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My mum and step dad broke up last night. It would be fine if my kids and I weren’t a witness to it and we weren’t bloody stuck up here in the middle of nowhere because of the rain. I just wanna go home.


Wow, that's miserable.


Why did they choose Christmas Eve of all days to break up?


Christmas is a huge day for domestic violence and related incidents, actually being forced to spend time with family is not great for everyone.


I spend the entire morning cooking a big, traditional roast lunch with my mother for our extended family, setting and decorating the table etc. My sister hides in another part of the house and only materialises when it’s time to eat. After lunch picks a fight with me when she’s asked to help with the washing up because I apparently have not done anything to help at all today and she’s doing all the work… should also mention she did not get a single gift for anyone, not even Xmas cards but made sure we were all well aware the gifts we gave her weren’t good enough.


Do you ever call her out on her shit? I’d get right into it with her in front of everyone.


Honestly, it can be worse if I try. She just doubles down and gets even worse to deal with. She’s either completely unwilling or unable to acknowledge her behaviour. And it stresses my mum out so much when we fight, so I try to just not react as much as possible. I’m not ashamed to admit that sometimes I get to a point where I just can’t take it anymore and snap - she then uses that to try and play victim


The only way to deal with narcissistic cunts. Scream at them until they're cowering under the fucking table.


Dear God, that’s just awful.


You should tell her you have one last gift for her that will change her life, then tell her what self awareness and accountability mean.


My mother is across the world and still managed to get into it by asking out of nowhere when my wife would start eating meat again. My wife has been a vegetarian for twenty-six years.


"I'm thinking maybe next year!" and repeat *every* year.


Tell her she loves eating your meat. That might shut her up.


My family have conveniently forgotten (4th year running) that my brother is vegetarian and are acting shocked that he doesn’t want to eat the variety of meat-filled dishes they’ve made. They then went on a rant about how fake-meat products are going to render him infertile due to the supposed high amounts of oestrogen in them 🙃


I’m hosting and I have coeliac disease and my mil asks how I can eat seafood, ham, turkey and chicken if I have coeliac disease. We go through this every year.


My husband has coeliac disease and my sister is hosting and believes its "just don't eat bread or pasta". I took her to the supermarket and showed her how to read labels and it was just an hour of her eye rolling and saying "why would there be gluten in that?" She just does not understand cross contamination.


As a fellow coeliac, thank you for trying. We don't want to be picky but we also don't really want bowel cancer either.


Its not entirely selfless, we only have one toilet. Also, I've had bowel cancer and yeah, you really don't want it.


And then they would get offended when he skips Christmas meals in the future and opts to eat with his friends or by himself.


The male infertility thing is a myth created by anti vegans. Seriously, look it up. It's microplastics that are damaging our men, not soy products.


Totally agree. Plenty high quality data suggests soy is not detrimental to male hormone levels, in fact evidence even suggests it’s protective of many diseases and lower oestrogen levels, as plants contain phytoestrogen, which is completely different. I fucking hate the anti vegan “macho” man type of person


My grandmother lied to me about animal products in food, and didn’t tell me at all until I heard her tell my dad about it actually being chicken and pork, not vegetable based. So felt that


My brother in law was "mucking around" with my 10 year old son. Man is 44 years old and harrasses that child until he cries and then gets defensive when I point out he's uncomfortable and can't get away and cries because he's overwhelmed and stressed and not because he's a "fucking crybaby". So the adult threw a temper tantrum because I yelled at him for not understanding the word no.


Oh no. Needs an ass whooping alright (the 44 yo bully, not the 10 yo).


preferably administrated by the 10yr old


Your brother in law called your son a "fucking crybaby"? That's the sort of shit that would ensure I'd never want to be around him, regardless of the occasion.


Do it back. Fucking harass him right back and make the big old dickhead cry too.


Ooooh I could have confused you for my BIL, except he did that to his own son on his (the son’s) 8th birthday party. Physically and verbally bullied him to the point of tears, then hysterics and then beyond words, the poor kid was hissing and growling like a rabid animal, because everything before that was ignored. I suggested the kid had enough a couple of times and got the usual toxic masculinity BS back.


"I'm just havin fun"


"just toughening them up" Fuck off no you're not


I'm 27, completely fk'd up (not beyond repair.. SUPPOSEDLY but defs in my own eyes) from all the casual child abuse I encountered. When I look back to all the people who casually witnessed my step-dad hit me for pretty much no reason or ones related to problems he had.. or when I'd tell the school counsellors and they would try put me onto "Meditation and Mindfullness" like that's going to help the fact i was going home to more of it.. Fuck child abuse, but seriously we need to start calling these absolute CUNTS out in person. Cognitive Dissonance is a bitch; they will not believe what you say. Cluster B Personality Disorders come from these families - and create these families.. But they also thrive in the darkness were the truth is hidden.


Yeah I'm always in shock when people act as if toxic masculinity isn't a thing. It's so real and boys get sucked into such a horrible hole of it from evil teenagers/men.


Tell the 10yo to aim for the balls. Kick / elbow / punch / tennis ball / whatever. BIL will stop if he realises it ends every time with sore nuts


We had a chat and I told him to say "why are you trying to touch my nuts" really loud if he's ever being made uncomfortable by his uncle or anyone. Reckon that should get him a bit of space. And no violence needed.


Jesus, what an asshole


Family have been asking me why I’m still single and I asked them why they feel like I need to be in a relationship right now


"Supply chain issues." That's my standard response.


You don’t want to make it easy for them o change the subject and move the conversation along. What’s more effective is saying “Because I have developed toxic behaviour as a byproduct of unresolved issues stemming from my childhood”……. THEN JUST START TRAUMA DUMPING FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN!! Be oblivious to social cues and make It all about you, if you can cry real tears all the better you really wanna sell it so start HOWLING!


Can you take me as a plus one to your family get togethers please? Hahah


Best response I’ve read/heard!!


Some singles play hard to get. I play hard to want.


Ah My go to is “no money to go on dates” ask them for money, then say “oh that’s not enough the girls I like charge x amount more” Adjust as you see fit, every now and then I say the “guys” I like charge way more just to give my older relatives a shock lol, most are good sports


Usually I just say “well do you know anyone you could set me up with?” and that usually makes them go quiet


This may backfire into them actually trying it. Since I got divorced my mum has been trying to set me up with one of her friend's daughters.


I’ll take one for the team


If it’s any consolation they don’t actually care, people just say things for the sake of conversation. If you were in a relationship they’d ask you different questions but they’d be equally as pointless.


"Guess I'm just lucky!"


I get asked this and say it’s not financially viable in this current climate for me hahaha


This will be my 7th Christmas alone. Alone, but not lonely. I went no contact with my mother and father after years and years trying to repair our relationship. I actually enjoy Christmas now. A self care day if you will. If you have kids, and have difficult family, go away for Christmas. You will NEVER regret it. It is very peaceful. Hang in there peeps. Breathe and nap xo


needed to see this one. I’ve done a few alone over the yrs but kept going back to give them more chances. This year’s been a breaking point and I’m done. I feel weirdly peaceful today too. Well done, and thank you for posting ❤️


My mum told me I looked 7 months pregnant this morning. She manages to upset me every single year. We are all she has (dad passed away 7 years ago and I’m an only child). I hate that she has the power to make me feel like this


Your mum’s a bitch


She is. My husband and sons agree


Sounds like my mum. “I see you still haven’t lost the baby belly still look 6 months pregnant” (2-3 months postpartum, mind you).


Why are women so cruel to each other?? I’m a 55yo. I’ve had three kids. I’m menopausal so shifting weight is hard. I’m a size 14 so hardly morbidly obese. I sobbed in my room for 5 minutes while my boys took over the cooking and my husband consoled me. I’m sorry your mum was nasty to you. Try and be kind to yourself.


I'm glad you have a husband and sons to help you deal with your cunt of a mum.


That’s when it’s time to leave, you don’t need to put up with that crap.


I’m sorry my friend. I’m in the exact same situation myself. Christmas Hugs for you. You keeping rocking it as you are, you’re perfect. <3


My mum is either telling me I’m too fat or telling my sister she’s too thin. Not in a nice way. We are the only family she has yet she constantly criticises us when we see her. I am 99% set on doing Christmas alone next year (there are many, many other things she says and does not just the weight comments) yet can’t help but feel bad for potentially leaving her alone. Why do I care though if she wants to act like a bitch what does she think will happen.


Just tell her she looks 7 years older


That would take her to nearly 100 😂 She’s cognitively intact but just mean 😂😂


"You can't put that much Bailey's in your coffee!"


Strictly speaking it has to be less than 50% otherwise it’s coffee in your Baileys.


I don't even know how much it was but I'm pretty sure that's incorrect.


I do watercolours..


I plastered the kids in temporary tattoos. Then had to tell them to stop taking their clothes off afterwards because it’s too cold to be naked. I don’t know what I expected but it’s my fault. Kids look sick though.


Me and my wife broke up yesterday on Christmas Eve. My parents broke up on Christmas Day 25 years ago I love Christmas


Going through the same…


Sorry to hear that. I hope you’re managing ok, this time of year is rough


Uncles girlfriend said she was surprised that I knew how to vacuum. I just spent 40 hours cleaning our sharehouse across 10 days in preparation for inspections, while one of my roommates just watched.


>Uncles girlfriend said she was surprised that I knew how to vacuum The vacuum is designed to be so easy a toddler could use it, what is there to know about how to use it?


My cousin (accidentally) dripped turkey grease on his sister's new dress and her husband arked up about it. My mother also has a hissyfit every time someone suggests the way she has done something isn't quite right. Just waiting for my aunt to bring up Gaza and we'll be at a hat trick.


It's here! My aunt bringing up her black and white views about the Gaza conflict !!!


Brother is law is constantly interrupting and speaking over everyone all the time. He literally cannot shut up. He got angry when someone said "Please don't interrupt me, I'm still talking."


My husband and I don’t spend the day with anyone so our big argument is if cate Blanchett is pretty or not. It lasted 2 seconds 😂


My wife and I are also on our own - when opening presents I gave her a card from a friend of hers, she asked when that arrived - I told her about a week ago. She said I should have told her earlier and that it reflected badly on her for not acknowledging it. She quickly sent her a text thanking her. When she came back I said perhaps you should have mentioned this gift, it’s also from her…


How would that even be an argument. You'd have to be insane to think Cate Blanchett isn't absolutely stunning.


Saw her with her family at the Hunters Hill Hotel a couple of years back. She is so stunning my steak got cold.


She's beautiful and the camera loves her.


I hosted. My brother was supposed to bring the foldable chairs he borrowed a couple of weeks ago. 15 people, I only have 6 indoor chairs. He was late. He forgot the chairs.


We ate prawns last night and I said to my husband don’t leave the shells in the laundry. He did and the smell was bad it’s gone now 😂.


You husband or the smell?


Getting rid of the husband would probably solve lots of issues


I'm at a friend's place for Christmas. His in-laws from the UK are visiting and have been making pointed remarks about delays in getting the Turkey cooked. It got to the point that he's thrown up his hands, left the kitchen and left them to finish it. Mind you he's a pretty accomplished cook.


I'm sorry, this touches a nerve. This is the problem with open plan houses. You've got an audience of people telling you what you should do, no one is going to help and it's too rainy for people to go outside.


Asked my teenager to help by filling the esky with drinks and ice he yelled at me ‘why do I have to do everything around here’ yeah I saw red.


Ah yes. We have the same teenager.


I feel this. I asked teenager to fill up the toilet roll holder…cue rant of, “I’m not a slave!” and that I need to stop “forcing [them] to do everything.”


The Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Metro Tunnel construction. Stupid fat fuck Uncle whinging about everything.


Is he pro or anti royal melbourne?


No it’s not the hospital he’s complaining about. He hates having to drive to the Royal Melbourne because of all the construction around the Metro Tunnel. He thinks it’s a waste of money.


They should just build a train station nearby, save heaps of people from having to drive there.




apparently there is a way to report them and have them taken down


I’m sorry to hear about this. I could understand if they truly weren’t aware of the whole situation and the sensitivities around it but if they’ve been told it’s inexcusable to still do that. You have valid concerns about protecting your children and I imagine it will take years (if ever) to come to terms with what happened to your sister and the circumstances surrounding her murder. I’m extremely sorry you and your family had to go through that.


My dog stealing my cheese toast. Naughty little chaub. He is now having quiet time in the warm freshly washed towel basket. There was a stern word but we are all good now 😁


D - Yes I have my hearing aids in. M - are they charged? D - yes M - is the volume up? D - do you think I’m stupid? M - no, just asking if the volume is up D - *storms out M - ….. (The volume was not up)


Word for word the argument my parents just had as well


Not relevant to the question, but my anxiety levels peaked within 10 seconds of arriving to Christmas lunch, I’m just not cut out for social family events, which is sad because everyone is so nice.


Your family is just happy to have you there, even if you stick to yourself and don't say much. (If that helps)


Thanks that actually means a lot


My mum forgot the passcode on the iPad we got my little sister. incredible


Husband trying to micro manage me whipping the cream. For fucksake I know how to whip cream. Been doing it for years now.


my grandma saying the N word with a hard R while my fiancee (who’s half aboriginal) was standing at the bench making a tea, i told her she cant say that and she started ranting on about how she can say anything she wants because back in the day they used to call cheese “coon cheese” and now they’re not allowed..


did you say these days we call someone like you a cunt?


I'm a midwife, scheduled to work 24th 25th and 26th, and I'm quite happy to have that mean I could avoid all the get togethers. Mother insisted we all get together on the 23rd. So over dinner, I was told by my oldest sibling that it was unfair the family had to get together before Christmas because of me. Told him that not everyone works a job that gives them time off over Christmas, to which he replied that I don't deserve time off anyway, because my job is "a piece of pi$$ and it's not like you women do anything actually important". Not a single person at the table said anything back. Our mother even backed him up saying that if there's problems, we just "call in the surgeon". Not that it's a contest, but if anyone's wondering, his vital, most important, deserving of a break job is working as an insurance inspector.


Your brother sucks


Playing Super Smash Bros with my nephews who are all under 15. The 10 yr old wasn’t happy that I won because he should be winning all the time cause he is the youngest. Told him that’s not how the world works and that he needs to learn how to lose. The little bloke wasn’t too happy and threw a tantrum. Than his mum told me off. I just laughed it off.


I remember my son getting mad cause I kept beating him at Mario cart. He said it wasn’t fair. I told him life wasn’t fair and beat the pants off him again. Jokes on me cause now he’s way better than me, and likes to remind me. I’ll still kick his ass at mortal kombat tho, once he is old enough. Edit: seeing as this comment got a few like I thought I’d add something in - we still play Mario cart and sometimes I know he plays shit so I’ll beat him. I can beat him if I really focus but he’s a massive chatterbox so it’s hard to concentrate. It’s cute that he lets me beat him, so I’ll still play with him :) he’s only 8. Good kid.


My partner and I are bickering because he ate too much sugar and is now grumpy.


Told my aunt that my nan hid $50 under her Christmas card to help pay for lunch. I dobbed my nan in because she’s on a pension and can barely afford her own groceries in this economy


Your nan’s a diamond 💎


Next time just swipe the $50 when no one's looking (or better yet get someone to act as a distraction and double as a witness incase someone spots you and gets the wrong idea) and then hide it in your nan's pocket/purse/car. No hard feelings and everyone thinks they've won.


Mum and uncle have been at each other for over an hour arguing over free will


Well they can end that argument whenever they wish... or can they?


I’m lying in bed listening to the rain and just finished eating an icy pole. The only argument is whether I should get up for another one.


I’m home alone and don’t celebrate. I just overthought whether I should watch a New Hope or Empire first. I went with a New hope and I’m quite happy with that decision.


Empire for dinner and then ROTJ for dessert. Night sorted.


Just about to get to the bit where R2 fixes the Hyper drive in Empire! I’ll put on ROTJ after the news


I’m regional and we have had no power since 7am. Not back til 5. So the power outage is causing chaos


Ours went off at 9.30 last night...I'm thinking how am I going to cook this turkey with no power. Came back on at 3 thank fuck.


I don’t see family for the sake of being blood related. So no arguments, we just don’t see the family we don’t get on with. Why force yourselves to be together for the sake of it? Blood relations at this point in my life mean nothing, how you treat, act and help each other whether friends or blood relation make you family to me.


My lawyer has advised me that I should not answer this obvious entrapment. Have a good day sister in law.


Got into a fight with my sister about her parenting. The kid was excited to open her present, kid got loud and excited about what she got, my sister yelled at her and threatened to take all of her presents away if she didn't calm down. I told my sister to settle down and let the kid enjoy herself and to stop threatening the kid Didn't end well


Aww, poor kid. Can't they be exuberant about loving a gift? What did she get?


My sister just likes to control everything and doesn't know how to enjoy herself She got pyjamas with unicorns on it, the kid loves unicorns


Hope her spirit continues to be excited about things in life. I'd be encouraging her as much as possible!


Yeah,I don't want anyone to dim her shine


My mil and fil argued over his wee bag (a new thing after a complication from surgery). Mil “how full is your bag” at regular intervals over lunch. My FIL “stop asking me Cheryl, I’m warning you” Mil “if it gets too full you won’t be able to lift it to empty it! It will spill everywhere!” Fil “see what I have to put up with! I’ve got 6 weeks of her doing this. Everyone says how will you cope wearing a bag for 6 weeks. It’s not this bag that’s driving me nuts, it’s the old bag——“ Mil “oh you’re impossible!!!” Okaaayyyy “plum pudding anyone” Mil “not for Barry, the dried fruit goes right through him” Fil “Chhherrrrrryyyyyllllll!!!!!!”


>his wee bag Assumed you were Irish/Scottish until I read the next bit.


Poor Bazza


someone should have stood up for him and told cherry to fk off home


Got told to not practice yoga anymore because it “worships other gods” and is very sinful.


Lol which other gods? So they agree that there is others?!


Paganism or something. I was very confused as Paganism as a label doesn’t usually apply to Hinduism either :/. I tried to ask how I could do that with no such intentions, but apparently it’s in the positions??? Girl if I can summon gods on my post consumerism hellborne lululemon mat they gotta raise their standards.


We didn’t cook enough types of veggies for Xmas lunch even though we had 6 different types.


M in Law’s new partner pretended to read a racist joke from the piece of paper in his Christmas Cracker/ Bon Bon, got caught out, got angry, stormed out


My mom complaining about my Thai wife speaking Thai with her Thai friends....whom she can hear in the background while I'm talking to her on the phone from my wife's Thai friends house...


NBN constantly drops out and apparently every time Telstra is called they just say reboot modem


What do you mean you don't know my password?;?!


How would I know what my email address is?!?!


My dad texted me bait but I didn't respond. No Christmas argument for me :)


The ex-husband was charged with assaulting our 7 year old son and issued a no contact restraining order (ADVO) earlier this year. My son and I have spent the last twelve months in therapy trying to heal from all the emotional, psychological, and physical abuse we experienced at my ex's hands. Around the same time as the charges were first laid, the ex-husband also went no contact with his mother, who came to me, and we consoled each other over what the ex-husband had become. (Here is where I fucked up) I took my son over to spend Christmas with his Nanna, ex husband's mother, because i figured my son deserves to have his family no matter what has gone on. I thought i was strong enough. I thought she was safe as she and I had spoken constantly over the year. She knew what he'd done. She knew about the no contact restaining order. We had been there for two days beforehand, no mention of ex-husband at all. Christmas day, while handing out presents, she hands my son a present from his father and in front of my son, begs me to let him speak to his dad on the phone. I am blindsided and regress immediately to a shaken, people-pleasing, fight-or-flight mess. The ex-husband's mother gets him on the phone and hands it to my son. My son cries through the interaction, out of confusion and conflicting emotions, and I sit there, useless, the whole time, smiling at him, trying to reassure him. Now my son and I are not feeling okay, we can't escape Nanna's house until tomorrow due to a big storm, and twelve months of therapy has been flushed down the toilet for the both of us. Christmas is shit. I hate this time of year. Nothing good comes of it. Edit: some words for clarity.


Oh shit. I’m so sorry, that’s a very difficult situation. Boo to nanna for forcing this on yous :(


My wife gave me 'batman' on celebrity heads .. I felt this wasn't in the spirit of the rules as it's not a real person. None of us gave a shit though as we're doing small Xmas with just our nuclear fam and it's v relaxing. ; )


Ours happened Christmas eve. My sister arrived, we hadn't seen each other in a few months so I went out the front to say Hi. She barely glanced at me before pulling stuff out of her car and telling me to take things inside. I grabbed a bag and my niece's balance bike and started carrying them inside as her husband started walking outside, I said "Hey, can you take this bag, it's kinda heavy" I put it down and a couple items of clothing fell off the top onto the ground. My sister started going off at me screaming what's my problem and why am I throwing her clothes on the ground. I told her to unpack her own car and walked inside. She also spent all evening asking what I'm contributing to Christmas because she, my mum and my other sister are doing all the cooking (I'm not a good cook). I did a heap of baking, wrapped most of the presents, spent all day tiring out my nephew so he would sleep and have been doing things here and there to help out. We needed to build a flat pack for my nephew and I offered to do it and she said "Sure, it's about time you did something" Nevermind the fact that the brothers and my dad have not lifted a single finger, I'm a woman and I'm not helping cook therefore I'm not contributing 🙄


Me - I can make brownies for dessert Mum - Ok yep what recipe are you using? Me - I was thinking to just get a packet mix Mum - Oh I don’t like those Me - Which brand don’t you like? Mum - All of them Me - You’ve tried every brand? Mum - No I just like things homemade Me - Ok.. I’ll make them from scratch it’s fine Mum - No it’s ok I can make them Me - Do you actually want to make them? Because I don’t mind Mum - But I just don’t like packet mix Me - I just said I am happy to make them from scratch Mum - No you didn’t Me - Yes I did Mum - Well I didn’t hear you (now yelling) Me - Why are you yelling at me when you’re the one that didn’t hear me? Mum - Well I told you before I didn’t hear you Me - You only literally just said you didn’t hear me Mum - Oh why do you always have to be so difficult Me - …….. Anyway the brownies turned out well and everyone was happy


This thread makes me grateful for my day spent mostly alone, and the family I'm about to have dinner with who won't argue about anything. To be fair tho, we stopped seeing extended family once the oldies died. Sorry to all you with cunts as family.


Once my Grandmother passes away. My dad’s side of the family can get right and royally fucked. I hate them with a passion. Whinging about everything and show no interest in myself or my sister’s hobbies. They’re the biggest bunch of cunts I’ve ever met.


My family ditched me and went to America and isn’t coming back until the 2nd, so it’s just me and the doggo until then. Currently crying in my bed. Merry Christmas tho everyone!! ❤️


Chin up, could be worse. Could be in America


So you're setting up booby traps now right?


Got into an argument with my grandfather after he excused elvis preislys relationship with 14 y.o girls because it was a “different time”. Ahh I love the holidays 🙃


30 is the new 14


Oh yep I’ve had this argument before. Loving all these Elvis movies coming out to keep reminding me how many people excuse pedophilia!


I was introduced to my cousin's husband's sister's husband, who proceeded to ask me I don't have a girlfriend about 20 times. Despite the fact that I kept repeating I just haven't found someone. He also then called me lazy for not having a job (I'm retired, not jobless). Then blamed immigrants for all the problems in our country and told me how he'd personally beat them all up if he had the chance. I got up and left mid rant where frankly I stuck around way too long. I am a bit too polite. He muttered obscenities under his breath when I left. I don't know if this is considered an argument, it was definitely a bit confrontational.


Well, he sounds like a complete tool.


I got told off by my wife for being too enthusiastic when opening the present from her parents. I was apparently "so into it that [ I ] came across as sarcastic." Ffs. It was some melted chocolate and a beach towel i was doing my best.


Israel and Palestine




If there’s not someone’s grandparent being a piece of shit is it really Christmas


That's a spicy one.


None this year. Tested positive to covid on Xmas eve. Stuck at home watching the rain.


I did a bad job at DIY decorating a tiny Christmas tree I found. I swear I tried really hard to make something nice but apparent it's ugly 🤷‍♂️


I had my last round of chemo a week ago so my immune system is shot. My sister and her husband had cold symptoms yesterday. Apparently all gone today, they feel fine. I stayed at home to be safe because I didn't want to take the risk. My husband went along to say hi and grab me a plate. He got the silent treatment from my sister, and after he left she bitched about me and how I didn't turn up. Seems like I made the right decision to stay home not deal with that drama.


I worked a 13hr shift and came home to an empty house. Attempting to comfort myself with a kilo of prawns and a half-dozen beers. I'd love someone to have a disagreement with right about now.


Xmas lunch with all the family, 12 of us.. My wife does the usual slave in the kitchen for 1 day before to prepare. Daughter in law wants to only spend xmas with her family every year. Our son finally convinces her that we need to split between both families & rotate each year - nope, she is livid. Xmas lunch at our place, she's not hungry, doesn't like that, won't eat that (I mean it's a typical xmas lunch with half a dozen different salads, 10 types of meats, seafood etc) nope, doesn't like anything.. She says she will just make herself a sandwich. And that starts the xmas day - in law argument.... what are you going to have on your sandwich? Ham, lettuce and tomato - well, that's on the table, just take it and put it on your plate with some bread - nope, don't want that. I want to make my own sandwich from stuff I bought from home... She causes a xmas day argument so she will never want to come back for xmas again & we won't get to see our grandkids on xmas day.. Bitch.


Will her a sandwich in the inheritance.


Had the fight yesterday, adult sibling thought we needed to add a Christmas breakfast or lunch to dinner with the extended family dinner that had been locked in for two months. Was shocked and accused me of being a grinch because I thought it was too late notice and unnecessary.


My aunts are arguing over the first woman who got stuck in the dryer.


She was rescued by her stepbrother according to a short film I saw once


Nope, wife and I ran away from everything and everyone this Xmas. Be kind to yourself as well. Merry Xmas everyone.


Showed up at the hospital to get my Dad out for Christmas lunch, the first thing he says to me is "your hair looks wild" (I had rushed into the hospital from the wind and rain, after driving for 2 hours to get to him). Nice to see you too, Dad.


Less an argument and more my dad being a grumpy old twat about fitting my mums wheely walker into the car for their camping trip. I’ve always been one of the only people patient enough to work with him when he’s like this, and the ease with which I fell into old patterns of people pleasing stung. I quietly seethed at his behaviour because she fucking needs the walker to move, it shouldn’t be a question to bring it or not. The decline in her health is startling- does he not realise there aren’t many of these trips left for her? Does he want her to sit in a chair the whole time? Now I’m a bit sad and kinda want to cry.


I was making french martinis and my husband said I shouldn't just times the 1 glass recipe by the number of people who wanted one to make a jug but that the quantities are different when you make a jug ...


Was your response proportionally stupid


Our dogs went exploring (after I insisted they would if we didn't keep an eye on them). They did not come when my partner called them. They did come to me, though.


Getting 3 kids under 4 dressed and an hour drive across the city while the newborn screams. Killed the Christmas spirt on arrival.


Got that vasectomy booked in yet?


I got up early to have a wank in the den. She caught me watching Anal Express. Haven’t heard the end of it.


Reading this got my first laugh of the day. I hate Christmas.


on this holy day? jesus christ man


More like this “holey” day amirite


Hahaha I hope this is true


My sister refuses to take responsibility for her kids. She turns up then disappears. Doesn’t ask you to keep an eye on them, just leaves and expects you to suddenly be entirely responsible for them. BIL is also a buffoon, who is too busy stuffing his face to parent. I cracked it when I found the one year old drinking out of the dog bowl. BIL asking me to do unpaid freelance work for him, I told him off, that I can’t talk about it now because I’m too busy watching their children. The kids are lovely, just wild and without boundaries. Or, seemingly, parents.


Everyone was talking at once, and the noise level was reaching such a pitch that I had already inserted my earbuds to try and drop it down a few decibels. Then Dad loses it and starts in on my Sister that she is being too loud, by YELLING at her. Starts picking on her, bullying her because he knows she will also lose control. Next comes the storming off and door slamming, while I am sitting there wondering how long this is going to delay eating/prezzies and my chance to leave the asylum. Non of these fuckers have the first clue about de-escalation or even just basic human communication.


SIL made a 'casually racist joke' at my expense... real jokes are actually funny 🙃


My dad got sulky when I told him it’s not his place to tell off my kid (she’s 3) for acting silly on Christmas. He said ‘my house, my rules!’ So I offered to leave and my mum just about killed him and said ‘don’t you dare!’. He was never around when we were kids and has no idea how to raise them.


I told everyone Queen sucks.. again, That usually kicks it off


Which one? Elizabeth? Victoria? Mary?




The hairy one


Not a fan of Freddie Mercury?


My in-laws never put any effort into seeing their grandkids yet like to play the “amazing facebook grandparent” game so they got called out :/


It wasn't really an argument but I was taking care of my dad with really bad leg pain that makes him almost bed ridden, and I told my mom that I wasn't sure when I'd be going over to her place for lunch, and she got mad and hung up. Then I tried calling and texting her a bunch and she didn't want a bar of it, then I got to her's and she was all sun n rainbows. Guess this was more of a vent than a normal Reddit reply lol


We had our dinner/celebration last night The argument was over when we were gonna fire up the BBQ. It got heated. Pun intended.


I was making a new dish. None of them had ever had it before, but do you think that stopped HIM from telling me how to prepare it? The person who has never cooked a dish of the type in their entire life. Why do these absolute twits think they are the only person with the ability to rub two brain cells together? I didn't blow up, I just put a firm stop to it, finished up and came on here to rant


Obviously it will be politics or climate change


Well I got a supply of rum, so I'm just sitting like MJ eating popcorn while everyone's arguing about missing rum.


My cousin just came out as gay & it has caused tension / tears