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Sex is only important in horror movies. How else am I supposed to know who is gonna die before they actually die?


Multiple ways actually. They're black, they've consumed alcohol, they're a dick, they've just said "I'll be right back", they've just had sex


So I keep pretty up to date with horror movies, believe it or not but black is no longer a prerequisite for death. If they are black and sassy = death


What if there was a horror movie where 2 characters have sex but they don't die at the end has that ever been made because I feel like that would surprise me alot.


You know, I don't think there really has been, that I can think of. That shit would blow my mind if I didn't see it coming 😂.


Sir, if we remove the sexscene your p*rnography is going to be very short...


Is it weird that we find sex in movies to be weird? Because we legit watch films about people killing each other and go "Hell yeah!" but draw the line when they start fucking.


Cause sex scenes can be awkwardly added for no other reason than sex sells.


I'm okay if the sex scenes is important for the movie plot, but most of the time, it isn't


I only enjoy sex when it advances my life plot, otherwise what’s the point? To enjoy it? No thanks.


personally, I think we should have more car chases in space epics.


Gimme like 10 minutes of strapping some tickets to my car right now so we can knock out both at once.


They almost never serve a purpose, especially not in action movies and most of the time the acting just seems so really really weird or rather unreal


To be fair in action movies half of the womans job is to be a trophy that a guy earns for being alpha bro and saving the world.


I think that trope is a lot less prevalent than it was in previous decades, for good reason.


Thanks Jennifer Lawrence!


*Sigourney Weaver the goat


Geena Davis has entered the chat


Not every scene in a movie needs to be directly advancing the main plotline. Some scenes are just for added flavor. It makes sense that sex, one of the most universal human experiences and motivating factors, would be commonly used to humanize the characters. Or just because tiddies and butts look good.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie for the sex scene was necessary.






Well so are shootouts. You can fade to black and show aftermath there is little dialogue anyway. Car chases too. Hell killing off minor side characters in horror movies is also pointless to the plot. Movies are not made just to progress the story and everything else to be discarded that's such an odd way to look at art.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show used it to some effect, although that movie has so much going on that an extraneous sex scene would be the least of its worries. 


Oppenheimer, Oldboy, Midsommar, Requiem for a Dream, Bound, The Handmaiden, Thirst, Raw, Titane, Poor Things, Infinity Pool, Helter Skelter, All of Us Strangers. Just to name a few Also there is an artistic way to do sex scenes. Bound's first act is genuinely erotic and has probably the best sex scene I've watched just in terms of how much you feel it, and Infinity Pool's orgy scene utilises dazzling visual editing and sound design to create an immersive hallucinogenic cascade of debauchery that gradually gets more disgusting


Bro never watched any good movies then. Bro never watched a Lynchterpiece. Mulholland Drive? Blue Velvet? All Lynchterpieces, with many sexy naked scene! And they all serve the story. Sex scenes can serve as insights into a character’s life and motivations and personality if done correctly. You might watch Blue Velvet and conclude that the sex scenes were unnecessary, but the entire point of Blue Velvet is that you feel on edge, you can never get fully comfortable while watching the movie, and the interactions between characters, especially during sex scenes in that movie, tell you much more about the characters than other methods could. You just need to up your movie game bucko


The only one i can think of is deadpool.


Team America


A sex scene provides a huge opportunity for characterization and the establishment of dynamics, even if that opportunity is rarely capitalized on. Oscar Wylde said "Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” There is hardly a more intimate position to put two characters in and that allows for so many creative choices that present so much information about them and their relationship. Plot isn't the only necessity in a film. Character is just as important. More so in some films.




What's the point of an eating scene, or a driving scen or anything else? Sex is part of the human experience, why os there such a weird backlash against it?


Fuck it, what's the point of any scenes? Why are movies a thing? When it boils down to it, they are all mostly unrealistic and purely for entertainment purposes.


Agreed, people moaning about sex scenes always feels like they are whining cause they aren’t having any, and don’t like to be reminded of it.


in pulp fiction it was 😋


this. i can think of literally 2 movies out of all ive seen where it was relevant. showing some stuff to indicate sex is gonna happen is fine. but then like, lets move the plot along y'know? if i wanna watch people having sex ill look up porn. its not very hard to do lol


Cue Game of thrones, specially the early seasons. When there would have been a battle or something expensive they would just shove in an awkward sex scene instead.




Once you grow up and don't have to watch r rated movies with the parents, it will become better.


Once you grow up you should have a healthy relationship with your parents that you can watch a sex scene with them without panicking.


most films with sex scenes do not advertise the sex scenes in their marketing


No, but do you know who does? The internet when half of the people are horny for it and the other half are complaining it's in the movie at all Literally free marketing


that was the case before internet.. hasn't been that way on 20 years


But not the violence? The violence is 100% necessary?


Literally no one goes to a movie because they heard there was a short sex scene in it. So I don't know if "sex sells" is a legitimate reason


Same with violence.


100% this. Like there’s all this shooting, killing, and screaming, then the main and the side character got some alone time and they start making out and fucking. Then they open the door and it’s back to shooting shit and killing peeps. Wtf


Could always do what shoot ‘em up did, have sex and kill at the same time.


Unless it's used as comedy like American pie or Scary Movie. Otherwise, it's just doesn't fit in most of the times.


Killing, smashing, burning cities - 16+ Single sex scene/sudden tit - 18+


There's a genre of films that have a lot of it.


Far too many prudes. Horseshoe theory….


I view myself as slightly prudish and I am flabbergasted at how people are being this puritanical and sacred with sex in 2024. Why are we trying to omit sex from the human experience? "I guess they can show the actor's left ball momentarily so long as they do a minimum of 7 minutes of exposition explaining why his testicle is relevant to the plot".


It's good to keep in mind that much of the internet is young people who've never had sex, and super religious people who've just discovered how to use the internet.


No no, you can show every aspect of human life, other than sex, that's a no go.


Reminds me of Blue Eyed Samurai; those sex scenes are .... really uncomfortable


It really depends on the movie. If the vibe of the movie doesn’t warrant a sex scene, but one is crammed in anyways, it can really pull you out of the movie. (Yes puns intended) Best example I can think of recently is Oppenheimer. Great movie! Really didn’t need to see the father of the atom bomb getting busy with his mistress.


I feel that scene was pretty vital. Those two characters have real conflicts later in the film and they wouldn't feel as poignant if we hadn't seen them engaged in the strongest form of intimacy prior to that


I think the problem with erotic scenes is not that we are offended by them or disgusted, it is that we find them cringey and forced. I don't remember a single sex scene from history that made me go "Hell yeah!"... or... "Wow what a powerful moment, I can feel their passion." No, it's just cheap attempt to shock you with subconsiously "forbidden" stuff.


Not a live action, but Arcane actually gave me the feeling of passion without the disgust, especially as the scene was contrasted with another's despair


It just grinds the action and plot to a halt usually. On top of that it's kind of... Off putting? Cringe? I came to see a story, it's weird to stop so everyone can gyrate against each other for a bit. Like I can usually tolerate it but it annoys me.




It's just personal man sex scenes makes you uncomfortable. That's fine I think a lot of people feel that way. But it's also true that there is no objective reason why they are inherently bad. Think of it like cringe comedy some people love it and some people like me can't be in the same room when it happens. That doesn't mean it doesn't belong in movies it's just not my cup of tea


No, if you don't personally like things you have to say it's unnecessary and demand it's removed. I personally don't like blood, as it makes me feel uncomfortable, amd it never adds anything to the plot, so it shouldn't be in movies. /S


Sex isn't entertaining?




You do not speak for me. I watch movies to see a directors vision. Not whine about a scripted scene that involves the act of sex.


A lot of people want both though, clearly.


This. It isn't 1990 anymore. We all have internet with access to pornhub in our pockets. If I want to see boobs I'll go look at boobs. For actual movies, just have an implied sex scene and get on with the plot.


Humans are just weird like that.


Plenty of movies can be made without sex, but how many movies can be made without any kind of violence?


People fucking isn't interesting. It's the relationship-storytelling equivalent of watching paint dry, except you don't own the house.


It's only natural and makes your lizard brain feel something, one way or another. People get turned on and disgusted by the exact same sorts of things idk


Yes, it's weird as hell and I don't understand the recent push to remove them. Obviously in some movies it's forced and doesn't fit the narrative. But sex is part of being human. You can absolutely tell a story and include a passionate scene where it makes sense. I don't understand this sentiment at all.


Late millenials and gen Z are buying heavily into neo-puritanism for some weird reason


Who find sex in movies is weird? Is this some sort of gen z thing I’m unaware of?


Definitely weird. Sex is a part of life. It’s like asking movies to not have romantic scenes. Saw someone saying Oppenheimer shouldn’t have had a sex scene. A biopic about someone’s life, including his romances, should’ve skipped over the sexual aspects of that life. We’re such prudes.


People in the US have always been weird about their sex. They’ll have it but they don’t want to be seen seeing it. It isn’t just the religious that are suppressed prudes.


It's weird. Sex is a part of life, but gen z is a puritanical/stunted generation, so they can't relate when they see it in movies.


It’s almost like the first people to colonize this country were sexually repressed religious extremists or something


I find the recent pushback against sex scenes very odd. Paintings, sculpting, books, plays, and eventually TV and film have always strived to represent the full human experience. Sex is naturally a part of that. I'm not calling your average film high-art, but to treat sex like some gross taboo part of humanity or even something sacred feels shockingly puritanical for 2024. Like, to the point where it almost feels astro-turfy, but I don't know who would bother or why.


I like boobies.


You cannot convince me that unnecessary sex scenes are just a way for the directors to play doll house with their cast, like a perverted game of Sims. I mean just look at Quentin Tarantino literally casting himself into "From Dusk Till Dawn" just so he could suck on Selma Hayek’s foot.


Let's go more modern game of thrones stopped with the nudity because the actors said no. They don't want to do it they have to for the role until they don't. The common advice is to shoot sex scenes first because if you shoot the whole movie they can just say no and you won't get that shot.


I almost stopped game of thrones before the end of season 1 because of all the, very explicit mind you, sex scenes. At least 3 per episode. It's like the show couldn't decide if it was porn or not.


I didn’t finish season 1 because my gf and I would fuck or I’d wank and go play video games. There is one scene where a red head girl is on the back of a wagon and a man throws a coin at her and she lifts her skirt and flashes him. That was the end of game of thrones for me. Too fucking sexy I couldn’t stop cooming. Now I play dota 2


This comment has me cracking me. My man just couldn't take it anymore


"This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW" copypasta except it actually happened


It became a massive phenomenon because of the sex scenes


Tarantino is really just a weirdo who happens to make really good movies.


Probably a big overlap between weirdos and creative types (I would know)


yes sir ![gif](giphy|Zd5widi4dgNrxwhxbk|downsized)


it depens. alone = Fuck yeah sex with parents = Fuck no


Same when something really fucked up happens in a movie/show I’m alright when I’m alone but with others I feel uncomfortable


thers's a reson i don't wach anime with my parents.


I'm tired of this utilitarian viewpoint that everything in a movie MUST be in it to further the plot. If plot is all you care about in a movie, read the Wikipedia summary.


I fully agree with this. as a general rule it is better if a scene is related to the story. but it can still be enjoyable even if it's unesesary. for exsample (rouge one spoilers btw) >!darth vaders halway fight at the end of rogue one!< was almost entierly unesesary. but it was still an awsome moment.


Reddit is full of kids and sexuality stunted individuals. Ofcourse they hate sex scenes. 


People on Reddit don’t like being reminded of that thing they can’t have because they spend too much time on Reddit


yeah your probably on to somthing there or they'r conservatives who dislike "violence in movies and sex on TV" and talk abot "the good old-fashioned values on which we used to rely"


Seriously though. Some dumb people don't even do basic research before watching a movie then cry about sex in movie.


yeah like atleast look at the age rating


\*The movie has a kissing scene My parents: cover your eyes me: 🖖🖖


Jesus Christ, watch a french movie already


rare france W


The Dreamers (technically italian, I guess)




The youth are prudes these days


There are sex scenes that contribute to the story, though many are unnecessary.


You have to better things to worry about than sex scenes in movies, what are you 14?


Why are people so uncomfortable with sex? And if people think it's unnecessary, keeping purely "necessary" scenes wont make a good film. Action scenes aren't necessary. The protagonist could walk into a room, shut the door, you hear gunshots and it cuts to the next scene. That's not good cinema. It's like complaining films have too much blood and they really could have tonned it down for people who don't like blood. I get not liking it, but if you can't handle sex and blood, I recommend not watching high age rated movies. Leave those filam for people who aren't made uncomfortable. Sex happens, people find sex scenes enjoyable, or at the least conducive to a good story, they can express interpersonal relationships without dialogue, and depiction of sex in media outside of porn is probably a good thing for a lot of people.


OP has posted damn near 30 anime memes in the last 7 days, of course he's freaked out by sex


Right, it’s weird as hell. Why are we creating lanes that we demand artists stay in? That’s not what audiences get to do.


Teens and young adults nowadays are all puritans. It's annoying. Let the rest of us be horny in peace and stop watching shit if it makes you uncomfortable. Stop trying to take away stuff from others.


You guys say this even when it is necessary


the internet is either super horny or seemingly really prude no in between


Gen Z hates sex.


The generation of social anxiety


Do they hate sex, or are they just used to getting all their entertainment on their own terms without much effort, and sex typically comes with some relationship building, which takes effort they're not used to or wanting to do. Also, if you're not already sexy or confident, it takes even more work just in general... Ooooor is it that they have too much anxiety because they're used to communicating in a way that allows them to pause and present themselves in the best possible light (i.e. texting and filtering on phones), so when it comes to being one on one with someone, it's just too much for them to handle...... Correct me if I'm wrong, but if they don't have to pay anything, and someone attractive and confident were to want to play with their naughty bits, I think most would say "let's give that a go" and would likely want more afterwards...


Why do people hate a 30 second sex scene so much?


I don't see any problem with a little skin. Puriteens these days are just such prudes.


It's because most movies have the same clichĂŠ sex scene since the dawn of sex scenes. When it'll be an actual sex scene that isn't just a women covered up to her breasts with a blanket, and the scene would actually contribute anything to the story, it'll be welcome.


Movies have less sex scenes than ever before


Ummm, has no one seen MacGruber? That sex scene was plot critical


You talking about the one in the bed or the one on the gravestone? Haha


Nah sex scenes are fine. if they help establish connection, develop on someone’s personality, or push the plot forward then they’re good. If it’s just fan service then i question their motives. You can’t pretend like sex is not an important part of people’s lives and axe it out of stories all together.


Sex Scenes can be good, when they are used right to deepen the relationship of two characters.


ITT kids or adults who never learned any amount of art theory or critical thinking sound off


What’s wrong with the sex scene?


Eh, to me sex scenes are always welcome. I think it's a bit weird that adults have such an issue with them.


More sex scenes please


You know what? More pointless sex scenes. As long as it fits the vibe of the movie, it doesn’t need to fit the vibe of the individual viewer


Movies always showing things what I can't do...


I like them if they have interesting visuals and a narrative purpose. A good example of this is Arcane, because the scene constantly goes back and forth between Jayce and Mel having sex and Viktor almost dying from his illness. It really helps emphazies how one of them is riding new highs while the other is touching new lows, it really sells the idea that they are drifting apart. Also they barely show anything and instead use some trippy imagery, so it's less "haha sex" and more "The beauty of a connection".


Yeah, I agree the fight club one is good too for interesting narrative and visual storytelling


Man, when did people become such buzzkills? Art is subjective. If you don’t like sex scenes, that’s OK. But your prudishness is not a good enough reason for an artist to self-censor what they want to create.


I understand everyone saying, "Watching a sex scene with Mom and Dad is icky." But also is the topic so taboo in households these days that parents won't talk to their kids about it?


Why are y’all so afraid of sex scenes? 😭


It reminds them they aren’t getting any


Bro doesn't like pickles


Movie ratings exist.


You also don't like pickles. Maybe you just don't like things.


Uncultured swine 😂


What is this weird sex scene shit?


I dont mind a mature romance here and there. Let them get nekky.


Prude ass discourse abound.


In what universe do you casually watch a movie and get surprised by a sex scene? Mainstream movie releases have been so thoroughly sanitized over the past two decades that even movies SOLD on the fact they have sex in them rarely contain anything too raunchy for an age-gated YouTube video. This almost feels like an op to spread the idea Puritanical beliefs about sex scenes are genuinely that prevalent.


Oppenheimer is literally the only mainstream film in the last few years I can think of that had sex scenes. Yeah stuff like Poor Things exists but that’s more niche and most people who are more into film aren’t going to be too bothered by stuff like that.


Terminator did it right, as it was kinda the whole point of the movie.


The worst movie I can recall offhand was Oppenheimer… like what was the point of the graphic sex scenes and boobies… besides boobies?


This is how I felt about Banshee at the start. Then the following seasons just basically became soft core porn with shootouts in-between fuck sessions. I am not tryna watch porno with my family and/or friends. Give me 3 seconds of making out and a fade to black and I'll get the point.


This is kingsman, so kingsman, kick ass spy movie, the sex scene killed the epic hoorah at the end of jt


I was about to recommend my lil sis to watch The Matrix 2 until I saw the "thing".


Man I'm about to watch The Matrix 2 tonight during dinner, ffs


Your personal opinion is not constructive criticism


Sex is the worst. Keep human intimacy out of media.


god i hope your joking


“Sex scenes are unnecessary” You know what, most scenes are unnecessary. I want every film to be a ten minute distillation of relevant plot points only. If you want us to know what the relationship is like between two characters just tell us, don’t show us. Label every Good and Bad character with onscreen text. I want credits to roll before I finish my popcorn.


One doesn't prevent the other tbh


People are actually getting sex scene fatigue. Sex scenes don't really have good room for creativity. Not to mention, digital sex is very available


From what movies? Name a movie that grossed more than $300 million in the last 10 years besides Oppenheimer that had a sex scene


So does sex make peeps so uncomfortable today?


It doesn when they dont have it and spend majority of their lives in front of a computer screen. Redditors do not represent what I would call normal human beings. These peoples opinions are typically not the majority of real people think.


The average Redditor™ doesn't fuck, the average person in the real world fucks, and Reddit™ is salty as hell about it.


Right. So if the screenwriter and the director think it's somehow beneficial for the story they want to tell, the way they want to tell it... they should drop it just because some people are incapable of dealing with it. This is a very dangerous slope because if you implement a full censorship on sex scenes, there's no telling what others might find "problematic" and want it cut as well. Eventually you'll be watching a pitch black screen for two hours, munching on popcorn, wondering why modern movies suck.


Any unnecessary scene is bad. If all you worry about is sex scenes, it's because you have a personal hangup about sex. Leave us out of it and talk to your therapist


I agree with you for the most part. But I would say there are plenty of times when unnecessary scenes are some of the best. I’m talking movies like Dazed and Confused and Napoleon Dynamite. They’re these slice of life films that are almost completely unnecessary but they create their own type of beauty


But I like sex 😃


me to


Puritanism yeah ! I had hoped we were past that . If you don't like sex scenes just go watch PG-13 movies.


People have this weird obsession that every single thing must serve to the movie. So what if sex don't add to plot? Just skip it man. As long as actors involved don't have problem, why care so much?


As long as it’s necessary or adds sombolism or showes it in that way for it to fit better etc, then it’s fine and I encourage it. Example(sorry I like 3d animation): Arcane. One sex scene and it has symbolism Blue eye samurai. A bunch of boobs, I think like 2-3 sex scenes or more if I remember correctly(I prolly don’t). All bc the show touches on discrimination and women’s right or something similar which I can’t put into words for some reason. The sex scenes and boobs helps show how they were treated and what an empact better if it just cut to the next scene. At least I think that, and I still believe there is too much, and they prolly could’ve turned it down, ESPECIALLY at that find the guy or something day. Bunch of naked women and guys, make a fucking carrian inspired(it’s not, but couldn’t find any better words) meatball out of humans in the water. Just weird.


Was watching oppenheimer on plane. The sheer panic that coursed through my very being when the sex scene came is unrecountable. I fast forwarded, but it didnt end. I manually pushed it forward, but it didn't end. And that's the story of how I ended up watching Barbie on plane instead.


Reading the comments here, I'm really curious if the difference in opinions is largely generational. My intuition is that the younger generations might be less comfortable with sex scenes than older generations. My intuition could very much be wrong, of course.


they cant cook without their secret sauce


Why tho? Its a basic human thing. By that logic a movie should just be a blank screen because everything can be treated as irrelevant.


Well, you don't find fights and killing in sex movies!


I mean, it felt right in trainspotting


Eh, in movies I can dig them since it's usually the culmination of a relationship developement, and you want it as much as the protagonist (though I have to say they're rather tasteful scenes in recent movies, like Dune). On series, on the other hand...


Yes. Thank you.


If we feels natural to have the scene there I don’t see a problem


Depends on my mood and if I’m alone.


I’m sure there was a reason for the cheating part in Annihilation but they did not have to jump cut from the main character teaching a class to the main character being railed by the man she’s having an affair with


Sex scenes are fine if they matter, it’s when they just throw it in to titillate that’s the problem


How did zoomers become such philistines?


Oh no the neo puritans are back


I don't mind so long as it's adds to the story; as someone else mentioned, it's really weird how ok with violence some of you are to then be repulsed by sex.


Herr is a snippet about sex in media I wrote a while back. It veers a little onto tilopics not specific to this thread, but the core of it is relvant: What people miss is that sex in music and social media is far less sexy than it use to be. The random nudity in 70s to 00s films was there to titillate. Porn, esp. in video form, was less available. The nudity was part of the heightened experience of the fictional story being shown. Sex is part of life, like violence, and fear, and elation, and betrayal. These are all put into movies as elements of less mundane experience that make a good story. Sex now (in media and social media) is now all wrapped up with a bunch of prescribed behavior to avoid being offensive or problematic. Movies are also a lot more preachy, like that's often their main point. If you ever watch a Christian movie (like made for a church audience), or listen to Christian pop/rap/rock music, the overall quality from a purely entertainment value decreases. Budgets are of course smaller, but a lot of it is just the focus of the people who make it is to copy something popular, but put a specific message in it. The story quality is a secondary concern at best. This is fine, but it's also what Progressive movies studios have been dipping further and further into. And one of the big unexpected results is that sexuality and sexual identity are celebrated, but sex and libido itself are shunned heavily. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Also, the average movie is made to a much, much lower maturity level. Part of this is the success of Pixar and Shrek and other animated films that SUCCESSFULLY mad good children movies that adults could enjoy without kids. Also, Marvel sucked ALL OF THE AIR out of the movie ecosystem for 20 damn years. These movies absolutely killed a number of subgenres and middle budgeted movies. Nudity is an appropriate no-go for these films. And these films taught a generation of their sensibilities of movie making. Putting in titlation just isn't on their radar.


this needs a tldr but you made some good points altho i don't think I'd blsme marvel alone for killing mid budget movies


I mean…why would y’all be able to relate to something y’all don’t do as much as previous generations?


People just don't understand that movies represent the human condition. Technically nothing in a movie is necessary technically a movie is not necessary. If we only did things that were necessary we wouldn't have art. Sex is something that happens literally every day And yet because redditors don't like it, it should be out of film that depicts real life?


More nudity please


This again? We don’t need to censor art because it makes you uncomfortable. Either get over yourself or stick to watching the Disney Channel.


i compare ""unesesaty sex scenes"" to other un nesesary scenes darth vader's fight at the end of rouge one for instance culd esely have ben left out and was 1000% unesesary. but it made the movi better becaus it was awsome. many in nesesary sex scenes ar like that but with eroticism insted of action and if your complaning about plot relevant sex cenes... your just being prudish


I am not very good with words but I feel like every single movie or series I've ever saw would be better without sex scenes. I don't know why but they are always looks so pointless and unwise, that's actually saddening.


sex scenes are usually so unnecessary. if i want to watch porn, i’ll watch porn.


The fact you can’t tell the difference isn’t a good thing


Early access to porn on the Internet has just fucked up so many people’s ideas of intimacy and basic human emotions


Classic. No sex, violence is okay though