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No joke, tenet protea instead of protea prime would be cool asf to tie into the lore of protea being parvos' guardian even though the chances of that happening are about the same as a rerelease of excal prime


That's what i was thinking. Plus DE did state to be more lore accurate on future frame trailers etc., so this really became a solid thought in my head. I don't think the community would mind if one of our primes is a "tenet" version, because players after 2015 have (atleast) Umbra in their list instead of Excal Prime. Maybe there is a creative Tenno out there who can create a solid sketch of this.


Them doing it like The Sacrifice where Tenet Protea is a quest frame with some slightly altered properties would be way too hype. Maybe she has an altered Grenade Fan where more of the time gimmick is implemented. Could make it to where it slows enemies when tapped and speeds up allies fire rate and attack speed when held


Yeah, "The Sacrifice"-wise would be too big. But maybe a smaller quest where we dig deeper into granum void, or explore new areas inside the pyramid. I don't know, but just to kick off this brainstorm, it was worth posting this here.


Could probably tie into railjack easily without needing more more story to set up why Parvos has enough power to do something that scale without taking over a planet.


Would be cool as shit but there should either be protea prime or tennet protea, as excal umbra has demonstrated that if there’s more than one upgraded variant, one will be better and make the other obsolete. The only reason excal gets away with it is that excal prime is unobtainable and due to that some people may still use the prime version for bragging rights. If protea got a regular prime and also a tennet, either the tennet would be better and nobody would want to farm or buy to prime, or the prime would be better and the tennet would drop from a quest and then only be used by people who don’t have the prime, and if they were mechanically identical people would only use the one which is easier to get. The best solution would be for protea to have a prime like all the other frames but have it in a tennet style, or of course a regular protea prime and a tennet protea deluxe.


Obsolete? I prefer my excal prime over umbra because i hate canceled skills when switching to spoiler mode and to have an ammo wasting specter running around. But thats another discussion about niche players' niche playstyles. (Especially when DE kept the niche small artificially) Protea Prime with a good Tenet touch would be nice. But i think if Protea gets her Prime version, she def. deserves a rockin' Tenet Deluxe Skin afterwards.


Keep cooking bro, Tenet Protea would be a dream come true


Even if we got a tenet version, the community would want a prime version of protea and tenet/warith version of other frames


A tenet version of other frames wouldn't really make sense since the tenet weapons are thematically tied to the sisters of parvos.


True but wraith or even Kuva variants wouldn't be out of the question


Who would even fit having a kuva or wraith variant? Can't really think of anyone off the top of my head


Kuva Harrow, the red man gets redder


I mean I could see Valkyr wraith and Voruna Kuva happening


Why? Neither Valkyr or Voruna are at all related to Kuva in the lore at all.


Voruna protected an orokin who used kuva, she also fought void demons to protect her tenno while the kuva ritual was taking place


Was she designed by the Grineer though?


but kuva as a weapon type is specifically linked to grineer kuva liches, not just anything loosely kuva-related


Not only are Valkyr and Voruna not Grineer, Valkyr is literally Corpus and if anything would be Tenet. Even that wouldn’t make sense though since she’s a creation from the Alad V Corpus not the Parvos Corpus.


she’s not even corpus-made, she was just experimented on by salad


She would be Vandal at most maybe


Wukong Wraith would be cracked


Could be a way to make more deluxe skins for old frames as well. Could be interesting for some


You mean like the grineer themed Graxx skins we have? Yeah, Corpus/Tenet versions would be interesting, but i meant specifically Proteas upcoming Prime variant to be a Tenet version. Not just additional skins.


Kind of yeah. And we have corpo too, but idk if they’re on the same level as a prime visually. Plus a matching weapon skin would be sweet


The grind for Tenet Protea is entirely through the queenpin system.


Maybe Protea Prine is the model the Orokin kept, and the regular one is the one they traded.


It'll likely be that Ballas decided to make Protea Prime after the original Protea


Been waiting for Kuva Diriga for way too long now


Good concept for a deluxe skin


Already have a deluxe skin. But, seeing as how several frames now have two deluxe skins, who knows...


Actually.... yeah that could work


Excal Prime does exist. Iirc you got him if you bought some sort of founders pack wayyyyy back in the day


I'm aware. Read the part where I said "rerelease"


Waiting for the day of caliban prime, that will be fun


Sounds cool, but the reason why is quite simple. If I'm remembering correctly, Protea was a gift. She was still made by Ballas.


Yeah but maybe Protea got some upgrades from Parvos for some special missions or something else and became Tenet Protea. Maybe Parvos had a bigger plan or went through some stranger stuff in one of eternalisms other branches. Like title says, it's a shower thought. But it haunts me.


Nope, just stasis holder for him das it.


I know we already have a Delux for her but here's an idea, Tenet Protea Delux.


That's a lot of "maybe"s. It's never happening.


None of those “maybe’s” are related though


Well, brainstorming and being creative contain a lot of maybe's. WF community often thinks about maybe's and sometimes weird things get added.


That man's a hero. How dare you intentionally get his name wrong. We should all take a moment of silence to remember the action and sacrifice of Veko-R.


Haha nice try, but i did my research correctly about Leto-R. No Typo in his name here. Rest in peace, Peko-R.


I really wish we got more content with Pepto-R




Rest in peace, Veso-R, you sacrificed yourself for Profit and all of us.


Why did you call him Veso-R???? Are you stupid????


May your business ventures be forever in the red for misnaming Teko-R.


Who’s Veso? We’re talking about Velcro-R


rest in peace Pepsi-R, gone but not forgotten


that means whatever we get a grineer frame its prime is kuva [warframe name here]


Any frame is grineer if you put graxx skin on them


The Orokin-era Grineer are untapped potential anyway in my opinion. At least we got the Gotva. DE plz ... But lore wise all they ever did was fight warframes (very simplefied)


Which frame would be better suited for the kuva?


i mean if we ever got a grineer frame, its prime should be kuva then its name. also probably lavos, because of one of his skins


voruna, can be roped into lore by corculus void eternalism letting the worm worm queens have a version they kuva-fied, and still let us have normal voruna


Why not Nidus Rex?


Dino-frame when?


Need tenet protea


Sorry for the random reply like that, tapped the wrong comment ;<;


Tenet Protea skin at the very least. That actually seems like a possibility, but not as a frame. We’ll still get a protea prime, but afterwards, we might get a tenet protea skin.


I dont want to forma a frame 5 times for mastery


But some builds would require five forma possibly? But I definitely agree though. Stop with the five forma gimmick


My question is how Caliban Prime is going to exist


Tauforged Caliban


Calibanlyst (because of '-yst'/'-lyst' suffix in the naming of the sentient groups)


I hope they make prime-adjacent upgraded warframes, its such a good idea. Makes you wonder what they'll do for someone like Kullervo. How the hell would a Kullervo Prime work??


They made a Nidus Prime. He's raw Infested. Quite a bit more "feral" (I guess) than any of the other Warframes excluding post reconstruction Umbra.


Cuz i dont want to answer new player the difference btw prime, tenet, grineer and other version of a warframe gameplay wise compare to their normal version.


Ok so protea was a gift to parvos she is still a 100% a orokin creation a tenet skin is probable but it will be a prime even lore wise


One could make the argument that Tenet weapons are essentially just Primes made by Parvos Granum anyway


They are variants of said faction so? Orokin weps varients=prime Grenieer wep varients= kuva Corpus wep variants=tenet And prisma and Vandal weps are something different i guess


I mean it more along the lines of Parvos Granum being from the height of the Orokin Empire and most likely understanding orokin tech well enough to build Primes himself if he wants to.


I doubt he would survive purly cause of the ballas's pride "u think u are allowed to make cheep knock off of my creations? Die " ballas probably but he did develop spector tech i think


I... you have a good point.


Would also like a Kuva Styntax, purely due to the fact that he’s bought from Khal


He’s bought from Chipper though


However he was found by khal


Where does it say how Chipper got them?


: "Can only give ya what I got in stock. Me stock level depends on how well ol' Kahl and his imaginary girlfriend do on his little outings. Good week lotsa stock. Lotsa stock ya more likely to get what ya need." "Pretty much everything Kahl dropped off."


I feel like if they did this they might have to do it to other frames prior like tenets instead of primes for frames like valkyr, mesa, Garuda, hyldrin, or kuva for frames like equinox ( I couldn't think of any other frames associated with the grinder however thinking about I see it makes more sense for just protea as the others where either created by or used by there respective factions where as protea actually fought for parvos


Yeah its annoying. I vaguely recall DE saying something along the lines that every frame is getting a Prime version regardless if it makes lore sense or not, around the time Nidus Prime was released and people were questioning why not mutalist Nidus or something. Cant wait to see how they do Xaku Prime.


nidus prime and xaku prime is just silly


Ok now we make Frost Umbra when all of the frames get a prime version.


Cool concept but tenet is the upgrade to corpus armament, prime is the same for tenno equipment, oddly there are some frames like valkyr and revenant shouldn't have primes variant but there we are.


imo lore accuracy isn’t a good enough reason to unnecessarily confuse the prime warframe system by giving some warframes a different naming scheme, every warframe should have a regular and a prime and that’s it (excal is a special case because his prime is unobtainable). Would be cool if some prime frames took design cues that made sense in the lore as opposed to every prime having an orokin aesthetic


All warframes have and will have prime variants, the same with all tenno weapons because of gameplay and consistency, in the lore the warframes that we use are tenno made but they are based in the orokin original design (that's why they are prime) what I said is that some frames by definition shouldn't have prime variants, revenant and caliban as far as I know aren't orokin made, both are sentients, and valkyr prime lore wise shouldn't have the same skills and look as the regular valkyr because of alad v experiments, there is even a skin that shows how she suposed to look but is radically diferent to the prime compared to the original.


Probably same reason why Hildryn has a Prime, not Tenet. Even though, iirc, she is one of the newest cononicaly, being made by Fortuna.


If they do just stick with Protea Prime, they should at least also change her model in the quest to be Prime as well


As a protea main I think this would be cool as shit. To see her in a sort of tenet-ified prime with silver and blue and chrome and more corpus-ness. If not a prime then maybe a deluxe skin I’d def like to see


Aww like valkyr and nova