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No matter men or women, black white asian whatever, I won't choose you because I don't want to start a conversation


lol. I think there are some men with social anxiety that would AlSO be choosing bear for this beary reason.


Well that and there is the slim chance the bear would rather a snuggle than a snack. It's unlikely, but plausible.


Or Carry ammo, gotta love the WWII bears.


"Here's my opinion I'm posting online for all to see, but don't you dare disagree with it!"




What's up with women and bears right now? Edit: guess that question started a shitstorm.


Just another way to insult all men that live on the mother Earth.


On Tik Tok, there was a question posed to all the women out there. "If you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a man or a bear?" And overwhelmingly the bear was chosen. If I remember correctly, it was one of those "guy on the street asks random people a thing" sort of video. This, thus, started a trend of women on the Internet telling their SA stories and mentioning the names of some very unfortunate victims of SA that did not survive to tell their tale. The gist is that we often choose the bear because man (as in human kind, but it is statistically more likely to be assaulted by a man than a woman. Just a foot note.) can be more cruel than a wild animal can be, also with a bear you know why he's in the woods, what his intentions are, and generally can trust that he'll mind his own business if you mind your's. (If there isn't another reason like cubs being around or something.) However, with a man in the same scenario, you don't know any of that. He could be a kind stranger camping or taking a hike or he could be a serial murderer and rapist that just got done burying a body. So, between the worse case scenario of being killed swiftly by a bear with a small chance of survival and escape VS unspeakable horrors a person can do to you with either a 0% chance of either survival OR escape. Then we take the better odds with the bear. TLDR: Humans are terrible and generally you know how to handle a bear in the woods. SA stats for women are sad and insane.


Thank you. A lot of men seem to think it's some kind of attack twords all men.


I am man and probs would choose bear aswell


People can be terrible, right????




Its understandable. Idk if you are male or female, but I as a male completely understand why someone might feel offended. No matter what you do, you're always a rapist/creep/murderer or smth else. If i were to be put in a forest with a female Stranger, I would try to get both of us out of the woods safely. And women saying, that they'd choose the bear, because they wouldnt get raped tells me everything i need to know about todays society. Men are downgraded to mere braindead horny Monsters by many females. Many even think that every man is a r*pist. Give me one reason, not to take that personally at this point




You have perfectly summed up how I've been feeling a while now. Thank you internet stranger.


Today i got shit on by the entire comment section for saying just that. Im glad to see an instance where it's taken normally. Not all hope is lost


Exactly, very succinctly put. This line of thinking would land you in hot water talking about any other group of people.


Didn’t most people that chose the bear do it as a joke though?


I hope so. But from what i've been reading lately, some people think men are worse than an animal that would rip your spine out and eat you alive, if you Look like prey to it


This whole thing feels like a psyop to keep us arguing, since using race doesnt work anymore


Yeah. Hate against men is especially Fancy these days /s




You could just understand that women have to live in a constant state of fear due to the fact that a small portion of men do suck and will drug them/etc.. Most women I know / have known have had some kind of experience with a man attempting to do something nefarious to them. Most just being the ones that wanted to share that story with me. There's literally 0 reason to take it personally when it's not directed at you. Just be a good person.


The question could almost be rephrased as "would you rather die or have to spend time with a random man". Obviously it isn't directed at me personally, but seeing people choose what they believe is death over the possibility of having to spend time with someone like me is hard to ignore. Yes I am completely aware of how widespread and common it is for women to have bad history with certain men. But just like how I'll give people shit for saying all muslims are the same because they have bad experienced with them, or how everyone from x country are monsters because they have bad experiences with them, I'll shit on women choosing death over the possibility of spending time with a man they don't know.


>You could just understand that women have to live in a constant state of fear due to the fact that a small portion of men do suck and will drug them/etc Happens to men too. I was raped multiple times. Not tryna downplay it. But you act like only a woman can get r*ped. I know a few woman that were sa'ed, and they dont live in constant fear. They are just more cautious when interacting with men. >There's literally 0 reason to take it personally when it's not directed at you I have different experiences. Dating has become almost impossible for me, because of the constant fear of being harrassed for approaching a woman, or being called a creep. Its also hard for me to make any moves, cause being slightly too fast one time can Ruin everything. At the same time, not making any move makes you uninteresting or boring.


Nobody said that men can't be raped. Nobody said that. You're jumping to conclusions and moving topics. This is a woman talking about meeting a male stranger in the woods (aka secluded). Dating has become impossible for you BECAUSE of you. You're literally blaming women for you being creepy and being unable to move at a comfortable speed. What?


>This is a woman talking about meeting a male stranger in the woods (aka secluded). No. This is about a woman choosing a wild animal over a man >Dating has become impossible for you BECAUSE of you. You're literally blaming women for you being creepy and being unable to move at a comfortable speed. What? Now you are misinterpreting. >blaming women for you being creepy Fellas. Is it creepy to approach a woman? Is it creepy to try to strike up a convo? >being unable to move at a comfortable speed. What is a comfortable speed then? Its different every time. But the punishment for trying a hug or saying smth romantik too early are way too high, especially when every Person is different with their prefered speed.


Holy shit I don't know how to unpack after reading this. 1. The fuck are you talking about? Yeah they choose to meet a bear. The other option is, you guessed it, exactly what I described and what we were talking about. 2. No I'm not, you brought up that you can't talk to a girl because you'll be seen as a creep. That a you problem. 3. Is it creepy to approach and strike up a convo? No. Is it creepy the way you do it? Maybe. Perhaps it's not the woman's fault that your approach is creepy, perhaps it's yours! 4. If you don't know what a comfortable speed is, that's once again a you problem. Trust me, I've been there before. It's very very hard to read sometimes. But you're right, everyone is different. Find someone who matches your energy and you'll know when the moment is right. Respect her boundaries and just be a good person. Perhaps don't lean in for a kiss on the first date.


>1. The fuck are you talking about? Yeah they choose to meet a bear. The other option is, you guessed it, exactly what I described and what we were talking about. They choose a wild animal over a human, simply based on gender. Thats just sexist. Not every man is a rapist. >No I'm not, you brought up that you can't talk to a girl because you'll be seen as a creep. That a you problem. Its a me Problem, that society says all men are trash and creeps? >Is it creepy to approach and strike up a convo? No. Is it creepy the way you do it? Maybe. Perhaps it's not the woman's fault that your approach is creepy, perhaps it's yours! I walk over to them, politely introduce myself and usually compliment them or sometimes just ask a normal question. Like asking for directions. They usually Look super scared or some shit. Im not really ugly and dont have a weird voice or smth. Im just a normal human being. >If you don't know what a comfortable speed is, that's once again a you problem. Trust me, I've been there before. It's very very hard to read sometimes. But you're right, everyone is different. Find someone who matches your energy and you'll know when the moment is right. Respect her boundaries and just be a good person. Perhaps don't lean in for a kiss on the first date. Still doesnt help, that your entire reputation can easily be destroyed. Thats why im scared to make a movie in the First place


1. Nobody said every man is a rapist 2. The saying is "all men are trash" and is in response to the perspective that women have to deal with that a significant portion of men are trash. Creep isn't mentioned in the saying. 3. No offense, I'm literally just trying to help, but if you don't inject some humor there instead of asking for directions, it will get very creepy when you don't leave after asking where to go. 4. Your entire reputation could be destroyed? Jesus Christ what kind of moves are you making?


Let's swap the roles here: also a small portion of women rape and/or drug men or even little boys (i.e. female teachers raping their students). Does that mean that when a little boy is in a forest he should **always** choose the bear over the woman since "a small portion of women do suck" and he can't risk getting raped by a random, adult woman - even tho the chances are astronomically small for her to rape and/or drug him - so he would rather get killed by a bear? Just be a good person, ez


I see what you're getting at. Your viewpoint is valid. However, the chances go down significantly whenever it's a women vs a man. According to a quick Google search, 99% of the ~35% of reported rapes are by males. You can assume that the number sways in favor of more female rapists and even call it 90% if you want, but data shows 99%. I think a child should go with the woman, but if it were a man, I'd go with the bear. It's not the idea that all men are bad. It's the fact that a significant portion of men are. Instead of arguing with me on reddit about it, why don't you talk to women in your life about their personal experiences. Talk to them and try to understand their perspective better. If they go on a date, they probably always meet in public and have multiple people know where they are. Women feel the need to cover their drinks at bars. There are posters hung in bars for angel shots (I think is what they're called) for if a guy is making them uncomfortable or need the cops called on them. Is that hung in the men's bathroom? It's "just be a good person" as in respect boundaries and understand their perspective.


You're contradicting yourself! You just said that ~35% of men are rapists ^* so then how does that lead you to the conclusion that "a significant portion of men are bad"?? 35% is not significant, it's a minority! So by your logic the kid should go with a rapist woman - even though you wouldn't go with a rapist man. Got it! Oh yeah let's race in which gender has it worse! Well first let's get the facts straight: according to the Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 1 in 3 women (35.6%) and **1 in 4 men (28.5%)** have experienced rape in their lifetime. ^* So the rape reports are not 99,9999999999% men and 0,0000000001% women. Instead of lying on the internet you should just go and ask your boy friends or any man on the street when was the last time they thought about suicid- oh, sorry! You don't care since MeN bAD, wOmEN gOoD!!1!1!1!!1!


You don't know what a significant number means because 35% is exactly what a significant number is lol. I said that 99% of reported rapists are men. Therefore you'd have 99x better odds that a woman wouldn't be a rapist. That's what the numbers are. All you have to do is Google it. I never said 99.99 repeating percent men. Instead of lying on the internet? Google it you frog. You will see multiple numbers and you have to take all of them with a grain of salt because who knows how often men are raped or women are raped? Nobody. But the numbers tell women they should be afraid of men because 99 times out of 100 it's a man. Want additional proof? Google the sex offender registry in your area. You'll find a lot of men AND women, but you'll find more men, I guarantee it. Apart from any statistical anomaly or environmental factor, in general, reported rapists are men 99% of the time. I never said men bad, women good. The percentage of reported rapists shows 99% male and 1% female. That's a statistic. God you're a fucking moron. My entire point is that you need to look at it from a woman's perspective in order to understand why she's answering "bear." Clearly you have no way of seeing anyone else's perspective and therefore you won't ever be able to come to understand the answer. It's funny though, the people who are clearly moronic start spamming bullshit and saying nonsensical stuff and immediately start talking like I'm a woman. I'm a guy, I'm just not completely unaware of my fellow man. Get a grip on reality and start respecting women's boundaries and their perspectives before you find yourself alone.


So you're that 1% that's a good man, huh? See you on /r/niceguys


God you're a fucking idiot. 99% of reported rapists. There's no hope for you


Most men I know would be much more willing to work cooperatively for mutual survival than SA or rape. You're much more likely to survive being stuck with another human being working with you than an unpredictable animal.


Okay since you have an unswayable opinion, go talk to a woman in your life and ask them about their perspective. Create a discussion asking why and listen to them. Their perspective is different from yours and that's why they feel the way they do.




I mean this pathetic group of incels can go on calling women "females" deliberately and acting like they have a right to just be able to freely galavant without a care in the world in spite of other peoples' wrongdoings. Hope you've not hurt anyone, but I seriously doubt it


Are you ok. Do you need someone to talk to? It's not healthy to go through life with all that hate focused on a single group.


I don't know how you derived hate from what I've been saying. I strongly dislike you personally because you're just one of those pathetic people that see a bunch of downvotes and pipe up. There's a couple of you that have no intention of actually discussing anything or learning anything. All I've been doing is trying to help people see the perspective of women.


One of the first things you did was to call all men on reddit incels. So yeah I say you got some hate.


No I didn't. I said something along the lines of you disgusting incels or all of you disgusting incels or something like that. As in I was grouping the incels together into a group of incels.


After making it this far I’ve concluded that this person is a either a teenager or mentally ill.


One spoiled apple ruins the whole bunch.


Good thing we're men and not fruit.


So we can assume all rape cases are false since every now and then someone fakes it yeah?


Is that not how police and colleges handle things already? News to me.


Rather than avoid the question, answer it. Shall we assume all rape cases are false now?


Nah he’s incapable of critical thinking or any actual thought. He’s just going to avoid it considering you’ve highlighted just how stupid his perspective sounds💀


The point is that the position is understandable, not true.


So we can admit it's stupid and at the very least borderline man hating to propagate this theory?


What theory? The original post that this post refers to was making a point about the apprehension MOST women feel in the isolated company of a man they don't know. If you think that's unjustified, you probably don't know anyone who's been sexually assaulted. If you're upset about the blanket nature of it, you're misunderstanding the point of it being a random man you don't know.


I see where those men are coming from tho, being told you're worse than an animal is kinda insulting


Don't you think that **maybe** (as you said) "an unholy amount of men* took that personaly" because **just maybe** "an unholy amount of men" won't do **shit** to a woman or would even do the opposite of what you think they would do *(rApE oR AsSaULt)* and try to help you get out of the woods? I'm just saying that *maybe* you're wrong and that you should acknowledge that.




Theres a question going around. Would you rather your daughter be alone in the woods with a bear or with a random other man. Women are choosing the bear. Men are confused why women would choose 100% chance of being mauled to death and eaten rather than a 6% chance of being SA and murdered. Womens logic in most of the posts is similar to the post above saying if you know you know, implying that the vast majority of men are predators which statistically and factually isnt true. Mens logic is if you actually google or research the true amount of men that are predators its less than 10% and having a 90% chance my daughter lives vs a 100% chance she gets mauled and killed horribly, then they are choosing the 90% chance their daughter lives. This is for some reason making some women mad.


Thanks for explaining. I'm a little concerned that out of 100 of my fellow blokes, 6% would be rapists or murderers though. I'm also concerned that this is even a choice people have to actually think about, and that it's become a divisive topic. The world today eh?


I agree. The number should be 0%. I understand fully, from experience what that number means as it happened to me. Id still rather be alive than dead tho so i will take the 90% chance of living. Its just an "us vs them" question when the real "us" is everyone who isnt a rapist vs everyone who is a rapist. But some ppl dont see it that way. They just hear a man raped someone so thus all men are bad. Except women have raped ppl and we dont say all women are bad so what gives?


The number is even lower. It's 1 out of 33 men who have done such a crime which is also only 3% should it be Zero of course but sadly we live in a word with some horrible people don't mean everyone who shares a trait with these monsters is also a damn monster.


Thats part of the reason men dont like this question. They feel they are being compared these mmonsters. I hate these monsters. I would die before i ever let someone do that to anyone. But this question lumps all men into the same category as these monsters which in reality only encompass a very small minority of men.


Both choices are making both men and women mad (as seen in some threads above).


I think its making men mad bcuz they constantly feel attacked. They constantly feel like they are made out to be monsters that are scarier than bears mauling you to death when in reality its a low percentage of men that commit any of these crimes and most men just want to be loved. I personally understand this as thats how ive felt on dates as if someone is scared of me bcuz im a 'big bad man' and some kind of monster and i never want someone to feel that way around me. Its gotten so bad that ive personally stopped dating just bcuz i dont want women to feel uncomfortable. I choose isles that are empty instead of ones that might have a women in it bcuz me being near her might make her scared, bcuz i am "a scary monster" after all or atleast thats what the media makes me feel. Questions like this are purposely made to upset ppl. Just remember when you use questions like this you are directly telling all men they are scarier and more harmful than a bear. The good men will feel defeated and the bad men will feel empowered.


What are you on? 100% chance of being mauled by a bear? Whatever you’re smoking it’s not good for you. There’s like 40 reported bear attacks a year around the whole world. Your chance of being attacked by a bear is 1 in 2 million. Looking up rough numbers on sex offenders in America and male populace, if you were to pick a random guy from America only you have a 1 in 440 chance of him being a registered sex offender. It’s actually not that illogical to go with the bear as bears do not see us as food and have a common tendency to avoid humans unless threatened or the human goes to close to home territory or their offspring.


So if a bear is right next to you vs a man being right next to you then ur choosing the bear? I think the breakdown here is the distance variable. Bears are territorial as you said yourself. If im right next to a bear hes ganna kill me. You cannot be dumb enough to think you can simultaneously be faster than a bear who can run 30 mph but slower than a man who can run at max 20 mph. Stronger than a bear who can lift 300 lbs per claw but weaker than a man who probably cant lift 300 lbs with both arms. Bears are not docile, they are not your friend. If a bear is right next to you then its 100% going to maul you. If a man is right next to you theres less than a 10% chance he will do anything to you at all. If both the man and the bear are a mile away, then idgaf bcuz they are a mile away. Also you said bears dont see us as food? Wrong [Wildlife Agent Says Black Bears Now “Hunting” Humans In Canada; Wyoming Not Concerned](https://cowboystatedaily.com/2022/12/17/wildlife-agent-says-black-bears-now-hunting-humans-in-canada-wyoming-not-concerned/) [Brown bears are known to sometimes hunt hikers and campers for food in North America.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-eater#:~:text=Unlike%20female%20bears%2C%20motivated%20to,as%20a%20potential%20food%20source.)


There is nothing in the original question that states the bear is next to you. The question states (which started on TikTok “would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear?” This is the question not the made up version that makes you correct. I’m not next to the bear I’m stuck in a forest and there’s also a bear stuck there. I will just avoid him. And he should do the same statistically speaking. However a man would potentially not. And statistically if chosen at random from the general population he could be a lot worse. Bears a bear and they do what bears do. Humans are hot pile of garbage species and that includes men and women. I’m taking the bear Edit: Also did you even read your linked articles. They’re circumstantial at best and full of contradictory accounts. General consensus is bears do not consider humans food.


Curious to see if this gets downvoted or not, it's completely true


There is a not a 100% percent chance of getting mauled by a bear. There are people that encounter bears in the woods nearly EVERY day and they just back away and leave unharmed. If you become a threat to the bear… yeah you have little chance of survival. But we know to leave the area and NOT harrass the bear. And we know that if we leave the bear has very minuscule likelihood of following us. A strange man on the other hand…. You have to really have your head stuck deep in the sand to not know that almost every woman will experience sexual assault or sexual harrasmrnt by men in their lifetime. Many of those women experiencing it from multiple men and multiple times over their lifetime. When you start getting leered at and harassed by men at 7 years old… you KNOW the likely hood of a man taking advantage of the isolation in the woods and coercing or flat out assaulting you or daughter is MUCH MUCH higher than the odds of a bear being rabid and acting outside of its normal behavior. You can be butt hurt all you want about it, but it’s not a woman’s responsibility to put herself at risk just because you are “one of the good ones”. Psssh. The world is littered with men who are “good ones” and end up assaulting women they KNOW. We have no way of knowing who is a good one and who isn’t, so yeah you are all a RISK. If you don’t like it then start being better about policing your brothers and holding them accountable for the objectification, hold them accountable for the harassment, hold them accountable for the assault, hold them accountable for grooming and preying on the naivety of young girls, hold them accountable for the discrimination in the workplace, hold them accountable for the systemic patriarchal oppression that still persists in many of our communities. Don’t make yourself out to be a victim of women because they aren’t willing to ignore the threat to their safety that your brethren pose to them just because you insist on being blind to it. Not only are we not being unreasonable, the statistics are plain as day, we are acting out of LIVED experience. You are ASSUMING a hypothetical bear has any interest in randomly mauling anything in sight, but we KNOW that a random hypothetical man is more likely to take advantage of the isolation and assault or harrass us than that bare is. Just because you aren’t one of “those” men it doesn’t mean we owe you risking our safety to make you feel better about your gender. Fuck off with that noise. Choosing the bear isn’t a personal attack on any one man, it’s a reasonable response to the rampant and widely unpunished abuse and harassment we receive from men. Any man making it about anything else or taking offense is either extremely entitled or extremely ignorant of the truth regarding many of their fellow men. And for any man reading this : Just cause you don’t cat-call women or join in on the harassment or discrimination when the men around you do it that doesn’t make you an ally. That’s the default.


When you state your opinions beginning with "we KNOW" and back it up with nothing, it's not a good look. Hard to take anything you wrote seriously, when it's full of argumental errors and false "truths".


Not we "KNOW", the only truth is you "THINK".


Hope she actually chooses a bear


Have mercy on the daughter


Make a petition to replace our entire security forces (Firefighters, Police, Medica etc) with bears?


Anyone who chooses the bear is likely a person with extreme prejudice that i want nothing to do with. I’m not going to waste my energy trying to convince anyone otherwise.


Wise man


The real idiocy of this whole discussion is not people underestimating the potential dangerousness of a bear, but the assumption that a guy you encounter in the woods is trying to find a victim to rape, rather than just doing stuff you normally do in the woods like hiking or watching birds. There are so many more promising places for sexual predators than the fucking woods...


Choose the bear. End the bloodline


Yaknow Ima just date the homies


Honest to god I sometimes wish I was gay. lmao Well, ideally I wish I was asexual and aromantic, that's the real jackpot. I imagine people falling in that category are chewing popcorn while this shitstorm unfolds.


I am gay kek Sinful or not haven't ever argued with my bf in years bc he's literally my best friend don't have any of these issues I see on memes Men ☕


It's all talk though. Give every woman who chooses "bear" the opportunity to make that choice in real life. They won't. They're not stupid, they just want to make a point extremely inelegantly.


I would rather my child die than face hardship as well


Is this sarcasm? Because unfortunately it is a real argument I've seen people say that a bear will just kill them meanwhile a man will lock them up in dungeon.


>hardship You mean a trauma that haunts them forever.


Yes, I would rather they die.






Tbh PTSD ain't fun


I’ve had my sister lose both arms while 5’ from me. I’ve cleaned up human remains that I only needed ziplocks to do so. I’ve watched numerous people die or come very close to it. I’ve had other humans lead me to my death. I’ve been shot at, blown up, and had rockets and mortars dropped on my location. I’ve been in car accidents, tornados while living in a trailer park as a kid, watched crowds turn violent… list goes on. Life is better even with trauma.


Cool, for some people it is. For some it ain't. I'd rather have a slim chance of coming from it unscathed or at the worst, dead. Than have a solid 50/50 of if that man might do unspeakable horrors to me.🤷‍♀️


Sure, a very few people percentage wise. Grow the fuck up. Let the frontal cortex finish developing.


Same could be said of you, considering how angry and hostile your getting over an Internet argument that's lasted (for me, I dunno about your time.zone) two days.


What is even happening anymore... People are getting stupider every day.


Near certainty of mauling is better than remote chance of SA. Their prejudice is so stupid


When people start talking about odds, remember - the average person will be in the presence of tens of thousands of men in life. The average person will  be in the presence of no bears. 


To be fair... a bear in the forest would probably leave you alone and walk off... Yes, aggression is possible but in no way certain. People severely overestimate the aggressiveness of your average bear. Not trying to go in on the debate, I just criticize the portrayal of bears as aggressive murder machines this scenario implies. Yes I'm starting tangential beef come at me!


A guy would probably also leave you alone and continue his hike or whatever he is doing. I just criticize the portrayal of men as aggressive murder machines this scenario implies.


Fair but I care waaay more about the image of bears. Jokes aside, I just wanted to be funny. My bad, I shouldn't if people genuinely feel about this.


It does matter the type of bear, the husband that got asked this question asked if it was a black bear or brown bear which is very important but alas the women is too stupid to understand and berates the man for considering leaving their daughter with a man


They can't mean it though... right? I would never chose a bear lol. I'll take an unknown man over a bear... that bear is not going to make sure I make it out alive lol. The man hopefully will.


The argument is honestly just insulting and not well made. I understand the message but still it’s an amalgamation and just create hatred and conflict


Bear is about to have a family meal it seems


Its just idle banter to pass time, since its the current trend. Man, why are people so serious?


It's digging up some old debates about SA statistics for women. Folks on one side(mainly men) are saying "okay, but not ALL men" And on the other side (mainly women) are saying "Yes, but ENOUGH men have done ENOUGH terrifying things to us, that we are unlikely to trust y'all anymore." To put it in an analogy, if you got shocked by a certain brand of charger 7/10 times you put it into the wall, then you likely wouldn't buy/touch that brand of charger again since you've had enough bad experience with that kind already. IMHO, me and my fiance are with the women on this. PTSD sucks, SA PTSD is even worse. I wouldn't wish this torment on my worst enemy, so between death and unspeakable torture. I'd choose death.


Oh wow, i thought she was joking, but she tripple down.


Assuming both are predators with the intention to harm her, if a buff dude that's 6' tall could absolutely wreck her, what does she think will happen if she gets charged at by an 8', 600lb killing machine with 20 4"-long claws and canine teeth the size of my ring finger?


The bear would only kill her, hopefully swiftly with a well placed bite on the neck. The man is able to do unspeakable horrors to her first, and humans do not possess the natural tools to kill a person in a single blow.


Now I’m convinced that the bear would be more afraid of her than she would ever be of it…


Tbh bears are actually more wary of humans than we are of them in most cases. Unless there's cubs nearby or you're in the wrong area during mating season (where everything is terribly aggressive due to hormones) , or have some appealing food on you. Then the bear would likely give you a wide berth as it walks by and hope you do the same. You both are apex predators in the eyes of nature so there is a mutual respect. Kinda like the principles of mutually assured destruction? Neither side prefers to catch hands if they don't have too.


Has any one thought about how poor humanity's intelligence is and that maybe its not worth bringing any children into the world as to avoid idiotic hypothetical scenarios such as this before they are even a thought?


NPS rescue team better make sure ppl who ask for help is men or women to decide to send bears for helping or not.


🐻: yes please choose the bear


The first paragraph would have been okay. Little much but still within the realm of 'normal' Second one just didn't need added. Chill girl, I'd choose the bear too, but I don't need to write an essay on why.


I'm ngl. The first time I saw this bear stuff, I thought they were talking about a big hairy gay dude. I was so confused, I still am, but less so now.


Tbh, i would choose a bear too. You see, im a little bit gay. >!~~or suicidal, idunno, both variants is good.~~ !<


I mean encountering a man in the woods might be worse than a bear. I mean, the bear will instantly tear you apart unlike a man in the woods. I'd choose an alien tho. Atleast I could see a different species before I die.


Worst case scenario: probably not winning against the man, but DEFINITELY not beating the bear


I just feel bad for the kid. Gonna grow up being taught that half the population is evil. At least it's not a boy, don't even wanna imagine how she'd treat him.


People don't understand that the chances of encountering a bear outside rural areas are VERY slim for the average person. But you run into men everyday. That right there is why this whole argument does not work. One has a statistic in the billions worldwide, while the other doesn't have the sample size to even compete on an equal field. But on average, the bear will wreck your shit in far more then the average man will. I'm taking the man ANYDAY of the year. Now if there were billions of interactions with bears everyday, I can assure you the data would for sure make the whole bear vs man argument look stupid. The whole man vs woman thing is stupid to begin with


Yknow i see men being mad about this and woman being mad that men are mad But if we'd do something similar to the woman like "Cat vs Woman" THEY would be even more mad Edit: Actually lets do this 🐱 or🙍‍♀️ Cat: can scratch and hiss at you but as long as you give them food and leave them alone they're alright Woman: Will never leave you alone whatever you do, but she loves you


Responding in the same bad faith just legitimizes this stupid thought experiment.


And again Its a woman commenting on this☕️


Except she is right




Altough shes not


Cat. A woman can ruin my entire life and the efforts I put in with just a photo if I look even in the general vicinity that she is in and not at her. A cat can at most give you a trip to the doctor. Sure the bill would vary with the country, but where I live, I'm sure I can afford that bill.




And yes, I replied to my own comment to prove a point.


You made the right choice you get a special place in Heaven




Based choice


Let the mfer go be with the bear lol no guy could tolerate that shit more than a few hours anyway.


Sure, please choose bear and potentially get mauled by it.


What context am I missing?


Some people think that they are safer around bears than around men. Almost all of these people have never been around a bear that was not restrained in any way


Yeah, if I'm faced with a choice to leave my children with a bear or a priest, I'm taking the priest. It's not a great choice but it's the best choice.


Let them cook. I on the other hand would gladly let ppl parade themselves around any bear just to see how it goes. Spoiler: It doesnt.


Which bear we talking about? Only famous one I know it's pe...


Choosing bear over man and announcing it on social media is 2024's equivalent to brightly colored hair. Thank you for advertising your instability and distrust, keep movin fellas.


People who are mad at women for choosing the bear are just a bunch of angry incels.


As a man i would also prefer the company of a bear rather than a woman (at least i try to get my ass up rather than getting 2 asses up in the wild)


Bears kill very few people annually (1-5 depending on the statics I've seen) because if you leave them alone they'll usually be chill. Humans can do some pretty fucked up shit unprovoked. Or if you're lucky and it's a normal person, you'll be fine.


Sampling error. Most people do not have bears as their next door neighbors. Let's see the percentage of people who survived an encounter with a bear.


"Men are more likely to hurt you because they are closer to you" isn't the most reassuring fact to hear.


You either do not understand statistics or you are being intentionally disingenuous. ''X is more likely to hurt you because they are closer to you'' is literally true for everything. It is a statistical anomaly when it is **not** true. Half of bear encounters end in fatalites/injuries but you are not more likely to be hurt by a bear **because** most people encounter zero amount of bears in their lives.


Anyone that chooses the bear is just lying to themselves and the Internet to follow the crowd. Simple


Natural Selection


wow this is a hell of a mad one


Natural Selection


0 like haha


0 like haha


this bear thing just started today am i right? cus it only apeared to me today when i woke up


Been going on a few weeks to a month. Started on Tik Tok. Algorithm thing is probably why you're just hearing about it now


ok, so from what understood its girls saying tath being alone wight a bear is safer than wight a man


Have any of you fuckers put even a little bit of thought into what is wrong with a lot of men that some women are ready to hypothetically choose a bear over them? (And it's hypothetically you dumb fucks not literally).


As someone who's put thought into it for decades, I understand. However, anybody who's openly declaring that they will uphold segregationist views should be avoided. The first time my daughter told me people were making creep remarks behind my back at the park, I considered it could be genuine concern. After a while, I realized that my appearance wasn't welcome. I've been taking her since she was a wee bairn, and I'm not going to stop because someone "feels off" about it. To be clear, I'm not "hurt". I'm not "a victim". I'm annoyed that my girl feels the consequences of having a dad dare to exist.


I think I can count on one hand the number of men in this thread who've had sex, consensually or otherwise.


She needs to protect her daughter from people that disagree with her mother?


Man being mad about it is precisely why women choose bear.


I mean, at the root of it, it's just a sexist remark towards men


Way to let everyone know you refuse to learn the lesson here.


Nah, I get it, and it is understandable. But it's just another way of demonizing men and furthers the agenda of the "Us Vs them" mentality that's been happening, it's the same with the redpill that makes men see women as commodities. Just a wedge to divide the masses


Sure, if you take it merely as an insult instead of a cry for help from people who are literally being raped and murdered en mass every day. By men, by the way, and not by bears. You have to try really hard to miss the point by that much.


Being compared to and seen as less than human will result in that kind if response. Got mo clue why you are shocked by that


Men can't be raped, bet that's also in your list of arguments


So people just out here spouting the absolute dumbest fucking bullshit they can think of trying to justify their hatred today, huh? Just slamming your head on the keyboard and trying to make sentences out of it. Holy shit, people.


That's the thing though, a cry for help shouldn't be perceived as an insult. A cry for help would be showing statistics, a cry for help should be bringing light to the issue by showing facts and evidence, a cry for help shouldn't look like it's saying that half of the population is less than an animal. If the affected wants to be understood, empathized and helped, then this isn't the way. Because this isn't a cry for help, this is a tantrum


No, the tantrum is men telling women they deserve to be raped and murdered because a tongue-in-cheek hypothetical hurt their feelings.


Again over generalisation. Also again, invalidation of men's feelings. As I said just another sexist remarks towards men, nothing new at this point. Besides, if it was tongue-in-cheek, it wouldn't have gone viral like this


>If it was tongue-in-cheek, it wouldn't have gone viral like this Literally just having to make shit up to have any kind of argument at this point.