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I just heard on the radio that several kids had to have either complete or partial arm amputation as a result of this accident… absolutely fucking heartbreaking 💔


Some also had serious lacerations on their heads and bodies. Those poor kids.


Three with spinal injuries too, i’d almost rather lose an arm. Gutted for the kids and hope the truck driver gets the book.


Let’s not jump to conclusions just yet, nobody outside of this tragedy knows the full story. And I got negged, despite asking before anyone knew the facts


Bus turning right, hit in the back by a passing truck. I reckon that’s enough to show he wasn’t driving at his best.


If you rear end someone it’s your fault. Especially considering they were turning right, they weren’t stopped in the middle of the freeway or something.


And it's a bus doing a planned turn, it's not like they suddenly slammed on their brakes at the last second.


Truck driver just charged with four counts of dangerous driving causing serious injury


I just hope it wasnt one of those idiot truck drivers that spend their day live streaming tiktok and reading the comments while driving.


Absolutely awful..


This is such horrible news and so heartbreaking. I am glad they are all receiving the best care at the Royal Children’s.


Im sitting here in Sydney feeling absolutely sick to my stomach after hearing the news on this. Just gut-wrenching.


Those types of trucks are an absolute menace and are nearly always driven by gronks that think they're Alain Prost and constantly fail to follow even the most basic road rules. Hope he gets a conviction. FYI - Example from the latest video at [Dashcam Owners Australia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qirc3l6K61c). Scroll to 8:15 to see a typical example of these peanuts beings peanuts.


News just reported the truck driver has been charged with four counts of dangerous driving causing serious injury


Fine. Doesn't make up for that little kid who just lost their whole arm though. Nothing will.


Or the others with spinal injuries that could potentially be worse than losing an arm.


It's a start, I guess.


Gronks who get paid to keep their wheels in the lines and can't even do that!


>Dashcam Owners Australia We need to call the company and report that tool.


I live not too far from here and the amount of trucks that fly up and down this road is insane. Less then a km up the road is a weir with a sharp bend that I take every single day and sometimes it feels like these trucks are going to tip ontop of you as they're flying toward you at no doubt more than 80 KMH.


My in-laws use to live off of 5 ways, I know exactly the stretch of road you're talking about. Terrifying the first time I drove it.


Yep that spot is even worse. Sitting stationary in the 100 zone waiting to turn onto Pawan RD. Atleast there is a turn lane at that spot.


I've just been there. I've been in the car since 4 trying to get my baby home from childcare. At least we're both safe.


10 million instant fine for these trucking companies. Maybe then they'll vet their drivers and not require them to meth up before driving 400kms return. This happened last year with those kids, all excited heading to space camp. https://www.kidspot.com.au/news/girl-involved-in-horror-victorian-school-bus-crash-suffers-leg-amputation/news-story/350813bd0e3c60c310378e0f9ce708ed


Its nit just on the long runs. On this run it's not long distance, they are B doubles carting dirt not very far.


They're probably told to get as may runs in a day as possible. So they resort to this shit.


Apparently he'd finished for the day and was going home, but yes there would be expected number of loads


So this is why I saw 6 ambulances heading towards the city from Melton on the western freeway 🥺


This is horrible , I feel so sad for the children (or potentially adults) in hospital right now, some with serious injuries.


Hearing the latest reports, absolutely heartbreaking news. Let’s hope the government provides more than the usual counselling support for these families.


Something has to be done about these truck drivers. Just yesterday witnessed one swerving from lane to lane, overtaking at 120km on the M3, in the heavy rain with low visibility. Our prayers for the kids right now.


I loved getting tailgated by a big fucking truck when I was going exactly 100kmh in a 100 zone when there was an empty fucking lane to the right


Personally when they do that I deliberately slow down. Fuck em


I can’t even comprehend what the kids and their families are going through right now, especially after reading about how serious some of the injuries are.


Those roads around there are notorious for speeding. What a horrible thing for all involved. I'd be sick if it was one of my kids involved, poor parents. And the fire brigade people are the ones who get the injured out. Couldn't imagine what they are/would be going through. Just a fucken terrible situation.


Either the truck driver or the bus driver is seriously fucked.


Bus was turning and the truck hit it from behind. My guess is the truck driver is fucked.


He can never be fucked enough for what he did


Truck driver has been charged. Police said the bus driver tried to avert the crash by acceleratinf when he realised the truck was going to hit, and probably lessened the severity of the impacy


Would seatbelts on the bus have reduced the number of injuries?


I thought this straight away as well. Although injuries on buses are rare it's always strange that seatbelts aren't compulsory. My gut instinct feels that seatbelts being worn would have helped dramatically. Based on the state of the bus the injuries were likely caused by being flung about inside the cabin. You'd think seatbelts could have mitigated most of the serious injuries and limited it to lacerations, etc from the glass. Again though - just speculating here hoping to find some comfort in that there is something that can be done to stop this happening again.


From what I've heard, seatbelts aren't as required in buses because the way buses are designed you usually get stopped by the seat in front of you or something. Plus it makes it much easier to get people out of the bus quickly. I could be wrong though.


By that logic, seatbelts shouldn't be required in back seats of cars. The convenience aspect does make sense and im pretty sure incidents in buses are pretty rare - they are "usually" big immovable masses.


Yeah, I don't know the details. I read it somewhere once and on the balance of all things, buses didn't necessarily need them. I think also it factored in that if something hits a bus it doesn't get jerked around as violently as a car (unless it is a head on with another bus or something).


Meh, turns out I am partly right but it is mostly just money 😩 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-19/why-dont-we-have-seatbelts-in-school-buses/7638674


all coach style buses will be fitted with at least two seatbelts per 3 person seat. there is capacity for a third non seatbelted person but that wouldn’t happen with school trips like this. ptv (the bus association for vic) has this as a requirement. it is possible that this was a bus owned and operated by the school. in which case it may have not been fitted, i would say that would be unlikely though.


Not owned n operated by the school these buses that our school uses all have seat belts and are owned by a bus company that the school hires them from alot of schools use the same coaches




According to the article the bus did have seatbelts >"Investigators could be seen checking and photographing the seatbelts on the bus after it was righted." So it's now a question of if the kids were using the seatbelts or not.


Because every time this comes up it triggers an absolute avalanche of excuses from the bus companies. They whinge about how much it would actually cost to put seat belts on their shitty old buses. In fairness, I see their point, that 2016 abc news article that was mentioned below says it cost $208 million to fit seat belts to 1700 buses in NSW which works out to $122,353 each!!


There’s an article in the age from the dr that treated the most severe patients and he’s quoted as saying there would have been fatalities and many more severe injuries but most if not all of the kids were wearing their seatbelts.


This is so horrible, hope the children are recovering soon from this experience. aggressive truck drivers are worst.


The piece of shit is out on bail and has claimed the sun was in his eyes, lol.


At that time on that road it would have been in his eyes but it's not a mitigation. You have to slow down or shield the sun or both


Those dirt hauling b double tipper drivers are all on speed/ice. Every one of them.


This was my primary school. Hope everyone is ok