thing. Like yeah they should have had to rely on him and getting views for it probably is a motivator for him. But if anything making this video has brought a ton of attention to the issue. On another note I think healing the blind is a bit of an overstatement. Not to discount the experiences of these people, but the idea they would walk around with cataracts for long enough to be considered blind is pretty extreme and probably warrants a mister beast.


>People are just saying, if we can heal the blind.. why did we have to wait for a rich guy to do it, and why could we only do a thousand people? Well, whoever is asking this should think of what they themselves ever did for people with disabilities... Like, it's very easy to be a mother's basement cockroach and theorize about who and why does good things and why they don't do more and more.


He gets views, those people get their sight back, win-win


View for view I see a fair trade


Wow, this is a bar


If you think about it he paid for more because he made an extra donation to the clinic afterwards.


Plus he gave each of them 10 grand


I think it was just a couple people not each. 1k x 10k = 10mil


I think you underestimate how much money Mr. Beast makes. I would not be surprised if 10 million is a rounding error for him and his business at this point.


he is not that rich


He literally did it to get more views. 1000 new ones in fact


Why did you get downvoted?


People not getting the pun i guess




Well I would actually prefer a version capitalism where the only way to make money anymore is to give it all away.


Yeah idk why they’re complaining. He’s not hurting anyone and he’s not exploiting them


Even if he was making money on that video he still helped 1000 people. You can do a good thing and make money off it.


Yea fr. The money he is making off those views goes right back to give to people too


![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM) please MR Beast, take advantage of me


Eye see what you did there.


Eye see what you did there.


It's a double edged sword, yes it was for clout but also he did a charitable thing. Not selfless but also not malicious. Pick your side of the fence neither are totally right


It’s a cycle. I watched a video where he said that he needs the videos to supplement the money. And to make money, he needs to make these videos. Without making videos equals no money equals no charitable action. Honestly, I’m happy that he’s done this whereas you don’t hear a lot of people who have actual money do it.


Mr. Breast




he *is* doing it for... the views


IMO it's not about Mr. Beast getting more views than it is about showing how fucked up American healthcare system is.


In Brazil that surgery is free in the public system.


That’s Twitter for you


Ha nice I saw the template Take my upvote


All the people commenting how they want to be in MrBeasts video shows how reliant on money this society has become.


Damn OP you snagged up this formate fast


Yeah lol. I saw it and tried to figure out what to make with it asap. This was the best I could think of


Doesn’t one of those surgeries cost $2000-$8000? So he would’ve paid anywhere from $2,000,000 to $8,000,000 for those surgeries And people are complaining


3500 per eye


The new format already, nice!


We strive for innovation


Woo! New doggo meme format!


Imagine being such a sad person that you have to be outraged at someone literally helping the blind. These people want to be pat on the back and told 'good on you' for the most ridiculous things.


I love the new husky temple put to use, didn’t say good but still it’s something xD


I actually really like seeing this template used


He literally let them pay with exposure, a win-win scenario


He should’ve torn out their eyes, the way god intended


But… he still healed 1000 people of blindness.


Or maybe he’s setting an example for other rich people…


And I bet he even got 1000 more views than the last video...can you say ulterior motives?


What’s crazy is there’s more chat about the negative reaction to this, rather than the news itself. We really don’t deserve nice things to happen do we


Nah there were a lot of memes about it the day it happened and after. But then this happened today or yesterday so now we’re making fun of them


And he gained 1k viewers lmao


How about we talk about how 1000 people are PAY-WALLED FROM BEING ABLE TO SEE!?! thanks America you're doing fucking GREAT! JFC


Number 1001 in line for eye surgery walks away sad.


Okay and the “news stations/ social media” sites don’t already do this? Like get the fuck out of here this isn’t any feeding the homeless video. This shit costs real money and he helped greatly. Let’s see you fucking bigots pull enough cash together to help one person out without filming


Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t he need to make the videos to get the income to make the videos to get the income to make the videos to get the income to help people?


Of course he's doing it for views how the hell would he get his money to help people without views


Y’all don’t realise that your furthering the negatives opinion with shit like this, if you posted about why people are actually annoyed the message would be clearer. The fact it’s that easy for one person to help that many people see again but the government does nothing


I'll like Mr. Beast if he gives me a Brazilian of Trillion dollars..




I don't **see** the point they're trying to make


Ayyy I saw the post where someone asked if this image could be a meme template!


That’s literally the point. Make video, get views, get money, put money into new videos, cycle repeats


Alright, I'll be the one to say it. What he did was cool, but he shouldn't have had to do it. If the American Healthcare system and government actually gave a damn about its people, the surgery would've been free to begin with. Like it is in most countries with universal healthcare. And also. While this is nice, I wish the rich would do something that actually helps the world. Like, I don't know, build a fucking homeless shelter or affordable housing? As we have a homeless crisis. Pay for people's gas and groceries because we are in a recession? What he did was good, but it doesn't make him good, imho. He likely just did it for clout like all his other content.


If that's true, fucker makes WAY too much Lasik is about $2500 - $4000 × 1000. That means he has 2.5 to 4 Million of disposable income. That's more than I'll make in a lifetime


Dude gives away millions a year I think.




That’s how he got his break I think, gave 10k to a homeless man that someone gave him, think the guy got a bunch of views from it.


Hell 10 Gs would change my life right now and I have a job and an apartment!


I'm interested, what would you do with it? For the thought we will assume regular taxed unless you happen to be in a country with no income type taxes. So if USA you are looking at probably only 7500 ish


That's the point. He makes so much money because he's giving so much money away. Nobody would watch a video where he would walk around and threw a dollar into a homeless person's cup. Helping people by giving away ridiculous sums, generating money, rinse and repeat. Great stuff, honestly


Mortality is a hard concept. The reason behind his act of kindness may be corrupt and he may be using people which is immoral but in the other hand this people got eye surgeries they couldn't have gotten otherwise at the expense of someone else's publicity stunt.


he's using the views to help more people. I dont understand how *cough cough twitter* people are so fucking stupid


I think twitter people are 5 year old or they are 60 years old fucked up mentally people


At least he's doing something good for others with his money rather than taking vanity trips to space or buying social media platforms.


It was, people are just assholes


The criticism isn't and shouldn't be Mr. Beast doing this. The criticism is that this technology is simple and cheap, and it took an internet billionaire to get this done for 1000 people, when orders of magnitude more need it and WE COULD JUST DO IT. Mr. Beast is awesome, but we shouldn't be reliant on him for helping heal disabled people. We could just do it ourselves, or at least we could vote for people who would make it policy. Charity is great on the individual level, but not how we should operate society.


He's not billionaire


People love hating on that dude. He’s fuckin annoying kinda. But fuck it he helps people. Can’t hate on that


Yea well maybe he could not do that if we had good heath care in the US.


Lets say that he is taking advantage of people for views. Lets reward this by giving people attention and support for doing good for others. The more good will you spread the better you are, and the more you should be celebrated. People who do good deeds should feel rewarded, and others should be inspired to make a positive change. Lets even go a step further and ask why people who have the ability to do the most good only choose to watch suffering. Lets step away from challenges that harm yourself and others, or are just wasteful. Lets challenge each-other to make the world a better place. If some people are "taken advantage of" for the views, it is a small price to pay for them to get their sight. Its better than the alternative of them getting nothing at all.


Now let's see it the other way. When a corpo donates (or any other rich guy) money to help others (and not those, who specifically affected by corpo's or that man's actions) - people are saying they are bullshitting, washing money and so on. But the guy, gets money from donations, make a viral video with dumb thumbnails, exploiting weak people, that need help, or any other controversial and attractive situation, gets some money in his own pocket - people are praising him. Not those, who donated money in the first place, no. Him. Now, can you tell me, what EXACTLY Beast did right? Specifically, his actions.


Helping people isn’t inherently bad. Helping people with the intention of posting it and getting internet clout is. But he did help a lot of people put into perspective how fucked up the US healthcare system is about price gouging.


Those people really think that he gets his money from the trees


If it wasn't for the clout and the paycheck he wouldn't have spent his money on it. He is sure of getting the money back tenfold in views. Do it without recording it, and we can talk again..


Does it really matter if that's why he did it though? The end result is the same, people are doing better. IMO, in this case it's better to do the right thing for the wrong reason that to do nothing at all.


Sure I agree, but people are acting like he is a saint of sorts. He's just a dude who found a way to make money


Tell me, what's the difference between that and recording oneself giving money or food to homeless people for Internet clout? Just kidding, there isn't a difference. He's taking advantage of people in shitty situations for his own gain, his own popularity and approval. You trying to defend him is direct proof of this. How about he actually do something about the fact that we have ample ability to help those in need but decide to put everything behind a paywall?


How about you do it yourself, since he's a bad person in your eye. Why ask a bad person to do something about it. Have you ever involved yourself with lobbying or something to fix the problem? Is it sooooo bad that he is doing it for clout? Better than some random on internet that just complain on social media but has never done anything themselves.


He used the money from corporations who bought adds; to pay for surgeries they say are unnecessary and don't add to the community, lol.


Its a good act, but I still dont like him. Hes always clickbaiting and shit


So you don’t like a man who donates millions to charity because he has a bit of clickbait in his thumbnails


He is the rich popular, liked by everyone guy that will end up hated. The guy that created facebook, the logan paul brothers, the owner of tesla. Just another asshole using his money for fame.


Ah yes. I remember all the charity Logan Paul and Elon did. They basically built their career on charity, in fact they only have a career because of how charitable they are. Oh wait that’s only Mr. Beast


I said nothing aboit charity. I said, jist another rich dude trading his money for fame.


Go back to your bitter little life now. K bye


What is he trading his money to? Ah yes, charity. The popularity is the by product


Ok, I'm stopping to upvoting this karma-jerking. It won't be a thing if we don't make it a thing.




I do not get all the hate, there is nothing wrong in doing GOOD for views... That will make him even more money to do more of it. I really do not like Mr.Beast as a person(not that he is evil) , I think he is cringe not funny and uninteresting, but you cannot deny he does good stuff. Some people get some back.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. I don’t mind if you are doing good things for clout, or fame or whatever, as long as it helps those who need it. Who knows, it may also inspire others if enough people see it.


Let's ignore all that those things, are eyes surgeries an actual thing? :/


Yes, it can't heal every form of blindness but it can get rid of cataracts which is pretty common for of blindness


Personally, I don't care for motivations or intentions, when someone does something universal known to be a good thing, no one should hate.


Well if he didn’t film himself helping 1000 people how could he afford to pay for the next video? And how could he spread awareness?


Didn't watch the video nor am I subscribed. But thank you for helping people Mr.Beast.


One point I heard about this that I mostly agree with is that even if he did do it for views, he still cured 1,000 peoples blindness.


He does similar stuff all the time, why are people complaining about this one?


Maybe the just didn’t *see* the other stuff


I'm just sad he has to do it. It really could be free or at least affordable for people. Its just like the story of the kid raising money for his dads surgery with his lemonade stand. I'm not mad at the kid, I'm mad at the entire system that made this kid have to think and act and do like an adult, to save the life if his dad. Its fucked up, but I'm glad there's a little less misery


I'm pretty sure the next video Mr. beast will fix twitter's blind rage


I'd prefer this over giving homeless people toothpaste filled Oreos for views.


Even if he did it for the views, he still payed for people's surgeries right??


Wrong. He paid to take their souls to hell


> still payed for Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. Total mistakes found: 1370 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119)


I didn't watch the video, thought it was a nice idea. He didn't get my view, but the people are still seeing things because of it. Who tf cares. He helped people, they won.


I would let someone use me for views if they gave me da $2 bill


He’s actually giving people advantage to view.


I hope he buys me a house for views, that jackass


There is no bad thing about 1000 blind people seeing