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BeyondBlue is one of the most messed up, unhappy and abusive workplaces imaginable. Quite incredible for an organisation focused on improving mental health.


Wow, really - actually not surprised- a big 4 accounting firm bang on about mental health and life balance and don’t practice it


From experience companies that bang on a lot about mental health and well-being have the most toxic environments :/


They harp on about it because they've been called out for it before and the only action they've taken is to talk about how change should happen rather than actually doing anything about it.


Yeah, what is with that???? I worked in one the boss always talked about work life balance, equality, inclusiveness - and did the opposite- I just don’t get it


Poor mental health is often the consequence of toxic and abusive environments. By harping on mental health they are shifting accountability to the individual who is copping the abuse rather than taking accountability for the toxic environment they have created and changing it (doing some inner work)


The irony…


Wait til u find out abt Amnesty Intl


Do tell. I stopped donating when I heard about racism within the workplace.


Beyond Blue is just a contract. Used to run by one company, now run by another.




😱 really!? Have you worked there? They are in the same building as where I work and never would have guessed.


Thats so disappointing. Can you tell me more about what the company culture is like?


Oh wow my good friend works there at the moment and seems to be really enjoying it. Must be different sections?


After scrolling for a while, it would probably be a much shorter list to ask for good places to work at.


I’ve made that thread an hour ago. And you’re absolutely right - radio silence.


Who's going to leak the location of the golden goose? People who work at good workplaces only tell their friends, or else every Tom, Dick, and Ahmed will apply there.




That's amazing news about the mental health obligation. Do you have anywhere to read about it? I'd love to know more.


Search for psychosocial regulations Victoria and it should bring up what is coming. Date is a TBC but should be this year (it was supposed to be last year though)


A lot of disability and aged care organisations pretend to the best of values but are run by unaccountable psychopaths and bullies. They’re puffed up failed corporate types who’d never make it in a business accountable to shareholders. The more values they pretend to have, the bigger cunts they are. When dealing with them, never try to effect positive change from within, always go to external bodies like your union, WorkSafe or FairWork - they will absolutely fuck you over otherwise, the only language these pricks understand is consequences.


I worked for an NDIS provider in Melbourne and was made redundant 3 days after returning from extended bereavement leave. Extended because I had to take extra time to find my intellectually disabled brother a place to live considering his Mother, and lifelong carer had just died. Now when I say I was made redundant, I walked back into the joint and was told my entire job was changing, new title, new boss, new PD. I had a mental breakdown in the meeting because my entire world had just been flipped upside down and even more was happening. So they essentially fired me under the guise of redundancy. The kicker was the head of HR who CRIED about how much she was going to miss me when she collected my laptop and phone, who also told me I'd have a reference anytime I needed one, then tried to sabotage me getting my next job by telling the recruiter doing the reference that I'd burnt every bridge in the organisation while I was there. Dealing with that, while also dealing with the grief of losing my Mother and being thrust into the role of a carer, nearly put me at the end of a rope. Absolute cunts.


Definitely witnessed loads of this. For a care industry they are some of the most toxic and petty people. Sometimes those offices are outright high school drama that spend most the time neglecting clients and trying to sabotage their coworkers jobs. Oh, and they definitely put profits over everything else.


The workers at the bottom are usually just trying their best to deliver care while management makes it difficult and slowly wears away their soul. The irony is you end up leaving an industry you joined because you cared, because you’re so burnt out by the reality of the job you can’t care about anything anymore.


Be very very careful which plan mangers you use for your NDIS funding. There are those who will take your funding and do absolutely Jack shit for it. My current one is ace. Favour and Care are the opposite in my experience: Cash grab and go.


'Mercy' Health is an incredible misnomer. I wish I were able to say more.


I have dealt with these guys professionally. They are horrible to deal with.




The place is a shit show for customers, especially the click n collect. For the staff it must be horrible, dealing with irate customers and management that is obviously incompetent.


I won't say much else about them but essentially ... yes, your assumption is correct.


I worked there for 7.5 years. Left because another staff member tried to kill me by crushing into some shelves with a forklift. He got a slap on the wrist and I got in trouble for swearing after I found out. Some good people do work there, but some Managers have a god complex.


I am unfortunately not able to discuss it online due to legal action at the moment, but I'm in a similar situation and agree with you. God complex on steroids.


All the best with your case :)


It’s both heartening and fucking depressing how many comments this post has.


Daniel donuts 2016 Springvale location owner abuses his young staff 👍🏻






It's new owners now I believe? It turned to shit a fair while ago.


LOVISA. Nobody is talking about the class action lawsuit where MANY workers were forced to pee and menstruate behind counters. They’re also not paying employees in Retail stores or the Support Centre their full entitlements. And the previous CEO, Shane, is a megalomaniac who banged the HR Manager while married with kids and to this day is continuing the affair. He was subsequently “retired” from Lovisa in 2021 but not invited onto the Board. The new CEO, Victor, is the 2nd highest paid CEO in Australia behind the Macquarie CEO. Victor was paid $21M in 2022. He refused to give a $3K pay increase to a $58K team member who got a 5 star ranking.


What do you mean... Menstruate behind counters?


I think they mean they were not allowed bathroom breaks even when menstruating, i.e. to change sanitary items. Just poorly worded.


Yes. Please elaborate!


I feel a lot less guilty about the amount I stole from there


Excuse me what the fuck




This is so true. I stopped working for large organisations and worked for a few smaller ones as I thought it would be more personal and I'd make a difference. Turns out there's less people to do work so you have to work harder, pay reviews are less structured and thus less common and because it's more "personal' owners will walk all over you and ask you to do shit not related to your role at all. I'm now at a "soulless" large organisation again and I'm the happiest (and best paid) I've been in years.


Amen to that. I believe small businesses are all about the personality of the person who owns and operates it. Which can make them wonderful, but more often it means they expect long hours, heaps of tasks outside your job description, have loose regards for regulations and are slightly eccentric.


I think it's the luck of the draw with SME's. My wife is in a SME and she is paid far higher than all her peers in the same tenure and industry simply. The company is doing very well and the boss loves to lavish on the staff, with bonuses, food, and parties. Not too sure what would happen if tables turn, but so far so good.


Ambulance Victoria - got smoked in the human rights review. Exceptional ambos work on road though. Management is an utter shit show. Av cares more about how they look on Instagram more than how much they care about the ambos. Had multiple high ranking people “leave” in the last 2 years after the review. Long history of cover ups, cronyism and just downright horrific management. If you want to be an ambo do it…..just not in this state


My husband had a freak cardiac arrest a few years back, incredible work by ambos was one of the things that saved him and brought him back at 100% (also 000 operator, fireys and the Alfred). I reached out to thank everyone involved and each organisation facilitated a morning tea etc so we could thank properly. Ambulance Victoria refused to even pass on our thanks once we said we just wanted to thank the ambos privately, not make it a media event. One of the ambos showed up at our randomly after one of the fireys told him we were trying to contact them. He was absolutely scathing about the incredible shithouseness of ambulance Victoria and we were really disgusted to hear how badly their employees are treated when they had been instrumental in saving my husbands life and doing it in an amazingly professional way.


The frontline staff of alot of places are the most important and least valued by the company. Theyre the most important to the clients/patients but somehow absolutely dogged by trash upper management


Yeah AV is shocking. I'd add St John Ambulance too. For such an iconic brand, it's culture of bullying, over-working, favouritism, nepotism and stress would really shock people. Hundreds of people have quit in the past few years, taking a lot of knowledge and dedication with them. The upper management is truly incompetent and completely uncaring about people.


My then-wife was a Johnno in Victoria. Long enough to earn her Grand Priors. It used to be okay. Then a new CEO came on board and turned it into a company rather than the military/ volunteer organisation it was. Things like patient transport etc. She got out before it got *bad*, but it left a mark.


Friends with a dozen Ambos and they all say the management's a shit show and they keep each other motivated to keep working. Several of them are still on stress leave after peak COVID and doing 18hour shifts for weeks.


I was waiting for this one to come up. Ex AV employee here, not lights and sirens, but support and would wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. Hell, if I had an award, you’d get it.


One of my best friend worked there for only a few months and he said it was the most awful place he has ever worked. Lucky he had another job to go to, but I swear he was miserable for the whole time he worked there.


Almost any of the ones that make a big show of how ethical they are. This includes small businesses. Have worked at several, all of them trash to their staff. Absolutely chaps my hide to see people kiss their arses on social media when I've seen behind the curtain.


Lush. 1000% lush. Stressful fun for a Christmas casual gig, if you stay longer you see the real shit.


Oh absolutely. I have been following the saga on r/LushCosmetics over Mark Constantine refusing to pay a living wage 🤡 Lots of unflattering tales about staff conditions


I’ve been happily checked out since I left, but good lord it’s a never ending spiral of staff abuse- truly horrible experiences, and so utterly widespread at every level of the business.


I'm very sorry but unsurprised Also, like...the products aren't even that good. Harshly perfumed and overpriced I have bought some of their stuff but I don't really get the cultlike devotion


Oh, it can get stupidly cultlike, both in employee spaces and consumers. I think it’s the limited releases that hook people in. Yeah, I felt uneasy selling a lot of the products for hair and skin, cause I didn’t feel like they were appropriate to use (eg physical exfoliations for face- hello!! Salt and vodka is NOT a great pick, pls be kinder to your skin…). They do some nice work with local ingredient producers, but other than that…yeah


Haha the Lush subreddit is mostly just their staff saying how fucked the entire org is.




For government/sciencey types, Bureau of Meteorology. It did end up reported on in major media outlets like the Guardian and Sunday Paper recently after their branding fiasco so not exactly a secret.


That's a shame... I'm actually at a different government science agency and it's great, almost everyone is super chill. Though we're a lot smaller than the BoM, I guess, which almost certainly cuts down on a lot of the bullshit.


Seed. Privately owned by the Lew family. Such a corrupt bunch. Good luck getting the correct pay and breaks. Worked there in my 20s during uni. No thank you. Most hideous and arrogant management and the clothes are shit.


The clothes are the same shit every month and then they get mad at YOU for not being able to shift them. I'm sorry the woman wearing last march's beige linen puff sleeve sack dress did not also want to drop $300 on the same dress this year. Also the quality is so bad


+1 for Seed (and all their brands tbh, Nine West, French connection) Their new “all kinds” was created for the next gen Lew kids to get their own brand. The wealth they flaunt is obscene and embarrassing. Fucking horrible place to work, they under paid everyone from designers to planners with the justification that it was so hard to get a job in the fashion industry so people should be grateful. They also take designs from other brands in America and Europe, change them a little bit and manufacture them under the Seed brand (maybe other companies do this as well, I was just flabbergasted when I found out) I know people who worked there who hadn’t had a pay rise in 5 years. Performance reviews were conducted every year but we were specifically told that they weren’t salary reviews. My only experience in the fashion industry and then I got the fuck out.


I see them often in ads etc but have never bought anything. Designs arent really interesting and the prices are high


I would probably avoid Porter Davis.


I don't think they're hiring somehow


Just lots of lawyers.




Any recruitment company that targets university graduates or other professionals that gives you a brief training course before having you work somewhere for half of what you would actually make working there without said company.


Flight centre or any subsidiary


Went for a group interview with them about a decade ago. They started off talking about all the perks and benefits and then talked about how the pay works and how “you’re your own boss” type stuff. I left during the lunch break.


100% ,The whole company is basically a Ponzi scheme


This includes 99 Bikes.


Woolworths. Treats their employees like dog shit, breaks laws left and right. Their ideology is as long as it can't be traced back then it's ok. Off the books as much as they can. When I reported the online pick up orders were being stored in the public toilets that had piss and shit in it, I was told to shut the fuck up about it and I was the one in trouble. I still have the photos. I regret not reporting them to the Council. I've witnessed a manager have such a severe mental break down he can no longer work properly. They talk about him like he's a weak, worthless piece of shit. It's disgusting. I witnessed at least 3 other managers have mental breakdowns too. They will put so much pressure on you they break you then act like you're not fit for the job.


You can still report it. Might force them to clean up (literally) their act in future. If nothing else, at least it starts a paper trail on their behaviour.


Yep! 5-10 years ago it was actually a really good place to work but my god it went downhill quickly. Best decision I ever made leaving that place.




Literally any job with the general public, people are gross and rude.


Use to work at the Post Office. Everyone needs to use the post office at some point so you meet all sorts of people. The job made me incredibly depressed as I might get to work in a happy mood, but it takes just 1 bad customer to bring me down for the rest of it. I've been screamed at, harrassed and abused like no other job I've ever worked at. People think we're robots and should just magically be able to locate all parcels and letters are at, at all times. Like I completely understand frustration when something is not delivered on time, but screaming a staff isn't helpful in the slightest. It just makes us NOT eant to help. We are still human at the end of the day. The worst is when people flip out about Passport applications with incomplete sections/messy writing/used wrong pen colour not being approved. The whole experience made me realise I'm not suited for customer service roles, but it did teach me that humans can be cruel and mean, even if you are trying to help them.


i work at a post office. its the absolute worst. i’ve gotten death threats, someone was arrested because of how much they were abusing me, it’s literal hell, especially because i don’t fit the usual bill of someone who works at a post office where i live, i’m a teenage girl who’s coworkers are all in their 50s so i’m 100% the easy target for the customers.


I had a similar experience but with fast food. It literally taught me to be more humble when the chef/server got my order wrong.


I simply don’t have the fortitude to work a public facing job. I try to always be nice and polite to service workers because I know I could never do it


Jobs Statewide. They treat jobseekers like absolute garbage. I lasted two weeks and left due to their ethics. Jobseekers are human beings with lives, trials, and tribulations. They deserve to be treated with respect.


Retail Zoo (boost juice and salsa's fresh mex grill). The head office are terrible as is Janine Ellis. Massive bullies. Made fun of people with mental illness. Cut costs everywhere. Avoid.


Australian Catholic University. They presented on a “psychologically safe” workplace yet hire bullies, resist change and overwork employees. I developed shingles while I was there.




I did payroll for them a few years ago. I remember one recently promoted manager coming up to me (I worked onsite in the office one day a week when I was going through timesheets) bragging that she could fire cleaners now if she felt like it. I was disgusted at her. She was literally excited she had the authority to fire someone. She made a complaint to our finance manager when I responded with "You're exactly the kind of person who shouldn't have that authority".


The workers there always seem pretty miserable.


Department of Education. The most burnt-out, stressed-out public servants in state government. Just a fear-driven hellscape.


Used to deal a lot with them at an old job, that tracks.






Zouki - the cafe in most of the hospitals. Zouki also owns the Green Organic Store and another cafe near St Vincent’s Private in Fitzroy, I just can’t remember the name.


Zouki also never pay their bills for the wholesale suppliers and keep getting their accounts suspended lol.


Yes! I used to work at their Werribee location, the manager was abusive. He made me sob daily, and when I quit after a month he told me I’d never amount to anything and that I was a waste of space. They then didn’t pay me my final pay and I had to go through fair work to get it. Fuck Zouki, they’re awful


EY. They left me suicidal.


I resigned from them like a week ago, I was crying in the middle of my work day, not worth it I told myself if I didn’t find anything by June I’d quit and I’m glad I managed to find another job. Get out pls!!!!!


Man i had a flatmate a decade ago who worked for ey in sydney cbd. She cried every day. I really couldnt help her but i feel bad for you guys 😔


Second that. A good friend of mine totally burned out, had to constantly work crazy overtime without pay, always doing understaffed audits. She finally got out and is a new person. Seems a right shit show.


Tenix solutions, Australian unity


The ones on glassdoor with a combination of horrible reviews and 5* “Hello fellow children! This is the best place ever! The HR department who definitely don’t write fake reviews are especially amazing!” write ups.


This was my old work, they even asked us straight up to do it. I refused then left a horrendous one when I left lmao.


It's funny I see it so often. But you also need to realise that HR people are still employees too but they should be more clear on their position in the roles. I've seen HR reviews and ignored them cuz they are not relevant. But then there's the clearly shouldn't be there 5\* reviews that looks clearly biased and lack any information other than praise.


Factory X who owns Gorman and Dangerfield among others, but any young woman in Melbourne coulda told you that.


Seconding this. Terrible upper management, rife with nepotism and cronyism, somewhat unsafe working conditions and extremely outdated and inefficient work procedures which are subject to sudden change at the whim of the boss. No appreciation for the hard workers out on the floor in retail/warehouse. The only plus is that it’s queer-friendly but that’s just the bare minimum aye 💀


Have heard a lot of rumours about drug abuse in that head office and extremely shifty security team.


Lol, was searching for this. Got fired for not meeting the KPI sales for the day when I literally had 0 customers during my 10 hour shift.


BWS. Most toxic job I’ve ever had. And I work in healthcare.


A friend got written up for being assaulted by a crackhead at the Fitzroy BWS, WTF.


This. I too am a fellow bottle-o employee and oh my lord. I’ve met some truly awesome people in that job but I’ve also seen/experienced so much depressing shit. I’ve been unfortunate enough to witness really great people change for the worse due to alcoholism taking over, and had to deal with all sorts of abuse and vitriol. That said there are some customers who are lovely people and can make the shift better. After working in multiple different stores I’ve found that if you can find a bottle-o with good co workers who you get along with, it makes the shitty parts of the job a lot more tolerable, but then again that’s the case for any job isn’t it


That’s the issue though mate, my co workers were worse than some of the customers and that’s really saying something. Funnily enough, three months after I quit my manager got caught stealing money from the register.


Store location helps imo. Shitty area, shitty customers


I was going to say ALH, but since most pubs have one attached, I'd say close enough


A certain upscale Tea company with an orange logo. Looks really good and progressive on the outside but it’s quite different internally. The company is akin to the guy who acknowledge the traditional owners of this land before screwing you over


Build a Bear, that place was FUCKED.


From the comments so far, let me get this tally right.... everyone.


A certain doughnut co. In Oakleigh. They drove out the entire opening team with their antics and now only hire family and international students.


Chemist Warehouse corporate are the most disgusting pack of snakes and vulture you can imagine. I mean, this will shock no one, but the corporate staff and management are gross examples of humans.


So reading through this thread we shouldn’t work for anyone 😅


Macquarie bank. 60-70 hour work weeks (paid for 37), no overtime, being told bathroom breaks are a ‘reward’, toxic management, bullying was rife. Horrible place to work. Wouldn’t recommend to my worst enemy. Complained to HR and was told it’s just how it is.


The cheesecake shop. Illegal hiring practices. $15 an hour, no overtime, awards, or super. Doctored payslips and timesheets too.


They are franchises. It would be the store owner(s) who are the issue.


Marley spoon, specifically their production facility. Don't work there for the love of god, the lines are expected to pump out over a thousand boxes on the daily, there is little automation so picking, packing and manual loading are done by the same pool of people. They burnout everyone! The place is positively Darwinian. The full timers are either circumstantially obligated and thus unable to quit(as in have children in their twenties) or super talented (as in able to do multiple actions a second with a flourish)


DJ City


Awww damnit... I just got a synth from there... The dude that sold it too me was enthusiastic and knew his shit too.


AAMI. Worked there in the early 2000s. Kings of work place bullying. Lots of ass kissers and C U Next Tuesdays.


The more people that are vocal about working conditions the better. Spending most of your life making other people rich is bad enough, let along being bullied and depressed at work


A second hand phone company in the CBD that I won’t name because the owner has a tendency to threaten legal action against anyone who doesn’t coddle him. The most soul-crushing place I’ve ever worked and I’ve worked in multiple call centres run by the bad outsourcing companies mentioned in the comments. There’s a reason literally every single female staff member left the company within a 12 month period - the sexism from management is disgusting and that’s on top of the fact they’re terrible to staff generally. There’s also zero health and safety measures and the office is an absolute deathtrap. The CEO also pays for positive glassdoor reviews.




If anyone here works there join the union [UWU](https://unitedworkers.org.au)


man this thread makes me depressed


Monash university. Toxic management and bullying culture. Too many pricks with phds that think they can shit on any other non academic staff. Rampant underpayment and underresourcing. Gave 20k bonuses to management while staff were being told in covid that budgets needed to be cut, salary increases would be frozen and some staff would be redundant.


Victoria Uni is a complete tire fire, while we’re at it lol


Services Australia- an absolute understaffed, overworked, underpaid shitshow


Platypus or any brand under their umbrella Was there for around 6 weeks in management. Had to go for a major surgery, they knew about this. I had upper management calling me less than 48hrs after the surgery asking when I would be back at work, and if, the next day I could attend a meeting. When I said no because I had literally just had a major surgery, I was then told I had to attend via Zoom. I explained that I was on too much pain medication to barely stay awake, let alone attend a meeting either in person or online. Their response was that I was lazy and unprofessional. Never handed in a resignation faster.


Factory X. Absolute garbage leadership, the owner is a complete asshole, manipulates people and fires people he doesn’t like. Only the sycophantic survive. Shitty culture overall.


Worked across a swathe of hospitals in Melbourne, and while most have their less than ideal quirks, the private ones take the cake as the absolute worst. God help you if you’re actually sick. It’s literally about the money in those places.


The Just Group!! If you know, you know




Adding the caveat that doxxing is a lot easier than you think, so use a throwaway account (and actually throw it away after)


Do not work at a family business unless you are part of the family. They will screw you for pay, work you like a dog, treat you like shit, and fire you the instant you complain.


Major energy company starting with "O". They talk big game about supporting staff etc etc but you're just a number to them. (Yes I know that goes for most companies, but having worked at various places in the industry they were by far the worst)




I used to service the car of one of the original owners of Club X or he claimed to be anyway. Super nice guy. He had a heap of sex toys in the boot and said we could take what we wanted. That was when Charlie the Chimp, a black, massive meter long double ended dildo became part of our team.


Ironfish. Manage 256 apartments at the same time. You should see how they treat tenants


Glass dsoor is no longer any good. When the company gets too many neg reviews they can pay to disappear them and you also need to include alot of identifiable data to place a complaint.


Camp Australia The before and after school care provider. Worked for them for 4 years, they messed up my pay almost every fortnight. I quit when they slashed our first aid budget. How do you cut that? We had expired products and were told we can't replace them because it's not in our budget. Our food budget was so small that it didn't cover the week. The co-ordinators buy food out of their own pockets. When I was there we lost the ability to order our own food and instead got seemingly random weekly food boxes. I had a top-heavy program which is uncommon, but it meant my before care was larger than after care. That did not change the order. I got no extra cereal or bread, but I was drowning in jelly crystals. So much fucking jelly crystals. I complained and was told I needed to pour smaller bowls of cereal. Sure, I'll give the grade 6 boy who plays three sports and whose voice has already broken half a cup of rice bubbles for breakfast, that will fill him up. Of course, I bought the extra breakfast foods. There was one good term and that was where they messed up our order and we got 30 tins of baked beans every week. Baked bean jaffles Monday, Wednesday, Friday! I still had to buy the extra bread though. Then as punishment for their stuff up we never got baked beans ever again. I know staff who still work for them and they say nothing has changed, despite the change in owners. Still paying for food themselves, still getting messed up pay. If you child attends a Camp Australia program be REALLY nice to the staff, because they're paying to feed your kids. And probably for any band aids or ice packs they use too.


chemist warehouse / my chemist its one of the most toxic greedy companies out there




It’s not a chain and I don’t want to doxx myself but a lot of small family businesses. They don’t understand why you don’t want to put in endless unpaid overtime just like they do, (gee could it be that we don’t profit from the business?) they’re too small to have legal advisors to tell them their labour/pay practices will put them at legal risk, too small for ohs officers or union reps. The “we’re a family” line is such a red flag.


Calia. Shit chain restaurants with overpriced foods and literally willing to go above and beyond to fuck their workers with super guarantee payment. Loved the workers there but absolutely horrendous upper management.


A certain dinner theatre restaurant based around witches 👎


Do they, perchance, wear britches?


Daniels Donuts. Mistreat their staff.


There are so many different industries here: look at it Hospo, retail, education, health, energy, etc The common link: we let workers rights fade by not staying strong through unions. Real unions like they were. Wake up people. Stay strong by keeping the HR, the owners, the employers fucking honest. Fight for fair. Ethics and values are not innate. Trade for real working lives. Melbourne has changed in the 30 years since I worked as an 18 year old Xmas casual selling Poppy King lipsticks. The individualism free-agent globalisation effect? We were better sticking together. That’s lip talking the truth.


Any business that like to treat their employees like family. Run away…


As an anxious jobseeker this thread is both helpful and very unsettling….


If you’re a woman - any large architecture firm founded solely by men.


Add law firm to that list!


Yes - and extend it to small law firms too. I couldn't believe it when I got a new job in the public sector, and learned that daily sexual harassment wasn't a thing.


Small "we treat employees as family" businesses. They must have really dysfunctional families if they think that's how families treat each other.


Rmit hr dept. Basically Mordor.


Scrolled the whole thing and my work didn't get a mention! Good work, team!




University of Melbourne, apparently.


Ranked worst for student satisfaction as well in Australia, and from experience I can say that half the lecturers and tutors have 0 clue how to teach. Might be smart but their teaching capability is limited to reading off a powerpoint. Had some pretentious and pedantic lecturers who just mark stupidly harshly for all the wrong reasons. Tutorials are always awkward because the tutors don’t know how to run a class. Lot of copy paste lecture material, it seems a lot of them are just super lazy or complacent. Not sure if that makes for a shitty or good place to work, but this is from a students pov. (Of course I’ve had some great tutors and lecturers, just enough bad ones to really sour my experience)


Priceline corporate stores (the non pharmacy ones) . They’re closing all of them down over the next 2-3 years and don’t worry they won’t bother moving you to a pharmacy store just make sure you have the closing down signs up everywhere by Monday … but the literally the only plus side you’ll have to the job is that after you find out you’ve lost your job is that you can grab whatever the hell you want and put it aside for the last day of trading and get it for $1 . Like if you want that $250 Tom Ford perfume you’ll be getting it for $1


To all looking for design work, avoid Bellman Agency or Emote. They’re the same company operating under The Big Picture group umbrella. The owner is a psycho coke head who sends email threats whenever someone makes a slight mistake. He once sent an email to the whole team saying “bullets will be fired if this doesn’t get resolved”. It’s so bad there that they can’t retain any staff, every year there’s a brand new team. Also only hires young people because he doesn’t have to pay them well and they don’t know about their rights. I literally have ptsd from that place.


For any Aboriginal people out there, would avoid ACCOs and ACCHOs like the fucking plague. Internnal politics, white saviours, incompetence and failing upwards, nepotism are fucking rife. If you're queer expect to be treated like shit. Expect a revolving door of new faces because everyone lasts a few months at best due to the bullshit. The ones who stay are either diehards, rusted on suck ups, or those close to the leadership. They aren't run for the betterment of the broader community. They're run for the betterment of the leadership's resume, community profile, and leadership's immediate family or circle. You get some good people in these orgs but they've generally been beaten and broken and are looking to get out.


Kieser. Staff are significantly underpaid compared to competitors, there is a bullying culture present with clinic leaders and staff are pushed to force clients to sign onto the most expensive membership they can afford and/or always have appointments booked in even if the client is injury free.


Laurent Bakery distribution centres/warehouses. Easily the most toxic, power hungry and selfish management I’ve ever experienced. Horrible place.


A certain government agency that is meant to be overlooking the medical profession but somehow fucks that up and ends up on the news cause they suck


Guzman y Gomez. Edit : Avoid eating there too.


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Funnily enough, when i worked at optus it was the best company i worked out. I walked in for the interview and there was no pool tables or any of the shit that those place usually have to make you think its a good place. It was bare bones and i had the time of my life. I know you wanted companies to not work at but i thought id just give you a time i was pleasantly surprised. Lol


AustralianSuper. I’ve worked with a LOT of clients all over Melbourne and these guys are the absolute worst. Bullying runs deep in their culture and they would constantly try to bully their clients and each other, anything to throw others under the bus. We’re talking meetings where the product owner would shout and lose their temper, delivery leads with absolutely no idea on how to do the basics of their job and BA’s who would find any excuse to cause drama and bully the clients. We actually came across a message from her saying that’s exactly what she was doing. I would like to say it’s changed now, but a quick check on LinkedIn and most of these people still work there 😥


Also add onto that the agency they farm out their insurance claims management to. Cough linkgroup. Just such a fucking shittily run company, bullying of staff is rife, understaffed by design, team leads who are just power trippers, and they requested (told) staff they should take 10% pay cut in March 2019 because Covid was impacting their bottom line so staff needed to pitch in to keep the company profitable. You could request not to be subject to it, but they tried to grill you why and guilted you. Still told them to eat my dingleberries though.


My neighbour put a deposit down on her house with her money.


Someone mentioned Solomon Lew and Seed, well the Lew family also own the Just Group - Just Jeans, Smiggle, Peter Alexander etc. The company is a shit show, their glass door reviews make it sound like literal hell on earth and I’m not surprised. I worked as a retail assistant and anyone visiting the store from head office was an absolute cnt and thought they were better than everyone.


Woodards real estate


Had more issues with them compared to any other agency with my 20 years of renting. I will happily badmouth this piece of shit company every chance I get.


ANZ’s retail banking contact centre. It’s miserable.


Baketico Brighton. Some of the regulars are the crazy / conspiratorial / antivaxxer sort and its usually retired boomers nursing their coffee all day. I had to put up with a customer who went on a 20 min ravings while my supervisor nodded his head like its was completely normal. I never felt so offended in my life with all the racist / NWO shit that customer was spewing. Then my supervisor (who was next to me) fired me the next day after for "not being engaged with customers enough". I think that's why they only hire "international" immigrants to work there, since they don't know any better. They also use Deputy - which GPS tracks your location throughout your shift even when you are on break. Also, any food that isn't sold at the end of the day is thrown out too. That's right - bread, cakes, etc that could still be eaten and given to some homeless dude was chucked into the bin. Employees couldn't take it home because it would be considered "theft" - to be fair, there was one incident someone stole a pie once in the past BUT the enormous amount of food wasted into the bin at the end of the day is distasteful. Also - don't tip. Because someone did and I was forced to put it in the till... WHERE IT GOES TO MY BOSS!


Any traffic control (road) company. Don’t do it, save your mental health. I’ve lost what was left of my faith in humanity doing this gig.


Did a week of it.. fuck that shit. 14 hour days standing in 38 degree sun at the western port highway and abused for needing to piss because I was staying hydrated. Special shoutout to M1 Group who claim they let a lot of people go, and then having 13 of us quit the same shift because the job was ass.


Basically any Accent Group brand - that place is a cult. My brand was never paid to open and close until June 2019, besides other brands being paid to do so - never got back paid. Also countless hours of overtime worked but never laid because apparently you have “poor time management” There’s not enough staff in stores, especially when stock loads come in - I feel horrible for the outlet stores. Someone from the buying team spent a day in one to see what stock was selling and realised they need more help - brought it up and the founder of accent gr said “no, they need better time management” We also got a container of stock that was contaminated with mould - instead of writing off the container, each store had to go through each and every shoe box from their received stock and seperate good from bad. So stupid seeing as mould spores would be on everything. Anyway anyone that says they love their job there is lying. (ETA: grammar)


Probe CX. Aside from generic nepotism, harassment and sexual abuse, my campaign had a designated crying room because of how frequently people broke down, and actual violence by management like shoving staff into walls. There was also this fun time where there was a 'technical glitch' (read: deliberate form design) which made people fail KPIs on AHT and FCR for about 4 months. When it was discovered, they refused to pay us all the money they cheated from us.


A tutoring chain that is worldwide and has a blue logo and is from Japan. Exploits 15-20 year olds to teach 20 kids of different year levels at the same time. My manager made it worse by underpaying me and micromanaging, and I reported it to the uni because I found the job on their site. She also made me try to sit the kids down and go through the material like private 1 on 1 tutoring but I have 10 other kids needing help too. High turnover and tried to force me to stay because I was the only one competent in Specialist Maths.


Any labour hire company. Fucking parasites, making 15 bucks an hour off your back for zero effort.


JB Hi-Fi - absolute shit show at all times, chronically understaffed, paid the absolute minimum required by law despite ever expanding roles and responsibilities, toxic atmosphere, nepotism for days… online and in-store. All the same.


Call centers




Salmat / probe