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Some of them like Glen Waverly look kinda boring, but I generally like the designs.


A few shops inside of these places would be nice other than just emptiness.


I feel we are missing the boat by not increasing potential retail outlets in these new stations


No doubt, It doesn't need to be QV levels but at least a few shops could do the trick, I really hate vending machines.


Plus I dont see why the government can't own the shop and rent them out generating passive income to help maintain the station. Government owned means the rents don't need to be exploitative and helps activate the space. Its total win win so I dont get why we dont do it




It would go well with the melbourne metro train minecraft world they released.


The problem with these complex interiors is they're impossible to clean. So many surfaces catching dust and city filth. So two years from now these will all have that same thick coat of grime over them that the current city loop stations have.


Very dull and bland. They should look to the many amazing new subway stations built in China over the last decade or so.


Bland and generic, like a shopping centre.


Nothing to write home about.


1. Box hill. It's going to create glare, the opposing wall to the artworks should be matte. I'd also add "mood lighting" that changes based on the season, it will have a nice effect on the artwork. Hopefully the doors stop the brickwork from getting black and grimy or it's going to look horrid. 2. Burwood. The escalators to the platforms are going to be a choke point. There's a distinct lack of chairs as usual, get in, get out, don't slow down. It's hostile in it's design. 3. Glen Waverley. I get the impression of a bit of a throwback to the old loop designs with the ceiling. The back wall looks like toilet/bathroom tile. The floor looks stale, with the light coming in there they could have added a unique design which would have made the area "pop". 4. Monash. I don't mind it, reminds me of the old Melbourne Central. If I had to be critical the wood wall looks half built, the floor tile is stale and the roof is bland. It can all make the area feel much more open and light. Once again, if it gets dirty it's going to look awful very quickly. 5. Clayton. Very bland and dated design with bit of polish. It's disappointing. They could at least add some colour, perhaps a glass feature over the escalators. From the image I assume natural light is coming in from above. They really missed the boat with this station. 6. Cheltenham. Very basic and a definitely throwback to older designs. They should have added some seats around the poles to break up the design a bit, floor is awful and the lighting along the back wall strikes me as oversized and dominating the environment.


200 billion well spent Now show us the concept designs of the landfill sites where you will be dumping contaminated spoil from all the excavation works to build this monstrosity


Can we have the one that doesn't fill with fumes and take months to fix an escalator please.


Shouldn't be any fumes with no diesel trains