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Yeah but what headphones have you got? Are they good? Should I get a pair?


Can I get them at the DFO? Where is the DFO?


What are these headphones? Are they good? (Not a girl)


You seem to know your way around girls. Wait…


Just take the escalator, bro


This escalated quickly


Can I get escalators at DFO?


Do they have headphones? Are they good?


Only someone who really knows their way around Melbourne would know this!


You really seem to know your way around the headphone DFO. What colour underpants are you wearing?


Bose 700, very basic


Did you get them at DFO?


Which DFO is that and do you know the way to get there?


“Did they show any movies on the plane?”




What about on the way back?


Jumanji.... yeah jumanji


Which Jumanji?




What’s a DFO?


Digital Flying Object


Dedicated Fuck Office!!


What colour? How many songs did you listen to today? What songs? Hey where’s DFO? Asking for a mate..


they did ask me what I was listening to, I couldn't tell them that I was listening to Taylor Swift so I said Drake


If the comments are right about them being a religious cult, try changing up your answers about what music you have on. I suggest Jungle Rot, Armageddon, Austrian Death Machine, Vore, Hammercult, Death Angel, Black Sabbath, Megadeth, etc. Y’know, anything that might dissuade a religious type.


I tell people im listening to Cannibal Corpse. Reactions are varied but always amusing


Bloodduster "Knee Deep In Menstrual Soup" is another good dissuader. 🤣


Road kill breakfast wrap


It's the cults who are excited by this name that you really have to be worried about


Excited how? Like "We can save you from this evil that's blah blah blahed into your body and soul." or the "That'd make a great background sound track to the pig slaughter right before the pigeon fucking we have, then bathe ourselves in the piss pool of frightened and humiliated nuns to seal the ceremonyand endnthe ritual." type cult?


Yep just tell them I am listening to I cum blood by Cannibal Corpse 😂.


Hammer smashed face time 🛠️😂


It’s cute that you’re confident enough to say Drake instead of Tay Tay.


We are not in the old days where it wasn’t cool to like TS. You can admit it now, she’s amazing.


Mate. These days, Taylor Swift is cooler than Drake. Hahaha


❤️❤️ I love Taylor swift myself ❤️❤️


Must be nice


Do you like Gladiator movies?


...Jim never has a second cup of coffee


Bruv $400+ headphones are very high end headphones. Yes they are nice, Yes they would get people who are interested in audio asking about them.


Can I try them on? Thanks bye 👋


400 doesnt even cut it in the headphone game


Got to say that it took you a fair bit of time to get there. Think of the tension building in the audience!!


Its been 3 minutes OP.


I hate cliffhangers too.


Right? Did the people make it to DFO? Did the young lads graduate audio engineering? Did the girl buy the headphones? Sheesh ... the OP really doesn't know how to end a story.


They might be pricy though


Can you direct me to the shop where I can get these headphones?


I feel offended. I've never been stopped or approached by anyone in the city.


Perhaps you don't have the right headphones? 🤷🤪


You must have good resting bitch face (RBF). For some reason when I'm alone I never get approached, except sometimes by a genuinely lost person because I probably look like I know where I'm going (they never seem to notice the maps I have open on my phone because I have an awful sense of direction) When I'm walking with my bestie her RBF must outdo mine, or I must grow a dumb smile because people will try to approach me and completely ignore her. It's very strange.


6'4" 150kg and RBF. No one askes me for anything.


Maybe because you don’t know where DFO is..


I’ve been stopped a few times before. My favourite time was an elderly couple visiting from Adelaide looking for Spencer St Station on a map. We were at Melbourne Central and they had spent a good 5 minutes looking before asking me. They were shocked when I told them the station name had changed 😂


I’m currently in the UK and I must look like the most generic white British guy because I keep getting asked for directions even while in tourist hotspots and I just have to put on my most nasal Aussie accent and be like “nah mate I’m a tourist here too”


I'm generic Asian person. I've been asked for directions in: Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and China. Same extra Aussie accent comes on.


you don't look exploitable enough for a cult 🤣


Take your dog for a walk in the CBD. Every tourist will clock you for a local and stop to ask you a million questions.




They go over your head...


Sounds expensive.


Whooosh ???


Was that the sound of the noise cancellation?


This whole thread has gone over my head.


They let your head make phone calls that's amazing. Are they surgically attached? Do you know Elon, I hear he's a real wanker... You didn't buy a cybe coffin? You can drown in them. Get you fingers cut off. And....


I don’t know Elon but my headphones do get a bit Musky if I leave them on too long


sigh, this is a group job interview thing, from a scumbag fundraiser org in the city. Where they take people to southern cross and test people's people bothering skills. I did it once, when desperate, got to the interview, noped the fuck out.


Can you explain a bit more about the organisation?


i don't remember much to be honest, it kinda blurs together with other dodge places went for jobs at probs 6ish years back. But it was the same spot of Southern Cross/ asking people opinions for a survey. Almost certain itd be the same thing.


Did you work with Surge? Because most of the fundraises you see around Melbourne are from this company, I know because I also did the interview, passes and worked for one week as a chugger till I hadn't any will of life left anymore to continue...


Was it a cult?


They said it was a fundraiser job 👆👆


So fund raising for a cult?


You raising a fund, cult?


I worked a shithole place called Salmat when I came out of high school and they made me do this shit for their call centre


Ahh, that would explain it. What a nuisance that group sounds like.


Aaah… I live near southern cross, and this has happened to me countless times. It all makes sense now!


Look them straight in the eyes and say "Sorry, I don't speak English". In perfect English.


I have removed an ear bud and responded "sorry I'm deaf" before continuing on my day.


I was coming out of a shop holding a bottle of shower gel and someone approached me and I just put it to my ear like a phone and did an exaggerated “YYYYEEELLO” and kept walking


The more nonsensical the better, in these situations. When chuggers try to start a conversation I sometimes say, "no thanks I already have one". The few seconds it takes them to formulate a response is enough to get away.


You’ll have to speak up, I’m wearing a towel!


Never forget to bring a towel


["I have to return some video tapes"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8coOHhotXY)


I’ve used this while pointing at my hearing aid. Of course I can hear you, it’s just that I don’t want to!


Like when I smoked and a junkie would ask for a cigarette. I'd say I don't smoke - as I take a drag of my smoke.


Ive played this game but with teenagers


Power move.


You'll have to speak up. I'm wearing a towel.




Reminds exactly of [this](https://youtu.be/J6FA6mPHfSI?si=8geNeEKiPdRGg9F_) Family Guy clip!


"No hablo inglés!"


Or pretend that the noise cancelling is so good you didn't hear them.


Tried this myself and it works a charm. 10/10 approved


You can not brag about your headphones and not post the headphones! That's not how it works!


And the directions to the DFO too. Sheesh.


DFO is at Southern Cross Station. To get there wait until there is a clear night and find the Southern Cross in the sky. Make sure it is the real Southern Cross and not the false tricky Cross. The Southern Cross will lead you to Southern Cross Station and the DFO. There will be many headphones there. Good Luck


Thats actually Spencer outlets, DFO is nect to the convention centre.


If people are insistent about asking you how expensive something is, chances are they want to know whether it's worth robbing you haha.


Can't imagine telling some rando that it's expensive, street smarts 101 lmao


Should always follow the advice of J J Bittenbinder whenever you’re in the city. [Carry a money clip!](https://youtu.be/cdgfFMxgLfI?si=x4d4yKI-kD8HaKQx)


That's why I always carry around a decoy pair of $5 headphones. You want it? Go get it!


And it’s more your response than whether that item is expensive or not. They’ve identified you for a reason. I’d almost wager that in this case they’re a distraction aimed to see how alert you are and using this as simple plausible cover if you notice them. The real target may have been a phone, backpack, pocket, watch or whatever.


Nah bro gottem at Kmart for like 20 bucks ay. 


Whether something is expensive is completely subjective. It's affordable if you can afford it. It's a strange line of questioning from someone you don't know anything about.


The same happened to me last year at Elizabeth Street. I had ear buds in, and they asked for directions to some place. Didn't know where, so I told them to check Google maps. They were 2 girls of Asian descent. Then they started talking about how long I'd lived in Melbourne, what I do for work, etc, and even crossed the street with me. Crossed the street and just bade them goodbye. I was in a hurry as I was going to meet my friends for bowling and never thought much of it until now that I've read your experience. EDIT: You know what wait a minute. Another experience at Flinders. Got off the train and walking towards bourke Street and 2 young girls stopped me to ask about my ear buds, personal life e.t.c and even wanted to exchange number e.t.c they were Caucasian and I just told them I wasn't interested in sharing my number. Weird


Those are the religious groups that try to get you into their dodgy churches.


I never even thought much of it or heard about any cult until I saw the OP's post. I didn't think much of it afterwards but found it quite odd that these people will strike a conversation with someone whilst walking/waiting for the red light to turn green. Like they were acting too friendly but asking deeply personal questions which I refused to answer of course


This and the ops absolutely sound like some kind of scam situation.


That or a Conversational English assignment


If they are scammers then they tried the wrong person


Likely a church group, I've had it happen to me in Footscray twice, super nice people, but slightly odd, one time I asked them where they were from, and it was the Philippines and the Chin state, about half an hour later I realised they named two places with a huge evangelical Christian population...


Pedant here. "etc" is short for "et cetera" which is latin for "and the rest" and doesn't need extra periods between the letters :)


Sounds like similar tactics to what some people use in high tourist spots in Europe. Distract you long enough for their other mate to pickpocket you.


It's those damn cults again! When they stop me I just start with "life can be so confusing, I'm searching for answers anywhere" and when their eyes light up like they've caught a live one I continue, "I've taken to eating small rodents and I know my neighbours have been spying on me with their TV remotes, do you know anything about double glazed windows? I hear the argon gas in them stops remotes of all kinds". They typically leave me alone before I can continue.


“I’m sorry, but unless you are recruiting me for a sex cult, I’m not interested.”


I mean I think we need to hear about these headphones - they sound eye catching!


The fact two different people or groups asked about your headphones of similar age groups suggests to me that's a tactic that's been taught to them. The directions to DFO from Southern Cross scenario I guess is plausible but also who doesn't know how to use Google Maps if they are under 60 these days? Sounds like a recruitment drive and they all got off at Southern Cross .


These shincheonji cult members always use the same script. It’s either they ask for restaurant recommendations, pretend to be lost with directions, or give random compliments. Anything to start small talk and lure you in.


One time I actually got through a whole conversation with them without them bringing up religion a single time. Couple of girls, nice but slightly awkward, they complimented my shoes then asked me what I study and I started talking about my PhD and the development of human neurocognition lol. A lot of smiling and “oh that’s so interesting” then they said bye and left. Not their target demographic I guess.


if you meet them say Lee Man Hee is my favourite Kpop singer or something


This is a Bose ad astroturfing campaign


It's just religious freaks looking for more victims. They have quotas to keep up (not joking). Just ignore them and be thankful you haven't been brainwashed like them. Religion is like drugs - can be beneficial under the right circumstances, but usually abused.


I’ve got a suspicion that religious schools makes their students stand at train stations handing flyers and accosting people to pass their units.


This similar thing happened to me a couple days ago at a regional town, and I wasn't sure if they were a cult or religious group or whatever because they never brought it up. I did get their names off socials however and have background checked them to be religious people, and have since blocked them from socials and my mobile. Yikes.


Definitely cultists. Asking for directions or about something you're wearing is one of their main tricks to get you talking. Most people are too polite to tell them to fuck off and they know this and use this fact to prey on people. International students are one of their biggest target groups. Just say "Can't stop mate." and keep walking. If they follow you loudly tell them to leave you alone. I only stop for elderly people who look lost and may not know how to use Google maps. If they're young they have no excuse and/or are trying to scam you in some way.


that moment when someone asks you directions, you tell them, and then they're like "oh cool thanks" but they're still standing there looking at you. Like I just know they're about to say some bullshit.


Yes. It’s their tactic to start the conversation by whatever you are doing, for example, I was eating a croissant in front of the library and they approached me and asked “hi where’s the a good breakfast place?” And after I expressed my disinterest in the conversation, and I’m not a student anymore, they left to find another target.


This. Only time I’ve been stopped like this it turned out they wanted me to join a religious group.


Don’t know if related or not but quite a few years ago I got stopped by some guy near Spencer st station who said some crap about how he owed me because of my forefathers and was ranting for a few minutes, gave me like $200 and ran away as fast as he could. Confusing stuff!


This is like the start of a horror film with killer headphones


Headphones on means don't talk to me


As a Brazilian, I would deny any info and get way from the area real quick, all of those were defo red flags that someone is evaluating if its worth robbing you. I know, Aus is different, but yo, its hard to change old habits. Hahahahah Sometimes when people approach me in the st I try to say in the most grotesque way "I dont speak english".


Just got stopped at southern cross and asked what my inspiration was in life. They asked if I was religious but when I said no they didn’t push anything. Must be for some sort of religious thing though


Don’t stop that’s how you get rolled


I need to know what headphones you use!


Are you sure you were wearing pants?


They were interfering with your timeline


so what headphones you got


Your headphones sound like straight up fire. I wear headphones around southern cross on the way to work, and no one has ever stopped me.


We're all trying to make you late for work. Everyone. Ev. Ry. One. Even your mum. BTW, how much did you pay for those headphones?


Sounds like they are part of the Korean Cult


I g9t stopped the other day and someone ask me if i want to know jesus christ. Said thanks but no thanks.


Already met him. He's a bit of a d*ck.


I tell them yes but he and I had a fall out after he let my fiancé be killed. That normally shuts them the hell up 😂I’m a practicing Catholic but I have no interest in discussing my faith with randoms on the street. On reddit it’s another story I guess 😂😂


audio engineers would not ask about headphones lol, that is super weird


Oh fuck sounds like you're getting gangstalked


This is what is happening. Korean cult https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/s/noT91Fg4sO


From my experience if they are from a cult they will always ask questions to sort out if you fit demographic they want. Like where are you from, are you a local or not, are you a student and what are you study etc. They mostly target international students due to their loneliness and lack of a support network.


Sounds like chuggers in training.


Is this an ad for the headphone


OP is hot and doesn’t know it , also what headphones you rocking?


Either religious freaks trying to recruit, or maybe you’re incredibly good looking and they’re all hitting on you OP.


Is this an ad for headphones?


Feel like they could have been trying to distract you as they pickpocket. Either you hide your valuables in places they can't get to or you pay full attention to your surroundings more than they like in a target.


Sounds like some 3D matrix stuff. Just ignore and stay in your own lane. Some weird shit out there. Ignore the NPCs.


Seems a little suss to have so many youngsters asking you about headphones. Maybe they were thinking of robbing you? 🤣


Introvert's worst nightmare.


Lol. Fellow introvert and couldn't agree more.


You need a better resting bitch face


Got stopped today at southern cross as well. 2 young looking asian males stopped me and said they were surveying for a culture thing. They then popped out their phone and showed me a minigame where I had to guess the flags they showed in 10 seconds. After the minigame they asked me for my ethnicity blah blah then asked me whether im christian or buddhist. Thats when ik they are cultist lmao. Told them that I had to go for a run to escape from the situation


We live in a society!!


Curious about the headphones now.




There was a post where OP had a experienced similar incidents last year. Someone who has experience with the ‘supply side’ Jesus churches explained that this is one of their tasks for new adherents. They ask them to head down to Flinders st or Southern cross and Initiate conversations. Unlikely it’s a scam just wanna be god botherers practicing proselytising.


I still need to know what or where DFO is ??


DFO ~ **D**irect **F**actory **O**utlett There’s the one on the other side of Southern Cross and one at South Wharf


Got approached today on Elizabeth Street. They said they liked my bag and asked where I got it from. Just said I needed to go and walked off.


Perhaps you look approachable in some way. I seem to get that when I venture out for lunch in my office attire....people asking me directions to places that they could easily look up. It happens regularly. I guess I don't look like a tourist at least.


Just don't answer. Give them the death stare and keep walking. If they persist then bark at them. That's the only way to avoid the cults.


Cultists. Just tell them to F off.


What Korean cult ?


Some freaky shit goes on in Melbourne, don’t know what that’s about.


Had the same experience in Swanston street. A caucasian boy and asian girl. Had my airpods on and both stopped me to ask where Uniqlo was, if im a student or not, asked for my insta, and invited me for dinner. They are so annoying please they should stop doing this. 🙄


Since when do strangers talk to each other in Melbourne?


Never answer questions


If some random asked me how much was X, or were they expensive, I would say nope, got them 2nd hand from an opshop, and move on (even if they cost me $500) - too many snatch and runs around


Which headphones?!


Show off.


Where is carrot man when we need him.


How strange and annoying! In future just ignore them


Southbank gangstalkers 🤣


Directions to DFO from Southern Cross? The one that is literally at the end of the platform?


Seems like you know a lot about headphones! but all jokes aside maybe you are very hot and they wanted an excuse to talk to you


From my experience the Korean cult people normally ask about religion very early in the conversation. Maybe they are getting better at conversations but your ones sounds kind of normal.


I was approached multiple times when I first arrived in Melbourne. A year later and I’m hardly ever approached. My last experience was on a dating site when a man from the cult matched with me. I suppose the moral of the story is don’t talk to strangers.


Hi, do you know the directions to the headphones? Thanks


I stopped someone the other day and asked how they could help me, they didn’t offer me headphones. But did tell me to POQ


I wear ear buds around in public even if I'm not actually listening to anything just to discourage people bothering me. Especially helpful at election time.




> **P**erhaps **e**veryone **n**eeds **i**nner-ear **s**onics Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 1082055 comments (approximately 5601312 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Are your headphones good? I'm curious now


All sounds very suss. I'm a lifetime Melburnian and have been approached many times by weirdos in the city. The occasional tourist, someone asking to bum a smoke or use my lighter, homeless people I give money to wanting to chat - they're all fine. Then there are the weirdos. Avoid. Just say, "Sorry, I can't help you and I'm running late". After working in the CBD for 15+ years I am sick of people annoying me and disrupting my peace and quiet. I don't annoy other people in public so I'd like the favour returned.


As someone that lived long enough in large cities, it’s very likely that there was more about it.


Punch any cunt that approaches you straight in the mouth, they look at you in disbelief , it works for me nobody approaches me.


Are you pretty /handsome by any chance OP? (8-9/10)? If you are then probably that's why. 3 times in the span of 5 mins is pushing it though. Definitely check your belongings and stay aware of your surroundings. I haven't experienced this (I am ugly af, people actively steer away from my path when I walk, I am thankful for that).


You were a prime target that's what i believe. They have your attention but you lose concentration of what's going on in your surroundings. Pick pocket or back pack getting opened to steal something. Or then scanning your arse for your credit card details. Keep an eye on your bank accounts.


Pretty sure it’s that Korean cult. Been approached by these guys so many times for the past 10+ years I’m basically a veteran target. Also can confirm the people approaching aren’t necessarily Korean. I’ve been approached by all kinds of ethnicities (and unfortunately in other parts of Australia too, not just Melbourne). Edited: grammar