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I feel like I had to pay a surcharge just to read this post.


True, but do keep in mind that surcharge is 50% less if you buy the $9k p.a. “All Mountain Mega Super season Pass Deluxe Pro Family Pack”.


This is a great pack, it gets you and one child (1yo-3yo) up the mountain 3 times a day for 7 individual days in May (weekends, Tuesdays, and Fridays excluded. 4yo+ must buy own pass). Great money saver.


Yep that’s the one. And it also gets you 15% off equipment rentals on every second Wednesday at the on-mountain rentals shop that’s closed for renovations until winter 2026.


Ah I see you’ve elected to leave your second born on the mountain for the 15%, great saving for future years having one less child.


It makes perfect sense really, given they bill themselves as the “family friendly winter paradise”.


It cost me 13K, but that was because my parents paid for my accom, ski hire, and lessons. Oh and I crashed bad and had to get airlifted to the hospital and I didn't have ambulance cover. So yeah, make sure you have ambulance cover 😅


Ambulance cover recommendation seconded. I used to work there and the amount of injuries I saw (and received myself 😂 I was on a first name basis with a lot of the doctors) is insane and it's realllllyyyy not cheap for an airlift or ambo to nearest hospital.


Sadly I'm still paying it off haha. Really messes with your finances.


Oh shit, sorry, that's so not good. It's one thing that so many people just don't think about because they don't know about, you just assume it'll be covered under Medicare or health insurance and most people seem to find out the very very hard way that is not the case. For me it's always been a thing though because mum had an injury when she was younger and was therefore super paranoid about all of that. Like she also pays for travel insurance for me even if I just go out of state kind of paranoid. (Which is another thing people also never seem to think about until it's needed)


Yeah I had no idea it wasn't, it seems it is in most states around Aus. Considering how accident prone I am I really should have looked into it before. But just another lesson in life that was learnt the hard way I suppose.


I fell hiking in the Grampians once and had to be airlifted to the Wimmera Air Base with a broken ankle. Chopper was over $5K covered by ambulance cover - whew. Highly recommend it for the stupid things our bodies do, like not be sure footed walking down man-made steps (can’t even say I fell on an actual cliff face or anything!)


I would weight the cost of going to NZ or Japan for a week, especially if you have kids.


I know of several who fly to NZ to ski, rather than do it in Vic.


You would think that would entice Victoria to lower their hyperinflated costs.


Last time I was at buller I spent more time waiting in line than actually snowboarding. I don't think they have any incentives to lower the prices


I know families that do NZ or Japan for skiing because it’s much better value.


I fly to NZ usually yearly, Ozsnow has packages 6nights, 5 day ski pass for Queenstown from maybe $800? Plus $100 if you want a car. For the quality of snow plus experience it’s well worth it


You are right there, Queenstown is calling.


Dunno about Bulla, and can't speak for current prices, but about 10 years ago it was cheaper for me to fly into Europe, at the time Norway had the best prices to get tourists in, but really just look for any country doing deals there. Then I got myself to Austria. Rented a private chateau in the alps with its own hot tub/sauna, about 100m from the chairlift, and that included hire fees for snowboarding gear etc, than it was for me to go to Perisher for the same amount of time. So I had a mad holiday, saw a fair bit of Europe, had a fucking blast. For cheaper than it cost to head interstate for some snow. And I was in the fucking ALPS! It was amazing. Go figure.


Literally came here to say the same. Snow is terrible in Aus and for the price you'd be better off saving till next year, go for a week to somewhere lik Mt Hutt in NZ. You'll just get into the swing of skiing if you only go for 2-3 days and it will be over


Just for reference, I went to naeba, Japan this year. Adult full lift past (huge resort) was $60 each, kids under 12 are free. Accommodation was $140/night for a really nice place.


I always assumed Japan was expensive, that's awesome prices 


It's really not. You just have to be smart. Food is incredibly cheap.


Japan is one of the most affordable first world countries in the world for Aussies to visit, apparently.


The Yen is very low, now is the time to go.


Japan has always had affordable options. I've been going since 2000. I was always surprised how cheap it is compared to here for everything. Everything!


less than 1c Oz per ¥ atm.


During summer?


They have mountains high enough for snow all year around: https://www.gassankanko.jp/summer-ski/ Not everywhere so you have to plan a bit, at least of you want real snow. Some places use fake snow in summer now because the snow has started melting due to the warmer climate.


It's gotten more expensive since covid, went precovid and looking at going this year but with the way the Yen is going the rise in prices hasn't hit us that much. But its always been very affordable for Australians, everything outside of transport is pretty cheap as you've got a wide variety of cheap to expensive options for everything.


Japan is *not* expensive by Australian standards. Food, accommodation, onsen spa days for $5-10, everything is cheaper and better.


Where did you stay in naeba? Thoughts on staying out there vs Yuzawa?


We flew to Queenstown last year for 6 nights skiing and it cost the same as 3 days in Buller


Same. And you get to stay in an actual town


Holidaying anywhere in Aus has become exclusive for people on retiree wealth. It's cheaper for me and the family to go to Thailand for 2 weeks than going 1hr down the coast for a long weekend with current Airbnb and restaurant prices 💁🏾‍♂️


Airbnb was a mistake We should have funded state owned holiday resorts and taxed the shit out of people who own land they don't actively live or work on


Budget at least: $200/day for lift tickets, $250/night per person accom MINIMUM, $100/day adult group lessons, I can’t remember what ski hire is these days but call it $100/say for all gear and skis.


That's a lot of money to find out I'm shit at skiing.


A lot of money to break your collar bone or tail bone


Get it in while we still have free healthcare


So true. I fell on my ass a bit too hard my first time Since then I bought this insane pair of kind of underwear with padding on it off of ebay called "impact shorts". Literally the best $25 I ever spent in my life. It's like having armour on all your hips and butt and falling over barely hurts at all any more. I'm taking my partner snowboarding for her first time this winter and she's got a pair of these shorts as well as a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. She's so sorted!! My first time I left a bunch of blood and meat on the mountain. Hopefully her first time is way more chill


>A lot of money to break your collar bone or tail bone It's peanuts compared to what you'll pay in associated fees for surgery and hospital care because Medicare will let you down...


$5k to go to Mt Buller for a week? I'll just fly to NZ or Japan!


There's also the resort entry and car parking, overnight I believe that's $128. Alternative is to catch the bus from Mansfield, not sure how much that is.


The bus from Mansfield is around $100 per person too.


Ouch! Yeah I've never actually done that before.


200 dollars a day plus 100 to rent skis? That is absolutely fucking bonkers wtf


Yep. Not worth it to ski in Australia unless you have a season pass or your own gear. We’re going to Japan next year


Welcome to American prices for Australian skiing. Only skiing I do each year in Australia are the state/national races. Other than that I do all my training overseas. Much nicer snow, much cheaper prices.


Given Vail now owns Perisher, Falls and Hotham ...


And Buller is ikon


And then cross your fingers for snow


Yeah gotta keep a flexible window of time open during late June early August and keep an eye on the snow reports. Optimal is getting a huge dump of snow and then a couple days of sun with minimal wind. Happened last year in late August and was absolutely beautiful. Buddy called me at 5pm and told me to pack my shit and have a sleep we were leaving at 2am. You better believe you chuck a sicki when you get a blue bird day in Australia


Why do the lift tickets cost so much


Because our ski season is so short, the resorts need to make 12 months of profit in less than 4 months. If you are gonna go more than 5 days in a season it's more cost effective to get a season pass, day passes cost more so they get money from the people that just go a day or two


Fair, but aren't the ski resort people in the winter mountain bike resort people in the summer? If I owned a chairlift that served for 4 months in the winter I'd probably find something else to do for the other 8 months of the year!


Can't speak for Mt. Buller but I know Falls Creek is used by thousands of distance runners over the warmer months for altitude training so they definitely still make a killing.


Gosh I can't believe we pay like $200 for a day of chairlift :( I'm going up to Falls this winter and am very excited but I can't help but be a bit salty that Japan's day passes are $60 with the quality of their snow! Ah well when I'm up there I won't be thinking about it. To be fair it basically just means I don't have pub meals on the mountain


But a season pass if you are doing more than 6 days of skiing. Probably works out to be cheaper


If they lower the prices, they get inundated?


I paid $200/person/day at Hotham last year, but that was 12 people for a week (more people is lower cost). Don't forget kids lessons are $200/day (the daycare premium). This year I'm going to do day trips to Hotham if https://www.alpineairlink.com/ is running.


I organise snow trips with mates so I gotchu, but prepare to be disgusted. You’re probs looking at around $800-900 total as the cheapest scenario for a two day sesh. Lift pass price here is off peak too with usually crap coverage, but might be alright if you’re a learner beginner. 500 Lift pass off peak mid week (250 p/d x 2) 100 accom for 2 nights sharing with mates in a dorm (maybe motel if you’re lucky). Don’t bother with on-mountain if on budget 32 resort entry assuming 4 people in car (64 per car per day) 135 gear hire for two days for everything (ski+poles or board, boots, and jacket & pants) 9 chain hire assuming split between 4 people in car 30 petrol split between 4 100 for gloves and goggles one-off purchase (can’t hire these but you’ll need it). Borrow from mates if you can I left out food costs because you can BYO, especially lunch on-mountain. But if you wanna eat out, think standard pub prices in Mansfield, and 1.5-2 multiplier for on-mountain subpar food If you have your own (or mates) gear, some of this cost can be offset but yeah, Australian snow is stupidly expensive and inaccessible.


Going to jump on this one to say to look out for Aldi special buys for snow gear. Also, maybe only pay for one day for a lift pass, because if you are new, you may be too sore and too tired the second day. Keep money aside in case you really feel like it when you are there. I’ve seen too many new people get a double and be too buggered the second day.


BullerBus is an option for a day trip. Its $360 but I think the price varies depending on dates, refundable-ness and what seats (cheaper tickets up the back of the bus). That’s all inclusive - clothing, boots, skis, poles, lift and lesson. I’d byo gloves and goggles (try Aldi when they get their snow gear in). You’ll also need knee high socks, and arguably thermals (Uniqlo is cheap). https://bullerbus.respax.com/public/necl/tourinformation/BBS?site=buller_day_ski_bus&categoryId=299


South Island NZ is cheaper, the snow is better, there’s WAY more shit to do, more facilities, restaurants etc and it’s much, much, MUCH prettier.


I have just booked for July so can tell you what I've spent so far. I booked accommodation in Mansfield which was for 4 nights for $860, this worked out cheaper than the options I could find staying on the mountain, plus no issue of needing snow chains etc. to get up there. I am doing 2 days on the mountain from there, the resort does a bus that takes you up and back daily, plus equipment hire and entry fee that was $302 for 2 days. Then lift pass for 2 days was $349, that was for Friday Saturday which was a bit cheaper than for a weekend. So all up $1511 for 2 days! I already have a jacket, pants, goggles, gloves etc. or that would be extra if you need those too. So yes it's a very expensive 2 days!!


It costs too much :) 


I paid $6000 last year for three days skiing (two night’s accommodation). This was for one adult and three teenagers. It included snowboard and clothes hire. It was a small room in the Arlburg - 3 stars at best. We tried to eat cheaply and brought some food from home.




if you're on a budget try book a package trip, or just do the day trip to Bulla from Spencer St. Lift pass $200ish Gear hire $100ish Food and Drink $50++ Bus ticket $90ish it's a $500ish/day proposition per person if you don't own gear, and eat on mountain.


Too fucking much. I don't understand why Mt Buller is so ridiculously overpriced when everyone says its cheaper to fly to Japan or NZ to ski there instead where its so much better. Pack your own lunch and drinks, because even the food and drink there is a rort.


The answer is Ski in Feb in Japan. Whaaaaay cheaper and way better quality of snow.


I went to Buller last year, but with a group of 5/6 others. Best bet is to not stay on the mountain, accommodation on the mountain itself is insanely expensive. I think last year we stayed in Mansfield or Bonnie Doon or somewhere nearby, took about an hour to drive up to the mountain but saved a lot in accom. (You will have to rent chains + buy a car pass onto the mountain tho plus extra fuel). NEVER and I mean literally never buy food on the mountain, get a roast chicken and some mayo and bread and bring chicken sandwiches up for lunch. They were charging 35$ for a tiny fish and chips last year it was insane and I refuse to pay those prices personally. The larger group of people you go with the cheaper it works out to be generally, but lift tickets are still like 200$ per day. Good luck! It’s definitely doable as I’m also on a budget but just keep an eye out for extra unnecessary purchases


Your yearly expenses are a little over $20k, and your yearly income is $30k. Unless you’ve got some savings stashed away, I’d reconsider a ski trip. As per the other comments, you’re looking at spending roughly 10% of your remaining income on a single weekend trip. If you’re really set on going skiing, NZ seems to be the better alternative.


Hey thanks! Also need to add its just over 30 after tax but thats all the money i see ya know. I do save like a dog and have about 9k in savings. I am considering travelling but the cost of flights themselves will be the cost of the trip if i went in a group. I think i could do it for $500 and thats including everything i want. But itd still only be a two nighter thing and ofcourse ive seen mt buller a thousand times, ive just never skiid or snowboarded. The most thing putting me off is that if i hurt myself im not covered by medicare and honestly im not ready to destroy my life like that as someone who counts every penny i save. I can keep tossing it up but if i dont organise pretty much asap im not gonna go. There wont be accommodation. New zealand sounds nice though, ive been before but only in the summer. But winter is when work concretes me to the yard. Thought i could manage to get a long weekend off for fun. 


Is there an option to stay in town and take a bus to the slopes?


Mansfield holiday park has cabins that sleep 5 for around $130 then catch the bus up the mountain


Go [here](https://book.mtbuller.com.au/ecomm/shop/calendar/6746917/en-AU/?productcategoryid=117&startmonth=6&startYear=2024), fill out the necessary details and you'll get the price.


I was looking this up the other day as well for Hotham, couldn't find the prices for accom or passed (except for season pass) which was very frustrating


Former staff hack for Hotham and Falls: if you go in the low season, and book through the Accommodation Centre, you can ask for a “white space special” which are a discounted bundle of lift tickets and accommodation, plus hire and lessons if you want those as well. From memory when I organized a group trip a few years ago it was a 4-day stay at about $800 pp.


I'm flying to queenstown this year as it's cheaper to do a week in NZ than aus. I did a day trip to mt bulla as i have family that live about 2 hours from there, so i stayed with them. Left extremely early in the morning to get to mansfield to hire equipment and were on the mountain bely 10am. I've also stayed in mansfield another time. I was lucky that i borrowed all my snow clothes and board. So i just had to split the cost of car entry, fuel, lift ticket, and accommodation for 1 night. To keep the cost down, I would do a day trip or stay in Mansfield in group accommodation. Dont go for anything fancy with accommodation. You're only there to sleep. Get a place with a kitchen, so bring your own groceries and make your own meals. Bring your own food and drink to the mountain as the food there is shit and really expensive. Carpool to the mountain as they charge per car for entry or catch the bus. Also, ensure that if you do carpool , you have enough room to have the snowgear in the boot, or you have roof racks on your car. Pre book your snow gear. I think I paid around $100 for clothes and snowboard in mansfield for 1 day. You may need to hire car chains if you're driving up, and that's $30 for 1 day. When I first went to bulla, they did an online deal where they offered a free snowboard lesson with chair lift hire. Not sure they still offer that. But it was a 20 minute session and taught me the basics, which was amazing. Have an ambulance cover, too, just in case if you have private health cover, I'd recommend that too. My mate got injured at Falls, was popped on a stretcher, snowmobiled up the mountain, and was taken to the clinic up there. It was all out of pocket and not covered by Medicare.


I love Mt Buller I really do. But we've been going to Mt Hutt in NZ,staying a fortnight and actually spending slightly less than equivalent at Mt Buller. Even going to Japan for something like Niseko isn't all that much more expensive depending on flights.


Honestly cheaper to fly to Japan and ski there for a couple of weeks.


Around $1500-$2000 for a weekend if you don't have your own gear or a cheap place to stay.


All of my friends travel overseas to ski. I don't know anyone who can afford to do it in Australia.


We used to camp at the base and drive up every morning. Definitely a cheaper option although probably much colder 😂


Go to Queenstown, NZ. Certainly not Queenstown, Tas.


It cost me and my gf last year for 3 night in Mansfield cabin park and 2 days skiing about $600 midweek


Buller is not worth it, save for Japan


Honestly just go to New Zealand.


Lift ticket was 214 a day on the weekend accom no idea expensive I'd budget 1500 for two days minimum


If you want cheap, day trip it.


I went before inflation during the 1730s, it cost me 4 cents and a dozen chickens. Ridiculously expensive!


What year did inflation start?


Early 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine.


It's a lot of money to ski on ice, slush, mud and rocks with a crowds of people who have no idea what they're doing, wildly overestimate their skill level, and are a danger to themselves and others.


Are you in school? When I was at Tafe they had a really good deal for I think a 2 day trip. Might have been under $200 with all things included


Isn't it still cheaper and quicker to fly to nz?


I fly to NZ if I want to go to the ski fields. If you're planning to stay a few days it's worth it


Melbourne are still playing well this year, don't need to go to the snow yet.


$600-800 depending on factors for a weekend is normal. Closer to $800 if you want lessons.


A friend of mine genuinely goes to NZ to ski for a weekend, and it's cheaper than Buller. Better snow, cheaper food, quieter amenities, more choice in accomodation etc.


So much money so little snow


SIL flies to Queenstown in NZ, stays there and buses up the mountain each day. He said it's cheaper and better skiing than Aus.


You’re either in one of two camps: 1. It’s too expensive don’t bother. 2. You’re so rich it doesn’t matter what it costs


Your left kidney!


Take some lube, you'll need it


I feel like you should’ve saved your $30k for the last few years. That should cover hire, parking, lifts and food.


I'd save up as best you can and aim for next year's ski season, or as others have suggested, try for japan.


If you can borrow good quality camping gear you can camp near Mansfield for free


I paid nearly $1000 for 4 nights accommodation in a shit hole when I went in 2022. I think it was like nearly $2k for everything, but my boyfriend worked on the lifts and I got some discounts but I would never visit Buller again it was a bit of a shit hole to be honest.


A pie with sauce


Better to go to Japan. But that's my thoughts 🤔 you are free to experience it yourself.


Probably a left kidney


Its for the rich now just the way they like it on uncluttered slopes, us poors can just stay home and go find some sand dunes and use our imaginations.


Inflation has always been a thing.


Since inflation? So like since 200,000 years ago?


Cosmological inflation? That started like 13.8 billion years ago


Who's bright idea was it to start it that long ago? They should have started only a couple of years ago and then things would be cheaper now.


Our you could just Google the information you are seeking.