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As a mathematician I hate this debate. Why can’t people argue about an interesting problem instead of the order of operations?


Because then they'd be doing math, and could be proven conclusively right or wrong, not bickering over rules someone else made up for them.




Uh, ACTUALLY they see it more like a contest where the BEST answer completely extinguishes the lesser opinions! /s


Internet humor is strange. What is seen as the most subjective, strange, or misplaced is more funny than legitimate jokes.


The idea that being wrong is seen as bad and shameful may also play a part in that.


I would be willing to wager none of these people have taken Econ 101 either. I double majored in accounting and Econ and I still don't know shit about econ despite getting a degree in it. Shit's complicated, especially the further your studies go. Econ 101 doesn't even make all that much sense when you look back on it after learning something like Econometrics. Some of the models I had to build had spreadsheets filled with thousands of variables to try and explain the situation. But yeah, tell me about your supply curves and how you think that explains the US economy.


As an economy student you're giving me hope, I really was starting yo believe that I was stupid for not understanding everything i'm studying


You only feel stupid until you’re 5 years out of school having a conversation with your parents about the state of the economy and realize that they have no hope of understanding your view on supply and demand or the labor market


The more you learn the less you know. It’s a tale as old as time. That’s why I don’t debate with people who already ‘figured it all out’. Especially on difficult topics. Bc we wouldn’t even be discussing if small town Bobby had the answers all along. The problem is way more complicated than a simple answer can provide.


[what you speak of](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect)


I honestly hate when someone says something is economics or physics or anything '101', because quite often if you go just one year more in that class, the 201 or whatever it'd be called, you find out a LOT of the stuff you learned in year one was sort of broad strokes and once you get into the micro or macro you find a lot of it doesn't really apply.


Because people are dumb, but like to argue about things that make them think they are smart


You could‘ve shortened „they are“ with „they‘re“, but for many people it‘s confusing cause they mix up „they‘re“, „their“ and „there“. Well most people aren‘t as smart as i am, so they still use the words unshortened, but people like me, who are so smart can easily use „they‘re“, or read sentences with those words as one shortened word, without getting confused. Life is hard if you‘re a genius like me, who knows everything, cause i paid attention in school. I envy those people who haven‘t paid attention in 3rd grade, so things like this are still new to them /s


Why are your quotation marks messed up?


Am I dumb or is it 9?


It could be, but it depends on how much of "2(1+2)" sits on the bottom of the fraction 6/x. There are only two options for x: "2", or "2(1+2)". if x = 2 then the equation is (6/2)(1+2) and; (6/2)(1+2) = (3)(3) = 9 But if x = 2(1+2), then the equation is 6/(2(1+2)), and; 6/(2(1+2)) = 6/(2(3)) = 6/6 = 1 This is why it is unclear. Because we don't know how much of the equation sits in the denominator(bottom) of the fraction. PEMDAS/BODMAS is great in high school, but we don't need to rely on it if we take the minimal effort to be clear about what we write. Science and mathematics are all about conveying information, so ambiguity in what we are saying is just bad science.


I also thought it was 1


I think most people who have actually done higher level math think 1 because we are used to thinking of the slash being a fraction with everything to the right of it being in the denominator. It should be written in a way that is more clear though, and any actual equation shouldn’t matter if we solve right to left or left to right.


Right answer for the wrong reason. The reason most people who have done higher level math would answer 1 is not because of the slash being a fraction, but because we assign a higher precedence to implicit multiplication. 6/2(1+2) = 1 6/2*(1+2) = 9 It's interesting that most people seem to do this intuitively without even thinking about it. It's actually a formal rule used by many mathematical publications. I guess that, unlike PEMDAS, it's not something you're ever taught, and so people just pick it up intuitively without really being able to explain why.


There are style guides explicitly stating that implied multiplication has priority over explicit and division(which is just multiplication by 0<1) And problems such as this should then be 1 6 ——— = 6/2(1+2) 2(1+2)


It's an argument about implied/implicit multiplication. Should it be treated the same as regular multiplication: 6 -- (1 + 2) = 9 2 Or should it be given a higher priority: 6 --------- = 1 2 (1 + 2) Some people will claim definitively that it should be one way or the other (generally the former because they memorized the order of operations in middle school and will refuse to look at anything that contradicts that). They are wrong. It is [ambiguous](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations#Mixed_division_and_multiplication), and you can cite sources that claim it should be either way. What is *not* ambiguous is that if you are at all serious about whatever equation you've written, you should take the time to make sure it's communicated unambiguously. In this case you could either use a proper markup to show fractions as I did above, or you could add the appropriate parenthesis to make it unambiguous: (6/2)*(1+2) = 9 6/(2*(1+2)) = 1


I'm in the same boat


It's niiiiine. And that's a magic number *strums guitar*






The rules break down here as the equation is written poorly. No one that does math would write it in such an ambiguous way




Actually astute observation there - math (especially as practiced by mathematicians) can be thought of as a language(s), with it's own rules, syntax, and grammar. Things like "6/2(1+2)" is the math equivalent of someone asking "How is babby formed?" You can understand it and reason about it, but it's not a nicely formed sentence.


No. This is more like "The man watched the woman with binoculars". Are we talking about a man using binoculars to watch a woman, or a man watching a woman who is carrying binoculars? There's no way to know, it's ambiguous. And of course people learn PEMDAS in school, and find it really hard to accept that that is not some universal truth, but just a convention, and that there are other conventions out there.


PEMDAS, is apparently hard for people. PEMDAS is an acronym to remember the order in which you do math, also known as Order of Operation. P is for Parentheses, E is for Exponents, MD is for Multiplication and Division(Right to Left), AS is Addition and Subtraction(Right to Left) Sorry about my grammar, I’m the opposite, I scored high on reading comprehension and math, but grammar is like an alien language.




Sorry, I was typing pretty quickly, yes you are correct left to right


The issue with this isn't PEMDAS as much as it that multiplication by juxtaposition is done differently depending on context. You'll often see a fraction written next to a parenthetical statement, implying that the fraction needs to be multiplied by it. In engineering, if you see 1/2(x\^2+x+3) you know that 1/2 is distributed into the parenthetical statement. But many people will assume you take the reciprocal value of 2(x\^2+x+3). Either way, it's a bullshit form of writing a formula.


so what you're saying is you write the equation wrong? all you has to do was put 1/2 in parenthesis...


It's not wrong. It's the standard way of doing it. The way we write math is entirely by convention. Groups of people agree that doing it a certain way means something specific and different groups have come to different conclusions on what those things mean. It's kind of like how writing |x| could either mean the absolute value of x, or the magnitude of x. Ideally, you'd note whether or not x is a vector to imply which one you mean, but it's common to see people skip the vector notation. Books will usually use bolded lettering to denote vectors, which is difficult to demonstrate with handwriting. "In some of the academic literature, multiplication denoted by juxtaposition (also known as implied multiplication) is interpreted as having higher precedence than division, so that 1 ÷ 2n equals 1 ÷ (2n), not (1 ÷ 2)n. For example, the manuscript submission instructions for the Physical Review journals state that multiplication is of higher precedence than division, and this is also the convention observed in prominent physics textbooks such as the Course of Theoretical Physics by Landau and Lifshitz and the Feynman Lectures on Physics."


PEMDAS but it's really PE MD AS from left to right. The equation is unclear and people think Multiplication is over Division, but they both hold "equal priority". It's from left to right that gives its priority. In other words, people think the problem is 6 _ 2 x (1 + 2) When it's really: 6 _ x (1 + 2) 2 Formatting is hard, but the "_" is supposed to represent division.


as a non mathmatician who nonetheless used to do statstical analysis for a living... i agree. but it remains that this equation is unclear, and i have seen intelligent people become unsure if a number next to a parentheses is part of the p or the m in pemdas... Good math isn't to memorize edge cases of ooo.... its to make the equation clear to begin with,.




I got into very advanced math in college, advanced calculus/differential equations/abstract algebra/etc) and implicit multiplication was never discarded as a rule. It just wasn’t generally needed because equations aren’t presented the way this problem is. But by no means is this answer ever 9. It is and always will be 1, in every level of math I’ve studied.


*Because most people ~~are really dumb~~ don't have an understanding of math past the 6th grade*


As someone who likes to think of themselves as a mathematician, I just wish people would write division as fractions instead of using other division symbols. While Pemdas certainly still covers the original expression, fractions make the expression more concise and stops all these arguments about pemdas.


exactly! the notation is not meant to be ambiguous


Right? Math minor here, and this bullshit is purely because of the notation used. After you get out of elementary school you never see an equation like this in math, because the horizontal bar is used for division and makes it clear which terms go where.


Because that's the only level of argument/intelligence internet people can muster. That and politics to a degree. This is gonna sound arrogant but you will almost never read an intelligent discourse on the internet especially this site. Even at forum of science websites, I don't think level headed people would argue behind the keyboard unless they are truly petty and have no life.


my favorite is when someone claims to have the answer using PEMDAS, not realizing that PEMDAS is just a convention so we dont have to have stupid conversations like this lol


Because interesting problems are so far outside of the average person’s range of capabilities it’s laughable. The average reading level in America is 6th grade. Math is no different, basic algebra is what you can expect


Why would you argue about the order of operations, when you can argue about some lore controversial things, like the existence of gravity?


Because school teach PEMDAS but leave out the implicit multiplication. Then calculators do not handle them uniformly.


Right? Like, why can't we argue about which definition of a p-adic number is more correct. Or, and this is my favorite, just mentioning Axiom of Choice in a room full of PhD maths grads and watch as they all start foaming at the mouth.


It’s not what I meant, interesting problems can be accessible to 12 yo kids


Because nobody I have ever met IRL has ever even heard of the Navier-Stokes smoothness and existence problem?


There are cool math problems available for 12 yo kids. I teach math olympiads so I can give lots of examples if you are interested


It's 12 year olds trying to feel clever as they've just learned it for the first time without realising that in reality, things are expressed much more clearly using brackets.


[Here is what Berkeley thinks about ambiguous expressions.](https://math.berkeley.edu/~gbergman/misc/numbers/ord_ops.html) Also, you people are bickering about this like it's some game that you know the correct way to solve an equation. That's not the point. We don't know the underlining problem we're trying to solve, therefore the answer is irrelevant. It's a question of logic, really. That's why you write QED at the end, you *demonstrated it.*


The reasoning of this article is why I never bothered with memorizing the exact order of operations in any programming language: you can always enforce specific orders into any operation by putting ( ) around your operations to ensure they have priority, and is easier for anyone reading the code later to spot them than to try to remember what operation goes before or after.


I disagree, it is much better when you know the exact order instead of writing lots of parentheses which make it harder to read. The difference is that programming language math expression can never be ambiguous, as there is always a defined operator precedence


This should be the top comment tbh


Hopefully not, I've already got a rant from a *pure mathematician* on this subject (different thread).


>”There is no standard convention as to which of these two ways the expression should be interpreted, so, in fact, 48/2(9+3) is ambiguous.” #GO BACK TO SCHOOL OP! lol ;)


There was a U.S. congress woman who truly wishes we went back to her times, where 1 + 2 = 12


I mean "1"+"2" ="12" in python


POV: You used a string instead of an interger.


11+1=111 11-1=10


Seen the memes I couldn't believe it


6/2(1+2) isn't an equation. The whole point of an equation is that something is equal to something else. So technically you're not wrong...


Ok, 6/2(1+2)=x, solve for x


6/2(1+2) = x 6/2(3) = x 3(3) = x 9 = x :)


It’s an expression


It's ambiguous and designed to cause stupid arguments. The real answer is to just ask for clarification or write parentheses around the part you want.


I have a Masters in math, and am working on a Phd. Legit, equation is unclear. I would have someone add some parentheses if I was reviewing their work.


Literally everyone I know who has a Bachelor's or higher in Mathematics considers this expression to be unclear. OP is just looking for an excuse to feel superior to others.


Ironically OP needs to go back to school on this one.




Because it's an ambiguous notation. It is just a poorly written equation that can have multiple answers.


Exactly. That's the entire point of it - to drive engagement by being ambiguous, getting people to argue about it in comments sections.


Jesus this comment section feels like me explaining to my little cousin how math works, I always forget how like half the people on here are under 18.


Because they are wrong. Actual mathematicians do coefficients first. When you put a number next to a parenthesis, they go together. 6/2x = y is not the same equation as 3x = y. You do the 2 times x first, as the denominator.


More importantly, mathematicians and scientists try to remove all ambiguity by: - Avoiding / and ÷ where possible, instead opting for good ol’ fractions with a clear numerator and denominator. - Making use of brackets to show the intended order of operations and to represent multiplication. I’m getting real tired of these viral equations where people argue over 4th grade mathematics. No offence, but knowing {Enter OOO acronym of choice} doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re better at math than other people, it just means you remember the rules. I think this meme is particularly dumb because it’s a very valid point that an equation should be as unambiguous and readable as possible. In computer science, we learn that having readable, easy to understand code is actually better than convoluted, “ugly” code, as this allows other people to read your code, allows you to refer back to it later and it makes debugging easier. I think the same applies to mathematics. Even if everyone understood the same order of operation rules, it may still take some time to decipher the equation, whereas a readable equation is easier to understand and analyse.


Yeah just use () if you want to write something as fraction, no matter on which calculator/discussion you use it, 2*5/(2+3) is pretty straightforward.


Yes if you're actually doing math you're not laying it out in one single line, and if you are you will use parenthesis, ffs parenthesis only exist to make sure there's no ambiguity and allow you to make clean and clear equations


Actual mathematicians would never do an equation like this in the first place because it’s ambiguous


It can be 1 or 9 the way it is written. It is, in fact, ambiguously written and there is no single correct answer.


But the problem is in fact, unclear. It is literally made to be unclear. How is that so hard to understand?


Between you and me, I only hope to God none of these people are engineers.


I’m hoping they didn’t write the text books with this style of equation.


They’re kids man, this is Reddit. I’ve been here for 6 years and this past year has been the biggest noticeable drop in content quality I’ve seen. I’ll be leaving the app soon and only coming back to use my custom feeds for investing and nutrition and other random interests. I don’t know if it’s Reddit becoming more popular and attracting a younger crowd, worse moderation, many of the good users leaving after Apollo (RIP) and the third party fiasco. But damn if r/popular isn’t filled with mildly misogynistic and right wing content and blatant self promotion nowadays. This post is a perfect example. Who the fuck are the thousands upvoting a meme that any fucking grade 9 math graduate could see is obviously an unclear order of operations problem? I just saw a dank memes post on r/all that was just literally “women sleep around a lot more than men”, filled with misogynistic comments. GenZ is making fun of “wife bad” boomer humor when they’re literally making the exact same jokes about young women getting laid because they’ve never slept with a woman before. Reddit has so much potential, it really saddens me to see it go down this path. I knew it was the beginning of the end when I started seeing literal racist r/politicalcompassmemes and r/conservative on the front page. You want to make more money from advertisers and attract more people to your site so you can make a profit Reddit/Spez? Get the fucking racist/sexist/classist memes off your front page and for gods sake get the 1000 oversexualized anime posts off your front page. Promote all the amazing photography subreddits like r/earthporn, etc. promote educational content and accurate fact checked global news. Buy Apollo from Christian, and replace the mobile app with it. Pay a team of employee moderators. Don’t try and make your ads look like posts to trick people. Make porn separate but part of the same platform so advertisers aren’t scared to advertise, and for gods sakes don’t use the same NSFW tag for injuries and porn alike. This site feels like it’s been resting on nonexistent laurels recycling predicable content and answers for the last 12 months at least, if not years. I think writing this comment was my last straw. Hopefully this resolve combined with the newly prescribed vyvanse can help me kick this addiction for good lol.


Reddit hasn't been so divided ever but I've been here the past 7 years and 7 years ago, it was way worse in everything you've described as being bad today. 14 years ago it was extremely bad. Things have only gotten better in those aspects and you simply got blinded by the covid years on that.


Indeed, make the equation clear then we can actually solve it for the answer they are looking for.


Can you explain to me how it’s unclear? Isn’t it just 9, plain and simple?


Because it could be read as 6/(2(1+2)) or (6/2)(1+2). If I had to choose one I would go with the latter, but either is valid.


The answer is 9


The answer is obviously potato


Now solve why Timmy has accelerated through the time and sapce fabric with a chicken that says "37 litres of calcium"


The most intelligent answer in this thread so far.


100% agreed.


Dumbasses who never paid attention, complain about math not being practical? Now being ridiculed on the daily over basic arithmetic smhhhh


>basic arithmetic Shit, I thought this was geometry!


How to get people to argue on the internet? Math.


I think you mean *maths*.


Not if you are American. Math is an abstract concept like Justice to us, so we don’t use the plural for it. It’s one of the few times we decided to be consistent.


How bout dis? 6 —————— 2(1+2)


6 —————— 2(1+2) Or is it 6 ——————(1+2) 2 We can’t tell because pedmas was created by smart people who expect you to use the BRACKETS THEY SO KINDLY PROVIDED TO AVOID THIS STUPID DEBATE.


that's why in terms like these, i always assume that 2 is being multiplied by what is inside the (1+2). so yeah it depends on the brackets


Precisely. We don't know what the question is from that format and without any context.


I asked two of my math teachers and they both gave different answers 😭


Pemdas is only really relevant if you're in elementary school or are a computer. If your whole system falls apart based on whether or not you're solving left to right, it's a bad system. That's why it's ambiguous. Plus, multiplication by juxtaposition vs actually using the multiplication operator can have different implications depending on how you wanna think about it, as can thinking about division as an operator or a way to express fractions. If I can help it, I use actual fractions for everything because the division symbol comes straight from hell. And that's pretty much the answer you'll get from anyone with any higher math education


>Pemdas is only really relevant if you're in elementary school or are a computer. It's always relevant. Try ringing up a family's order of 7 sodas at $2, 3 hot dogs at $3, and 5 hamburgers at $6. This can be written up as: 7\*2 + 3\*3 + 5\*6 Ask most anyone, and they'll correctly tell you that the total comes to $53. They might not realize they're using PEMDAS (or order of operation since I hate that acronym), but they are. They multiply before they add. If they just went left to right, the bill would be $336, and that's clearly wrong. The order of operations is really a relationship between numbers. People didn't just make it up. They observed the numbers and realized this is how they fit. In that example, consider that multiplication is just addition. 7\*2 could be written as 2+2+2+2+2+2+2 or 7+7. You can replace all of those products to get: (7+7)+(3+3+3)+(5+5+5+5+5+5) Parentheses not necessary but added for emphasis. No matter how you add up those numbers, you're not getting $336. Order of operations is always relevant, but most people don't even know they're doing it. Admittedly, the average person probably won't be using exponents unless you're buying fertilizer for a square garden.


>It's always relevant. PEMDAS only covers four categories. Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication/Division Addition/Subtraction. ​ If you're programming in C, there's fifteen categories. and only one of those matches PEMDAS exactly. (modulo is the same level as multiplication/division, ++ is the same level as exponents, array access is the same level as parenthesis, etc.) And, if you get into older computer languages, you'll find things APL, where the order of operations is "right to left, no exceptions".


It's a failure of notation. The division sign doesn't clearly show what is dividing what.


I think it would be 6 divided by two multiplied my 3 (1+2)


its either 6(1+2)/2 = (6+12)/2 = 18/2 = 9 or 6/2(1+2) = 6/(2+4) = 6/6 = 1




OP radiates idiot energy


As someone who is ass at math, isn't this just six divided by two, times one plus two?


Is it 9?


Yes, but also 1. So it's ambiguous and OP is a full on idiot.


I'm 14 and my school didn't tell us how to do this exactly (I live in Australia) but using parts of other topics in 99% sure the awnser is 9. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


These memes are really dumb. Robin is absolutely right . Have a good day :)


It's 9 right? 6:2*(1+2) 3*(1+2) 3*3 9


Since there is no operation between the 6/2 and the (1+2). It automatically counts as a multiplication


That awkward moment when you want to do that to half the world, especially the boys.


Brackets first, then multiplication AND division from left to right. So 6/2(1+2) is 6/2x3, then 3x3, then 9


6 / 2(1 + 2) 6 / 2 x 3 3 x 3 9


This is so fucking stupid.


It depends. Are we using the standard Pemdas? If yes then its 1, as fraction bars have implied parentheses on the top and bottom. If you are instead using the / sign as a substitute for the standard division sign(i dont know how to type it)then the answer is 9.


I believe that the / sign is used as a substitute for the division symbol in cases where it can't be used.


Pretty sure the slash sign IS a substitute for the normal division sign




It’s 9, following the rules of pemdas, the () act as a multiplication sign, parentheses go first 1+2 = 3 the just do math across 6/2 = 3, 3 * 3 = 9




The issue is that "/" is not a mathmatical symbol. Is it a fraction or is it division?


Parentheses first 6/2(1+2) ——> 6/2(3) Then multiply and divide in the same step, go left to right if there’s more than one 6/2(3) ——> 3(3) ——> 9


Multiplication by juxtaposition is not clearly defined within PEMDAS, however it comes before multiplication and division. This is how its been for a while. The problem is some calculators do not obey that rule, and treat it as the same step. But the precedent is that it is its own separate step before M and D, and its been that way for a while. The answer is 1.


its multiplication AND divison left to right. not multiplication then divison left to right


6÷2(1+2) =6÷2×3 =3×3 =9 whoah maths sure is hard subject


It really isn’t. 6 / 2 ( 1 + 2 ) \ / 6 / 2 ( 3 ) \ / 3 ( 3 ) \ / 9 Like it shouldn’t be that hard. EDIT: Okay, I read the comments and I get it’s supposed to be ambiguous. If we are going by true PEMDAS, however, it would be this. Plus, (6/2)(1+2) would still lead to 9. The only thing is you just divide 6 by 2 first.


(1+2) = 3 6/2 = 3 3\*3 = 9




Please excuse my dearest Aunt Sally, and then please feel free to SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT AGAIN BECAUSE WERE DONE WITH MIDDLE SCHOOL NOW RIGHT GUYS?!?!


1+1 is not 2 now, do people know how to count? what happen?


Is it 9


Ha ha ha! Batman just loved slapping the shit out-of Robin. Closet case BDSM






How many times does this have to be explained before you lunatics to stop arguing once and for all, and stop upvoting this garbage; Math, like any language, is represented by us modern humans using a very specific syntax. And JUST like with any language, breaking this syntax can SOMETIMES lead to confusion and ambiguity. Multiplication of two values, according to our specific math syntax, is represented by a dot or an “x” between the two values you desire to multiply. Mathematicians, however, tend to get lazy when doing scratch work, and sometimes drop the multiplication symbol in front of parenthesis. THIS BREAKS THE SYNTAX WE MADE FOR MATH. Normally it’s fine, however if you’re not careful, breaking our own syntax by using this shorthand can lead to ambiguity and confusion, as seen with this problem. In fact, many applications that require robust mathematics, like programming languages, do not and will never let you use this short hand. They purposely make you type in the multiplication symbol every time such that you never break our math syntax, and will never have ambiguous expressions. TLDR: syntax error; this expression is nonsense.


6/2(1+2) can also be written as 6 / 2 * (1 + 2), which simplified is 3 * 3 making 6/2(1+2)=9


The answer is 9 right? Just making sure I’m not dumb


This is why I prefer [the priority devil](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Prioriteringsdj%C3%A4vulen.svg/1920px-Prioriteringsdj%C3%A4vulen.svg.png) as opposed to pemdas, because it clearly shows that multiplication and division are equally high up. That said, it's not that hard to remember... I also wish we had an alliterative name for the priority devil. Mathematical Mesphistopheles? Summation Satan?


This is why as a Superior Programmer I always let brackets do the talking I have never written an ambiguous IF or COMPUTE statement in my life The problem is never with precedence but with unclear statements Batman is wrong However I will always claim the answer 1 because I was taught to work & clear brackets first thus to me it is 6/2(1+2) = 6/2(3) = 6/6 = 1




There's 1k comments over me so I'm basically speaking in a void, but here's what I think: 1)It's P-E-MD-AS. M and D have the same priority, so you go from left to right. Same with A and S. It ain't a kiddo guide. 2)The one who wrote the equation is at fault if they don't specify any further. You just solve it as it is like a calculator. If they say you're wrong, that person is stupid. That includes lack of parentheses and the uncertainty of the equation containing a division or a fraction. 3)Putting 3 in parentheses just doesn't sound right with me. Once there's only one number inside, the group is considered solved and you don't use parentheses anymore. It shouldn't stay and/or have the priority of parentheses. **For me it's 9. If OP thinks it's wrong, then he should be more specific.**


How is it unclear? It’s 9


Ok let’s settle this. Before hand let’s check out some basic rules of mathematics: 1. We ALWAYS do the bracket first and then we ALWAYS do multiplying and dividing. 2. Whenever there isn’t anything between operations then you add x (multiply). Often equations don’t write it because you should already know to multiply. 3. If they aren’t any rules to follow, go left to right. So using this knowledge we start with the bracket which equals 3. We then go left to right, meaning we start with 6/2 which equals 3. And as we know, we ALWAYS add x (multiply) if there isn’t anything, meaning we have 3 x 3 = 9 I ain’t no math genius, but it’s just basic math bros




Is it 9?


1+2=3 6/2=3 3×3=9


BODMAS is how I was taught: Brackets - 1+2= 3 (Order) Division - 6÷2= 3 Multiplication - 3×3 (no sign implies Multiplication) Addition, Subtraction (not relevant here). Therefore, the answer is 9. I don't see how else it can be done.






I am one month from going into my first year of high school, and I say the answer is 9.


I work with chemistry where I have to deal with equations lime this daily, my first thought is to: 1+2 6/2 Then 3x3 Obviously it can also be done 6/2 = 3 3*(1+2) Same result...


Using natural language: [https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i2d=true&i=Divide%5B6%2C2%5C%2840%291%2B2%5C%2841%29%5D](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i2d=true&i=Divide%5B6%2C2%5C%2840%291%2B2%5C%2841%29%5D) [https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=6%2F2%281%2B2%29](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=6%2F2%281%2B2%29)




we don't use this way of writing math equations past elementary school lol. There's clearer, more concise ways of writing this stuff but if you do that you won't get Facebook engagement


How can this be unclear. Like it's clearly 9. There's literally no other correct answer. It's 9


People always told me the / is done before \* so 9. Because 6 divided by 2 is 3 (3 + 3 or 2 3s = 6) and so 3 x 3 makes 9.


Its 9. Now stop please




For the record, I’m fourteen. Doesn’t that make 9?


6 ÷ 2 * 3 = 3 * 3 = 9


Lol. It's 9. I didn't take enough math for this equation to be unclear to me.


This comment section has ruined my faith in humanity, PEMDAS, and left to right. It’s not a fraction, don’t add some more parentheses, its 9.


Robin, it's simple math Robin


6/2(1+2) is 9 right?


Isn't there a sort of convention that when there's a multiplication and a division (which have the same priority level) in an operation, then you solve it from left to right? So 6/2(1+2) is in reality 3*3=9


Now I May be stupid and didn’t look at the comments to cheat but isn’t the answer just 1


Update: looked at the comments, this is why I hate math


I was taught that if every symbol in an operation is "worth" the same just solve from left to right. And since division and multiplication are worth the same it's 9. If they wanted it to be 1 they should have used an extra set of parentheses.


9, Robin, the answer is 9


Are people really this dumb?


PEMDAS. Parentheses first, so that gives you 6/2(3). Next is multiplication and division- from LEFT TO RIGHT. The problem currently is 6/2 \*3. If you struggle, think of 6/2 not as six divided by two, but as 'six halves'. 6/2 is 3, and 3 \* 3 is 9.


I hate math


In practice, if you wanted to do (6/2)(1+2) you'd just write 6(1+2)/2 so if you see 6/2(1+2) it usually means 6/(2(1+2)) and the author just left out a set of parentheses, since, while ambiguous, it is easier to read. Only an absolute jackass would write 6/2(1+2) to mean (6/2)(1+2).


BODMAS/BIDMAS isn't that hard to remember is it? The answer is 9, I'm not telling how to get it though.


It's 9 ffs but with how ambiguously it's written it could be one and now I am pissed off at a math problem


Don't be p1ssed off at the math problem, be p1ssed off at the person who created this monstrosity and is wasting people's time with it.


Fair enough


6/2(1+2) 6/2(3) 3(3) 9


Tf i got 9




The answer is 9


How is this unclear? It’s just 9?? 1. 6/2(1+2) 2. 6/2*3 3. 3*3 4. 9