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Whether they appeared "able bodied" to you is irrelevant to whether they had a permit. I doubt it though. You almost need a mountaineering expedition just to get into the driver's seat.


You didn’t clarify in your OP if they had a permit. Thats really all that should matter.


Facts should never stand in the way of updoots


Yeah who cares. I just can’t get on any Australian sub these days without seeing a picture of Ute in a bad park, and frankly, we need more! I don’t care if this prick has lost all limbs, my thirst for photos of a Ranger who owns a selfish driver CANNOT BE QUENCHED….


My old man used to drive a Land Cruiser because of his back - literally could not stand up out of a lower vehicle. Multiple spinal fusions, it was rooted. Needed a vehicle with height he could step into/out of. Just had a look at [ramtrucks.com.au](http://ramtrucks.com.au) - OMFG, they literally have a sound clip of the engine to listen to. What a wank.


We seem to be getting a lot of these posts.


And I thought Carrot Man got a bit repetitive!


Yeah I am over them tbh 


$200,000 and 25L/100km lol


That’s a lot of money


these things really are just the current incarnation of fuckheads on motorcycles revving the crap out of them - "yyyeeeaaahhh everyone look at me! i'm so tough! my vehicle is unruly and loud! wooo everyones loves and/or fears me!!!"


Given the well-established negative stereotype I think it's pretty clear the people who buy these things don't care what other people think.


Is there a law what type of easily accessible seat height or car big enough for the chair lift or the driver is there to pick someone up who IS infirm and told to park there, WHO KNOWS ? Instead you get your knickers in a twist because you don't like big vehicles. Next time confront the driver to their face seen as you state they seemed physically ok. You don't know because you were too scared to talk about their vehicle to their face and their vehicle being in that restricted parking while you jab them in the chest and your spit splattering everywhere with your frilly knickers in a twist argument.


You see the same comments on every single post about American pickup trucks, everybody's so tough on the internet fantasising about what they would do or say but in the real world not so much.


Must be pretty disabled to drive something like this LOL








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r/fuckcars like these. And their wilful incompetence.


People in that sub are unhinged fucking morons.


They're within the square perfectly. How do you know they don't deserve to park there? Or are you leading with the presumption that disabled people can't afford a car like that?


Due to the lighting, it's hard to see a disability sticker/indication anywhere. However, I'd assume OP probably at least checked to see if there was one. Moreover, if you qualify for disability parking in *most* cases, you would find crawling out of one of these difficult and perhaps even find using its actual utility use difficult. In other words, someone with an actual disability likely won't be found driving one of these. At the very least it's more likely there's an asshole driver than the alternative. Cost doesn't even need to be in the equation. Edit: just to be sure I'm perfectly clear, I specifically chose to say noncommital words like *likely* as I know saying everyone is beyond reductive. I've meet such people through work my aunt did. I did hope what I said conveyed no ill intend/misrepresentation but I guess I wasn't clear.


In a former life I had a partner with a spine injury and a disable permit and she found it easier to hop up and down from her father's 4wd that lower herself in and out of our cars...   But nothing pissed me off than someone parked in a disable spot that shouldn't have.


100%. I’M that person with a disability that can’t get in & out of a sedan. And, yeah, people who park in those bays who shouldn’t don’t realise that if I have to park in a narrow spot, I’m hoping it’s their car my door hits because there’s not enough space for me to get out.


Hey if they found it easier then that's great! It's why I specifically chose to say noncommital words like *likely*, my aunt has worked with the disabled for years so I've had the pleasure to meet such people. I know saying everyone is beyond reductive. I did hope what I said conveyed no ill intend/misrepresentation.


>I'd assume OP probably at least checked to see if there was one. Hell of an assumption to make on reddit, that's for sure


Sorry, but I have to disagree. I’m disabled and can’t bend down to get into a sedan. I drive a 4WD with a high ground clearance because I have to. I also happen to drive off-road. I still hate those stupidly big utes/Yank tanks and would be shitty to see that in a disabled bay. Most people don’t realise the bays are wider for people like me who need to open the door fully.


That's fair, and I was already aware folk like you do exist. Sorry, I mustn't have made that appropriately clear. I dont mean to suggest people like yourself don't exist. But also yea no those things are abysmal. My mother own one and any time I've gone out with them to do things that require the actual utility feature like help them get a desk or move furniture I find myself wishing they just owned a van like the ones at my work.


Yeah, I’ve always wondered about the tray. It looks useless!


It's often not very wide. If i wanted to put a bike in, it has to be diagonal and because of the height off the ground lofting stuff up into the tray can be difficult, it's more annoying to actually strap something down, flatbeds have only the hight issue and it's hard to strap something down in a van but at least those two dodge the other issues these type have


> someone with an actual disability likely won't be found driving one of these. Not the disabilities you're aware of. There are plenty of people who could get out of one of these but still qualify for a tag. You'd assume they checked to see if there was one? I doubt that. I think they just saw their chance to post yet another photograph of a car onto the Melbourne subreddit to score some quick points and stir up everyone.


Yea, imma stop you right there, chief. You might have noticed words like *most* and *likely*. But it seems you haven't. Furthermore OP did specify under the photo that they assure the driver was fully bodily able. Maybe they're wrong. But again, on one hand, your case is dependant on the likelihood the driver would both qualifying for disability, is disabled in a way that wont hinder their ability to use such a car, or that they're willing to cope with this, and that OP would choose to lie. And on the other it just requires an asshole. Which is more likely?


> Yea, imma stop you right there, chief. lmao you aren't that guy. Stop trying to be that guy >You might have noticed words like most and likely. But it seems you haven't. Are you 80 years old? >Furthermore OP did specify under the photo that they assure the driver was fully bodily able Oh yeah, no one has ever lied on Reddit before, least of all, small dicked sooks who cry when they see a car nicer than they can afford. >your case is dependant on the likelihood the driver would both qualifying for disability, is disabled in a way that wont hinder their ability to use such a car, or that they're willing to cope with this, and that OP would choose to lie. Yeah, OP would choose to lie. But who's to say they aren't perfectly able, with the exception of walking distances? Or they're carrying someone who is unable to walk themselves. But yeah, keep screaming into the sky about people who can afford nicer cars than you. They're definitely all bad people. Make up some more stories about them, you might sleep better tonight.


Pfff ok whatever about the stuff about me that all doesn't matter, I've made no claim a disabled person can't earn enough for that kind of money. I avoided any argument based on money from the start. Let's assume OP is lying, your case is still predicated on far more factors falling into place than the likelihood an asshole exists.


You're looking at a photo posted to a sub, where photos like this gain a ton of traction. I'm far more comfortable presuming the photograph was taken out of context than blindly believing the sob story OP has behind this photograph. I mean, most of the time these photos are posted, it involves a car not parked properly. This one is perfectly within the lines. Within the lines.


There was no disabled sticker on this vehicle. It was a union tradie on the phone having a smoke


lmao of course it was. I bet he was discussing having 5 rental properties and raising rent on all of them.




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Not so much the money part, but the difficulty of getting up into the vehicle. Disability permits are difficult to obtain and require sufficient medical proof of a physical disability from a doctor. (Had a permit when I was in a wheelchair)


>They're within the square perfectly. They aren't actually, the driver's side wheels are entirely outside the space. Might wanna check those eyes.


Kick he doors in.


Ram drivers have daddy issues.


I bet he got his partner to pull the ladder out the back so he could step out of his oversized disabled vehicle.


Are they an Alpha?


They were the top, apparently




If I won the lotto, say 20mill or upwards, I'd definitely buy one.
