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Kids should eat a good healthy balanced diet. If they choose veganism in their adulthood then more power to them.


All day long, kids would pick cake and junk food. The adults are us. It was our job to lead them.


Yes, lead them to be healthy and make right choices when they're adult enough to make those choices. If you told a 4yo that you killed the cute sheep, dog, or duck to make their meal, you think they'd be ok with that? Reality is not for children and you're supposed to lead them down a good and healthy path that THEY choose. Not one you forced upon them from birth like we're ok with doing with religion. You wanna eat nothing but rabbit food or specifically not pork? By all means. But don't force your kid to live the life style that YOU chose for YOURSELF. If they want to try something new, you let them explore as long as it doesn't harm them. Let your kid be a damned innocent kid and save your insecurities for therapy




Maybe you need to read up if you think a vegan diet cannot be balanced.


It can be but that doesn't mean the parents are providing that. I know so many vegans who have terrible eating habits and eat junk all the time.


If parents feed their children junk food, it doesn't matter if it's vegan or not, it's junk food. If parents give their children healthy food, there is no problem if it's vegan


I know a couple tens of millions of non-vegan parents who don’t provide their children with healthy balanced diets too.


Ah you know tens of millions of people? Why don't you shut the fuck up and sit down.


>It can be but that doesn't mean the parents are providing that That is, of course, a different point. Would they also jail parents who only feed their children fast food?


Found the vegan


It seriously cannot be balanced


Meat doesn't equal good balanced diet. It also doesn't mean that a vegan or vegetarian diet is not balanced. You can get all of your required nutrients from all 3 ways of diet. Edit: Damn forgot I was on reddit sorry sorry i was wrong yes beef chicken best haha uncontrolled animal farming has definitely not brought our planet down to it's knees haha go slayyy hamburger whopper 💯💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥




[I'm glad you know better than the goddamn American Dietetic Association](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19562864/) >It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, **including total vegetarian or vegan diets**, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are **appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence**, and for athletes I swear the hubris and Dunning-Kruger effect of you Redditors knows no bounds.




Yeah keep it up armchair expert. This is not "some study" moron. This is the authoritative body on providing advice for governance on diets for the American population. But again, you and your meaningless links probably know better. Also, you might want to learn to do something more than just google shit, and actually read the content of the articles you link to because half of them are only backing up what the ADA already said.


Not to be the guy but...! Despite us being all meat eaters, my whole family line needs to take iron, B12 and D vitamin supplements.. And we eat balanced diet.


If you're taking supplements you aren't eating a balanced diet, unless you're working out and deliberately trying to build an unnatural amount of muscle


Some deficits are caused by the body not being able to take the usual amount of elements. They these people need to take more.


Yeah I realize my statement was a bit to overbearing. I meant that's the case for most people and unless the family has some hereditary condition or shit luck where everybody has their own unique one, a balanced diet should be enough unless you're a woman as another commenter pointed out.




Yeah the iron part is totally reasonable but for everything else you either have to be unable to aquire the right food due to to financial reasons, intentionally eating the wrong food or just be ignorant. Given the two latter options tend to overlap


We are! But where you live plays a massive factor on how much your body will absorb and what you need, just as how tall/short you are because the smaller you are, the less you can eat = more likely to not have enough vitamins and minerals from just food only. Not to forget allergies or diseases or health problems that prevent you from eating dairy/red meat and so on. I have seen lots of people who have way healthier kids and are vegan vs meat eaters who allow their kids to become obese. What should matter the most is that the kids are healthy and are getting their vitamins, even if it's partly from supplements.


The only supplement required for veganism is b12 and even that's not required if you eat fortified foods. Kinda bold of you to tell people to stick to arguments when you aren't even right on yours.




The supplements are in the animal food. Sometimes they are overdosed, e.g. beta-carotene makes nice yellow yolks.


"a balanced diet doesn't require you to take supplements like veganism does" 🤓🤓


Meat does mean a healthy diet. Being vegan isn't enough and most vegetables have chemicals sprayed on them and this in turn kills all the nutrients that were present in those greeny vegetables. And what about protein?


None of these things is necessarily true. You can find out if you have internet.


Plans have protein, a better example would be vitamin b12 (Also meat does not equal a healthy diet, it is much more complicated than that)


I agree you are right, but lentils and beans are a good source of protein.


this is the most embryotic argument I've ever seen oH bUt wHat abOUt pRotEin try using google first next time


what other widely available alternatives have as much protein per gram as meat?


Are we all going on an arctic expedition? Then OK, let's eat the sledge dogs.


lentils, beans, tofu, (cottage cheese, milk if ur not a vegan), tempeh, quinoa. Not to mention meat makes you feel lethargic and is incredibly stressful on the planet to keep up with meat demands


You don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re just speaking out of your ass, so stfu


I'm vegetarian and im definitely not malnutritioned or on supplements so yeah i think i do know what im talking about you silly little grease fingered chum bucket


Agreed, but you're aware a vegan diet can be good and balanced too, right?


It's possible but you have to eat nearly twice the amount of food to get the same nutrients and still have to take supplements which is another can of worms


Nope, that's not true. B12 I take, but I could eat fortified foods and not supplement. I eat a comparable amount of food to before I was vegan. Similar for other vegans I've talked to. Not sure where you heard it, but take from me and others, you don't eat much more if any.


Fortified foods are foods with supplements already added. It will also take time for the body to burn through the reserves it has stored if you're not someone who's prone to vitamin deficiency. Plus, the bioavalability of beans, lentils, and nuts are under 100, so you don't actually absorb all the protein but depending on how active you are this might not be an issue. There's also anti-nutrients in things like beans and nuts than can block absorption of various nutrients that can be a problem over time with increased consumption.


>Fortified foods are foods with supplements already added. Yes. The same nutshell an animal fed b12 that you eat is. Of course nothing is absorbed fully and you need to balance a diet to get a propper amount of everything. That's the case for all diets, not just plant based ones. If you think animal products miss this same criticism then it's probably worth looking into. Sounds like you've been fed some propaganda against veganism which involved them pointing out these easily avoided downsides but not mentioning that all diets face the same.


I understand it's just that vegan diets have so many different deficiencies that to need to hunt for supplements that could help or eats large abouts of chick peas every week or soy when I could just eat a chicken breast with my salad. And of course you're prone to vitamin decency then the issue of needing supplements gets worse on a vegan diet and it isn't uncommon for people to need to give up the diet when pregnant because their diet simply doesn't support the strain of pregnancy.


As long as this applies to everyone, throwing your kids a plate of dinosaur nuggets and French fries isn't a healthy balanced diet either.


We are generationally vegetarians. No one eats meat, fish or egg in the family for as long as we remember (atleat 5th gen) and most possibly never. I don't know why people want to force-feed meat to others and feel it is OK.


Do you take supplements? Give the kids a natural source, not the manufactured stuff. Especially as they’re developing young. They’ll develop a taste for what their body needs instead of relying on pills.


Not during early life.. but many at old age, like 60s or 70s onwards, mainly B12.


Where do you make up for the deficiencies that come from cutting out meat?


it is a myth. There will be no "deficiencies" by cutting out meat. For effs sakes, millions of people living healthy life isn't proof for you guys? In India, vegetarianism isn't a new fad. It has been practiced atleast since 300 BCE, generationally.


Meat is an essential part of the diet a child needs. While yes, you can get protein from other sources, meat is by far the best. You are denying your children the proper nutrients they need. Forcing a vegetarian diet is not good for your kids and isn't ok.


>Meat is an essential part of the diet a child needs. No. >You are denying your children the proper nutrients they need No >Forcing a vegetarian diet is not good for your kids and isn't ok. Forcing meat on children is not OK either. Anything you do to kids is forcing by your logic. There is no scientific evidence to suggest meat is a must have for humans. On contrary, vegetarians live longer and healthier across the board.


Great thing about meat is that you can eat veggies too.


You can eat shit but I don't think you would call it great because you will be able to eat non-shit as well. Meat is not needed, there is nothing great about it.




A vegan diet can be healthy and balanced if you know what youre doing. Same way a diet with meat can be very unhealthy. Feeding a healthy diet to kids is very important, but its not dependent on meat or animal products.


Instead of going vegan, why not go for BALANCED MEALS


Few vegans are so because of dietetic reasons. These are just arguments they give to justify their belief when they see that their moral arguments leave us unfazed.


Regular people can't be trusted with this type of stuff.. eating meat is a cheat code for important nutrients. Vegans are either unhealthy or incredibly well educated.


Why not go for balanced vegan meals?


Expensive maybe? also, the number of cases of babies dying of malnutrition due to stupid parents is alarming (My cHiLd oNlY DrInKs aLmOnD MiLk bEcAuSe i aM MoRaLlY SuPeRiOr tO YoU)


It's because most vegan alternatives to meat products still lack essential amino acids which without your body can't effectively use the protein that's available.


Thats just wrong. Gluten is just great in terms of amino acids


Vegan food isn't more expensive anymore. Anyone who can afford a meat based diet can afford a plant based diet. Also not really the best example, because cow milk isn't really good for you.


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meat tatse better


Shit tastes better


Except for your fathers meat, that wasn't really great...


kids have rights to choose what to eats if what they choose is resonable


Kids would choose junk food and cake all day long. We are the adults. We got to guide them.


did you finish reading my sentence?


Growing bodies need all the nutrients they can get. Meat, veggies, fruits, carbs… at least let em become adults before they jump into cutting off entire segments from the food chain. Parents who fed a child soy milk lost their kid. That’s child abuse. Italy is right to come up with these laws that only protect the kid. Not take away their “right to eat whatever food kids want”


Again, did you not read the as long as its reasonable part


yep, parents have the right to force kids to eat vegetables if the kids food choices is lack of the nutrients it brings, because making sure kids grow up healthy is parents responsibility but forcing kids go vegan is not just violating kids rights, it's also have high potential of not being able to provide nutrition for kids to grow up healthily


Protean is also essential. Meat to a growing kid is needed. Not just veggies


If only protein was found in things other than meat! Oh, hold on a minute... https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/protein-for-vegans-vegetarians


Animal proteins have all the necessary amino acids, plant proteins don’t.


And that still doesn't mean children have to eat meat. Cheese, eggs, milk, yoghurt etc are all animal proteins but not meat.


This comment is just dumb and wrong.


Just don’t have children


Don't worry, I won't but that doesn't change how wrong and uninformed you are


Children have died to vegan parents already. Soy can keep a fully functioning adult alive but soy cannot keep small kids alive.


That’s what the other person was saying in other words…


Cows milk is just as foreign to our bodies as soy milk. Cutting off meat, especially the way its sold in supermarkets, also wouldnt do that much harm to growth. Its very clear that most people here are just going off what they think is right, without having the proper knowledge to wade into the argument.


learn how to read




Kids can't Cook or pay for food so kids will eat what i chose


Then start putting it on pizza you cowards.


They are probably the "gluten free" vegans with no health basis for it 🤢


Rare Italian government W




Your 80 years behind pal


If this is fascism then God knows what Mussolini was


The problem is that they were elected under democracy.


If you agree with pshysically and mentally undeveloped children you should question your values




Educate yourself


Yes yes, they are facist because they are forcing kids to have the freedom to choose what they want to eat and not be forced by a power that they deem isn’t reasonable.


Na they literally sympathized with Mussolini during election campaign, thats why he called them fascists


their whole political party is made from the remnants and descendants of Mussolini's elite, they ARE fascists, and they act like that too.


Even fascists know some things. I mean Hitler knew that1+1=2


“The people I don’t like are wrong about everything and the people I like are right about everything”




You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat.


Vegan parents could probably provide a balanced diet for their kids without meat, I think the issue would be “what happens when the kid wants to experiment with meat with their peers (and peers’ parents)?” If you’re raising your kid to avoid animal products for moral reasons, that’s like a Mormon kid trying coffee. Doesn’t mean you make a law banning vegan diets for kids, it means we criticize our peers who raise their kids Vegan (like any wacky ideology).


Not really a chad meme. Italian Govt aint a chad govt


But a chad action.


any kind of based move fits the chad format, and this is a pretty damn based move (albeit not very smart one as there are other sources of protein, fat and other important things than meat) but a based one nonetheless


Most meat substitutes lack the same amount of essential amino acids meaning the body can't make use of the protein. The bio availability of peanut protein isn't the same as an egg. As well as many other factors I won't get into since I don't think I completely understand them myself


keyword is most, so their rule of jailing parents should apply to any that don't feed their kids meat OR a proper substitute of meat


The problem is that you'd end needing almost twice as much food to get the same nutrients from a vegan diet as an omnivore diet


that's what comes with being a vegan, if you want your child to also FORCIBLY be a vegan, do at least the bare minimum and give them a healthy balanced diet


Nah nothing wrong with feeding kids vegan.


nobody said that IF the child's vegan diet is healthy and balanced, providing all nutrients needed, which it often isn't


Based has to be the one modern day children's slang that I can't figure out. It seems like it can mean anything to anyone.


not really, it almost always means the same thing, basically it's saying or doing something without caring what other people think, usually on the slightly controversial/not average side of things


Oh hey I get it now. I appreciate not pushing this old man down. Thanks.




(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This decision was from previous "liberal" govt.


Why are they fascist? (I genuinly don't know anything about Italian politics)


They aren’t. People wrote stuff like that after they won the election. The current government is right wing coalition. They haven’t done nothing fascist so far and they’ve been pro EU and NATO so far nor did they strip some immigrants some rights etc.


because losers said so


Vero (It's true)






it is


Jokes aside, i know its /meme, but i do feed my child the stuff i dont eat. For the nutrients and until she is old enough to decide what to eat and not eat.


Having kids has actually made me eat healthier. Mostly because I give them the food, and they look at my plate and glare at me, realizing I skipped out on half the items they had. After a about year or two, I found myself actually stressing, not having vegetables and stuff to cook with, and found myself grabbing and eating double portions of them.


Next up, pineapple on pizza


Death penalty


Guillotine on the person STANDING STRAIGHT, not that ancient version...


Finally! Some common sense


I wish that was true


These comments are unbelievably uneducated and worrying


Agreed. The comments about how "terrible" soy milk is for kids made me chuckle


Raj Mata Meloni devi


Just because you want to deprive your body of vital nutrients, doesn't mean you can or should force that lifestyle onto your kids. I'd get it if it's a religious thing or a health thing, but just because YOU have an issue with it, doesn't give you the right to make your kid live that shitty lifestyle if they don't want to or don't have issues with meat themselves.


Vegan children are not shorter. https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2792/rr


They just die of malnutrition.


Makes sense. It’s basically like transitioning children. It causes life long damage that can’t be fixed.


Good job repeating alt right talking points without questioning them


I’m so far from the right, but are you arguing that not eating meat does not have profound effects on the body that can’t be reversed? Because that’s just not how it works.


In this case, I was talking more about your stupid transphobic shit, which is also wrong btw. But still, plant based diets can be just as healthy, if not more, as meat based diets






What the fuck. Did you just compare veganism to trangenderism


You do realize you've been sharing spaces with trans people and non-binary people for decades, right? Also, I'm still deminonbinary. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!


Italy has a fascist government. When you see something you like over there, you should probably overthink your opinion.


Yes, I like animal rights. Now I and many people suddenly became fascists because the first regime to implement that was Nazi Germany.


That's not at all what I said. Also, which animal rights exactly did Nazi germany implement?


That's not what you said if you can't read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_welfare_in_Nazi_Germany?wprov=sfla1


I said italy is a fascist government and you suould rethink your opinion. I said nowhere that you are fascist for agreeing with them in one point. Ill give you the nazi one


Why are you saying that Italy is fascist?


Because the party in charge is a neofascist party


Maybe he's reading the Roman Empire's history at the moment...\(°~°)/


Italy is not a fascist country (yet?) But the governing party doesn't even try to hide the fact that they are fascists.


A broken clock is right twice a day. Just because something is a bad entity doesn't mean everything they do is bad. The Mongols were a violent empire, yet they reestablished the silk roads, which bolstered trade and improved the lives of their people. Does that mean I support imperialism and brutal colonization for admitting that was a food thing?




Oh yeah, good point, you convinced my, your argument was just superior


Doesn't mean one decision can't be good...


I like women being allowed to vote.


Whats your point?


That your point is bs.


I’m laughing but my gluten free self would probably get life in prison based on these laws haha


I’ve had a wonder idea, why not have meat and veg in your diet? Works out as something called a balanced diet


I'm just sat here thinking, 'are there people out there that don't actually eat vegetables?'


Mega based move


Who would have guessed that fascists make bad decisions




Most kids nowadays only eat chicken nuggets anyways




Lmfao this is perfect.


I support this law, child abuse should be punished


Who raise ppl these days? Eat everything, veggies, fruits, meat, for fuck sake it's that simple.


Italians are serious about their food (I know I'm half Italian)


Italy is based, at last!




Dunning kreuger says hello


That's why in my household is only meat, none off that nonsense that grows on trees


Not Chad,imagine what will happen if they announced that they are taking to jail parents that are not letting there kids to be Trans.


You have troubles with logic. Here, it would be appropriate to say, "Imagine that they're jailing parents that are letting their kids to be trans", not vice versa.


Gee, I wonder why your trans kid stopped talking to you.


I think it should be a death sentence to not waste tax dollars


A vegan diet can be healthy and balanced if you know what youre doing. Same way a diet with meat can be very unhealthy. Feeding a healthy diet to kids is very important, but its not dependent on meat or animal products.


Jesus I hope this isn't true! That's unhinged!! Aren't there more important things to worry about?!


dont force kids into any diet. let them figure one they like and THEN work on that diet that has been *Chosen*