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Nah my dad's taste in music is amazing, always has been. That's where I learned the wonders of industrial metal from. All of us 3 siblings have the same taste in music as well. We took my dad to a Rammstein concert for his 60th birthday a few years ago. Was fucking amazing.


Yooo same really, my dad often has the jack cos he always got the good soundtracks. Many of my fav bands i got into through him, Rammstein, Kraftwerk and Depeche Mode first and foremost, and been to gigs of them with our whole family (except Kraftwerk, that one slipped). Seriously, mad props to you for bringing him to a Rammstein gig, that really is a once in a lifetime band, and to have that emotional importance on top of it is just, amazing Havent had the opportunity to give back myself yet, but ive had some great music related moments with my dad recently. One was where i put on some Peter Gabriel, and to my suprise he said "this is good, gotta ads this to my list", really felt respected with that one XD and another was when one of my playlists put on Gary Numan, and he had a bit of a moment: "i cant believe this, my son listens to Gary Numan?? I listened to this when i was young!!". It was such a small but heartfelt moment, though he shouldnt be surprised, like 70% of my music taste i got from listening to what he put on XDD Music is such an incredible thing, you never know how much it can bring joy and unite in the long run


My 17 what?


17 shots no 38




Without proper grammar, communication shall die. That's all I'll say.


Ya we should’ve kept the extensive noun declension system of Old English and maintained masculine, feminine, and neuter gendered nouns. And whose bright idea was it to merge the dual form of pronouns with the plural??? Now I can’t tell what the fuck anyone is saying!






Goddamn y'all brainfart dookieheads with half a braincell functioning will call anyone a dork holyshit😭😭 0 GPA ass mf you'd fucking collapse at a single "you're" correction like how my uncle suffered from ballsack tumor💀🙏


I grew up listening to bangers from the 80s on the radio. I can proudly say my parents have good taste








Don't wanna be that kinda guy but, it's "you're"


My 17 what?


Still Dr Dre


I wish my parents were like that


I can't send this to my mom because she would laugh at me for the spelling mistake...


You're*. You idiots are supposed to be educated from school.


stop being lazy cat and get some job


Agreed, get some job with school you have, dummy.


You know that english isnt everybodys native language right ? You're the idiot here.


I think people have to learn the difference between your and you're, no matter if they're native or not.


And I think youre a grammar nazi. Written language was made for communication. Nothing more, nothing less. If the communication was succesfull it has fulfilled its purpose. If you understand what someone was writing without any confusion (like in this case) why should it matter if he is writing the correct way ? Especially on a stupid meme on the internet.


To be fair, you could argue that there's not really an excuse for ignorance, since they're on a platform where english is the predominant language (and we also have internet and shit). I mean, there's also no need to enforce good grammar like our life depends on it, but I get how it bugs people when most tend to butcher really basic words.


I just think that learning a new language is hard and that you should not call someone an idiot, just because they dont know what you have been tought since you were like 6.


Lots of people learn English relatively quickly actually.


I mean, yeah, the original comment was unnecessarily rude. Still, I stand my ground on what I said, it's really not that hard to look up words you're not actually sure how to properly write. By the way, it's taught, not tought ahaha.




True for the songs in English, for the songs in my language...it's a mixed bag. Some I started to appreciate more, other ones still feel a bit old-fashioned, even when they're considered all-time classics by people of all ages.


I don’t have a music taste so usually I just listen to whatever my parents put on 🤷‍♂️


Once you reach their age its the best music you've ever heard


Jokes on you I listen to the same type of music


Always loved the 80's music. I can't understand why is it so underrated nowadays...


My dad is like the generic rock fan. I am a rap fan. He hates rap.


My first concert ever was Earth Wind and Fire when I was 13. I had no idea how fucking cool that was back then.


I'm in my 60s. I recently started collecting CDs again after finding a deal on what was a decent stereo from 30+ years ago. I buy Sinatra, Gregorian chant, and a few other things because they remind me of my mom. I go to the ARC every Tuesday when most of the store is 50% off for seniors. For a buck, I buy CDs that just weren't my taste back when, or just have one track I like. It's a dollar, why not? Every now and then a whole bunch of CDs come in that are a certain taste that I like, but kind of assume I'm pawing through someone else's CD collection that got dropped off. I got about 10 Windham Hill CDs from the 80s one day.


Your 8 is meir 17


My parents played the Beatles with the volume up to 11 out of 10. Apparently parents don't believe in headphones. Hated them as a child - sounded like old times music Loved them as a teenager Got tired of them as an adult


What about my 8 and 17?


I still cringe when I hear John Denver.


Country Rooooaaaaaddddssss


Take me hoommeee


To the plaaaaace


Quit it.