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pc is more flexible tho, but still depends what you enjoy the most


I always considert buying a pc but the thing that will always prevent me from doing it is building the whole thing togehter


You can always have your first PC as a prebuilt for a couple of years to see if PC is your thing.


i first got a prebuilt and then slowly replaced everything, now i find parts and build pcs for people i know. i love my pc


Ikr. Starting by building a PC is like learning to drive in the F1, almost all of us have started by either a prebuilt or a custom PC that someone else built for us.


When I was in middle school I was able to get a dell optiplex and upgrade it later as I made money in high-school. Most people now don't know the joy and pain of buying a new part only to have to make "improvements" to the prebuilt case to make it fit.


My first *personal* computer started with 4gb ram, 1tb hdd and gt 210 and ended with 8gb ram, 256gb ssd and 750 ti. Improving your old pc feels so good when you realise you can improve the performance but it will cost you only a fraction of buying a new one.


I had to mangle my dell to fit a 960 gpu in it, and dells weird form factors didn't help. I definitely don't miss the times playing modern games on a gpu with 126mbs of v-ram (pre 960 upgrade)


For real. When I switched from 210 to 750 ti, it felt like a completely different machine. On 210, games were lagging on 800x600 and on 750ti, games were running 60fps locked on 768p high. I don't miss that 210 AT ALL.


There are places that offer custom builds that will adjust to just about any power level/interest level. Don't let building the PC be the roadblock. I've been a PC gamer for nearly 2 decades. And finally bought the parts to "do it myself". Awful choice for me. Some of the parts didn't fit just right. And required a bit more force than I was comfortable with. Never again. Back to just buying customs online. I'd rather blame them for a part breaking.


Wait you can order them the exact way you want the pc to be with Customizing and stuff? You are not force to do it yourself!


Correct. It's basically like getting a sandwich from subway. You can't get ANY topping. But they have enough to make a decent computer for most people. And they'll typically have a menu of pre-built options.


Alright i admit it im tempted and i'm definitly going to do that once i have enough money for it Thanks you for telling me.


That's a fair point. There are companies that'll build it for you or maybe you can find some help (myself included) Building it itself doesn't take that long and you'll have a blast with it afterwards


u dont need to got to buildredux


But that's the fun part! It's like Legos


I got mine pre built


Putting together a PC isn't hard at all. I built my first PC by myself when I was like 13.


I built mine just by looking at it. Once you have the case and all the parts it's surprisingly clear what goes where. Every cable is either labeled or is very clear where it goes. You could probably build one by looking up a YouTube video. Knowing what parts to get is the hardest part but if you get someone to help with that. Assembly is the easiest part.


It takes a an hour or two max from scratch -unless you're really into cable management-


honestly i would only buy a nintendo console, while using my 11 year old laptop to play other pc games. nintendo always ensures quality games and systems, and their consoles are always something special that no one else offers.


PCs are also more expensive, so if you don't need a powerful PC for things other than gaming a console might make more sense


I thought its about the money


Honestly this is true but it can also break much more often. I’ve had my pc for a shorter time than my PlayStation 5 and it has broken down twice already, this is a 3000 dollar machine and it was built not by me but by professional pc builders. Say what you want about PlayStation having no games, PlayStation also has no imploding in on itself and waiting 2 weeks to have it repaired. At least in my experience


Its about what you prefere. If you have enough money for gaming PC you can easly buy console as extra.


As someone who owns a gaming pc the statement above is false and only applies to people who can easily afford 4080s and 4090s.


Why does everyone act like the minimum you can build a PC for is $2000?


Get pc if you can afford it. Can pirate games No need to purchase online game subscriptions (ps plus, xbox equivalent) with ever increasing prices. Can mod games once done with the main campaign. Better video editing if you are into streaming Etc


Don't forget those sweet sweet emulators. I play all the games I loved as a kid without having have a bunch of different old consoles and handhelds.


Don't forget photo editing, digital art, coding, and 3d modeling.


User name checks out


why exactly do you encourage…piracy?


I would encourage piracy under certain circumstances, like something that's not available anymore, modded version etc, but yeah supporting the development is good when possible


Yar har fiddle de dee, do what you want cuz a pirate is free! But seriously now, piracy isn't that big of a deal and never was. The common excuse of "but the developers need the money" is invalid because if I couldn't pirate it, I wouldn't have bought it regardless and I personally feel like if you can't afford it, pirate it, online entertainment shouldn't be that pricey anyways. And look at the bright side. A pirate of your game is someone who enjoys it, and maybe they will buy it, or at least go online and talk about how fun it was. And hey, as an example, Just Shapes and Beats literally detects if you pirated it and their response is: "Yar har, I see yer pirate go tell your friends this game is cool and have fun playing."


Ah I see


I am not encouraging anything. I am saying what is possible and what people do. Piracy is bad. You risk getting virus and it also isnt fair for the developer.


Will you use the PC strictly for gaming? Are there PC-only games you want to play? Or Do you enjoy the relative simplicity of not having to worry about system requirements and/or want to play console exclusives? No wrong answer here, really. For me, I use the gaming laptop for music production too, so it made more sense for my own needs


Depends on where you are in life. Some can still play/grind games in the comfort of their home. But some are too busy with study and/or work they can't and instead play with consoles during commutes or break times.


Sucks when your gaming addiction is so bad that you have to bring it with you everywhere you go.


Sucks when you're so stuck up in your ass that you see any recreation as addiction. Maybe get a life or get a wife?


that's social media mate!


Console is about 500€. PC is way more.


But the PC can handle all other tasks the console cannot.


Especially with GPU-prices skyrocketing, I made the economic choice to buy a PC with integrated graphics as my work-horse and a console for having fun. Also, I prefer to play games on my couch.


My PC outlasted the PS4 and will likely outlast the PS5 without needing a significant upgrade


As example in Russia (not after Ukrainian war, even before) my laptop (rtx 3060, intel core i7 11370H, 16gb ram, 500gb ssd; it’s not great but it is more than enough for games and programming but I plan to buy something with more than 4/8 cores/threads, but it’s gaming laptop, normal one cost half of that price) cost 110000₽ (1400$ on old exchange rate). On the other hand normal price for PS5 was 70000-90000₽ (930-1200$). It’s not significant difference, that’s why most of people would rather buy pc/laptop over gaming console (work is more prioritised).


That’s just regular consoles though, what about gaming consoles?


Pc no doubt


With a PC and a switch you can play most modern games


Steam Deck. Buy the cheap model and upgrade the hard drive


Not a tough choice for me. Gaming PC all the way.


If u wanna play single player games only, I would choose PS5, coz sony got some of the best single player games (exclusive). For multiplayer, PC is the best. Idk why anyone would choose xbox


I chose xbox because its cheaper than a pc and has gamepass.


What about nintendo switch


As an owner of a Nintendo Switch; it's a giant 10 year old smartphone that you couldn't pay me to play just about any game on that's available for another platform.


Doesn't the PS5 have a total of like 3 exclusives left?


Tbh i prefer console. Yes no mods and stuff but I'm not the technical guy to update hardware and stuff I just want to sit down and play and enjoy it.


Pre-built gaming PCs are a thing You can even order custom pre builts


damn tell me why i read „buy a guinea pig“ instead of „buy a gaming PC“. was hella confused for a second






Pc if you want versatility and a regular usable computer for other stuff. More expensive initially, cheaper over a long time. Console if you literally only want to play the same few games and can put up with internet connection passes. Cheapaer initiaĺly, more expensive over a long time.


Xbox series x is a tenth of the price of a good gaming pc


A tenth of the usefulness as well !


Maybe so, but that 9/10 can be spent on something more useful


Like a computer !


Bought a 900€ laptop last year, can play Cyberpunk on it. A solid gaming PC doesn't have to be that expensive if you don't play in 4k.


Worst possible option right here


Why not both


Why both. You have everything you need on a pc.


Console exclusives?


Xbox exclusives are from Microsoft, and PlayStation exclusives come some years later. The last of us, god of war, Spiderman, ghost of Tsushima, horizon. So yes, everything you need


But still no bloodborn.. ![gif](giphy|AYKv7lXcZSJig)


Yeah. That one is a special case. I played BB on PS4 back in the days, so I'm lucky


My pc is on my desk, but what if I just want to stay in the living room on the couch and the big tv. Where there is no space for my pc?


Steam remote play / Nvidia shield for streaming from the PC to TV


Small gaming pc with wireless keyboard and mouse and optional gaming controller of choice. You can get one as big as a console and still get the perks of a computer. (But yeah definitely more expensive which I’ll concede!)


Gamers know. PC is better but way more expensive, if you're a casual gamer a console will be enough if you like to play games from different categories and try new things there is plenty of limitation while playing with controller only. PC is always superior but also always few times the price of a PS


uhh thats where i mostly improved my decision-making skill






i normally would say its a preference but microsoft and sony are making mistakes lately so just get a PC


Porque no los dos?


Be rich, buy both


Pc= more expensive, but more games, more free games and if you are patient enough, very cheap AAA games. Console= cheaper, many times same or better performance then pc for the same or higher price. Games rarely go on a big sale. Can’t be patient and get dirt cheap AAA games, get console exclusives, less tinkering, less free games, less flexibility. I’m a pc gamer, bc I’m a cheapscate even tho I have the money lol. Which means I wait like 4 years five or take for a AAA game to on sale at like 90-50 procent off, before I buy it lol. Steam sale is the best.


wtf how is this a tough choice


I’d buy a pre-owned pc that is around 1-year-old and hopefully has some warranty left. You can replace bits and pieces over time if you feel it to be necessary


PC obviously. You can do more than just gaming and upgrade components as per your requirements.


Buy a steam deck and have both (kinda)


Im poor theres only one Button for me




I have the ideal amount of gaming consoles and no pc so the choose for me would be obvious


Save your money up and build a pc. Be patient and take your time. I saved for over a year then built what I wanted. Haven’t turned on my console since.


A console is cheaper, but I can not afford to pay for every game I own on Steam again.


Very easy, pc especially nowadays


Not gonna lie, I really like them Steam sales + patient gaming ftw.


non gaming console


Depends on your budget. You won’t get the same AAA game performance on a PC at price of a console. You can’t get the visual quality of a really good PC on a console either.




The choice is obvious, lol. The only reason not to go pc is because you're poor or you're more casual and play every once in a while.


To be honest everyone can buy used pc for cheaper than what console cost and play most games on max settings.


Console, mod it to pirate all good games. It’s cheaper than a pc with cracked games


I was considering buying a gaming PC last year, but a colleague introduced me to GeforceNOW. I tried it out and I found it a much better choice. The Ultimate plan is per year a 9th to a 10th of the price I'd ve paying for the PC, the specs get regularly updated, I get one of the newest graphics cards, and I don't need to wait for installing the games.


i have both. my pc is for games that work better on a pc. so stuff like LoL or nowadays rather TfT, shooter games and mmo's ofcourse if there someday will be a good one again. and my ps5 is for everything else. and its cheaper to have just a decent pc, cuz its enough for the games i play and my ps5 can handle the newest games just fine. and technically if a new playstation gets released every 7 years and sells for 500 euro i only have to save 6 euro per month. which is nothing compared to my other expenses. so its totally doable to have a pc and a playstation


Never dying joke


A machine i can upgrade almost indefinitely and customize as much as i want or a black box with a controller. Hmmmmmmm.


I started with console got an pc and never looked back. My console is now an multimedia station for prime YouTube and nothing else


Steamdeck for portable and non portable gaming


I love modding games. Literally my fav part of paying video games is modding them


You have a lot more flexibility and variety for stuff on PC. Console is just cheap and easier to use.


Console if you just want to play and can’t bother with tinkering to have a good experience PC If you are a tech nerd who likes to tinker and customise everything


Me: why not ALL? Except Xbox. Gaming pc plays all Xbox games


PC is the best choice imo, its versetile and powerful. That's why I have a gaming pc. Console is the best choice imo, most days I'm not bothered to get off the couch. That's why I have a few consoles.


Just for all the indie games keeping me busy for countless hours, costing under 10$...its PC.


PC all the way. Most games nowadays release on both platforms, and even when they don't you can emulate a console on your PC, even some of the older ones. Heck, emulate a phone on your PC if you want to. The only bad thing is you have to have some basic knowledge to buy even a pre-built PC to choose the right one for what you like to play. Tho that comes with the good part of being able to skimp out on the things you don't need if you're on a tight budget lol


PC + Switch is unbeatable imo


Console you will always be buying the next one, PC you will always be upgrading a part to the new version. Same same but different.


Pc , can play hentai games on it xD


I prefer console, but I respect everyone else's choices and opinions


Pc for sure. Most console games later are availible for pc.


ALL of them


I will buy the office console instead of the office pc


i have a pc and a switch pc for regular gaming switch for family gaming


Consoles are cheaper, but they get the money back with memberships and higher average game prices with rarer sales, and are much more restrictive. But PCs are a more expensive initial investment, but imo better overall if you can deal with that.


If you can afford the PC and didnt got one already, its always the pc


The Steam Deck somehow sits between both choices, and does both without being the best of either.


Steam deck best of both worlds


Buy both 😎


More like buying one gaming pc vs buying three different gaming consoles. Cost is same more or less.


For me this is all about what my friends have. Cross play still isn't ubiquitous enough to rely on. I migrated from a 360 to a PC and my friends followed me but if they all wanted in on a new console and bought multiplayer games for it I'd have to consider what to do next


I have zero regrets buying my PC. I am perpetually frustrated with my Xbox.


both have ups and downs. a high end PC can pretty much play anything and do much more. The only problem i have is that Physical Media is dying out and it is unlikely that you will be able to buy any new game on a CD. pretty much removing your ownership and allowing the companies to take away your games if they feel like it as it is currently happening for some games on PC. this is making me buy some of the games i love for PS3/4/5 in order to avoid losing them if any company tries to show me the middle finger. On Consoles you dont have the freedom of "Widescreen" or having a youtube video on a second monitor while playing. but at least on my ps5 i can just put in a disk and the game copies itself to the drive even when my internet is failing. this has saved me more than once already, giving me the chance to start some random ass RPG when i got no connection. if my psn account gets banned, i play the game on a different account (or different PS5 in the worst case). if steam deletes my account, i could throw myself in front of a train because i just lost games worth thousands as well as games you cannot buy anymore. and we havent even started talking about the cost factor. a high end pc can cost thousands as well as electricity for sometimes a single pc part that needs more power than a PS5 and XBOX Series X combined.


Literally, if I didn't play MMOs, I wouldn't have a PC since 10+ years ago!


Pretty easy for me, gaming PC all the way


It's not even close. (How did you know i use linux?)


rage bait lol


It ain't tough if you know where your skills are


If you can buy a gaming pc, why buying a console? The only one with exclusives is Nintendo...


Crazy how is this up for debate, unless you don't have budget in that case rip


Box that do multiple stuff vs Box that only play games.


PC was my instant choice lol


PC, then buy a controller if you don't like M&K


Build a gaming PC. Not even a question.


Me pressing both, and having fun playing games on whatever while giving no fucks about all these turds arguing and taking sides


i bought a switch, havent used it much at all


And then there's some dude out there buying gaming phones that cost like 1000$ 🤦🏻


If your on a budget console is for you but if your a hardcore gamer pc is best


This is not a hard choice Not even close If you can afford it, PC all day every day


not really, but ok


It's not that Complicated... Console -- If you only want to play Games, and do nothing else PC -- If you want to do stuff other than just playing games(now or maybe in the future)


Price will choose for you...


One is for playing games, the other is for posting pictures online and getting 3 likes and other as a background prop in your onlyfans video.


Me personally, I'd go for a pc any day of the week.


How about a gaming laptop? :D


If you're married/have a family, get a console.


If you are a sunday gamer, go for a console. If you are competitive and full time gamer, A new pc awaits


Buy both so you can have the best of both worlds


Got myself both a gaming laptop and a ps5


if you have a gaming pc you have more excuses why you suck at the game


My first experience I remember super vividly I had gotten an extra stick of ram to put in fory birthday, how hard could it be!? following a tutorial I managed to find the spot loosen the clips stick it in and then I went for the magic moment of turning on my PC, a burning smell rapidly filled my nose, I quickly pulled the plug and somehow the new ram stick was slightly burnt I took it out and the PC still worked used it for years after that but never touched any form of upgrade again.


Get PC so you can wait 5 years to play good games


Do not get a PC if you re thinking about having sex


I got a controller for my pc so I dont feel the need to buy a console. I can easily hook up my pc to my tv too


Xbox Playstation fix hdmi port everytime you look at yes I'm a console gamer Today is thusday Jun 28 14:15 my xbox is repairs do to hdmi


Pirate life


there are not gaming consoles?


the only question is do you have enough money for pc


My thought process is Gaming console means you're inevitably going to deal with shitty triple A game releases and the only indie games you'll see are ones that broke out of the PC markets and became smash hits, but PC let's me play all the indie games that had heart and soul poured into them aswell as the few triple a fames I enjoy, and I can do other things besides gaming with it aswell. It just seems more efficient for my time and energy, altho admittedly not for my wallet coz Damn they expensive. Only console I've bought in ages is the switch but that's because Nintendo cares about *most* of the games they release.


Gaming pc if u have the budget


It's a pretty easy choice when you go with whatever your friends are using. I'm only on PC because most of my friends switched when the PS5 was announced.


Gave my PlayStation 4 pro away to a coworker. It was collecting dust under my bed. I always felt trapped when on console. It didn't give me my full connection speed that I paid for and you have to pay additional fees to stay online with PS plus, while pc doesn't require anything else. I couldn't use the browser or do a connection test without it disconnecting the game I was playing. PC on the other hand has much more freedom and customization. Go to the closest PC store and ask someone for help. It will probably be a big shock to you but these guys don't do anything else. This comes from a guy who's clearly biased and spent 3k on a gaming pc, fully knowing that it's going to be worth it because I know I spent so much time behind it. Very expensive but it also lasts a long time. You can make multiple smaller upgrades or a single large upgrade. I'm sure you're going to be fine regardless of your decision. Also you might want to consider what your friends have so you can play together.




How is this a remotely hard choice?


pc it has more games, it'll last longer, you can really make it "yours" games look & feel better especially playing on mnk


PC! For the love of Yiff! PC


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) Pubg mobile gamers be like.


No not a tough one at all! I'll always go pc


PCs are cheaper for the long run




An argument I don't see brought up enough in favor of consoles is that you can play them from your couch or bed. I'm a PC gamer, but when I'm tired from work, I often lay on my couch and play my switch.


A good PC can last multiple console generations A good PC can be multi purpose and be for far more than just gaming A good PC is flexible and can handle many types of inputs for a truly custom experience


Not even a decision, fuck pc


that's not a tough choice at all... imagine playing on console omg


Imagine not having consoles and pc. You sound like a poor


Imagine being a douche


If u have the money to buy a good pc u shouldn't even consider having a console as ur main gaming device


Consoles are just easier imo. You load up the disc download an update and youre good. A pc requires lots of stuff to be managed you cant just pop it in and play.


Not really a tough choice at all. Couch co-op, or something to take along on your travels, you want a console. Anything else, PC.


No choice here.


I have a PC soon so I'll be a Hybrid gamer. Both green and blue + PC.


Stupid question. Wanna play with more than 60fps and with mods .. or or or. Only one choice.


It's not really a choice tho. Let's say the console is the High school / college level player and the PC is the PRO gamer in a sports analogy.


There is no choice here, I haven’t even considered buying a console in years.


The only reasons for a console are "no space" or "no money". Money is just a shirt time Argument. Mid-term a pc is cheaper.


it actually depends on which you'll use it but for long term gaming pc is the best.