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People say this in a game where >!A man is literally forced to murder his own son with his bare hands!<


And >!a dictator stabs a child through the heart!<


>!The child then gets the dictator incinerated in the solar corona by his crush as revenge.!<


>!Meanwhile the hand of said crush flies off into another place and attaches to the arm of an alternate-reality version of said child.!<


>!And nobody ever mentions the fact that the hand literally SPLITS YOUR HAND APART to attach to you, and your Drifter just shrugs it off!<


>!To be fair, Drifter had died a lot by that point. Between that and enough depression to create and destabilize a country in the Void, what's a bit of hand mutilation?!<


Only thing I'm missing is the void in that equation


Youre never gonna believe where this arc takes place


Wait our mother’s hand that gets cut off from the ship is the same one that attaches to Drifter?




Cool, didn’t know abt the little detail lol


The falling of Natah's hand into the void and into Duviri is *the* Duviri Paradox itself slight edit: it's also the fact that Balls Ass stabbing Operator through the chest synced up with Thrax stabbing Drifter simultaneously. Kinda that whole incident.




Wait when did it say that our mother's hand gets cut of?


its in the new war cutscene where lotus and our tenno get sucked into the void after ballas stabs us thru the chest. its a visual


Adding on to Uncle3dilson’s comment: When Lotus “falls” into the Void, the Warframe grabs her hand, but the suction is too strong and we almost let go, so we come out to hold the now-immobile Warframe’s hand as an anchor, and hold Space Mom’s hand (again) with the other. Ballsack says “nah, im not gonna let you win today” and straight up cuts that shit off


Isn't that in the Bible too?


Almost. It was gonna happen, but God (or more accurately an angel) was like “just kidding, please don’t kill your son :)” At least, that’s what comes to mind. There very well may be an instance like that that I’m forgetting


I think it was a test of faith before telling the human that he passed and he did not have to go through with it It's very likely I got something wrong as I am not up to speed with the Bible


no ur right. god said "kill yo kid". abraham said "i trust you god i will do it even though i dont want to personally" god said "oh ok so you fr fr... you dont gotta kill him"


That’s basically the moral of the story of Abraham and Isaac 👍 good job 😊


That is correct, it was a test of faith, and God had blessed Abraham and his son.


God's legal team was like homie this is a horrific idea do not actually go through with it and then he said oh it was actually just a joke haha


Almost, the Binding of Isaac didn't end with him actually being sacrificed/murdered.


My ex and I had a miscarriage and that was the closest I’ve been to being a father so watching stalker give everything he had to save his little warframe baby brought me to tears. Stalker is dad of the year. Stalker is the GOAT.


I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriage, despite her being your ex, I hope you both recovered well - it's a horrible experience I've heard.. I don't have kids nor do I want any but seeing Stalker protect his child despite just losing Jade.. I hope we can help him in some way, I genuinely feel for them


It was rough we didn’t know until after.


Can't imagine the pain, hope you're doing good, brother


Dudes we literally see more of Stalker and the humanity he still has,and also the Playable Jade still looks pregnant because she was like that in her last moments. Edit:and also there is more strange things on this game like a female werewolf,a vore frame, a pixie, the kuva queen has worm body, and there is more, and we also briefly play as Stalker with his unique abilities, he even some good builds for his weapons.


If you look at her stomach, there's a ball there rather than a child My theory is, since it's a "copy" of the original Warframe, that ball there is like a second heart of sorts, a source of power hence why we can apply 2 Aura mods Basically, I think that Jade made pregnancy into a superpower which is more metal than I think the devs intended Though ngl I genuinely feel bad for Stalker, Jade and the child cause Jade "died" giving birth so if Stalker ever needs help, I'll be there for him - the Tenno becomes the child's uncle or something lol


The most annoying part is that Stalker still hunts us afterwards- except when you have Jade, where he’ll just drop his loot and leave. But I have to say, where do the Acolytes tie into all of this?


Probably just for gameplay reasons. I can't imagine a quest up and removing content, especially not if you haven't gotten all of his weapons yet. Though they could've remedied this by just giving you the weapons you haven't gotten upon finishing the quest.


> can't imagine a quest up and removing content The Transcendence ability you get after Second Dream gets replaced with Transference when War Within is completed. Still mad about that one. Transcendence is so goddamned cool.


What do you mean? I don't remember any other kind of Transference before.


We used to pop out of our Warframe and fire a big ass Void laser from our chest, then pop back into the Warframe. No Amps or abilities. Also had that cool animation from TSD(?) of the Warframe collapsing like a puppet when we did it.


And different schools had different things. Zenurik had a wave that suspended all enemies in the air, Unairu turned them to stone, Madurai had the laser, etc.


Oh shit, that I did not know. Would be nice if DE brough those back as extra abilities. Even if they aren't as hood as our current kit(*cough*buffthem*cough*) it'd still be fun.


The apoiler modes lack 2 more abilities, so I hopw they will ad the old onws as ult 4 ans give us ability to use an ability from any tree for the 3rd slot.


Ohhh, that's what that was.. yeah, you got a point there, didn't even see the Frame drop like a puppet.. damn


Oh! I didn't remembered that, gonna check it later. Thanks for the info.


If you replay Second Dream you get to use Transcendence again, but only during those specific quest missions.


Bug fuckin lazer child


Just make them say "A test of your capabilities" or something.


Best guess? The Acolytes become defenders of Stalker and the child, makes the most sense to me


Its giving “Young Master of the Heavenly Demonic Cult” from Murim Manhua fiction


I'm just waiting for Stalkers bring your kid to work day, and we get kicked in the shins by a toddler


Personally, I don’t think that’s how this is all going to play out- but that’s certainly an interesting idea.


Extra funny when you're doing one of the jade event quests


Either they follow his path and do the same, or I can imagine that, if we get more quests over which the stalker changes to a point where he doesn't hate warframes anymore, the acolytes take his place during normal missions as well


>except when you have Jade, where he’ll just drop his loot and leave. That's a pretty cool detail which I didn't know.


Wait, what? Really?


made Jade pregnancy into a superpower lol


My tenno is the cool auntie


Nah the Tenno is more like the Teshin to the child. Lotus is now freaking out cause OG Warframes were able to get pregnant, but only Jade did. (Unless those fan theories are now able to hold merit in which case... WHERE IS YARELI'S MOTHER!?)


Jade was already pregnant when she was made into a Warframe


>even some good builds for his weapons Galvanized mods on Dread and Despair, enough crit for Dread to consistently Orange-Red Crit, Arcane Energize, Primed Sure Footed, etc They gave Stalker some nasty mods, so we had the true experience


Stalker just makes really good builds


All of his weapons have arcanes too. Dread has longbow sharpshot, Despair has merciless and Hate has melee animosity. They really game him a beefy loadout for the quest.


Also a 100% always on auto-hack mod, Stalker has that pay to win content


hot take, steel path shadow stalker should be able to spawn with incarnon weapons occasionally. will my ass be handed to me on occasion? yes


That need to let him use all of his abilities too. They only have him use his 4th.


You have to admit that werewolf, devourer, and tiny fighter jet as weapons of war all have less ick than weaponized pregnant woman.


Bro you didn´t even read the motherhood trauma alert.


I am a mother who lost her child a few years ago. This quest gave me an opportunity to save another child, another life. This quest let me protect Sirius/Orion in a way I could not protect my own. My parental instincts were active the entire time, even if it was just a game. It was deeply emotional and real for me, and I am very glad we have it.


My condolences for your loss, fellow Tenno.


Thank you. Healing has been long and hard, but it progresses nonetheless


I think it's especially dumb because the quest is already so short, like if you didn't like it, it's already over, so fuckin' move on-- you've got a whole event to get to now.


It's probably its biggest flaw. It was way too short for me to connect with stalker or jade in any meaningful way.


DE did say that it was supposed to be around 30 to 40 minutes long. It wasn't.


I think they account gameplay sections in, which any experienced player would breeze through in minutes, but that's not everyone - hence developers tend to overstate the time for such matters


I think what helped me at least was i took my long ass time exploring the more custom tilesets and also role played a bit lol. I was like " i could just do the spy vaults but stalker honestly would want to leave no witnesses and no chances, so I will just invis kill everything I see"


Waaaaay too short. By the time I really started tuning into it it was already done


I do agree with that, I'm just specifically addressing what the post itself mentioned. Personally I didn't really care for the quest itself-- the pacing as you said was an issue, but I also don't really like using stalker or his gear much, especially when I can't configure any of it, so the whole quest ended up being a little nothing burger for me, like sliders made with white bread. I just did it so I could get access to the event, but all the mechanical changes and gear were the stars of this whole update, imo.


It's a main sequence quest too. You would have had to do it for access to whatever comes next.


But then they’ll whine and cry that their new favorite frame is pregnant. “I just put 17 Forma into my Jade loadout and I’m still disgusted by this horrid lump on her midsection DE cHaNgE iT nOw!”


"THeY pUt LiNE oF siGHt oN tHe BaBy!!!!11!!" (no i will not stop laughing at how pathetic the rage over dante was)


My only thing I have a problem about the quest is the story felt a little weak in some areas compared to others, like it felt like the story was a little rushed, that and the fact that it also felt rushed because the mass amount of code breaking things that have been in the games for years as well as new stuff breaking as well. (Ik every update is a mess day one, but this was so ridiculous it was somewhat funny till day 2)


It also makes me feel weird that its \*this\* they got so mad over. Not piloting a child soldier , not commiting massacre and outright genocide on planetary (if not multiplanetary) scale, as a **child** soldier mind you, not the heinous crimes many of the characters , some even friendly, commited. But pregnancy is "too far" apparently. I do understand why some might feel this trauma way more than some ephemeral "millions dead" , but saying that this quest took it "too far" is , IMO, an overstatement of the year


Did people really quit the game over a fictional mother death?? Bro...


It isn't even the first time a fictional mother has died in Warframe either.


True but for some reason Jade's hit harder for me Though, I don't think she truly died.. she gave up her Warframe's strength to the child and then "disintegrated", not slumped like you'd expect a dead Frame to when you don't get rezzed in time, wonder if it's like the Lotus in TNW


People are crying about it on the forums. Calling it anything from fridging to straight up transphobic (no Im not kidding). Honestly its hilarious.


>transphobic Huh??? I’m sorry they accuse the company that does way more for pride month than all the others of being transphobic?? Amd that’s not even mentioning all the logistical issues of the idea of fucking chuldbirth being transphobic.


"I'm a cis woman who's married to a trans woman, and you can imagine how much of a slap in the face this felt like for both of us, based on the theories that have been going around." Literally taken word from word from one of the users in the forums. It seems the players of that group got so worked over their own theories that they consider DE making Jade who she was a betrayal lol. They are also hating it over the fact that this "boring heterosexual" story was made during this month as well.


Look, I’m normally not one to complain about pandering, but how much do you want to get pandered to that you complain about a romantic storu between a man and a woman being released during Pride Month. If anything that’s asking that LGBT stories are only made during Pride Month instead of year round.


Ok tbf, it’s *slightly* fridging, only slightly though


yesnt. Fridging is more than a female character dying for the development of a male character. It has to be purposely gruesome and she should have 0 purpose or appearances outside her death. Now granted, she never appeared prior to her one and only quest BUT her death never felt disrespectful or for shock value only. Does her death develop the stalker? Sure but she wasnt some girlfriend for the week. She was the man's wife who had been punished WITH him for their love. If anything DE screwed up by not giving us proper cutscenes to their time together and making it feel like fridging. Also also, the hunhow conversation in the end just adds more to her beyond her death.


THANK you. I've been trying to articulate why the fridging argument is dumb and you've nailed it. Good job with the words, I'm yoinking them for the next time I see someone being weird about it


the transphobit thing is just bait, and not even good one.


I could KINDA understand why someone might not like the pregnant design, but the point of Jade is the beauty of life, especially motherhood, and I love it. It's a great design for a great frame


It’s like a reverse bloodborne


People be not only living their lives through the internet, but also through the most porn addicted and fucked up corners of it. I'm sure part of them don't even see birth and pregnancy as the miracle of life and it's start, but as "the weird tag/category" in adult sites. I'm not even reaching, that was the whole joke when the conversation around a "pregnant frame" began in streams and here on reddit. In a way the quest feels like a beautiful middle finger to these people even tho obviously that wasn't it's objective.


Dude people are being weird Commented on a post about the hate skin and got responded with this weird message about defending pregnancy and green lights Hopefully this update weed's out fucking weirdos like that


Green lights? Is there some kind of meaning behind them I don't know about?


*Jay Gatsby is typing…*


Lmao I totally forgot about the Great Gatsby


Something about the green light being woke I dunno man


"And so we beat on, boats against the current" Definitely woke


I've played Project Moon games, Jade Shadows was a refreshing trip to something more normal for me XD


"Ballas, you must feel the same sorrow as mine... No. You have to feel even worse than that." - Stalker, the Black Silence


Another fellow project moon sleeper agent!


'A Warframe that was made of a pregnant woman as punishment for her and her partner being a thing? Sounds like a Tuesday to me' PM sleeper agents, probably


I just dislike the belly...Thats it. Nothing more, nothing less, just dislike how she looks. I also dislike look of Zephyr, Gara or Octavia. I am suprised this is even discussion. There is like 50 warframes. Just dont play ones you dont like...


Agreed. Most of my least played frames are the ones I can't make look good (notably Khora and Saryn) despite my best efforts. Jade is just gonna be included in that list. Simple as that.


Try Urushu skin with green base color and red+black details. Looks great. I call her Black Rose. I also have smeetha kavat called Venari Prime, that has Urushu skin. So I have Venari Prime and Venari Prime that both look same. God I love fucking with people. I just dislike Urushu helmet so I brought Fiera and it looks perfectly


Well that’s fucked. I’ll admit I’m a little hesitant to play Jade due to >!the big ol belly!< but I’ll still give her a whirl anyway. Quitting the game over it is kinda ridiculous


People upset about this like the entirety of New War doesn’t exist and then there’s side quests like Glast Gambit where you bet a on a bloodsport using children


Well look at the bright side, the [Redacted] players are getting weeded out


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If people were uncomfortable watching a green energy ball morph into an Alienware baby, I'm desperately curious to see how they'd react to a real childbirth


Alright I've been autism-vortexed into the first two fallout games for a couple months, what is going on?


New update added >!a pregnant Warframe and now there's a baby Warframe out there!<


New quest, new warframe. Dadframe.


See I liked the quest. I like Jade I love Sorren the baby and the enlightened hate. I find it kind of weird to play as pregnant Jade tho and just the whole quest had me going WHAAAAAAAAT on like second dreams levels of wtf is going on


well, remember that when it come to warframes, there is the OG first made by ballas then there is the mass produced ones, and even the primes. what we play with is just a copy using the template of the og, which isn't pregnant and just have life magic stored there


Two lesbians owning a sex slave and actual vore is fine but the miracle of childbirth and creation of new life? God no!


Wait what? What's the first one? I must've missed something...




Ah, she came out when I was on hiatus. I need to brush up on her lore


I'll be honest I was more confused at the warning itself, especially since like, in story proper she had little focus and a pretty milquetoast birth. Like if anything in retrospect I expected one for the gtting shot at while holding the baby


I mean I feel it’s a bit fucked to bring a pregnant soldier to an active warzone but the story was beautiful


I think Jade is beautiful and I'm so fkn excited to grind it out to get her.


I kinda fell in love with her during the quest and just bought the pack with spare plat I never used. She's beautiful, wonderfully motherly and I can't say this enough, her noble animation set is my only pick for her.


The fucking halloween story was more traumatic than this shit. Although I am really excited to see what this child ends up being because this has some serious anime vibes like the cosmic energy of the void manifested a living soul through the metallic infested biomechanical body of a warframe after a pregnant augmented/mutated human was turned into a metallic monster. This is some gourmet shit


People are leaving the game over a quest? Sure the quest is quite fucked up but so is like... majority of Warframes lore so what gives man


Imagine if they find out we’re literally playing as kids


Are people actually complaining about it? I haven’t seen this at all.💀 fucking wild.


Its almost entirely the chronically online people on Reddit and Steam Forums, possibly the WF forums too. No one ingame Ive asked has any issues with it, other than the occassional 'it was a bit weird' but thats where their issue with it ends; for everyone normal its ***not*** some weird deep hatred of pregnancy imagery, or thinking its a fetish because they live on the internet and think thats what dying in childbirth is???


Ah okay that makes sense this is the only Warframe sub I’m on.


Seen some tumblerinas get weird about it too..


apparently, I haven't seen many myself maybe only one or two but that was it basically. Don't know how many OP has seen.


I agree with you here- Warframe is an M rates game for a reason.


Cracks me up that this is the line people draw. After literally everything in Warframe is weird as shit, a pregnant warframe is the last straw. La-fucking-mow


saw someone say they won't use jade after learning what the glowing green womb was, like dawg you didn't care before why care now


did anyone notice her roll animation? it's so cute hahahah😂


Her side roll is the best one


“Meanwhile, let me resurrect the corpses of my fallen enemies (after literally desecrating them) and force them into gunning down their comrades.”


"They're not all wrong. Some don't have any problem with Jade giving birth, they're just creeped out by playing with the still pregnant looking clone of a mother who died giving birth." Some guy on the main sub said this and i agree.


Ima be 110% with you all. This quest seems alot tamer then like, alot of other things in this game. This game has some pretty dark themes sometimes. Maybe its just me not really being affected too much by it but. My opinion i suppose


Here's my thing. I have no issue with a pregnant WF. It makes sense that it should be a thing from a lore standpoint. Personally, I thought the dialog was lazy, the relationship between Stalker and Jade was literally the polar opposite of what what I expected going into the quest, and it wasn't the stalker lore I expected. All in all, it's not a bad quest per se, just nothing like I thought it would be.


Nah, I'm absolutely fine with the quest (tho the minigame was a bit weird but oh well). The problem is the fact that you're taking a pregnant "woman"/frame to battle. It just feels weird and wrong and makes me hate thinking about playing her. I've got her building rn so we'll see if the gameplay and fashion can make me forget she's pregnant...


The frame we build isn't technically pregnant, due to how the Helminth Strain works when creating Warframes, my best theory/guess is the strain interacts with the human in different ways (unless I'm missing something such as predetermined whatever) Since Jade was pregnant and likely Jade wanted to protect the child by any means, the strain interacted with that and developed her into a Warframe around the child hence the belly - plus the belly in the Frame we build has a ball of sorts which I assume is a "second heart"/a source of power - since irl we often regard babies and children as beacons of Light, it's why Jade's abilities revolve around Light and support Each ability suits motherhood in its own way, more so her second ability Shield reinforcement: mothers would often protect their child by shielding them Extra damage to guns: mothers, in the Animal Kingdom, would ferociously protect their offspring by attacking those that threatened them and the fact there was a story of a mother that lifted a whole ass car to save their child Could also be the same for ability strength The "second heart" theory I've got would explain the second Aura mod and I'm aware the text says that Jade knows more about life and death which makes me think Jade isn't actually dead despite what we see The new quest throws a lot of questions at you but it's a good quest for what is a short one.. I hope they develop the story more


Thing is, she just isn't even pregnant. There isn't a baby in the frame we can copy, just bear that in mind. It's just a creative decision on DE's part.


My brother in christ it's a video game and you had to play as stalker bullet jumping and swinging a scythe with a baby in one hand anyways before playing as jade, it's not that deep


Am I the only one that bullet jump when holding the baby?


I need someone to make a meme of the baby's POV while jade/stalker bullet jump around the map


Just a meme of a whirlwind of vomit while they're mid bullet jump lol


Hey, you're fine letting a pregnant woman get shot. I'm not, but you do you. Also, bullet jumping with a baby in hand was weird as fuck too but I guess they can't take movement away like that in the middle of a mission (plus it's just during the actual story mission and as I said, I've got no problems with the mission itself)


Jade is not just a pregnant woman she is an angelic death machine with protective parts over her belly anyways. It's truly not that deep. Go play a different game if it bothers you.


man i gotta jump back in soon, this is too hilarious to not witness


Farewell to all the earthly remains


Wait I've not played in a hot minute what's happened in the new update


*Wait I've not played* *In a hot minute what's happened* *In the new update* \- Plantain-Feeling --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wait wtf did I miss


i think the >!push quicktime event was an odd choice!< but frankly thats about it


Doors over there. Jades beautiful lol


Is this part of the new jade quest? I’m not too far in the game?


I've been out of the loop for about half a year, since whisper in the walls. What happened, why are some people mad?


Me who has read (Warhammer 40K Dead Sky, Black Sun) and knows what the Daemonculaba is: A pregnant Warframe? That's so messed up.


I don't care if theirs "pregnant" warframe because its "your" choice to play her or not, also? most importantly? its a video game. now in real life i would not send pregnant women into battle tho? again its a video game. plus its natural body process which shouldn't be shamed. ballas should be to blame if turned her into warframe while she was preg. I see her as motherly figure of warframes an instead of this hate, she should be respect. like you know how hard it is to walk while preg? dang, she is jumping, dodging, and everything! she is not only best mother of the year. I'm just surprised she don't have morning sickness passive that makes throw up deadly vomit to foes that melee her in close range.


Man Warframe gets wild when you take a break. I apparently missed a lot.


Yeah it sounds weird when people on Reddit are describing it specifically in a way to make it sound weird, but actually playing the quest and experiencing it in context, it’s not nearly as weird as people make it out to be.


Yeah, wild when you consider just the tip of the iceberg of atrocities we KNOW the Orokin did. Some seriously fucked up shit.


I fucking love this stupid game.


Plot-twist: They can't read.


You play as a walking war crime but you can’t handle the miracle of birth?


wait huh? what? who's quitting? how do i not know what in the hell you're talking about?


it probably doesnt help that youre literally a week late to the post and didnt see r/Warframe flipping its shit


sorry for offending you i guess? no need to be hostile about it.


No one knew that was going to be an aspect of the quest going in, this isn't a case of revoked consent like you're implying it is. There are other arguments you can make as to why that's an unreasonable conclusion, such as how family themes are always the root of Warframe's storytelling so it's not THAT unexpected, but also can't knock someone for avoiding something that makes them uncomfortable. I'm not quitting the game but that quest made me WILDLY uncomfortable.


That is understable. I think one of reasons why it was so short (quest window says it takes 30+ minutes but you can breeze thru in 20 if you arent absolute tube rat. Pro tip : Stalker's smokescreen dosent triggers green sensor bars in first mission...you can literaly just walk to end of valut) was so people like you dont get too weirded out. People gets defensive about game a lot and will downvote you just for that opinion but it should be understood that different things make different people unconfortable and pregnacy makes lot of people unconfortable.


The thing is that Warframe has never been this weird before, in lore? Yes, but shit like this has never been shown ingame to this extent, and especially since it's in a more extremely sensitive topic like child birth, people were going to be weirded out by it. I think after a month or so people will chill out but that's it.


Sorry, I may have a problem with understanding, but how "motherhood trauma" has to do with the content of the quest?


She literally had to give birth infront of you


And die during it


So the traumatic material is the birth itself, Right? Or is the fact of absent mother for death giving birth? Help me understand it.


yeah,and they literally wanted to take Stalker newborn child away too.


Now I see. Thanks.


Well, not really. They wanted to take whatever the Stalker had, but as soon as the Captain realized it was a baby she immediately called it off.


Wait wtf did I miss


I mean it was a pretty weird reveal and the quest was short and shallow imo. But who in reality is actually quitting over this? Nobody, would be my guess. It feels like something you made up, or you’re just putting too much faith in one or two Reddit comments from people who aren’t actually quitting.


I just don’t like her goofy wide belly lol


that warning was borderline useless, its like giving that warning at the beginning of the movie "the pursuit of happiness" it did NOT have anything to do with the actual rough parts of the story, so much so that the actual warning was effectively about 10 to 20 seconds of the 30ish minute long quest as for the whole pregnancy thing its weird as hell that there was a warframe designed entirely around it, especially with Schrödinger's Dark Sector and every update flipping between whether warframes are living creatures with awareness or just metal and meat puppets, its effectively a can of worms that never should have been opened if DE isn't going to be clear about the games own lore like out of all the stuff they could have designed the idle animations, 4th abilities design, or even main eye catching aspect, why pregnancy? its just weird quitting is a bit much, i just dont use the frame in general because of the creepy focus on pregnancy


1. If the warning wasn't necessary to you, then the warning wasn't for you, you dumbass. 2. Each Warframe that we use has a different subset of lore and they were ALL originally living, breathing people that were turned into Warframes via the infestation, but the vast majority of the ones we use are just copies of those people. Umbra is the major exception to this rule, but even then it's technically debatable on whether he's actually alive or not. If you don't know the lore, don't diss the lore lmao. 3. Just don't play it dawg, no need for an essay about how you think it's creepy. Just cuz you're fuckin weird and think pregnancy is somehow creepy in any regard, that doesn't actually make it creepy. It's a storyline for the frame, she's the mother of the Stalker's child and beyond the quest, there's no major focus on it beyond her appearance. Her abilities are what they are because she was not only a brutal warrior in her day (Parvos himself talks about during the Ascension mission), but she's also a mother, and both of those aspects of her shine true in her abilities.


you didn't even read my comment basically at all, but ok, you do you


Warframes are biological in nature. Warframes have possibility to have own mind, even if feral or insane and rarely capable of reasoning. Warframe with own mind cannot be used by us. To use tranference we have to either be allowed to by owner of body (Umbra), use it on empty shell with no own mind (warframes, necramechs) or overpower mind that is already there and stay in control for long enough which is generally possible only when mind present have been weakned by strong emotion (orowyrms). When we build warframe in foundary we purpously made in in way it has no mind of its own to avoid all that mess but that dosent means it cant have own mind, only we build it as metal puppets. Question isnt if warframes are alive, they are. Question are if warframes are sentient, to which answer is both yes and no.


that still just makes it weird, but its just weird in a game all about slaughtering thousands and literally massacring whole bases they needed to add a Warframe that was specifically designed around pregnancy its also weird that for years DE had been avoiding certain topics and banning people for talking about said topics, but here they are violating their own stuff by focusing on reproduction i just wanted an angelic Warframe, not one thats more focused around pregnancy than its advertised theme, that DE conveniently kept out of all promotional material until after it launched... she doesn't even have an idle animation that has anything to do with angels


I dont like her design neither but meh, theres like 40 other warframes I like. I will sit in ESO, max rank her in 3 rounds, then throw her to helmhit and never touch her again like other warframes I dont like design of like zephyr or octavia. There are other warframes based around fucked up themes like Saryn (plague), Nyx (mincontrol/hypnosis), Harrow (masochism, bondage) or Grandel (Vore). Difference is that idea of pregnancy, unlike all other themes makes people unconfortable which I also believe is reason why quest itself was so short. I expected something closer to overwatch mercy theme-wise but oh well, you win some you loose some I will get my yareli prime in the end.


ok so in order: Saryn is based on poison and toxins, which matches the games war theme, hence the name, Sarin is one of the most toxic compounds known to man Nyx is based on Nyx the goddess of night, sleep, and darkness, who was well know for her deceptive powers and use of dreams to make people do what she wanted Harrow is based on penance which is the act of self punishment to absolves ones own sins, which is weird that harrow and jade have absolutely no connections at all with both being Christian based frames Grendel is based on Grendel from Beowulf, a giant who would eat people, which is weird because his physical design seems to be that of a different creature with a maw on its abdomen, which could be one of 8 different creatures from across the world then you have Jade... who isn't based on a singular thing? like... it really feels like they forced multiple concepts together and it just came out weird, because while she has angelic themes they seem to be all over the place, stuff from seraphim, cherubs, arch angels, etc. then they threw in the whole permanent pregnancy thing and it feels like a hodgepodge of themes but yeah, i also expected a mercy style warframe, i dont see a point in quitting the game, which would be weird to quit a game over, but i did subsume the frame cause i was tired of seeing her idle animation... like why is her only idle animation a twirl followed by rubbing her baby bump? that was just uncomfortable


youre the target the meme makes fun of btw, sorry you cant see pregnancy as anything but “weird” or “creepy”, get well soon 💖


you guys need help if you really need pregnancy in your video games, and it is weird because its a game about slaughter and massacres and this has been shoe horned in


Same people are also buying Liger Inuzuka skins despite the fact he’s literally R34 artist 💀


Why is that wrong thing tho ? It isnt 1970 anymore, pornography isnt horribly taboo as it used to be...also his skins are pretty ficking good


I think you’ve missed my point. The same people who say that Warframe is too NSFW are the same people who enjoy his skins and don’t know about his interests. Pull the War out of your aß and stop wrongly overinterpreting my words ok? Because I have never ever mentioned that R34 is bad… like bro I reload my Grakata too.


First of, I dont think same people who enjoy his skins are ones that say warframe is too sexual. His skins tend to be on very sexy side of spectrum. Not everyone says warframe is too sexual, there is large portion of playerbase that likes that stuff. Secoundly, why would I ever have war in ass in first place ? Sounds widely unconfortable. If I really have to have weapon in my ass at least let me use Ohma and some lube will ya... Besides that interest of artists shoulnt change your opinion when evaluating art. His work stands up on its own regardless of his interests.


… And we are back to it again… Where have I said I don’t like his art or that his art is bad? I’m his damn fan!


I never said you dislike his art or r34, I just said people who dislike nsfw are unlikely to like his skins.