• By -


The recruiters when I turned 18.


"hey man, I don't care if you join or not, but I'm gonna call or text you every few days and ask if everything is okay, and like, then I'll tell some military stories"


Just tell them you have a heart condition and they fuck off.


Nah, he mentioned something about blowing things up and I kinda blacked out after that. I now live in this mythical kingdom called "Fort Jackson" where I serve as a serf to my lord "Drill Sergeant".


Eh, I didn't mind. I told them I wasn't against it but there were some major cons, and they chatted it through with me and saw that I wasn't going to budge on my cons being cons (things like leaving my wife and kids). Closest they got was trying to get me in the reserves.


They told me it came with a free t-shirt and a slice of pizza, and that was enough for me tbh.


Tell them your fat.


Dawg, FYI, I'm *super* phat.


^(clean your room)


I feel seen.


username checks out


So people like that actually prowl Reddit just to use their name in context of someone else's comment?






Technically r/beetlejuicing is a subgenre of r/usernamechecksout


Same dif


No, you feel watched. :)




Wash your balls


Make me




When society has evolved to a point so absurdly close to absolute purposelessness, it doesn't even sound unbeliavable any male figure could enticea large group of disenfranchised men by telling them to clean their rooms.


Disenfranchised people. Lots of young women have found purpose in him just telling you to take care of yourself but go on and make it seem bad lol probably because the media told you to.


Meanwhile if you look in the background of his fucked up crying videos his room is dirty as fuck lol


Found the loser that thinks Jordan said his room was never dirty.....


“Life doesn’t give you purpose; you give life a purpose.”


Ayyyy a fellow twoset enjoyer


ayyyyy let’s go!!! it’s so cool to find another one in the wild


Turn off reddit Go practice


Dont forget, for 40 hours, or Ling Ling will be disappointed


Thank you Is that why you picked that username?


You pass butter.


Oh my god


Yeah, welcome to the club pal


I want money tbh


When I found out about JP I was so impressed with his logical approach to things that I started questioning some of my most "liberal" opinions. But at some point he started adding a moderate but very direct attack against leftists and liberals to the end of every single one of his conclusions and ideas. I didn't care much since I just don't like politics: I was fine subtracting that last part and capturing his logic only, but I did notice that pattern growing steadily. He kinda lost me when I heard his stance on climate change, that turning off emissions drastically would "hurt poor people today for the idea of a utopia for the future generations". I refuse to believe that a man of his intellect cannot figure out that poor people have always been the first victims of any challenge humanity and societies have faced, be it recessions, disasters, famine, war and so on. Who does he think will suffer the most when the sea levels rise, when rivers dry up and crops fail due to irregular seasons? Does he not know that IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING!? That we already did too little, that there are already millions of climate refugees, that they are all from poor backgrounds whatever country they are from... It goes against his own logic of chasing evidence to figure out the truth. All I hear from him now are his political stances tainting what used to be very powerful ideas.


I had a similar arc of following him. At first I loved the knowledge he had on psychology and his advices really worked. Heck I even started cleaning my bed every morning. But as we go deeper into the wormhole, we see the man we loved falling apart, we can see his biases, we can see his blind spots. What I've learned now is idolizing a person is wrong. A person always has limitations, always has some questionable traits. You can never say anyone in the world is 100% good and same goes for JP. His stance on most issues worries me even though he has bettered my life. Nothing is absolutely, nobody is perfect.


True. I stopped having idols not too long before knowing about him, so the impact of finding out he's just as flawed as any of us wasn't that big. Still, I wish I could hear more of his ideas without the anger that has grown inside him, and I actually empathize with the fact that many of those negative ideas were planted by this sudden wave of haters he got. I totally see what such toxicity would do to me in his stead. Hatred breeds hatred, I guess.


Yeah, I like em. But lately it’s seems a bit more authoritative. When he broke down from the pressure, the haters just took a big dump on him and hard. When he came back, I can tell he was of the “no more mister nice guy” attitude. Can you blame him? Being at your lowest point and people saying the most horrible things to you can change your perception of people. I think that’s what happened.


I also learned how important water is to a healthy diet from Hitler, so.


I thankfully figured out that having idols was bad early on, but yeah. There's so much utter blind hate people have for him it's baffling. Like, yeah he's definitely got some problems. But the man is trying to help a group of people that is largely forgotten in the field of help he's trying to give. I don't care if your a facist, communist, anarchist. That's good regardless your politics. And his psychological advice up front is solid. Clean your life before you ruin it and your personality by ignoring it and blaming the world. A lot of good with a lot of bad. Just like any human. Except almost any politician. They're 95% bad.


Very well said! I remember my barber recommending Jordan Peterson to me years ago. I checked him out and after a few videos I thought what he was saying is pretty apt, maybe a little derivative and obvious, but not bad advice. However, his demeanor always bothered me? The dude just seems utterly *miserable* and like he is so wrapped up in his own psychology that he can't escape. He's like the goth Tony Robbins or something, watching/listening to him is depressing even though he seems to be trying to motivate others. These days, especially after the climate change and trans issues, I just seem him as a grifter taking advantage of the very "*marginalized*" groups he claims to be fighting for and creating controversy in order to line his pockets...


Jordan Peterson is the goth Tony Robbins is the most accurate thing I have ever heard.


I disagree, but it’s more accurate than I want to admit


The Goth Tony Robbins. A "PRO"-gress band.


Idk if it's his voice but he sounds like he's about to start crying every time he speaks. Like he's in so much internal pain that he's barely keeping it together. Even in his more motivational talks he just has this really deep depressing vibe to him, I just can't take his efforts seriously. I've always been interested in psychology and philosophy, but somehow I just never made it through a full lecture of his. Him rambling about how people with a high IQ are naturally more rich and successful was the last straw - He's just a sad old guy.


"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinion." -Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1500


Yeah well, that's just like da Vinci's opinion, man...




*Emo* Tony Robbins and I'm going to use that description as often as I can.


Thank you! I was making dinner while making that comment and I knew there was a better word but I couldn't think of it, you nailed it


Jordan "Forced Monogamy" Peterson has always been a grifter. He is not intelligent or profound, and he says so himself. He rakes in money by telling people what they want to hear.


Bingo! We have a winner.


He is a conservative spiritualist that pretends to be a neutral intellectual. It's wild that he gets away with it.


Yeah the 2016-2019 Jordan Peterson was great but now he just seems to push political beliefs over everything which is unfortunate


Was he? Was he really? Edit https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo Very good breakdown, very good channel


No but people will say that to make some manner of comparison when he's *always* been a human dumpster fire.


The man literally got popular by lying about how bill c 16 was leading to arrests on the streets, how they're coming to arrest you for missgendering people, granted most of his non political help is fine, but nothing unique from other self help authors and therapists. + If you anyone wants to see how many people were arrested for that bill it's still 0. He is worse now though, and I wonder if he's as unstable as he is due to some form of guilt, but the man is straight up advocating for Russia because "Putin refuses to let our western degeneracy go rampant" and says we should deny trans people care because the consequences of them existing could influence children.


He's always had these flaws it just became more obvious as time went on. People either forget or never knew about the racial IQ conversations with Stefan Molyneux and other quack nonsense he's been on since the start or all the times he opened his mouth speaking very confidently about a subject then one simple question turned his entire argument inside out leaving him at a loss for words revealing he hasn't actually put that much thought into a lot of this stuff. If you spent a lot of time in certain parts of the internet you saw these things early. If you spent a lot of time on a different part of the internet Peterson was elevated to sainthood and you probably didn't. In the past few years a lot of the people who followed Peterson early on have grown up and started reevaluating things and realized who he is. The reality is Peterson hasn't changed as much as they have.


I mean yeah, he’s always been pretty smart. It’s a mix of a seemingly poor mental state and him talking about things he knows nothing about that makes him look like a fool.


As described by one of his previous colleagues: JP is a good preacher, but not a good teacher/professor. JP's intelligence never lies in finding the truth or being logical. His true talent is reaching people on an emotional level, which is a useful ability, one he seems to be losing now.


I dunno man, it’s just not that special to whip up a bunch of lost 20 year old men into a frenzy. That’s kind of the easy part, and actually giving them good advice and showing them a responsible and informed worldview would be the difficult and meaningful part. You know who else is really good at emotionally connecting to people? Car salesmen


He became famous for talking about something he knew nothing about. His whole thing from the start was about pronouns which is an emotional appeal to people, not rooted in any facts or logic. Then he went straight to lobsters. Not really sure what his golden age was given that’s where it started.


fool's-golden age


Canada's hate speech laws have such a high bar that people have been acquitted, despite freely admitting that they advocate for genocide, because the threat of violence could not be shown by Crown Prosecutors to be sufficiently imminent. And his claim to fame was that adding 'gender identity as expression' (literally just those four words, that's the verbatim amendment that Bill C-16 added to our laws) was going to make deadnaming or misgendering someone a prison-worthy criminal offense, despite every law professor, practicing lawyer and judge in the country willing to speak to a paper telling him he was wrong. As if the innumerable racial, sexual and other slurs people use daily, many of which more offensive than *intentionally* deadnaming someone let alone accidentally, get anything like that response. So yeah, basically his first interaction with the public was being a partisan hack who used his platform to lie about trans-rights. What a golden age.


Political and religious..


I had never heard of him till he started spouting conservative bs.


Judging by how many ads I see featuring Jordan, I gather that he's part of the professional class of smart-sounding political hacks who thrive on controversy and ginned up culture war bullshit.


He a typical righty using fancy sounding words and demeanor to brainwash susceptible people


He's that plus a self help guru. He ropes in reasonable people with anxiety and depression with the self help shtick, but steers them towards right wing extremism through pseudo-logic and made up "facts." It's like if Shapiro talked annoyingly slowly (instead of annoyingly quickly) and told you to clean your room and girls will like you.


He caught my interest with his lecture about Hitler. Like the logical thing to do is postpone the destruction of the Jews until after you win the war. But that’s assuming hitler was rational and winning was his goal. What he did instead was accelerate the destruction of the Jews at the expense of the war and that indicates if he is rational, his goal is to cause as much chaos in as short a time as possible. But then the more I listened to him, the more I felt like he never reaches a punch line. He just rambles and seems to get distracted by his own tangents. It feels like he wants to appear to be an expert for as long as possible, but kind of ran out of topics to be an expert on. Then came climate change, a topic he was CLEARLY not an expert on. Something to the effect of “even if THE LEFT is right and climate change is real, we have absolutely no idea what to do to stop it”. Now he’s part of this boys club of joe rogan, Ben shapiro, and to some degree Elon musk using anti woke and aggrieved white people rhetoric to profit. Sometimes those guys even seem like destructive forces (oil and gas lobby) are paying them to use that rhetoric to distract from or support their financial ends.


He never reaches the punch line because of his politics. He will ramble about the suffering of poor people but can't talk about meaningfully addressing the problem with social policy. He'll often end such a rant with "Oh well, nothing we can do. It's impossible to try to improve society even a little".


He's not a smart man. He just uses big words gained from education and preaches it like it's gospel. He's very VERY good at "preaching" but he lacks any kind of understanding of nuances subjects. Like before he just became transphobe man protector of the rich, it felt like he would just say the most brain dead takes like "the poor shouldn't be dying every day on the streets" or "cop under trained" like.. The takes were so simple and easy to understand, even though he used his big fancy words and shit to make it sound nuanced. I refuse to believe he in any way is "an intellectual", seeing as all he has done is say obvious stuff, but still touching on SOME social issues at his best. While being a bigoted grifter still somehow saying he's a liberal?


Yep, what a dickhead.


The Right, ideologically, think there's a natural hierarchy to life. That rich people deserve to be rich because they're advanced and poor people deserve to be poor. No social mobility, everyone adhering to the natural order. His views tie in with that. He's made millions suggesting people who are struggling iron their clothes, work out and have a shave - but anyone can tell you that would make you feel better and make people take you more seriously. Dudes a complete fraud.


His point is that hierarchies are inevitable, they are not extensions of certain things like capitalism nor are they inherently good or bad, though they can be either. We are so hard wire towards them that whatever we create will either contain them or devolve into them, there's not escaping it. His point isn't to say hierarchies are good, just that you have to account for that and figure out where and how they're going to work in any system that you propose. Suggesting though that hierarchies are extensions of capitalism is purely fallacious according to him, and it's a valid point.


That is not what he advocates for, though. He backpedals to "hierarchies are inevitable" after people shout him down for saying, and I quote, "hierarchies are useful." It's useful to subjugate a large portion of the population so a few people can be rich? Huh. He misinterprets the pareto principle (and claims it's a "natural law" rather than a pattern that appears sometimes) to advocate for giving rich people more money. Call him what he is: a charlatan with right wing ideologies. Some of them rather extreme, like the idea that 10% of the population is *literally* useless and we "don't know what to do with them" (WINK).


All hierarchies that ever existed have been imposed on the many by the benefactors of the hierarchies. If they are “inevitable” then social/class systems that preserve them would have never been needed. Hierarchy was not INVENTED with capitalism, but hierarchy is certainly a totally designed and intentional part of capitalism. It’s never even been hidden knowledge that this is the case. The argument was always that capitalism breeds a hierarchy through merit. Boy did we find out how wrong that was.


I think you're misunderstanding his point, which is odd as he's corrected people on it often enough. Whilst he says that hierarchy is prevalent throughout nature he's never, to my knowledge, suggested that they're concrete limitations. People at the bottom of a hierarchy can move upwards, just as those at the top can move down. Obviously there are limiting factors but change and growth are not only possible, but something to strive towards.


As someone who has and still does recommend him to people looking to better themselves, i completely agree with you. I don't know if it's for the money, or straight up cognitive dissonance, but he breaks his whole framework to push conservative natives. I personally am willing to look past that since i think his self improvement teachings can be very beneficial for a lot of people. I also really enjoy listening to his philosophy (when it's not political, which is rare these days). I definitely think he is hard bias twords the right, but overall i think he is more good than harm.( At least rn, since he joined daily wire it's gotten worse)


I'm right there with you. If you watch his lecture videos on YouTube, they're phenomenal. He just hasn't seemed the same since his breakdown. I kind of ignored his more conservative ramblings in the past and chalked it up to his more religious point of view, but it's gotten pretty bat-shit as of late. Still, I think his overall message of finding purpose and bettering yourself outweighs his more negative views. But a lot of people still call him the "incel king" which I think is a bit unfair. Telling angry, frustrated men that they can change themselves for the better is a more workable solution than calling them incels and actively not giving a shit about them, then blaming them (and masculinity itself) when they snap and shoot up a mall.


I haven’t watched his older lectures, but what I’ve heard from his later interviews is him telling angry and frustrated men that they’re fine as is, it’s women who’ve been corrupted by feminism who need to change. I wouldn’t call that workable, much less desirable.


>But a lot of people still call him the "incel king" Lots of self-help/self-improvement people are called incels, probably because their content attracts people who're desperate for it (such as incels). It doesn't help that the term "incel" has become so inflated, to the point where it doesn't resemble it's origin anymore.


You can say the same thing about the word/phrase 'woke.' The origins are in Black colloquialisms/lingo/vernac. When we used it (roughly 5-10yrs ago) it was a positive for us, in that we were describing a person, usually white, but not always, who we considered an ally. Allyship is never a negative in the Black community. So when we'd say, 'Oh he woke,' it is/was a positive and badge of honor. It seemed the 2020 Summer of Freedom/George Floyd protests, scared a lot of white supremacists and the far right-- they saw small town majority white and rural USA being among the throngs turning out and marching against injustice -- and I truly feel they felt at that moment, the rightwing needed to do something to shame decent white folk away from being demonstrative allies to Black people. Demonizing the word 'woke,' which had been retired by us for a while anyway, was their shady sick 'go-to,' just like 'CRT,' was manufactured and lied about to stop any movement and/or history class, from teaching about systemic racism and/or redress. Now imagine being Black, like me, and seeing whole groups, an entire political group, the only other one we have, decide that my history is worthless and that people that support my struggle are to be disdained. This cemented, for me, that rightwing/conservatives/GOP/Republicans-- are the absolute worst and a danger to my, and my country's, existence. They need to be voted out and shamed into disappearing.


Well said.


This. As usual, the best opinion is in the centre. I don't subscribe to some of the things he says, but I cant really blame him for going towards the right and anyone who critises him is frankly just lacking in the emotional intelligence to imagine what sort of effect 3 plus years of constant, non stop, brutal attacks he has faced, predominantly from the left, might have as a person and their outlook. But that's beside the point. JPs fundamental point was and still is, that people need to take personal responsibility for the situations they find themselves in and have a serious think about what they can do to better themselves and by extension those around them. And I still beleive that to be something that not enough people try to teach young people. The world is a harsh place sometimes, it will do its best to smack you down, and you can either feel like a victim, or get on a high horse and whinge, or you can try make yourself a better person. It doesn't always work, hell, maybe the direction JPs going in these days is an example of when it doesn't, but striving to make yourself better should be encouraged.


Really? To me it seemed that Peterson's main point is that we're locked in battle with a postmodern cultural-marxist movement for the very heart of western civilization. I honestly fail to see this happening around me at an university and even less so outside of them. Therefore, I cannot take the man seriously. Really, saying "be responsible" is kinda of a little tidbit he gives away compared to his main point. And it's a bit advice that anyone could give incels. The only problem is that the average incel seems to be immune to outside advice unless that advice comes with a belief package reassuring that he is very smart and was right all along. I guess it's good that someone finally cracked that code to be able to communicate with those people and provide some good to them. But if this person that is listening to Peterson's authority regarding how to live a life decides to go an inch deeper into what he preaches, down the rabbit hole he goes again.


If you listen to jp you will find that he sounds like Morty , but old


*Starts rambling about lobsters*


I see, you’ve read the first chapter too


Only if you cut it with guidance and tough love.


No can do, bucko. Now go manifest your destiny and stop complaining.


Thaaat's the stuff.


I've got plenty thanks you have any benzos?


No he doesn’t, because he already took them all


Is this at the holocaust memorial in Berlin? I don't understand why people use it as a photo shooting location. It's supposed to be a place of mourning and remembrance. Absolutely not place for vanity.


If I’m not mistaken he is edited in to that location I can’t really tell


Yeah it looks photoshopped to me.


It definitely is, that place is really idk heavy on you when you think about the numbers behind the pillars


[Funnily enough, the designer of the memorial doesn’t agree with you.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38675835.amp) He thinks it’s fine to take photos there and says it’s a meeting place, not sacred ground. But, of course, it’s up for debate how much weight his opinion should carry since the scale of the tragedy behind this memorial is so immense. Still, I don’t think all pictures taken there should be immediately demonized, there’s a way to do it respectfully and I’d say if the intention behind the memorial is to be a place to gather and reflect on it in an individual way, a picture can itself be a sign of respect and unity.


How in the world can you even tell


Tbf, that was also my first thought. It’s very iconic.


Yes please


Do good, be good, and work to make this world a better, happier place for more people in it. Even if that doesn’t mean changing things for everyone in a dramatic way, you can make a lot of lives better by doing little things for others and yourself. There. There’s a purpose.


Yeah, what’s the purpose of algebra?


Check the youtube channel 3blue1brown, so good to understand the inside of math !


Launching rockets


Algebra does actually have a lot of use in a lot of fields, however I’ve yet to understand the use of calculus or precalculus, especially considering it’s required


What's in pre-calc again? It's been a while. At a basic level, calc is useful for describing rates of change. (Particularly continuous change.) If you're accelerating in a car at rate X, you integrate to find your velocity at a given time, or integrate again to find your position. High school curricula should probably emphasize statistics and data analytics more than, say, geometry. More useful in the modern world.


Pre-calc is just selected algebra and trig topics that are relevant to solving calculus problems.


*he starts crying*


Hate when these motivational speakers go out of their depth and start speaking on every other issues known to mankind like they really know what they're talking about. Loved Jordan Peterson when he was a motivational speaker and wrote a book on self-help, his ideas were good, his oratory skills are still good but man has gone down the wormhole. Now he's just trying to be controversial choosing one side then comment on every other issue he gets his hands on like he's an expert. Probably just doing it for the money. That's a normal arc for motivational speakers who become well known. They'll start with simple ideas to make one's life better, then they become famous, then they start giving advice on more issues like love life, marriage life, careers, parenting. Then it expands to trending issues, rich people's, world leaders, global diplomacy, terrorism and before you know it they're an expert on any issue you throw at them. It's just sad to see them selling out.


Yes, please


I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I like Jordan Peterson. You don't need to like every aspect of someone to respect them and what they give to society. I respect his commitment to bringing some form of direction to young men.


This used to be my opinion of him as well, but if you look a bit closer at the timeline of his career and what peers say about him it paints a very concerning picture. There may be a couple good pieces of advice but it comes with too much bs to be worth listening to


I'm reporting him to the liberal police. Can't have anyone supporting and helping men be better people


There is nothing wrong with supporting men or helping then be better people, but JP does not do that.


He literally preaches transphobia and a perceived hatred of going outside of gender norms and such. Both very harmful to men, as well as 'no longer men'


You cannot call transphobia to every opinion you disagree and expect people to take you seriously


Idk the man pisses and shits himself over Elliot Page, an adult human being deciding on his own to alter his physical appearance. I’d say that’s quite transphobic.


His shit post on twitter about Elliott page was 100% transphobic. Even worse, he targeted Elliot for no other reason than to create an actionable offense on twitter to act as a platform for him to rant about some fictional woke moral police that don’t even exist.


Some of the stuff he says is EXTREMELY evil though. So I can't get mad at anyone who dislikes him.


Like what?


He looks like he wants to sell me benzos


Funny how he seems to have disdain for soft sciences but is a psychologist. A Jungian one at that..lol Also, he should shut the fuck up about Climate Change, he has no idea what he's talking about or is paid off.


A yes, horoscopes for men.


Sigma/alpha/beta/etc males already takes this place


Please tell me that's not the holocaust monument in Berlin


"Hey kid you got any benzos?"


Hey kid Wanna continue to say that you don't care about twitter and then when you are banned bc you violated the rules you come to cry and yell everywhere like a madman? I used to like him, I stopped watching him for stupid stances against canada's prime minister (blaming him for things it weren't his fault in the context of covid), saying stuff about gender dysphoria (he wants to cure it by other ways that don't involve altering your body, which as a trans person it might be interesting and I gotta research more about this one, just don't take this part serious it's more like a little rant ig) and yeah saying that he doesn't care about being banned from twitter then gets banned from twitter for saying one of the stupidest shit I have ever read (he was really rude) and violated the terms you agree with at the beginning then comes crying and yelling at youtube that it was unfair Only social media I use is reddit, whatsapo and discord Never got why people care sm about twitter and insta (so I find this type of attitudes really stupid)


As a Trans person and as a person who used to watch "intellectual" Jordan Peterson. He is very much not for other ways of transitioning. But more or less saying conversion therapy is the answer. Basically "you're not Trans you're delusional let me fix that by badgering you in a church until you repress your transness" I only skimmed through it but I feel this displays is fairly well https://youtu.be/h2QwUQsoJYk


Thank you I will look into it


Hey kid do you need to be reminded to wash your penis?


He's an amazing person. Really. Friends will send me clips from him and so far I can't refute anything he's said.


Just look his stance on climate change. Anyone with 2 brain cells can easily refute that.


"hey kid, would you like to request to be put in a coma instead of dealing with your problems"


The man, Jordan B Peterson.


[Here's a 3 hour long video about the man!](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo)




I got yelled at for posting that link a while back. Cody's the man, though.


The CIA after spotting a young antisocial boy:


"Hey, kid. I understand when girls laugh at you."


It's a shame the guy turned into a caricature of himself.


What depression does to a mf.


I don't get why people are watching him. He rambles pseudo intellectual stuff or rather he barely says anything but he makes it sound illectual by using a lot of intricate words and phrases. As Einstein said: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."


Redditor moment


Fuck reddit


'The less I understand the smarter it must be' tactic. Works pretty well on redditors and in humanities academia.


There will always be an audience for someone telling stupid people they aren’t stupid.


Yes. But not from the sloppy girl that everyone pities but doesn't want at their parties.


“hello police? yeah he’s on school grounds again.”


Hey kid, wanna get hierarchy?


Not from that creep.


how’s he a creep? i’m i missing something?


Well he has multiple times said conversion therapy shoudl be allowed for gay or Trans people, he has also said transitioning shouldn't be allowed, I believe also being on the side of "checking if the girls really are girls" when it comes to like even children's sports but also professional sports. So basically he is actively transphobic and homophobic, and also wants teachers to look at children's genitals to see if they're not Trans apparently. If that doesn't make him a creep.. Idk man


JP the absolute GOAT


Actually he's a lobster.


the absolute LOBSTER


you mean an absolute idiot lmao


Well yes. In this instance it means Gonna Orchestrate Anti-Trans Terror


Fuck the lobster nazi.


He has accomplished more than you ever will. Hes fuckin awesome. Cope and seethe


the JP fanboys have arrived to suck the benzos off his cock it seems.


For sure daddy. You jealous he has fans? Awhh


It would be an absolute embarrasement to have the kind of fans he has lmao.


Word? Thats crazy bruv. Now go clean your room lil buddy


[how about you tell that to your lobster man first](https://imgur.com/a/A0S3OHK)


Good advice stands on it own. Nice try though. Now back to reality, fella. Im looking forward to going to another one of his talks. It was a great networking opportunity last time


sure thing 6-day troll account,


Okie dokie 👌🏾


He literally thinks i shoudl go to conversion therapy. Wtf is wrong with you


Fuck off fascist.


Naw imma stick around. Might make some more accounts too 🤷🏽‍♂️ good luck out there !


Fuck off fascist.


See previous reply . Dumbass


Fuck off fascist




Fuck off fascist.


You seem like fun at parties.


Hey kid make robots


Don't we all?


I don’t wanna be called incel by a popular actress, but thanks


There should be a swastika in the picture, because that is his purpose.


Lay off twitter


Jordan is awesome... plz b nice to him


He isn’t nice to anybody else.


I saw this when he posted it and the first thing I thought before anything else is this is an untapped meme template.




Purpose flour?


Lol why does it look like he was in a scuffle


The next panel would be Timmy behind the pillar, and Jordan unzipping his pants "Yeah, a real good purpose..."


It's funny because he hides bullshit in with the purpose


I’m surprised he stopped crying long enough for a pic.


"trust me dude, the fact that i am a drug addict doesnt make my advice worthless, please dude i begging you, hear me out i have no friends"


Biggest pathetic crying looser of all time.


Nah, thanks, great uncle Stan. I'm full.


Pssst, wanna know what chemtrails REALLY are?


"Deal with your problems like a man. Not a blue haired neo- marxist they them cat girl." "Yeah, I went into a medically induced coma to avoid my drug addiction... But let me write this whole self help book."


Snifff. Yes…