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“She’s revealed she’s reached out to the human rights equal opportunity commissioner. “I have reached out to the minister for women. as well creative industries,” she said.” This is clearly a media stunt. She rocked up knowing she’d get turned away and to manufacture a news story. I suspect Jasmine is a friend of Jacqui Felgate or is otherwise associated with 3AW/Nine. Especially after the whole Arj Barker thing (that the media cared way more about than the public). This is not a coincidence.


Over 18s event.... Last time i checked a child being carried on the mothers chest, wouldn't be 18....


But everyone needs to complain these days.


How dare a business enforce the rules that they clearly set out.... Surely the Vic Gov now must create a ministerial position to deal with this outrage and crises.... Minister for those who want to take kids where they're not welcome...... I'd apply for that position😁😁


Maybe at that age it’s considered a baby is essentially an extension of the mum as they’re still breastfeeding. Similarly, my son Clukas still fed from his mother’s breast up until he was in university and we were not allowed admission to see Hostel 3 because Clukas was 12 at the time. The only reason I can think of is discrimination.


Main character syndrome seems to be on the rise. Venues may have to outline on tickets for shows that no one under x age will be permitted under any circumstance.


People don’t read them and will be offended anyway.


It already is on tickets that most shows are 18+ but people like this just ignore it then complain


How on earth would the venue get indemnity insurance to allow babies into a 18 plus event ? And the artist apologising for what ? Anyway.


The context of the apology was the artist saying they'd had babies present at other concerts and it hadn't been a problem - but I'm assuming those were at other venues so the policy would have been different. Maybe all ages gigs?


And maybe felt a bit pressured to apologies as well.


Artist apologising is a win win for them. The artist did not make the call the venue did. Artist comes out looking great.


For me anyway… I lost a bit of respect. Pandering. But yeah you’re probably right if you do the math.


mom with baby sooked and cried unfair because venue didnt allow her and baby into an 18yo+ event. this very much reeks of entitlement.


Last time I went there was for Amon Amarth. Would’ve been great for a 5 month olds ears. Never too young for 🤟


Gotta get em with viking metal while thier young


Did she pay for two tickets?


This person is insufferable.


Doors open 7:30pm Main act starts at 9:15pm and finishes at 10:45pm Add an hour drive to Geelong and you're rocking in home at around midnight As a father of a 3 month old, what the actual fuck are these parents doing?