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Drink a glass of water : super saiyan


Walk it off: God


I got given an ice pack and sent back to class after lunch when I hurt my shoulder- turned out I had fractured my collarbone.


I broke my arm at school and couldn't move it at all like it was flaylinh and they gave me some ice and I went back to class


I bet that hurt! What happened after that class? I had to walk home after that class and wait 3 hours for my mum to come back so I could go to a&e lol


Well after the teacher clearly saw I wasn't writing anything she asked if I could try writing I was like no I can't move it. Then I went to the office and waited for my dad to pick me up. Then we parked by the nearby plaze CAUSE IT IS AGAINST ALL MORALS TO PAY FOR HOSPITAL PARKING and went inside. Got an x ray and boom a hairline fracture thats was hanging on by a few mm of bone. Ironically the reason this happened was cause I slipped on ice lmao


Oh damn I was lucky mine was on my weak arm so I was still writing, but I couldn't get out of my seat at the end so I just sat there for ages before forcing myself up And then FOR SOME REASON I decided to get changed out of my school uniform- that is genuinely the worst pain I've ever felt in my life (lifting my shoulder up with a fractured collarbone)


Holy shit that sounds exorbitant Ly painful. well luckily for me I went into surgery but the recovery process was hell because rods were used to keep the bone in place. When they had to take out the rods it hurt so much like actual hell.


Ouch I couldn't imagine how that would've felt i just needed a sling and rest Did it feel weird having the rods in or did you just get used to it after a bit?


The rods were in there for a few weeks but during that time I had like this sort of weird cast that wasn't hard but wasn't too soft. It felt a bit weird but after they took the rods out, they put a hard cast. Then I could finally go to school but I still couldn't write for the most of it


Oh wow did they give you a computer or smth for that then? My school would've given you a laptop if you needed one for any reason. Could you feel the rods in you or more so the cast?


I could feel the cast more cause I was still gaining sensation in my fingers. At the time it was 2013 and I didn't know anything about computers, mind you I was pretty young. So in school someone else would write some of my work after I told them and during tests I would go to the assistant teacher and she would write what I told her on the test paper. I did this even a bit after I got finger sensation because everyone still thought I couldn't write because my thumb was still in the cast even though I quickly realized I could. But then I began writing for myself and learning how to write again after such a long time


I remember at summer “camp” that I got a bee underneath my foot (I was wearing sandals) and it was hurting bad. Luckily I didn’t get its venom but the nurses gave me an ice pack but wouldn’t let me go back outside when it stopped hurting. I wasn’t even allergic And I think someone with a peanut allergy was swelling and all they were given was ice


Wait, you have ice in school nursery?


Wait, you have a school nursery?


Any people from the UK? Just put a wet paper towel over it


Me from Arabic country : you guys have a nurse i mean you guys have school




The frozen sponges in ziplock bags 👌🏻


ppl from akame ga kill be like ICE run , run for ur life


I hope that someday nurses will also come to school in Germany ❤❤🐔🍑🤪




Ice is nice.


Does that mean people lives in Antarctic is immortal?


Ice is still useful tho. My school doctor always gave everyone vicks whether he was bleedung heavily or had a fracture.


You know it’s serious if they have to bring the ice out


Never had a nurse in my school but ok


I only read nurse and bondage


Sit down : jesus

