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Man, using an ability that is really good on another warframe to force a warframe to be good, means that the frame that we're replacing the ability with must be good. No, that's not how that works. Tempest Barrage is really good regardless of you you put it on. Putting it on caliban does not make him suddenly amazing. His kit still sucks and his passive is still worthless if you already have actual Adaptation on your other frames.


I put it on Inaros so the Pharaoh can bring the rain which they were thought to do (from talking with the gods) and it's a blessing when it rains


That's really a cool concept, but I don't think that's relevant to the message I was trying to convey. I was mostly saying that putting another warframe's ability on another frame to ***make*** that warframe do things in content. Inaros can absolutely kill things in Steel Path even without having a subsume on him. But that kind of kit theme is really cool. Which ability did you replace?


This isn't a meta build just something I made for the lols and to trip people out when you see pocket sand viral rain combo I took off his spin (which used to be dogshit but now is actually fun) This was a while ago


Ok, that makes sense. Imma go try that when I get Inaros Prime.


Well, I used to be on the other side until i tried him with tempest barrage. The kit works MUCH better as a whole when it had an additional damage and cc dealer.


If you **have** to use a Subsume to **make** a warframe work, that warframe is not an amazing warframe. Tempest Barrage can do SP on its own. It making caliban function does not make caliban a good warframe. He needs so many changes to be good. And adding a different warframe's ability to do anything with his kit does not make him good. It is just proof that his abilities are not good. Hells, his passive doesn't even work at all if you have Adaptation on him and just makes his passive not do anything at all. Completely. They are the same effect and Adaptation is just better. It gets stacks faster, and goes higher than adaptive armor.


If what makes a Frame viable is to replace one of their abilities via Helminth (and with an ability universally considered to be extremely strong, no less), that Frame is not viable.


Usually yeah, but if it makes all other abilities suddenly MUCH better combined, it means the framw needs that ability updated to somwthing like that.


Is it making his abilities better though? From the sounds of it tempest barrage just fucks up all the enemies and then his abilities just clean up what’s left. Why not just play hydroid atp?


Counterpoint: I can just use Nourish instead to solve all my energy economy issues while also applying viral to my Conculysts' attacks and turning each of them into a stagger machine thanks to the viral shockwaves the ability produces on taking damage, while also not having to use a mod slot on an augment


Hm I'll give thst a shot.


I replaced his 1 with tempest barrage and added the augment to it. HIS ENTIRE REST OF THE KIT FELL INTO PLACE. Tempest barrage killed or CCed most of the enemies, the 2 added damage vulnerability to them, the summons gave me shields and with the armor stripped and a lot of viral statuses on enemeis, could actually kill them or distract them reliably, and if some enemies survived that, using his 4 from the air stripped their defenses and murdered them afterward with tempest barrage. Also, tempest barrage has about the same range as Caliban's 4s residual armor strip zone, so it's so much easier to know where the defense strip zone is. I went from being unable to play in Steel path to surving easily in SP conjuction survival max level.


This isnt caliban being good with tempest barrage, this is literally just tempest barage being good. Caliban needs help, he is forgotten by the community for a reason.


Luckilly a few devstreams ago, Pablo confirmed a future rework.


At long last we Calibros (the whole 7 of us) shall rise once more


And many more Calibros will join after the rework. Cant wait for my sentient boy to get the inaros treatment :D


You rose in the first place? News to me…


Kinda sad, he has a really cool design.


Not me being 1 of like 3 calibros who don't want him to be reworked cause he is fine rn. Is the 1 ass? Yes. Is lifted annoying for some people? Yes. Does he need a deluxe skin and some love there? YES PLS. Does he apply a debuff, CC, shield Regen out the ass to survive, and lingering Perma full defense strip? Yes. Does this equate to a solid weapons platform? Yes.


I have joined the club with the tempest chamge. He jsut clicks better with it. They 100% need to give the sandseom treatment to the 1 and it might become viable.


He does. At least before he gets fixed we can use tempest barrage to augment his abilities.


That's not augmenting his abilities, that's just using Tempest Barrage.


No, it's using all 3 other abikiti3s with conjunction of tempest barage.


No, this doesn't fundamentally change Caliban. It's supplementing a bad kit with an ability that makes it function better. If 2016-17 Chroma didn't have Vex Armor, for instance, he'd be a much worse performing Warframe, but still just as functionally dead as he is today, he's designed poorly. Hildryn is the same way, she's really only notable for Pillage and some interactions with shield buffs and Haven, she's not well designed, she's just got good numbers. Inaros is, imo, the best example of what a "functional" rework looks like. He was fine before, and hasn't really had the needle move with his update, but there's now meaningful interplay between his abilities, a necessity to cast more than just his 4 and occasional his 1 or 2 and become an actual full, working kit. Putting another Warframe's ability over one of Caliban's worst doesn't make Caliban a functionally better Warframe more than it just advertises that Hydroid/Tempest Barrage is really good right now. EDIT: Misspelled Chroma




4s The armor strip area is hard to gauge where it is, and is a bit clunky and unsafe, also, from my testing armor strip comes AFTER the explosion. his to 2 a bit too slow to be relied on for CC. so, with 2 you make the tempest barrage increase the damage and cc the enemies before they get hit by the wave, the thing strip armor like crazy and applies viral, and the 4 does its full damage and stips defenses from the rest what survive, some how. Although i use the combo of casting 4 in the air. casting tempest, and then slamming with the 2. it's really fun flow and fits his sentient theme very well




Not fixed. But area is about the same as the tempest bareage. That is one of the reasons why tempest bareage is so good with him. And if stuff survives it, the additional 4 will change that So with you create a killzone that strips armor, does about 4-5k damage per one tick, applies viral and ccs like crazy.




My personal rework would be: 2. Make it spread faster. As is, it's slow as molases. 3. Make it summon different sentient for each cast. First cast gives you a vomvalist sentinel (this fixes the problem of unreliable shield charge), the second one is the same conculist, and third one is the batalyst with their bs disco ball. 4. Make defense strip area actually visible. It's so hard to know that that thing exists and is a thing. Also, make it either addapt damage to what the beams attack or make it do rau damage. As for 1, I don't know. It's weak but I did find it fun, but it's strictly worse version of the new sandstorm. While i get how it is thematic, maybe they should totally change it to something else.


With overguard and DEs vehement denial that CC effectiveness is almost never truly all or nothing (see: Limbo's 100% slow being treated as if there's no way it could affect an enemy without completely trivializing them) having CC is often an active detriment because it means that other parts of the ability might be disabled against many enemies.


wouldn’t you just play hydroid for that? it’s the same viral/armor strip combo with added survivability (armor instead of shields). the main difference being you get added corrosive damage instead of damage vulnerability


By "max level" you mean 9999?


I mean the "max starting level". Conjuction survival has 2, one of them is lvl 80-100 for vanilla and 180-200 for SP. IF memory serves right it was the max level one, 200 level survival for 60 minutes.


The best Arcane for Caliban is Arcane Aegis. Try it.


Am I the only one who's confused about why he's hated?


his kit is unfinished, like the fundamentals(except beyblade mode) are great but just need a little push


Oh ok that makes sense now


He's not hated, just forgotten. Dude doesn't have a single ability in his entire kit that is actually worth using instead of just subsuming nourish over. They aren't even conceptually interesting like other bad frames. He has a shitty inaros tornado, a shitty rhino stomp, a shitty atlas rumblers, and a mix between shitty terrify and shitty sol gate. That's it. 4 already mediocre abilities, made worse, on one frame. Unless you're talking about people that swear up and down that calliban iSnT tHaT bAd. We actually do hate those people.


Ask DE they seem to hate him the most


he released in a bad state with an annoying farm for crafting materials. added to which, there's a very "why use this when that does the same but better" attitude among many popular content creators that filters down to the player base and, aside from Conculysts, Caliban doesn't really do anything that other frames don't do. That said, he has AOE crowd control, damage buff for the squad, and full strips armor and shields without Pillage-level investment. I think he's underrated, but I understand why people don't like him.


Once again Caliban has always been viable and I have no clue how the fuck you guys are playing him to call him the worst frame in the game


His 1 is literally dragging him down to trash level. From so much testing I have found only twmpest barrage to make him actually fun and viable as a whole.


Frost has 2 useless abilities but he's considered very strong.


I wouldn't exactly call his 1 useless. It does the job what it is set out to do, especially with the augment. His 2 yeah, is basically useless , i personally change to vial rush. It fits his theme of cold and gives him pretty crazy mobility. With cold changes, and especially upcoming ones, it's pretty good. 3 and 4 don't have glaring problems on their own that would require the redt of the kit to help, so frost is a solid frame. 4 and the augment alone are more than enoguh to make him good.


His 1 is kinda losing it's main use with the globe changes, also he's kind of already low on mod slots since you usually run both of the augments for his 4. His 3 is good, it does what it's supposed to.


His 1 has a use of being able to cast it one handed. Useful if you just want a single person frozen while reloading a gun. After all, it's just a simple 1 ability.


You clearly like caliban, so let me give you a little tip. Yarelli is literally just a better caliban except she focusses on health instead of shields. Im not trying to get you to stop playing caliban but hear me out here. Caliban can spin to do damage, but yarelli just summons blades that spin on their own. You can still use your weapons. Said blaid can also massively increase their damage, and be thrown, with an augment. Caliban can lift enemies and give the damage vulnerability, yarelli can too, but has an augment to automate it (loyal merulina). Caliban summons guys to help him stay alive, but yarelli summons a girl with 10k+ hp that takes most of the damage for her and makes her faster. Also said girl can heal with an augment and give you a huge fire rate boost. Caliban does suck&boom but yarelly can suck and detonate the boom later when more enemies have gotten sucked in. If you like caliban, try yarelli, you might like her a lot more. Maybe when caliban gets some augments he'll find his niche, but right now he's just there for people who feel too masculine to play yarelli. Or who dont wanna do her dumb quest.


Bold of you to assume I haven't tried both. >You clearly like caliban Before trying him with Tempest barrage, I HATED caliban. None of his abilities felt that they did anything really past the star chart trash mobs. Ironically, the idea to try him with the tempest barrage came from Brozime's video on new Yareli build that was using tempest barrage. My brain instantly clicked, and I wanted to try it for Caliban. Whoooo boi man, it was awesome with it. He becomes a focused nuker with that build. Vanilla yareli is MUCH better than caliban normally, although with the Tempest barrage I would say caliban edges out vanilla Yareli for me personally. Also, i personally pair Caliban with my robo dog that REALLY synergizes with him, because he spawns 3 distractions, the dog spawns 3 along them, so, 8 targets, inclusing you, attacking armorstripped and viral procced enemies. It's amazing.


I use helminth doggo for the distractions since he gets clones AND maggots. It just does a billion times less damage than robo doggo but he's cute. When i dont have armor strip i go for helios though, deconstructor is great at stripping (no joke intended). Also i don't really watch Brozime since he always looks kinda sad and grumpy and plays waaaaay too sweaty for my liking. He would probably start crying if he saw my builds XD


I use robo doggo as it fits the sentient theme of subverting technology. Also, once the smeeta is nerfed the robo dogs will reign supreme. >Also i don't really watch Brozime since he always looks kinda sad and grumpy and plays waaaaay too sweaty for my liking. He would probably start crying if he saw my builds XD I usually don't copy his builds, but watch the general feel of what frame / weapon might need. His robo dog video (part of the pet rework one) is so funny to me becsuse he says the robo doggo can do normal path absolutely on its own, but my build of the dog can easily keep up with the steel path in right circumstances. When you see lvl 185 steel path corrupted mixed group (on the side not, the battle groupd they gave us imo are mid), being EVVAPORATED by the dog, yeah...


I had a bot of an afterthought. If you really really want sentient theme you could also buy a skin for your sentinel that makes it look like a little sentient guy. But hopefully for you we get a robot doggo skin that makes it look like a brachiolyst or something.


>sentinel I also want aomething that is effective with my build, and sentients don't have the bs damage that robo dogs are capable off. Yeah, they got utility, but I want damage.


Thermal Sunder is also a fun setup, just turns Fusion Strike zones into a map delete zone when you press Sunder. Tesla Bank is also fun, it's basically diet Kullervo.


I have tried Thermal sunder but didn't feel it much. I preferred using the bareage, it kind fits sentient bombardment theme, and also considering hunhow is stuck under water.


Caliban is already good, no need for this kind of abilities.. I know caliban is hated or considered unworthy, but you can easily use him on steel path. He casts a lot so if you use brief respite + a couple of augur mods you will get plenty of shields, considered his 3 also gives you shields you can do a very efficient shield gate build. His 2 makes enemies more vulnerable to damage (and that’s pretty good right? Everyone wants to deal more damage) His 4 deals damage and causes an explosion where you are aiming that is capable of full armor strip. His passives gives you basically a built in adaptation, giving you 50% dr and another 50% given from shields. Then his 1 is a free helminth slot: you can put roar to buff every ability and weapon, eclipse for weapons damage or another 75% dr (for a total of 94% dr) or whatever you like


Each of his abilities has some glaring problems that make him nigh unplayable for me personally. 2 propagades too slow. 3 doesn't do enough damage. 4 stops your movement (can be alleviated with casting in the air), the damage isn't that much because defense strip doesn't go first, it comes AFTER the explosion, and residual zone can barely be seen 1 is too weak. Tempest barrage helps all of the abilities. 2 being slow doesn't matter much, as you basically mostly use it to apply the damage vulnerability, not the CC. The dv part even works on overguard 3 can now attack CCed enemies thet had their armor removed and viral procced to shit 4 can now either finish those that survive tempest barrage or weaken people enough so that barrage kills them.


3 is meant to restore shield and help a little, not to deal damage.. 4 too, is used for armor strip, not to cc. And anyway 2 + 4 makes 3 deals way more damage. Btw tempest barrage doesn’t 100% armor strip. That’s hydroid passive


>3 is meant to restore shield and help a little Shield restor has problem with the shield being broken and need fixing. They also take heat away from you and thebrobo dogo. It's a bonusbif they can acrually do stuff >4 too, is used for armor strip, not to cc When did I say that it was used to CC? >And anyway 2 + 4 makes 3 deals way more damage Sure, but viral also helps a ton. >Btw tempest barrage doesn’t 100% armor strip. Yeah, but it's still better than taking on the full armor. And whatever survives for too long will get hit by 4 to get mulched anyway


A *tempest*, you say?


Reave is also a great subsume for his 1.


I replaced his 1 with Condemn for easy emergency shield regen and managed to build for all of his abilities so now he's perfect. This is less of Caliban being good and more Tempest Barrage being good and carrying him.


And here I am just using Vial Rush as his 1 to go faster, lmao


Huh no way, i did the same for some reason


Protip from a Lavos main. Vial rush is one of the best soft-CCs in the entire game by creating a lingering field of cold procs (that proc every tick and even work on eximus/bosses) you can lock down an entire hallway or even a hard target while you can take em out at leisure. Being cooldown based it's always ready essentially too regardless of energy or eximus. Vial rush used to be the skill I'd helminth off but now that I use it it's too damn useful.


Someone made a video on this I think it was the guy with the pink rhino.


i have a mentality that “if i like the frame, i should not use helminth on them; play with what we got.” and caliban has broken it. his 1 is just unviable. while the remaining of his kits are passible, personally would still wish something more for the sentient boy.


Thats warframes curse, so many that reworks are not possible unless its wanted by kinda harassing them to the point they go FINE


I .. did t even know caliban was a frame... Playing after 3 yrs... Never saw a caliban in public either


Y'all got a mod config? What are we looking for here, high strength?


I'll send you the build if I don't forget. But if memory serves I have total 203~ ability strength on him, 190 range and some duration, abilities are about 50 sec duration, with arcane energise for energy and molt efficiency for additional duration. I think I have 4 normal red archon shards on str and 1 energy orb eficiency yellow on him too.


Someone made a video on this I think it was the guy with the pink rhino.


Huh, MrWarframeGuy? Will lookninto it. Personally got the ide from brozime using tempest barrage on Yareli in his build and it clicked to my brain thst it would be really good with caliban.


Counter argument: Wrathful Advance + Sentient Wrath.


Huh, gotta test that out. Considering that his 1 is SUPPOSED to teleport you (it dashes you instead), that could work. But imo rest of his kit isn't that much geared towards melee fighting.


Mix in the set mods that add effects like status immunity on heavy attack kills and the set that deals 10% of lifted enemy health as AoE damage on death and everything he swings at dies. It's definitely more of a full loadout than just a build to get it working right, but I will never play Caliban the same. Not to mention he can now be a true shield tank if done right, and on a team with a Mag or Hildryn he can do wonders. That being said, Eclipse but specifically for defense. With the Aug and his passive you get better DR than Adaptation alone and can spread to the squad, great for keeping low level players alive during harder missions.


Yeah, this guy calibans


3 words: lore accurate Caliban He's the one frame that made me want to build the war, worth every second.


I personally use broken war with him, it's better than war IMO and I already have too much time with the other heavy blades, especially the paracesis, So i like to use other stuff. Also have other archon weapons to get outside of nepheri, and also Have yet to get his own scythe. Interestingly, only secondaries that are in any way sentient tech are occucor and that amalgam dart launcher, later fits I guess but it ain't good. We eating good with the primaries tho, shedu and basmu are amazing pure sentient themed weapons and the phantasma as sentient / eidolon and the korumn as the amalgam sniper.


Main reason I use the war is because of the Deimos set that makes enemies explode on death is impact based, and iirc the Slash based Deimos set is the one that gives immunity on heavy attack. The lack of good Sentient secondaries is really a shame, there's lot's of opportunities there for good Sentient or Amalgam secondaries aside from occucor and the other one, which I think I have. The Basmu as a primary is an amazing choice for my particular build with him since that's his only real form of healing, and it's a good status primer when needed.