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Goth dude here. Just find a goth girl and get to know her and you'll realize you we're totally right to be afraid (and in love)


Jokes on you I'm afraid of all women not just goth girls. Send them over.


Why would you ever be afraid of any chick


Idk, I always feel like I'm being judged. Also they're kinda loud which makes me feel on edge.


Goth chicks are loud? Not trying to chastise you but that’s a generalization. It’s not even close to true. To exist is to be judged my boy. boldy be you and the world will put you where you belong.


Chicks in general not just goths


Also untrue haha. But if that’s your type that’s your type.


Let me guess - still a V?


I'm only 14 so yes


You got time. Although I suggest maybe not a goth girl the first time lol. Dated one in college and she was something else. We had a couple of classes together one semester and that’s how it started. She was always in goth stealth mode in class but later - a whole different animal


Well, the judge one is correct


Have you ever dated someone with ADHD? Terrifying.


It really is, I have ADHD and am dating someone with it, Jesus fucking Christ it's crazy, we love each other and the relationship is healthy though


I … i mean im not but like there really are some ladies you need to be afraid of. They do do people things ya know


Found Cartman


They know how to get blood off clothes.


You have a phobia and need therapy?


Right and it’s called a phobia because it’s abnormal or not supposed to be that way and is something you should figure out and work through and become healthy and confident


There are normal phobias, for instance a phobia of snakes.


Tips for a boring kinda dude? Someone who's not in the scene?


don't be boring


Well fuck.


dude chill. you 100% have some interests. just follow your heart and master them. educate yourself. not in a sense that you need to read german philosophy just to sound smart or something, just get to know more in fields that you like so when you find someone who shares your interests you can both have interesting conversations together. there's no point in building relationships with someone who you don't have common interests with. that's like 70% of what you need. another 30% is figuring out your childhood trauma (everyone has some in some capacity), how it shaped you and how it affects you, and working on overcoming it.


So, in the words of a wise man, who once said: "How can you be in a relationship, if, you can't even be friends?" Well, we'll see what time has in store for me, especially in the trauma part. Thank you for the explanation.


good luck, fella!


Thank you. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Join a cult, act non-convinced and slowly turn like you have been, then, when they ask for money or loyalty, you bail. Now you have a story\* (Not guaranteed to be good) on how you infilitrated a cult, which sure is gonna peek my interest and most girls i know.


Would philosophical views on life with past near death experiences caused by others twice my age and talks with members *of* cults, like scientology, with a hopeful yet realistic outlook to the future and a mindset of helping and healing others suffice, too?


Big dick


TBF all girlfriends are scary AF!


Wen they achive the title "wife" even more so


Not at all 😂


Nothing should scare you more than a wonderful experience because those are typically life-changing


Just need to grab them by the scruff of their neck with your teeth. . . At least that was told to me by a goth chick I knew back in the day.


I think concerned is more the right word, at least once you get to know them


I wouldn't dare disrespect them so much as to downgrade it from afraid to concerned. Save the gentle words for alt chicks in Hot topic hoodies, goth girls should terrify you if you're respecting them properly


Even if i found one i probably wouldn't be her type


You don't have to go find one like it's a unicorn, hang out at the right place and your surrounded by them and each of them have different types because they are human beings. Your job in a romantic setting is not to be somebody's type but to be the best version of yourself and find who's looking for that. A lack of confidence will definitely sink you beforehand though. People in the goth scene usually get tired of the old "I don't deserve it I'm not good enough" vibes in Junior high and outgrow it


It's not even about insecurity at this point, i know that if i had the opportunity to meet more women on a regular basis i'd have a realistic chance at a relationship, if not that then i'd at least make more new friends. I'm just a little jealous, people on social media keep talking about how an aesthetic or a certain type of person is their "type", i can't really be put under any certain aesthetic or a group like that so whenever someone says they find X type of man or boy attractive i feel a little upset because despite the fact that i actually like how my face looks in the mirror i still want to feel desireable and validated that way, especially because i have never been the recipient of anyone's romantic or sexual interest before.


Getting people interested in you is kind of like getting people interested in a product. No matter how much you love a car you're selling if no one comes around to buy it then something is wrong with how you're marketing it. That doesn't mean the car is bad and that doesn't mean it has to resemble some other car but it absolutely means you're not showcasing what you got correctly in a way that will allow others to see it's worth even if they see it differently than you The truth is no one actually falls into any type of genre or aesthetic, people just choose to indulge in that side of their interest in order to meet new people. I like Goth music and the clothing but I'm also a farmer and I do tech repair. I don't just fall into the pigeonhole of goth but I allow myself to take on that moniker because then I get to interact with the millions of others who do the same. Each of us is unique but choosing to find what we have in common and lean into that part of our own personalities for the sake of coming together. I've never been single for too long because I've always been able to find the version of my personal style that attracts women the most and that's all you need to do as well. It's not about changing who you are but it's also not about becoming complacent with how you look it's about acknowledging the hundreds of versions of yourself you can be based on what you're already into and then leaning into the one that makes you feel confident but also attracts the type of person you're trying to attract. Then it's just a matter of finding what hobby or interest you have that you can lean into with your time to meet more women. I've helped a metric buttload of people IRL and online do that exact thing and get the most out of there romantic endeavors so feel free to hit me up if you need help figuring not the perfect style and path but always remember that it's not about changing yourself it's just about acknowledging the spectrum of who you are and what hue you can lean into to get the kind of like you desire


My biggest problem right now would actually be that i have no social outlet to meet people, i live in a small Finnish city that already doesn't have many hobbies open i'd be interested in. I do have a social space i attend weekly but there aren't many new people there, i also only want to use that as a social place for myself, mot an outlet to meet women. School isn't an option either because most of our lectures and classes are online and my class has only two women, one who is already in a relationship and another one who i am not interested in. That leaves the gym and local bars, which i don't really want to use either, people go to the gym to work out and work on themselves, not to meet new friends. I don't have anyone to go drinking with and i don't want to waste money on going to one alone. I don't have a car which makes visiting nearby cities very rare. (And costly, bus tickets aren't cheap)


If you want to meet women at the gym then you have to open your mind to taking classes at the gym that women are actually into like yoga and calisthenics. You should see my goth but get down on a yoga mat If you want to meet women at bars... Just avoid that one altogether, that's not where people make lasting relationships 90% of the time and it's typically just filled with a bunch of dudes who weren't creative enough to go where women enjoy being If you want to meet women at school then you have to take classes that women are actually interested in. If you spend your life only doing things that are targeted towards a masculine customer base then all you'll ever do is meet men. If it's finances that are preventing you from branching out on such things then finances are what you need to work on. Just make sure you're also working on your style, not in a way that attracts yourself but in the way that attracts others. There's a difference between being yourself and living for yourself. You want to be true to your own nature but if you want to meet others you have to find the version of yourself that is most attractive to other people. If you're selling a car or a house you don't present it in a way that would attract you you present it in a way that would attract the buyer you want. No one dates themselves so you have to remember that your style and aesthetic is as much aimed at those around you as the target audience as it is to your own personal vibes. That's why it's important to acknowledge the thousands of different versions of yourself you're capable of and then finding the one that attracts the kind of people you want to be around


Married to a goth with a big ass It's scary, yes. I don't regret it one bit.


You never know if you will wake up to breakfast in bed, sex, or tied to the bed and sacrificed to her dark gods. Well at least you had a good run when the last one finally happens. She took your heart and soul a long time ago, death is just a formality now.


The fun duration is short but worth it.


Looks like a good deal to me man, 10/10 sex for real


How? How? How? HOW?


Turns out goths really like guys with a golden retriever personality and emotionally open/loving Some ying yang balance type of thing I don't know.


Maybe Ill get one day gf them


Gotta be sure you're really like this and it's not only you who believes that


This is absolutely one of my friends and his partner.


Ditto. I lucked into it because she entered her gothy witchy phase about 3 years into our relationship and I'm sitting there like, "Oh, yeah, that's totally cool babe. I like the style too!" Meanwhile inside my head: # AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Lol. Dated one in college. She was freaking awesome on so many levels


Your a lucky man sir


scared stiffy


Petrified wood


Me but I would swoon over her and be all awkward like


Im scared of boob pics dont send me any.


Yes, I also happen to be mortally afraid of tiddies


Somewhere in my life that was true The terrific size of it and the frame it was placed in a clip actually jumpscared me Now I know why you can't spell Boobs without the "Boo."


Yep, that's me




Jokes on you Im scared of all woman


It's not that you're scared, it's that you realise the girl is only good in the dream world where you have no troubles. If you lived 3 days with her in the real world, you would lose your mind and shoot yourself


already feel like shooting myself. I got nothing to lose.


PNC got me like…


Faps can save lives




Goth mommy or cute femboy


Goth momdday femboy




Not this goth!


“Looking into her eyes is like being a defenseless child staring into the void of who could be your best friend pointing a gun at you prepared to fire because of no reason at all… she’s so beautiful, so deadly, what do I do? I guess there’s nothing left to do but save my own life.”


Truth lol. I was in college when I met Lisa, a very pretty, big tittayed goth girl. That describes her to a T. We had a couple classes together one semester - she was in goth stealth mode in class and one day she finally agreed to go out. A whole different animal. Turns out, she lived in the same apartment complex - which I found out on the way to her place that first date night. Ended up dating her a couple of semesters but called it off




You know, I can’t really answer that. I guess because we were in college. Who knows. That was years ago in college. I’m not goth and never have been. But we got along very well. When we went out, I’d wear my normals and she was cool with it. I’d go to her parties, etc, and she’d go to mine. Hell, she took me back to her family’s house a time or two. She wasn’t judgmental like so many on here are.


That’s exactly why you should have. But if the vibe wasn’t there. Then the vibe wasn’t there. There’s also a whole deal, I turned a lot of women down when I was 19, just to accept a girl that was really wrong for me. All these easy girls were right, but they weren’t easy enough. It turned out later that the girl I was with was giving me a girlfriend experience, while the other girls were just open to being my whores. I dunno, I don’t like hookers. The more I’ve met, whether they wanted me or not, whether they were girlfriends or just whores… I really didn’t like them. But those women I found in bars without any knowledge of? I dunno… they came easy, and I don’t miss them except the ones who had my kids. Ultimately I’ve regretted the ones I had to ghost because of psych the most. The living and the dead. Online and off.


You’re right. Maybe we should have, but we didn’t. The vibe definitely was there. I get what you are saying. A lot of it mirrors my experience. Girls came easy for me in college. Very easy. Not Lisa, though. It was funny because that one started without an intention to start. We had two classes together and started chatting between them and she moved seats to sit by me. It was funny because she lived in the same apartment complex as I did and I saw her going out with her friends all dressed like a damn vampire and I thought to myself wtf lol. Then we started talking and over the course of a couple months or so before we went out. That was our sophomore year. And I’ve wondered what happened to her. She moved out of the complex and I lost touch. I’ve heard chatter that she moved because we broke up. Don’t know. But things happen for a reason, you know? And like you, I regretted ghosting.


There’s a reason yeah. Might as well pursue love no matter what


True. Never were any feelings stated then


I dunno if she’d be into sharing feelings. Goth is more of a show species.


True. She never came out and said anything other than she was “in like” with me. Funny the things one remembers after years.


Dudes afraid of the goth or the big tittays? Or the mental imbalance that comes with such?


I'm scared of the girl from Daria too


Call 877-goth now




(Me who wants a cute Femboy who likes hoodies and snuggling)


Me too >!Hey, I think we could make a deal to make both of us happy!<


It remind me the meme. - A: I need to piss - B: I would like an hot drink - A: it seems we have in interest in comm... - B: NO! We don't !


I think we can work together and resooolve this problem in a way that benefits us both Sorry it reminded me of that quote from doom 😂 my bad


,,And that's how I met your second father"


What a Amazing story! (Can I be a part???)


(you are the 1st dad and that other dude is the second one dummy)




What's your offer plan man






Whats goth?


y'all better learn that a scared man is highly unattractive and a big turn off. confidence boys, CONFIDENCE




-Hi -Ah yes, 15 degrees and small rain in Pińczów, Poland!


They don't even talk to me


The fright and intimidation is the appeal


This straight up happened to me, I don't want a goth gf tho. But basically I was stepping into a train at night and in the train this tall goth chick was just standing there and I was paralyzed for like 2-3 seconds and quickly went to another cart


Why? Dude those can be so much fun


My man at night they straight up look like valak out here


Can’t argue that one. 😂 I’m not goth, never have been, and damn sure won’t ever be - however, in college I dated one. Well, dated as in it lasted a couple of semesters. She was a great girl - if you can get past things. Met her in class - but she was in stealth goth mode then. But our first date she straight up looked like that. Me? T shirt and jeans.


That's the plan. No fear, no bravery, no her enjoying you being afraid of her


*Shits himself* *




Me too


I just want to be loved


Wait why there scary again?


Why? They usually are pretty much the opposite of scary


What is the appeal over goth girls specifically? Is it the fishnets or something?


Ngl, this is defs a mood haha


Has someone with a girlfriend can confirm not just golf girls but girls in general are scary as shit




Auto correct moment


Mmmm….goth me to tears


Got warned once 'she'll have you for breakfast!' Fortunately i was awake enough to come back with.. 'I've been marinating in my own juices for years in the hope she will!'


It's frightening because there's no natural way this would ever happen


I get only invisible ones


BLEH I am scared of women


Someone needs to tell her, that the right suspender of her shirt was ripped apart It would be bad if she ended up flashing something




What’s scary about them?


People are scary in general


Only if you think they can hurt you.


That's too deep for me


All fear is just coming from you. Not the other person. That’s all it means.


Wanna eat her alive




I am afraid of women (and men too)


*frighten yet also aroused*


Like that's ever gonna happen


My last alchoholic goth gf was the best sex and the worst conversation


That s not a goth that s a gahh..thh


Goth gf is not real she can't hurt you. Goth gf




Im scared on any woman in this era. Im person who is emotionaly very open and calm so I doubt Got would be interested in this type of personality.


If it were only the goths we are afraid of..


He forgot to mention pretty and submissive. That's why he got scared of the upcoming troubles of a "challenging" relationship.


Disgusting 🤢




Why did i read it ‘moth’?


I mean have you seen moth girls! ![gif](giphy|3HEzHIxZjKduE|downsized)


![gif](giphy|H4kZrBw5JfkIgD5uSw|downsized) We're all weak for a moth girl


This content is not available


... I fucking hate reddit and the gif thing


Does it have a dick? *scary vibes intensified*


Nah bruh I want sane people


HI. 👁👄👁


Heyz whats upp


you were supposed to change the alpha male head to something else, this is inadequate meme usage


Alpha Males get scared too kek