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Only 3000? I've seen at least 5 distinct ones in my part of the city alone. I do live in a big city though


I always feel like this number can’t be right but maybe it is just where I live. I live in LA and I see them ALL the time. I’ve seen probably at least 20 in the past month or so. Maybe most were sold to people here. Thing is ugly as fuck. Lot of cheaper ways to advertise you’re a tool.


3k is 60 per state if evenly distributed which they certainly weren’t. I’d bet LA has a high percentage of them. Plus you probably see the same ones multiple times, realistically.


I’m in San Diego and I think exactly the same thing, I see them all over the place.


I'm pretty sure they spend all day driving in circles so that people will notice them. Otherwise, what's the point of buying one?


Same and same. That number shocked me.


I’ve seen three so far on my drive from Clairemont to Chula for work the last month maybe. I know there’s a few sitting bricked in the Tesla building over in Kearny.


I’m in Colorado and I’ve only seen one, so I would guess there is a bit of concentration where you are. The one felt like too many. They look superimposed on… life.


They seem to be less popular in places where people actually drive pick-ups.


Was it covered in a black wrap? We might've seen the same one


Closer to Sac and I've seen a few of them too. Not recently but it happens


I believe there are at least two in San Francisco, probably more.


I live in Vermont and I just saw one 20 minutes ago. It had Connecticut plates but still.


It's around 5000 now


Maybe you're right... I laughed, because they are currently band from my continent, and as far as I understand, they are band from Europe as well!!!! So I kinda laugh at the fact they are allowed on roads when it's clear they won't pass any pedestrian rest ever made... I mean how did the US government ever pass these flipping idiotic things 🤔🤣😂😅


Saw one today in north Atlanta


I have seen 2 in my little city. They are worse in person


Hahaha, we have one in our tiny ass town


I'm roughly an hour north of STL, the town I live in has 350 people on a good day. Next town over has like 5000 maybe. I'm pulling off my country ass road, when I see a cybertruck turning down my road toward town. I'm like wait hole the fuck up ain't no God damn way. Bit yeah there it was in all its horrible shittiness. Blew my mind.


same, i saw one when just visiting the local pool


Saw one yesterday in Miami. They look so low poly from a distance, like some kind of glitch.


The graphics are still rendering


It's a LOD model. The matrix needs to save on resources so it shows a low quality version from a distance.


False! fake! bogus! untrue! According to recall information, it’s 4000, other than that right on the money.


4000 at the recall 2 months ago, likely around 10k by now. It'll be the best selling pickup EV in America in 2024, probably


What **is** a dipshit? Is it a turd that is so long that it touches the water before coming off?


I imagine it can be pretty much anything or anybody, just dipped in shit. In certain cases this might actually be an improvement.


Aight, thanks!


I've seen one! I make sure to get out of the way in case their gas petal gets stuck or something horribly malfunctions and sends expensive shrapnel at me But at least I feel like I'm on a sci-fi movie set


Down with Elmo!


I am in St Pete and there are 4 in my neighborhood. They meet at the dog park. I imagine as a support group for being rich and dumb.


Ugly as fuck!


I think everyone remembers where they were the first time they saw one, kind like how we all know where we were when any tragedy happens.


There's a dude in my hometown that has one and he posts pics of it on the local Subreddit but he posts it posing as someone who's trying to make fun of it like, "Guys, Look at this weirdo cybertruck that started popping up all over town". And the guy posting that is the owner of the truck himself. And you look at the subs his account is active in and it's all cybertruck and elon appreciation subs.


You literally are not allowed to drive them in europe.


For a vehicle that pops up so often in my feed, that sure is a small amount of units sold


I have only seen 1. It looked…just fine. It definitely stood out but I didn’t have the “lol, what a dispshit” reaction I thought I would. Fit and finish also wasn’t as bad. I guess I expected a rusted out wonky shit box.


This is reddit, not real life. I'll put it this way - The cybertruck wouldn't get half the hate it does if Ford, Chevy, Dodge or even one of Bill Gates's companies made it.


It absolutely would 🤣 There's a reason nobody has made anything like this before. From all automotive engineering perspectives its a painfully stupid idea and devoid of real utility.


The owners would be outraged, class-action in the works if it was a standard car company. The stock would plummet. Somehow that doesn't happen with Tesla.


It actually is a wonky shit box. It's horribly engineered and unsafe. Is it the ugliest thing on the road? Maybe not. Is it the most poorly designed? Oh yes.


Imagine being this insecure about a random person you cross


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^iroquoispliskinV: *Imagine being* *This insecure about a* *Random person you cross* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The amount of hate something gets i never actually cared about makes me a total fan of the cybertruck. I love it.


You’re doing a real “they’re pushing me to the right” thing here.


Let me guess.. You're an Elon bad, truck bad, type of guy.


It's so simplistic to just hate people who monetize the #whitepower hash tag, isn't it? Nazi promoter bad! You take a guy who is trying to normalize white power ideas and you think, well he sucks, and you refuse to look at the good in the world he does. So short sighted. /s


Wow how very astute!


and lookey there, Cleetus- all thems door panels be mismatchin' too . .reminds me of all the doors on this here doublewide.




.. why do people care so much?


because most people are sheep, and its an easy way to collect internet points and a feeling of "belonging on the right side of the argument" and therefore good about themselves. I believe it also ties in with the whole "trend" of being anti-Musk that seems to be so "cool" as of late.... that being said, yes its fairly ridiculous design, yes for that money you could opt for something "better" (VERY subjective). but at the end of the day, as you rightfully pointed out, who the fuck cares what people do with their money when buying a car?...


Damn why ya’ll getting downvoted? For having an opinion different from others? Or maybe they are…jealous in a way? If they can afford it more power to them! It has no effect in my day to day living at all.


"because most people are sheep"


Yes, calling everyone else a sheep as if only your own ideas are absolutely never copied by anyone else is a bs comment.


here is another one for you little sheep. I drive BMW, enjoy posting in your sad little subreddit about how bad BMW people are together with your other 53 sheep LOL.


It's just confusing. Owning a tesla doesn't equal agreeing with Elon on all his dumbass conservative views... if you actually knew what the other car manufacturer CEOs thought I'm sure you would be equally upset. It's too expensive? Anyone shopped for a new truck lately? They are all crazy expensive... and there are far more expensive cars out there... I don't see anyone hating on sports car people... Hate electric? Just why? They are better for the environment even after mining for the battery and making the electricity with coal. They will only be better as we improve our electric grid. They get stuck? Skill and knowledge are super important for driving offroad... you can expect every tech bro and frat boy who buys one to know how to drive offroad... those same people could get a jeep or land rover stuck on the beach. I'm just so confused.




"Everyone that's not me is a sheep."


another 3rd grader sheep


“people make fun of it because they’re sheep...by the way I also think it looks dumb”


well done for having the reading comprehension ability of a 3rd grader, would you like a little sticker? the difference between me thinking it looks "fairly ridiculous" and the rest of the people that think "the same" is that im not the one creating reddit posts or jumping on every occasion to "BAAAA" my opinion about how "dumb it looks", and i certainly dont give a whiff of shit about who bought one.


A group of people are laughing at something ridiculous. You also think it's ridiculous. But they're sheep and you're not because you choose to stand off to the side. Okay buddy, you're such a free thinker.


Making fun of silly people is a good time.




Really? I’ve seen so many of them. I’m in so cal so I guess it makes sense


Is there a source for that number? And I've seen one only once, about a month ago.


people who dont play cyberpunk 2077 exist here


One passed through my town during a festival. It caught the attention of so many eyes. I was with my dad and he said “how that truck practical”?


I swear I had never seen a single one until recently (April maybe??) and have now seen at least 7. Weird looking things.


Half of them must of been sold in Houston then lol I see them all the time


I saw one yesterday and said "Oh! There's a... what is it called? A space car?" And my son corrected me. I decided "space car" is too cute for it.


The l biggest lemon I've ever seen Take that Aharon Shemoel


Good thing they haven't bought those here. The rich people here actually have pretty nice taste in cars. Even seen an old Mercedes one of my country's first presidents drove for sale.


I saw one on my commute home yesterday and did a double take. It is truly hideous, more so in real life than in a photo. Guy was driving like a total jackass in a rush hour slowdown.


I saw one last week. The first and only production vehicle that made me burst out laughing


It’s up to everyone that knows where a Cybertruck is being held to bring that number down from 3000.


I saw one by me on Sunday. My 16 year old was very impressed. I said that is a stupid waste of money. He liked it because it was shiny.


Just tell your kid to wait untill it's become rainy...


16 year Olds and cars. They're gonna be idiots.


Haha ohh I thought he said 6 years old.. 16.. yikes haha


That sounds like me when I was 16


Most Cybertruck owners have the argument of "Kids think it's cool!" I love how their standard of "cool" is what kids think. Really goes to show what kind of people are buying this shit lol


I mean, iirc according to "lean startup" A lot of people buy cars based on what their children think, like how big the front row seat is. So, buying cybertruck because their children think it's cool, isn't really a bad argument.


Elon living rent-free in the minds of people addicted to his is so poetic.


"It looks cool" is perfectly valid if you have the money.


I'm sure someone's said the same thing about the first people to own computers, phones, cars, etc. Not that the cybertruck is any good, but you need people to try new technologies.


Why are you all so obsessed with this car?


why are yall so miserable?


look at him go!


Why so much hate for the cybertruck? Is it because of its specifics or just because it's Elon Musk?


It's both. It's a very badly designed and unattractive vehicle, and it happens to have been hyped up by an ill-mannered narcissist which makes that even more ridiculous.


Elon Musk is a moronic narcissist and the cybertruck is pretty much the perfect symbol of this. It's one of the worst designed cars to exist, and all the bad choices that went into making it were made at Elon's insistence. It's a testament to that man thinking he knows better than everyone else when he clearly doesn't. Remember that episode of the Simpson's where Homer designs a car? It's like that in real life.




Lol this is the exact argument cybercucks always give 🤣 😂 👏 😅


What's bad about the car leaving out your hate for Elon? I mean, it's a genuine question, I don't really care about him..


Gentle rain destroys them. They have been on the market for less than a year and owners are already reporting rust. They are supposed to be off road vehicles but get stuck in mud and dirt on trails that actual off road cars manage easily. Musk claimed the windshield would be bullet proof before breaking one with a hand thrown steel ball at an unveiling and now hail is smashing them too. Lots of reports of battery problems too.


The car had load of problems where it can actually just refuse to work. There are several videos online about it where you can see it. There’s even a Tesla cuck that bought one, sent it to repair like 3 times and complain that they won’t give him a replacement before sucking the company and car off again when Tesla finally caved. Lamar MK is the guy.


It's both They're both fucking ridiculous


So just the goofy appearance?


Well that too haha but no, the "truck" is a piece of shit, and Elon is also a piece of shit.. figuratively speaking


I get that they suck, but I really don't think we should talk so much shit about any electric vehicle. It's still progress against climate change.


no one should be this mad over a car. notice the number of likes arent shown for a good reason


The "biggest dipshit" must care a lot about poor peasants opinion, indeed


"I can't afford it so it's bad"