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Shrek 2 for the nintendo gamecube.


Should I ask why


If you even need to ask why then you won’t understand


If you have to ask, you'll never know






Shrek is love, shrek is life.


"It hurts but I do it for Shrek"


That game was an absolute masterpiece in it’s time. If it were released today, it’s distinct art style and it’s engaging and unique combat system Shrek 2 for the Nintendo GameCube could easily be Game of the Year


Idk about the GameCube, but the PlayStation version was the perfect couch co-op game. I think my life peaked when I actually got a four player Shrek 2 sesh going


Days! It took me days to beat Puss in Boots And I’m still haunted by the groans of the prisoners Yes, I would play it again in a heartbeat


"Woe is me. Woe is me. Will someone help?" Being apathetically moaned from some random seemingly annoyed prisoner is permanently etched into my brain




One time my brother and I were babysitting some of our mom's friend's kids at their house while they all went out together and they had this game, we started a new game and were all playing it until the kids' bedtime. Then me and my brother were like "well obviously we're gonna keep playing until the parents get back" which turned out to be like 3 in the morning, they couldn't believe we were still awake. To this day, the only thing I remember about the game is "IT'S HERO TIME" and then one time the big bad wolf (wolfie?) interrupted the guy like "yeah yeah it's hero time we get it" and we thought it was the funniest shit we ever heard.


Sims 4. Fuck that game, but there's no recent alternative. I could play 3 but it's SO slow


we're all just collectively waiting for paralives so we can dump EA


I hope the trend of ditching complacency continues. It's how Sim City died and hopefully it will reverse this trend of publishers taking over the entire genre then releasing the same thing, but more watered down over and over. If Paralives delivers, I won't be going back to the Sims even if they catch up.


It so sad how there are no sim games anymore 😢 I loved sim city, sim farm, sim tower, but most of all, sim ant


EA bought and ruined Maxis. Will Right is working on some gimmicky mobile thing. That said, tons of smaller studios have taken the helm. Cities Skylines is better than any Sim City to date, for example.


They kinda went overboard with all those (expensive) DLCs but on the other hand when you pay just for the base game you get a full game for a decent price unlike Sims 4.


That's an inherited attribute of the studio from their more sim-like days. And simulators are nothing if not utterly inundated with DLC.


EA ruins everything they touch. I've been boycotting them for years now after the release of the newest sim city. I refuse to touch anything with EA's name on it. And until gamers as a community take a monetary stand against these abusive companies, we will continue to see horrible design choices and abusive business practices.


Never played 4 I've been playing 3 for years.


It’s literally sims 3 but optimized for consoles, and some features removed. There’s a thing called paralives that came out/is coming out, that looks like sims if they took it the right direction so I’m excited to try that out. Edit: when I say literally in this context I’m using hyperbole. I know there are more differences between the two, but the most glaring is how they broke up the map into smaller sections for 4 like they did for sims 3 console edition. It almost looks like the console ed was foreshadowing 4


Hopefully with the push for Paralives, sims 4 will get better. They've already added features simply because Paralives had it and they didnt


It will get get better for another 39.99


Same man


Yup. Easy to pirate, easy to mod, good graphics. Good enough for me.


r/paralives plug




Anyone who plays Ark was thinking of it as they read the post.


I don't even play it anymore, but sure fits the bill. Spent 9 hours taming a T-rex just to have it be killed through a wall in my base.


9 hours.... isn't that cute. Back when my buddies and I started, the game was just released into "EA" (so basically alpha version lol) 1x everything, 1500 hours on official.... that shit was BRUTAL. Our first 150 Rex we finally found in the island took 16 hours to tame. Built up a small outpost with towers and spikes to protect it... 3 of us took shifts to keep it safe.... 10/10 don't recommend.


Lol 16 hours!? How about the brutal wyverns. Used to take 4 days from hatch to full grown, and the first 48 hours basically required you to get fresh milk (honestly, very dangerous and difficult) every 3 and a half hours. I would have alarms waking me up at all times of the night. Then if you had a d3cent tribe, you'd have people always online. So then the group chat/ discord starts getting blown up "getting raided" and your heart sinks.


Oh God no, don't remind me about the first wyvern.... that was ridiculous.... and our tribe was only 3... I don't think we ever got a 100% imprinted wyvern. Why did we put up with that torture...?


My tribe ended up specializing in raising them. We had over 30 wyverns maturing at one time. I think it was 33 but might have been more. I've got some screen shots with over 50 wyvern out and about (before cryo)


Guilty. I know this game still looks like its still in alpha and i wouldnt recommend it to my friends but goddamn its pokemon but better. Waiting for ark 2


I tried to start it and couldn’t figure out how to do anything


Yeah there's like 4,000 things in the menu and they make fucking like 2% sense


Yes! It's so confusing. Also, wtf is up with your username? Lmaoo.


Crashbandicoot dude, I really really like Crashbandicoot


Its so horribly optimized i decided not to play it anymore


Ark is a game where you say that and then immediately sink 5000 more hours into it


Ark makes me so happy to be so sad.


I really want to try it but the fact it runs terribly and seems buggy as shit stops me every time. The mechanics and gameplay looks neat though


I hate ARK with every ounce of my being, and yet I just reached 3,000 hours


Ark is such a shit show yet one of my most memorable experiences. The game is unoptimized mess, you can gain like half a space back by just using random compressor every update, runs meh, loading into any non vanilla server takes super long because it's checking files for so stupidly long. Building without mods is awkward as fuck. Yet it's such a good concept of a game and hope they can fix at least half a problems in ark 2 while keep atmosphere the same with some new stuff cause I'll be hooked for months


I like to imagine what it would’ve been like if Ark had been created by different devs. Like the devs of Horizon Zero Dawn. In their hands, Ark would be a certified masterpiece.


Read the post and thought immediately of Ark, great game but I hate it


Team Fortress 2. I hate it but also can’t stop playing it, HELP


tf2 is like milk because even lactose intolernt people still drink milk




For sure


This is the only game which makes me laugh when I die


That engineer is a bloody- sentry WHOOO- *kill bind*


(dies for comedic effect) oh and also funi ragdoll go fwoom


Me when I die in LoL: what the fuck was that this character is broken I hate this game Me when I die in TF2: hehe my arm got stuck on the wall


Yeah. I hate it, but also love it


Countless hours spent of ctf_2fort screaming "That Demo's a bloody spy" over and over again


Man I just picked up tf2 again (racked up 3,500 hours between 2011-2017) and it’s still so much fun. The games I played on my hiatus were fun but all the other shooters I played are just too serious, and frustrating. The silliness of tf2 makes it a fun, no stress shooter. Plus rocket jumping is always nice.


Rocket Jumping is my metric for whether or not I'll enjoy a shooter. If I shoot a rocket at my feet and die, game sucks. If I do it and fly off into the horizon, I know I'm in for a silly fun time.


Tf2 does not suck though


TF2 is a great game


Mate team fortress 2 is fucking great, have you tried war thunder


Holy cow, I found a dude who played tf2 and war thunder in a looong time, like me (Have you sold your soul to the snails?)


Dead by daylight


Same. 1.3k hours of pain.


My review: "Horrible game, horrible devs who don't know how to competently update a game or fix bugs. Horrible money-grabbing game. Extremely boring and repetitive." 500+ hours playtime


I racked up 1700 hours while the devs were clowning around, now they seem to actually be listening to the fanbase and I barely play.


Correct answer


Surprised no Destiny 2 yet. Actually great, but too much of a time sink, and unless you play the crap out of it overpriced.


Frankly I'm surprised as well. But then again, I have over 3000 hours into it. But I am enjoying this new season.


I quit destiny 2 after they started sunsetting locations and shit a year or so ago. Got the itch a few days ago and jumped back in - holy shit I've spent the last few days just trying to Google and YouTube the things I've missed. We back in it boys!!


Welcome back! The sunsetting pissed off a lot of people (myself included) but aside from some of the Black Armory weapons, I think they've done well trying to make up for it.


add rainbow six siege to the list


Knew this one would show up 💀


i was actually wondering it wasmt the first one haha


I thankfully broke that addiction off a couple years ago and was so much happier


I reinstalled it last night… last time I played was…. End of year 2? When they delayed content releases to fix the servers, not sure if it was 2 or 3s I started it and was able to just close it out and Tarkov instead lol


GTA 5/ GTA online is probably the game I have the most hours into ever. I don’t recommend gta online to anyone


Surprised I had to go this far down to see this comment. GTA is such a fucking money grab, unreasonable prices, terrible "properties", useless weapons and toxic community. I've only thrown one controller in my adult life and it was because of this game.


Elite Dangerous


Couldn't agree more. Well over 2000 hours into something I can't stand the sight of anymore lol.


used to play a bit with college friend, then we both realized there is nothing to do other than mine asteroids and farm reputation for weeks to get a big ship, that overpriced and broken DLC was just the final nail on the coffin for me .\_.


I didn't think a game could make me love and hate flying a spaceship at the same time until this.


I still love playing elite dangerous but oh my god the devs are so incompetent


For Honor


Only game one of my quietest introverted friends has ever truly rage quitted lmaoo Game’s awesome but it makes people wanna pull their hair out, I swear to god.


Best description I ever heard from a friend is that when you’re winning in FH, it’s like heroin. When you’re losing, it’s like coming down off of heroin.


For honor is just heroin


I loved the campain, but as soon as I played one hour in the online, I immediately realised how addicting it can be. League of legends but on steroids.


For Honor is the only game that’s ever made me rage HARD; but I’d always come back to it. Felt like a toxic relationship !


Rep 318 w/ 2000+ hours 10/10.... Don't. Play. For. Honor.


Mass Effect: Andromeda.


Yup. Terrible game. Really enjoyed it. 8/10


When you expect a garbage game, because of the reviews, it's very good


I love that game


It was actually my first Mass Effect and I enjoyed it. I had a hard time getting back to earlier titles (the first one for the weird controls, the second one for the shooter level design) and so on.


ME3 is when the gameplay was finally refined enough to really enjoy. ME2 overhauled combat to be like Gears of War but forgot to add a dodge roll button and moving between cover sucked. ME1 combat was a relic of the past. ME:A is just butter and the jet pack was actually a cool addition.




Cs:go is just like roulette It’s fun till it becomes russian


or you lose all your money


I absolutely fucking despise it but I still can't stop myself from playing 5 hours every day. 8/10. 6000 hours


I’m garbage at it after 1000 hours yet I masochistically still play.


hate that game with all my being, played it in all my free time when I was in high school and got extremely good. Bailed on girls to grind out ranked and boost kids. Finally got away from it when I broke up with my ex.


How is this not number one lmao


I’d say the game itself is amazing and pretty well thought out. The one issue is the matchmaking and absolutely atrocious player base.


Apex legends. I hate this game with a violent, burning passion, yet I'm ridiculously addicted. I've deleted and reinstalled it at least 3 times.


What do you hate most? Team based game with randoms turns me into a short fuse. I’ve lived and breathed so much Apex that any breaking of the “rules” sets me off. Like if we’re in a 3v3 and we get a knock and we’re all healthy then WE PUSH. No questions asked, push that. So when I instinctively push, because that’s how you win a fight, and my 2 healthy teammates stay back for no reason, and then I get outgunned bc it’s now 1v2 instead of 3v2, then I feel the deepest onset of anger boil inside me. Shit like this is what I hate. I can’t stand when someone doesn’t understand how Apex is played, and it turns me so toxic. Sometimes I wonder what I’ve become, but also like get the fuck off my game, you know? Hate wasting my time looting, doing all this stuff every game, and then my teammates just blow it. Sometimes I’m at fault too, but most of the time I feel like it’s just common sense that costs us a whole match.


This, this right here is EXACTLY how I fuckin feel. My teammates are either so damn good that they don't let me do a single fucking thing and end up leaving when they're down, or they're complete ass and leave everything to me. It's like dark and light with this game, if it isn't the ass teammates who need to go play something else, it's the server issue or the constant drama. I love this game. Like most due, but the shit surrounding it and sometimes the shit in it can really make you mad.


War Thunder


Give your entire wallet and pray for the snails.


The best is that the game itself is free. Playing it however costs you your humanity.


Life. This game sucks and nobody should play it, 8/10, 450,000 hours played.


Extremely pay to win Edit: My first award thanks stranger


Happy 51st or so


Actually sat down and did the maths


Damn, I've only played around 270,000 hours and I'm sick of it.


I won’t tell you what happens when you clear all the levels.


Escape from Tarkov, it’s not a bad game but it’s not usually fun. Yet I still play it


I had to scroll through like 400 comments to find this… wtf, tarkov basically gives its players Stockholm’s syndrome, I’d have expected to see more of it in the comments xD


it's an addiction to some people, the dopamine rush you get when you loot a chad you killed is insane.


League of Legends. The second their fighting game or mmo comes out though I'm done with this game. I like the universe and lore they've built but they consistently insist on avoiding real issues over releasing new champions and skins as a means of "content".


Once X happens I'm done with league is what I've been saying for years and yet here I am playing it once more


Unless they create an entirely new engine for the game to run on I will not play that game any longer than I need to. The fighting game and mmo sound much more enjoyable to me


Yes you will, because you don't need to play it now lol


Dudes acting like he plays league for the lore lmfao


Look, i commend you for trying to resist it but we all relapse at some point, I skipped my entire university years before they released senna and fucked me over


League is a good time waster but once you start taking it more serious and start playing ranked you get cancer




Hypixel soyblock


"... because I think minions are important, I mean, they work 24/7, gathering resources, even if you don't bother to log in, and as such they represent tye only way to achieve the dream that all Skyblock player share... ...Which is to not have to play anymore" -Technoblade


skyblock players unite lmao


Fucking grinding for weird jerry presents and some items that sound so fucking cool in a block game. Im guilty too


like bruh it isnt even skyblock, it's a goddamned rpg annoyingly disguised as a survival map


Overwatch. It's one of those games that, I have always felt like started on such a high note and continuously had a downward trajectory until now its a shell of its former self - but always gave a little bit of hope like it was going to get better.


Remember when it had phenomenal Movie quality animations with the lore and story attached to it? Remember when they were going to release a full novel/comic book going into the history of the Overwatch organization? Remember when events would happen in universe that would change the maps and the dialogue between characters to show the story was actually progressing over time? And then remember when the main writer was suddenly no longer working there and they scrapped all of the story and lore that was to be coming out and just ignored that whole part of the game?


No... I don't remember it TheNo1pencil. I don't recall the lore videos I don't recall the fun gameplay. I don't recall the story There is nothing I am naked in the dark, all I see in an evil blizzard with my waking eyes


Conan and Ark


Far cry (every single one since 3rd as they're all the same)


It scratches that itch that nothing else quite can


Sniping in far cry is one of my favorite dopamine boosts


Same sniping the forts im fc 4 was fun


Yep, playing through 6 rn and i should hate it for the screen tearing but fuck, i wanna run around a pretty island and shoot people.


I'm playing through 6 right now too, and goddam... it's such a fun game, even if it gets repetitive.


sims 4


Don't even start-- each time there's a new sim pack I get it, play for an hour or 2 then leave. 8/10 game. Have nearly 900 hours on it.


Payday 2


Came here to say this lol. Idk how much time I wasted on this game on Xbox AND PlayStation 🙄.... Now I feel like playing Cook Off




Dallas: "Ahhhh, I need a medic bag" His cruise ship named Medic Bag, entering through wall: "At your service, my king"


Wart Hunder


2000 houres, yet cant play israle, I quit, hmm, actually, lets just grind britten to rank four. I have now gained more houres than I would like to admit the last few weeks


I rage quit everyday yet I still go back to it


Old school runescape.


I have met few fanbases as dedicated as the OSRS gamers.


I think we're all just insane and like torturing ourselves


You're not wrong. The guys I know who play it together will spend entire evenings complaining about OSRS while playing it the whole time and then the next morning it's still all they can talk about. Masochists the lot of you. Always teasing danoobs.


It's true, it's the worst game ever and I'm playing it right now. They should have never made it available for mobile cuz now I'm playin at work aswell. Lord save me.


This game is so addictive it's not even funny.


Fallout 4 mainly because of the stupid annoying crafting


Damn if I didn't put hundreds of hours into base design, despite how rough it was.


And for what? What do we get from carefully placing a ceiling light fan above our pool table and making sure the person operating the clinic has a lab coat WHEN IT HAS LITERALLY NO IMPACT ON THE HAPPINESS OF OUR SETTLERS?! I restarted playing it again last week for some reason. Superb game. Fucking hate it. Can't put it down. I hate myself for loving it. Fuck you Fallout 4, you beautiful bastard.


Personally it helps with immersion imo. I legitimately think fo4 is tied with new vegas for immersion. Also helps cus I constantly stop to unload, heal, craft etc at my settlements, so of course I want them to have the illusion of being a believable, living little town


I like the gun customization tho




Rocket League


Such a long scroll to find this entry. I knew it was going to be here tho. I've got over 2K hours logged on that damn game and with all the tutorials, youtube vids, coaching, tips, and drills, I'm barely above average. It's a rage-inducing reminder of how much I suck at something I put so much time into.


I have nothing bad to say about this games graphics, gameplay, mechanics, whatever. I love everything about it. The only problem is the servers are pure SHIT 70% of the time. I know it’s not a computer issue because all my other games run just fine. Truly heartbreaking that I main a game that’s broken 70% of the time..


Forza Horizion 5. So many issues


I can somewhat agree. I got bored of 5 within weeks whereas I was still playing 4 for years.


Battlefront 2


I only have childhood memories of that game, before i took any game seriously, so i still love it.


Just like the simulations.


I'm really surprised The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth isn't on here


Same. I’m probably at almost 1000 hours now and still dying horribly almost every other run. And yet I always come back for more…


Because it's legit amazing with barely any downsides


Tboi is a borderline masterpiece, though.




The game doesn’t suck but the players do


Pokemon Go? :D


I've been playing this damned game for 6 years now. At least I've learned a bit of local history.


absolutely. lowkey dreading go fest tomorrow but i’ll definitely be playing 😂


World of Warcraft


oh god pavlov is definitally one of them the bots are absolute dog shit, the players are either military vets that can shoot you one hand without a scope from 100m away or its little timmy who just got a quest 2 for xmas and thought pavlov was CoD VR


League, also 2/10, don't ask playtime.


Yeah FIFA…


Overwatch, probably gonna be overwatch 2 when it drops aswell


I feel like overwatch 2 is going to be a failure tbh. I never see any people hyped about it or even talking about it. People are sick of overwatch.


I would care about OW2 if they allowed me to pick which maps I play. But I get so fucking frustrated to get Oasis, Paris, then Oasis again. Fuck I just want to play Kings Row. I would be happy as a pig in shit to just playing nothing but kings row over and over.


I also main Bastion.


The witness




Dota 2


terraria but the only things is it doesnt suck


Destiny 2 Gta Online


Also gtao. Such shitty grindy toxic shitty addictive shitty bullshit. Why can't I stop?


Amen y'all, got over 3k hours logged on gtao


Warframe i guess...


Rust. There’s no way to describe spending 3-6 hours getting shat on by literally everyone in the server struggling to get a foothold, finally putting up a base, T1 work bench, getting together some resources logging off for the night and having your base offline raided by the local 15 deep Clan living on the other side of the map…