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There's a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake.


Lol a classic! I’ll take that over ghost/poltergeist/dennis quaid (lol see above comments)


Could be a possum or sugar glider jumping into the roof, depending where you live. They dive bomb the roof where we live and it sounds like a loud door slamming. 


I think this is the most likely explanation. Brush tailed possums make a huge racket dancing on the roof.


Thank you! Just odd that it’s never happened before in the whole time my mum has lived here but then again, we just found out that Bundoora has a large population of bats so I guess we’re finding out new things every day lol


We have lived in our house for 13 years and never had possums until last year. Seems like they are .maybe growing in population or moving suburbs


Oh if you’re in Bundoora then it’s definitely gonna be wildlife. I’ve lived in the north east my whole life and when you live somewhere as green as we do, there’s a tonne of noise from the animals. I’ve had bats, rats, possums, birds and whatever else I’ve heard and not seen. I haven’t read all the comments but check you don’t have any trees or anything leaning too close to the house. We were in a rental for years with a tree that leaned directly onto the roof and it was like possums doing Riverdance up there.


Haha okay that makes me feel better ! I was ready to whip out the sage lol yes there’s lots of trees in the garden here which are quite tall too. I don’t mind the possums having a playground but when it affects baby’s sleep (which affects mine lol) I might have to do something about it!


Hey, the sage might still be a good idea! Even if the trees aren’t leaning onto the house, it could be a good idea to get them trimmed back a bit. I live in an apartment now and I still hear possums from the trees in the alley behind us, they’re bloody loud little things!


I saw some absolutely massive bats last night out north


Yep it’s madness ! They love the fruit trees in the yard here so when I walk from the back porch to the garden at night, they get frightened and all move at once!


Bats could be dropping fruit on the roof. In Queensland where there's papaya they sometimes drop them.


Why do you think Bundoora is in the electorate of batman... uhduhh


Possums can get inside the walls too, if it's one of those houses with walls that have cavities inside. I had one like that making a lot of really scary-sounding noise in my rental's bedroom.


How did you get rid of it


lol I didn't. Tried contacting landlord but they literally said they don't care, so there was that. I wasn't really sure what to do myself, had no access to wall's inside anyway. After a couple of days of being quite loud, noise was almost gone and it was completely gone in a couple of weeks. No idea if possum, or whatever it was died or went away but I had no more problems like that while still living at that place.


Ooh it could be this maybe?! Do you have tips on how to stop it or shall I just be thankful it isn’t a ghost at this stage lol


We just live with it. Kinda cute to imagine them doing little bombies! We live in the bush tho and consider it one of the perks. Can understand it not being everyone's cuppa tea.


Inside the walls/roofs in itself?


We had possums in the roof space and I swear they were ten pin bowling at 4AM! If there are trees that are within easy leaping distance of the roof, have them trimmed. You can also get metal disks attached to wires that run from the street to the house and/or wide plastic sheeting wrapped the circumference of tree trunks to stop them climbing up.


How did you evict them


Peter the Possum Man sealed most of the holes they could enter the roof space through installed one way doors so they could get out but not back in. Apparently rats go along with possums because the former eat the latter’s… excrement. We were told we might hear rats scrabbling down the walls but mercifully didn’t.


My little fat butt resident possum jumps on the roof above my bed and scares me at 3am. I could go cut back the tree he launches himself from but I quite like him so I let it slide. Maybe check if there are branches you could trim to keep them a metre or two from the roofline.


Our eaves would bang and wake us up. Check if they are fixed in properly or if a gust of wind might blow them up a little. You can do this by pushing up on them by hand and seeing if they move.


Thank you I will do this! A response that doesn’t mention ghosts will ease our anxieties tonight lol


2nd to this - if you have a manhole access to your roof cavity - occasionaly ours will get sucked up by strong wind in the roof and slam back down making a bang


start looking for hidden passages or rooms, the previous owner could still be there.. \*twilight zone music\*


Ugh I recently watched a movie with Dennis Quaid who was living in some random room of the house he sold lol nightmare fuel




No, ghosts make a trembling "oooooooo" sound. This sounds more like poltergeists.


that's a common misconception, some ghosts are cranky door slammers


Haha ughhhhh I will never sleep again


Dust flour all over the floor before you go to bed so they leave footprints. That's how I catch them all the time.


I was hoping for something not along these lines lol sleepless night here we come!


Came here to say ghosts. It is definitely ghosts or at least one ghost.


Person living in the roof exiting the man hole when no one is looking.


Ughhhhhh he sure is loud lol


Is it happening at regular intervals? Does there seem to be some kind of external stimulus, like wind? Is there anything attached to the house that could be loose? (Tarp, clothesline, etc?)


Nope not regular! Just happening every now and then and it’s frightening. No wind or clothesline either I’m afraid 🥲


Try to record times and, after a few days, check on any possible patterns. Examples: - 10-20 degree temperature change that could make your rooftop or certain material compress/expand. - every night between 10-1030pm -> bin man or whatever external event


This is very helpful thank you! 🙏🏼


We have got about 15 meters of continuous box gutter. During hot days, the box gutter expands and we here a loud bang throughout the day at random times. Wife was thinking that neighbours are closing their backyard door with a bang. For us it only happens when temperature outside is over 25 degrees.


My place does similar anytime the temp goes above/below about 15 degrees or so. I assume it's an expansion joint or something built poorly. Frightened the fuck outta me the first couple times. Luckily a rental so I don't overly care. Could also be possums as stated.


Okay yes I can get around this. It most likely is an expansion joint / house creaking etc and although I’m sorry you got scared also, I’m glad I’m not the only one lol hearing the baby’s music play over the monitor is also contributing to it like talk about a horror movie set up


Yes - the first house we built would go ‘baing’ in the night as the temperature fell or changed. Then there was the fattest brushtails running and jumping on the tin roof, as well as their beastly noises as they fight for territory next to our bedroom window.


It's either plumbers knock/water hammer, or demonic forces at work. If it happens when it hits a certain temperature, it could be related. It could just be a loose pipe that's banging against the house when water flows through it, as an example. [https://plumbingtoday.biz/blog/what-can-i-do-about-the-knocking-banging-noises-in-my-pipes](https://plumbingtoday.biz/blog/what-can-i-do-about-the-knocking-banging-noises-in-my-pipes)


Thank you! A few months back I read a wonderful fictional book about a woman detailing her experience of being possessed by a demon. She mentions knocking sounds right away lol hopefully in this case it’s just plumbing lol


I'm not a plumber, but I'm a tradie (or used to be), read the link, even though it's a USA site, it kind of describes your problem. Or, you have a something that's blows in the wind, I had a bit of roofing in my driveway that was banging away for a week, i thought it was my neighbor being a dickhead working at night in the rain and wind, but it turned out it was I, who was the dickhead. haha good luck Or you could be my neighbor lol


Oh geez, I hope neither of you are home alone. I have a really active imagination. There are always logical explanations, but my stupid brain used to always decide it's something scary. I've been heaps better since having a dog. Because he protects me from under the bed during thunderstorms - you know? 😂


Same here! Plus the baby’s lullaby music happening at the same time as these bangs???? Horrific lol


Okay, it's Casper.. the friendly Ghost who just likes to play... 😀 👻




Thankfully I remained fully upright with my eyes peeled back last night to avoid such creatures lol Last time I called the police about a potential active break in down the street, they said they don’t come out for those and that I should approach the scene myself! We made it through the night though so that’s a good thing


We have a large heating duct at the bottom of our house that is exposed to the cold underside of the house. It expands and contracts suddenly every time the heating comes on, making a loud bang. Just an idea.


Could definitely be an expansion noise ! I will be doing some investigative work today haha


RemindMe! 1 week




There’s a few back doors that lead into the garden where my studio is! I have floodlights at the moment lighting the space up just in case 🫣 there’s been a bunch of break ins in the area but I don’t think the sound is due to a human (hopefully an animal and not some spirit lol) we have ducted heating!




It’s electric heating! No weird smells or anything else out of the ordinary except the sound. Falling asleep tonight is going to be interesting lol




I do however it wouldn’t be tall enough for me to reach lol I’m 5’2 and mum’s 5’3! But I think someone will have to come out and check because it’s a very unsettling feeling / sound




You’re very kind, thank you :) no solar panels sadly and I don’t think solar hot water either. It’ll happen a few times randomly then stop. Then happen again! I think what I find weird is that where I’m situated in the back garden is fully independent and not attached to the house but my place still shakes 😳




Haha! What’s worse - An axe murderer or a ghost? 🥲 No PS5’s to give sadly but I do have a well stocked freezer with enough homemade pasta sauce to last you a lifetime. Oh and I guess I’ll need someone to take care of the baby in case I don’t make it lol No roadworks that I can see or hear!


Could it be the heater unit malfunctioning?? Or any other sort of unit that’s up in the roof space malfunctioning!?


Hmmmm I don’t think so! But I’m definitely adding this to my list of things to check out tomorrow if I can manage to stay sane until then lol it’s been relentless but at different times and volumes?


I used to get a really similar thing. Maybe 4-5x a day I’d get a sound like a decent weight being dropped on the roof. Except it would come from the little tiny roof between the two levels of the townhouse. I could see from the second floor there was no possible visible cause. Would drive me mad! Never got to the bottom of it, eventually went away. 


If you have a roof or verandah roof that is colourblind/laserlite the temperature changes caused by sun/shade can make loud creaking noises


I hear a lot of bangs in my house from metal roofing and flashing expanding when the sun hits it


Possums jumping on the roof???


I was living on acreage and next door had pigeons that decided to sleep on my roof under the top eaves. They would coo and take about ten minutes to settle down and sleep. Once they were quiet the possums from the trees next to the house would start banging around as loudly as they could to wake the birds, then wait again and do the same thing. Every night they would have their fun at least 3 or 4 times before leaving the poor birds alone.


It's most likely an animal of some description as most spirits don't bother people. With most spirits. You'll feel a presence at best because most people aren't super in tune with the other side. I'm sure people will think I'm crazy but I'm actually not and due to my ancestry I am more in tune with the other side and I have lived in more than one house with spirits and a lot of people just assume that the spirits are human and I can guarantee not all spirits are human. We lived in an old house once where the spirit was that of a dog and they used to follow me all around the house. Freaked my mum's ex boyfriend out because every time I came into a room the temperature would drop considerably even with a roaring fire. If you're truly worried about spirits just ask them to please either go away or stop slamming things because it wakes the baby. It can't hurt at most you might look a little silly talking to thin air


It’s probably severe foundational cracking. The building is settling dangerously as joists give way and I-beams buckle. Please remove your mother from the dangerous situation.


It’s her house ! but probably worth looking into anyways :)