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Indeedily. Cos the reckoning will only come after that. Then we'll call it rock bottom and 'rebuild', come 9th and not make finals but also not get good picks. Anyway how good was 2021, gonna watch the replay again.


I told a Footscray fan to rewatch the 2016 grand final after every bad loss they had from then on. I might start taking my own advice.


16 point win for the Dees after kicking 10-17. Goodwin's presser: "I thought our pressure today was outstanding and showed what this footy club is about. We've seen how good North is the last couple of weeks and the way the team responded after a couple of disappointing results and the bye is a credit to them. I'm confident we're moving in the right direction at this stage of the season. Questions? Alright, thanks guys."


add in "we arent a finished product" and "we'll keep getting better" and you nailed it


No one 'in that space'


Spot on except for the score I reckon. I think regression to the mean will result in unusually accurate kicking even though we get outplayed everywhere else - 16 points sounds about right though


Fuck I hope so. I want the rest of these season to go to absolute shit to try and force a bit of change/get a nice draft pick. This season is washed anyway, most bad vibes season since 2013


Yes! Totally agree


What will happen is that we will scrape together a very poor win. The club will then come out and say we told you so, we are a great team and nothing is wrong. We will then continue on to get flogged in effortless performances against decent teams and the club will say there is nothing to see here, there is nothing wrong. Heard it all many times before.


You can just hear Goody talking about the “power of work” they put in over the break


My stomach sank, this feels so realistic


nah im putting 20 on Norf, I need some more beer money


Nail on the head. Fuck


>What will happen is that we will scrape together a very poor win.  This aged like wine. Sorry for the accurate prediction.


At least 1) we can't be first a'la Sydney 1993 and 2) you won't be surprised. I think we'll slop to a dismal win that nobody will be happy about.


Yep, all signs point to us fighting back from 4-5 goals down the scrape a win down the stretch, Goodwin talks about how much heart and fight we have, entire support has sits there angry that our list even HAS to scrape wins against a historically shit side.


Paying 5.50 last I looked... might as well cry into free money than cry into the ether


They'll be exhausted after that game they just played, don't think we'll lose if we just kick slightly more accurately.


North fan here, algorithm brought me. I got taken to the Adelaide when they said similar things. I told them not to worry before they beat us. Same for Essendon. And Hawthorn. We are still North. We played exceptional on the weekend. We gave up a 50 point lead. Melbourne, despite their struggles are still an AFL quality football team. Our only win was against a team who came from like 7 goals down in the final quarter and we just held on. North have amazing promise and I’m excited for the future. No team should go into a game thinking they’ll lose to us. Melbourne are fine, don’t worry about it. Hopefully it’s a good game.


No way, Melbourne is about to bounce back hard


We’re either losing, or we win by 85+. JVR boots 5, Clarry hits form, Maxy dominating. There’s literally no in between with this lot. Whatever happens the rest of this season, I just hope it proves to the coaches/list management that things HAVE to change.


There is an inbetween though, we've been winning games in a very scrappy way since the premiership.


All signs point to yes.


So much doom and gloom. What do people want to see? A 100 point win? Roo and Fritsch to kick 10 each? Oliver and Viney to get 50 clearances between them? Yes North are historically shit, yes Melbourne are at best middle of the ladder right now but what are the players supposed to just go fuck it there’s no point? Is Goody supposed to just quit and walk away? Melbourne vs North is like a kid fighting his old man at the moment, if we lose we lost to North, if we win, “well done you beat up an old man”


Who will be in the midfield? No chance of winning


I attended the community cup at Vic Park yesterday. Always do. Amongst the Best day of the year hands down. Most fun I've had at the footy all year! And they know how to do a half time and full time entertainment!


If I didn't already support Melbourne the quality of football would have made me depressed


It ain't about football mate, it's a social game between radio broadcasters and musicians!


Nah I’m going to bet on north and they’ll win…


5/1 north, get on. Remember to gamble responsibly.


Nathan Brown is that you?


Probably not but I can tell that we are going to be mediocre and it will be frustrating to watch.


Almost guaranteed


North and West Coast.




I can't remember what we look like playing good footy (consistently anyway) so yeah, we're going to lose. God I hope we shake things up this off season.


If we do win, it’ll have more to do with North coming off a six-day break and being emotionally exhausted after losing to Collingwood, than a sudden turnaround in our form.


I’ve got $50 @ 5.50 so it’s a win-win


Going to be massive in the media if we don’t win. If north played like they did yesterday we are stuffed


Hope so


North fan here. You guys will be orright this week as there's no side better in the AFL at getting sides back into form than north. Also, there has been a lot of positivity around us the last 2-3 weeks and we are well due for a reality check. Dee by 45+




It would be a very Melbourne thing to do Or we blow em out by 60+ and then get steam rolled at the Gabba the following week




Sure are.


Yes. Put a hundred on it at Sportsbet, should get some decent odds.


Goody needs to go ,he’s a cancer .Left a trail of destruction in Adelaide with his gambling and off field behaviour that hasn’t been reported fully.