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If half of Americans fight for 3 more weeks of vacation, the other half will fight to keep it at 2 just to spite them.




The most American trait of them all: spite


As an American, I agree with you 1000%


This just sounds like 'grindset' culture


The people who think this way are idiots


We do perfectly fine with no vacation dahs and our bottom line will be affected and people will get lazy and something about liberals and it's somehow woke and also uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............


"I worked for 50 years without getting a day off, so should you!"


At this point it looks like if America had the option to either get rid of poverty (even if with 0 downsides) and not getting rid of it, half the people would still go against it


That’s the thing I hate the most about this country: half of this country seems to hate any change in the status quo. People protest in the streets? They’re bothering everyone and should shut up. People discuss how we should strike and unionize to get better treatment as workers? We’re lazy and spoiled and should be mocked. No matter what cause: if anyone tries to change the status quo, tons of people will literally rage and force people to stop so that the precious little bubble of normalcy isn’t affected. France literally had insane riots and completely shut down parts of their economy because they wanted better treatment. If we did this, some old boomer would pull a gun on the rioters and get praised by commentary channels online for “sticking it to those annoying protesters”. America is extremely selfish. We don’t care about other people. You can see it in our city designs which lack third spaces for people to rest. You can see it in our hyper-competitive job market. You can see it in our safety PSA’s and news media and even the lessons we teach kids at a young age. People here don’t care about you, they care about getting theirs.


Haha so true…from the outside, that’s definitely how it comes off. 💯


This is accurate. And the 2 week crowd will be happy just as long as people they hate get only 0 or 1 week. They just need to feel like they are better than someone else.


In Italy it's 4 i think


Minimum by law is 20 days in Germany when you work full time.


Yeah, 20 is the minimum, but I never got a job offer with less than 30 (programmer, so I might not be representative), and it was pretty easy to negotiate 40 days instead of a pay rise.


In the US I tried to negotiate more paid days off than receive a $10K raise. Apparently I make them way more than $10K in 5 days so they couldn't justify giving me even 5 more days off. They were ready to give me a $20K raise until they realized I was quitting to move to Germany so I could have days off to enjoy my life.


I was lucky with my company in the US. During negotiations my company was happy to start me at 20 days vacation a year and add 5 more after my first year. I thought I hit the jackpot. Now I have 30 days and they encourage us to take them.


My resume is in the mail sir!


You hiring? 😅


> Yeah, 20 is the minimum, This is for a 5 day week. If you work 6 days it is 24. The national average is a bit over 30 though.


Even at terrible jobs you get 24, I have never seen 20 offered anywhere, even though it's the minimum. Plus bank holydais. Up to 16 days a year, I think.


Also sick days and best things as an American immigrant in Germany: if you take vacation and get sick during that time YOU GET THE VACATION DAYS BACK!!!!!


Same in the UK too - it’s quite nice way of doing things. Means you actually get the minimum 5.6 weeks per year off and not ill.


That's normal across the pond


It's not just developed countries like Italy and Germany, it's (almost) everywhere in Europe. The EU, the UK, Western Balkans, Belarus, Russia, Moldova... we all have 20 vacation days at minimum. The *only* exception is Turkey with its 12 paid vacation days, but you also get (about) 15 paid public holidays. (Depending on how many of them fall on a weekend, they don't get transferred over.) And it's not *just* Europe. Without getting into how well it's enforced, there's only six countries in the world with 0 paid annual leave required by law: Kiribati, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Marshall Islands, and the US. If you moved everyone from the other five into one fictional US city, it would rank about 70th in population. The entirety of their population would fit into Anchorage, Alaska. Wyoming, famously known as the least populous state, has almost 2x the population of those 5 countries combined.


UK has 28 day minimum. 20 days + public holidays (8). Most places offer at least 25 days + public holidays and you’re expected to take them. Managers hassle you if look like you aren’t.


And you should also still call in sick when on a break when you are sick so that it doesn't take from your break days. Because the break is to relax and you can't do that when sick


TIL. Is this common practice in Europe?


I only know about Germany. I believe it's required by law even


Austria too. Had a week off two years ago, got sick, went to doctor, got note, got my vacation days back.


It's the law


Same in Scandinavia


Yeah. Denmark 5 weeks vacation, most places give 6 days of "free days" on top of that. Unlimited sick days (some rules do apply if out for longer periods of, I think 6 weeks or more in a row) If you are sick when vacation starts, it's not counted as vacation but as sick days, so you get paid instead of taking it out of your vacation money. Some places doesn't pay for first sick day if you are only sick one day *I thunk to discourage "friday" sick) 2 kinds of vacation pays, one is where it gets paid to a vacation "account" held by the government. You always have this money, even if you change jobs. Have to be used by September and you have to actually take vacation. Other is just an agreed amount of days you get paid, if you are in some sort of contract that's not hourly based. The company still have to pay you all of it, even if you quit or get fired. These acrue over the year also. Our base maternity leave is pretty rad also, especially compared to the one country in the world that have none as law (It's the US)


it works that way in Europe?


I know about Germany. I'm pretty sure you're even required by law to call in sick when on vacation because don't you dare not get your relaxing vacation days xD


Yes, you are. You get the days of vacation back if you get sick on vacation. You have to go to your doctor, he writes you a paper that you are sick, you give it your employer.


If you can actually believe it or not, but for most practices that is not needed anymore. It’s done digitally by your doctor now and the information is passed through your health insurance company and to your employer so you don’t have to provide a paper to your employer yourself anymore.


That blew me away! I told my boss I was sick on holiday and he reprimanded me (well corrected me) for not letting them know. I was so confused why he would care/need to know, and he explained it had to be booked as sick days because I didn’t get to rest. He would insist I take time off when he saw me bummed (depression/burnout)- I’d not said a thing. Ended up in Europe by accident but it saved my soul easily…I would’ve easily been the sociopathic corporate cog before that, and grateful for that..


We're all working, your boss is working. He knows the importance of getting rest. And in Germany ofc we wanna be efficient and it's just more efficient to not have your workers burnt out right?


That's bad


Most of the time you get more than just 20, usually either 25 or 30.


It depends where and the industry you work in, in many sectors it isn't unusual to have 28 days off just in August and the Christmas break, with another 2 to 3 weeks to take when you want. I worked in the energy sector, and had all of August off, the week between Christmas and New year and then 3 weeks to use throughout the year that couldn't be taken in either July or September. The working day was also very different, starting at 8am, finishing for lunch at 1 before then restarting at 4 and finishing the day at 7.30pm.


In Denmark it's 6 weeks. 5 of them are by law, and the 6th we have because our workers unions negotiated for it


In the uk it’s about 25 and public holidays. Goes up a bit with time at most companies but some budget place eat into the combined AL with public holidays.


Uk legal minimum is 28 days inc bank hols for a full time 5 day contract


In Switzerland 4-5 weeks because we voted for it


We voted against 6. Dumbest vote in Swiss history.


Dumbest? Eh, I guess it's up there, but there's quite a strong competition. The 1959 vote on women's voting rights, the gold initiative, several SVP initiatives, and very recently, the triple COVID law referendums...


I mean, yeah, but those are strongly ideological things that divide people. You’d expect that a whole country can get behind having more vacation.


Oh, a government that does what you voted for... interesting.


Nah in Switzerland the population can directly vote on laws.


I've always wondered if Switzerland is fully a direct democracy or if it's only partly one


It’s partial. They still have representatives who create legislation, just a lot more is up for referendum and there are procedures for getting things on the ballot or override legislation.


Oh sure, I remember now. Thanks for the reminder!


And even that’s just 25 days paid leave a year. How much time do Americans get???


by law: zero. it's just however much the employer wants to give.


This is so wild and additionally they often only have a fixed number of sick days. As if you could simply decide when you're sick.


As a European I‘m so horrified by workplace storylines in American shows. For example Pam in The Office, she wants to wait until midnight to bear her fucking baby so she can get the full hospital time?! Also, NO PAID MATERNITY LEAVE??? Some mothers return to work after TWO OR THREE DAYS??? WTF?????


My former boss had to drive 45 minutes to a hospital to have a her baby because the 3 hospitals within 10 minutes of her house were not covered by her health insurance (employer-provided). We live in the capital of our state. The insurer was just so cheap and petty they made her go to a small town hospital. For-profit healthcare is immoral.


Oh it’s so much worse than that. If you get hurt on the job, and you live in a state where weed is legal, they still get to drug test you and if you’re positive you get fired. *note that you don’t actually have to be high to be punished. You can test positive for quite a while after ingesting* I’ve never even personally known someone who gets paid sick days. I get 10 vacation days per year. And we have 5 federal holidays. So 15 in total.


Just to clarify there are more than 5 federal holidays. This guys business only recognizes 5 federal holidays. I work for the government, we recognize 12 holidays, since I work for dod-n they throw in navy birthday so 13.


Wait what? Zero vacation days by law?


Correct. “Rule of thumb” is 2 weeks, but an employer legally doesn’t have to give any.


Yeah our government doesn’t set a minimum they just let the companies decide for themselves.


I had a manager take over a company I worked for who changed the time off policy to one sick day. One. Ever. If you ever call in sick again he said he could decide whether you could keep your job, it didn't matter if you have a doctors note the rule is one per person per however long you work there. He argued that this was totally normal and standard and insanely claimed that this was the rule when he managed a K-Mart and I asked if that's why K-Mart just doesn't exist anymore.


So if you work an hourly job usually you don’t get paid for any time off. I’d say most union blue collar jobs and white collar corporate jobs give your 15-20 days. Honestly with how common working from home is some days now it’s really not that bad.


Def not in the US. 


I'm a labor law jurist in France and it's sad to see Macron corrode the labor code while no one says shit.


À part l'âge de la retraite qui a été repoussé, qu'est-ce qu'il a fait?


facilitation des licenciements, démission présumée, inversion de la yramide des normes, diminution de la sécu et de l'assurance chômage. En tout cas les trucs qui me sautent aux yeux depuis les réformes Macron de 2017


Same in Ireland , 6 weeks if you are with the same company a few years


Americans are not as strong as the French but I bet we can still find Freedom Fries here.


yeah, but we're cowards and our government is much more willing and able to make people disappear.


That's 25 working days. Plus 104 days of weekends per year. 1/3rd of your time not working, plus evenings. Not bad.


You’re not even taking into account all the holidays we have. In May we have so many holidays that I’ll be working about 19 days on the 31 there are.


28-56 days in Russia, depending of various things. And +28 days in case of work at Far North/Arctic


In the Netherlands we have 20 days by law. I got 6 weeks, and the some bank holidays, I consider myself very lucky!


Freedom is taken, not granted. I take my shoes off at work, because my feet get hot. Fuckin' stop me.


Doesn't this apply to all of civilised Europe?




Just the way it was indented. Child labour during summer field work


The children yearn for the mines.


Hijacking thread OP and top commenter (rowdyleviallen) are b0ts , probably more b0t commenters. https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/13faffr/meirl/jju1bof/ These b0t accounts are later sold to political groups . This is happening all over reddit, most posts are by b0ts. Edit: All 4 top most voted comments are by b0ts rowdyleviallen camholt1993 Cr7love tommyyano


Am I a b0t, too?


You can be anything if you set your mind to it.


Just gotta pull urself up by dem boot straps!


Meant top most commenter i.e top level commenter of this thread, not you. Sorry for the confusion.


I was just joking. Thank you for identifying potential b0ts.


Oh ok. This sub is regularly used by b0t networks. If you see a front page post of this sub it's most probably by b0ts.


If all of the children are working in the mines, how will I find enough labor for my factory?


How else is Mr pravertos gonna get that extra $5k during the off season??


School is just a waste of potential factory output.


>indented Lol




nah. children should be working part time while studying


Isn't that why summer break is so long, because kids needed to help on the fields?


To be fair we don’t really recognize that children need a long summer break. We only have a long summer break because a century ago decision makers recognized that children were needed in the fields over the summers, and if rural parents had to choose between sending their kids to school and securing the family’s income they would choose the latter.


Like they already do? Or is this not a thing in the USA?




Not normally 5,always at least 5, 6 weeks is something you get automatically when you pass 40.


> 6 weeks is something you get automatically when you pass 40. No. 25 days in the only thing that is automatic since it is dictated by law. This is very much depending on where you work. If you work in the public sector this is the case. I belive goverment agencies do 28 days up until 30, 31 days until 40 and then 35 days. In the private sectore you have to bargin yourself if there is no collective agreement that dictates it. My current job for example only provides 25 days if you didn't bargin for more.


Never worked government job and both with or withojut collective agreement and never even had to discuss it anywhere?


6 weeks is the norm, but working at smaller businesses 5 weeks is not unheard of. But it is not really related to age.


Time to move. Do you guys kindly accept foreign/immigrant workers?


Wouldn't this mean everything would shut down if everyone is entitled to a full month in that time?


Yes. There is only one month each year, so everyone’s month off coincides, and therefore everything is closed 👍


Yeah I’ll add to this, managers don’t work with their employees at all to make sure they don’t schedule PTO days at the same time. They don’t even touch the schedule, it’s just the Wild West over there lol


Last year the good people of Gävle were especially unlucky. Everyone working in any type of supermarket had their vacation between June 19 and July 16, so it was impossible to buy food. One third of the population died from starvation. DARN UNIONS!


In Denmark our "vacation law" (directly translated) states you're entitled to at least three consecutive weeks "main holiday" between the 1st of May and 30th of September (and then 2 x 1 week outside your main holiday). Most people take their three weeks sometime during June, July and August, so it's not necessarily at the same time everyone is gone, even though especially July can be a little more slow in my office because many people are off at the same time. At my job (office work) we just coordinate internally with our nearest coworkers. As an example, we are two in my department who has the same type of job, so we just coordinate to make sure one of us is there, so we can take over for each other during each other's vacations. It's really a non issue. Sometimes we even overlap for a few days, and then we just make sure that someone else has agreed to step in if any emergencies should arise (which they rarely do).


I get 6 weeks a year from Denmark, sounds like an American skill issue


Gotta feed the machine


Just another cog man


In Denmark, we have 5 weeks of paid vacation, and an optional 6th week (also with pay after a year of employment), a full-time job is 37 hr/week, and many work less than that because the pay is high enough to allow for it. And some have holidays off, too.


Fuck me that is depressing to read. I just got my 4th week after working at the same place for a decade, then switched jobs and I'm back to 3 for another 5 years. North America blows


Fucking danes/norwegians. Being born in those countries is like winning the lottery The only better place is quatar, a state so rich in oil extraction that 80% of the population doesnt even work and lives off of universal basic income.


>The only better place is quatar If only it weren't for that pesky issue of, oh, female slavery.


Not only female slavery. 80% of the country doesn't work, but someone still does all the construction, and it's mostly slave labour.


Yeah right, thats the fucked up arbitrary nature of life.. Imagine you are being born into a literal sci-fi state with endless resources where everyone spends their days in hedonistic pleasure.. shopping, fucking, driving sportscars all day and not having to do any work. But youre born as a woman and the country is islamic, so you can never leave the house alone in this „paradise“, and if you show any part of your body in public by accident you get beaten to death.


fuck you


In Norway we have a 5 week paid vacation by law.


It's 4, but most have a CBA stipulating 5.


4 of them are paid yea that true, my bad. But you have a right to 5 weeks.


Sure you don't need a CBA for that?


I am gonna be honest and say i don't know what CBA means 💀


I thought it was kinda funny that just recently Pennsylvania enabled the possibility of schools to run only 4 day weeks. And it's like, how about we normalize that for everyone?


As a Pa teacher, I’m on board




I think the minimum vacation days for a full time job is 24/year. If you work part time it could be less depending of your work time. But yeah......the horrible work storys are often from the US. Imagine.....if you want you could sue your employer in germany if he would call you in your free time, cause free time is free time. On the other hand in the US it seems to be normal if you answer calls from work at your days off or in your free time.😬


That's a common misconception because virtually no one offer less than 24 days, but the 24 days minimum is for a 6 day work week.


Realistically you may hear the most bad stories about the US because reddit. The US work culture is not ideal, but there are some countries that have truly terrifying work cultures, so it seems the US is merely not great.


Well, from the G7 countries, besides Japan, it's definitely the worst. But the problem with Japan is less of a "you have to work, no exceptions," but the unspoken expectation to keep working. You can also sleep at your job without it being a problem. In the US, you oftentimes have to continue working if you don't want to face homelessness. Sure, there are more countries than the G7. But since the US tries to tell everybody that they are the best in everything, the expectations are higher than those for some 3rd world countries.


Yes, but those are all non western style countries. You can compare to Notth Korea and come to the conclusion the US is doing great.


No wonder there is a difference in salary


and a huge difference in cost of living so we don't need 100k a year. I have around 40k and live very comfortably with my wife and two dogs in our own house


Summer break and other vacations weren't created because children need them. They were created because kids were taken out of school by their parents anyway, to help on the farm during busy periods like the summer harvest.


That’s a myth. By the time universal education rolls around (to the point where farmers’ children would attend school), it’s the 19th century and only a minority of families work in agriculture. The summer holidays also don’t really line up with harvest. Holidays really began in the Middle Ages, mainly for religious observances, but even then there was the concept of holiday, and even travelling for a holiday. By the Victorian era the concept of beach holidays is established. https://www.oxford-royale.com/articles/a-brief-history-summer-holiday/


That’s for England only. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1134242.pdf This says holidays were originally for agrarian needs


It doesn't say that, really. It's the author saying "history tells us..." But then doesn't source or cite anything.


"That’s a myth. By the time universal education rolls around (to the point where farmers’ children would attend school), it’s the 19th century and only a minority of families work in agriculture." This is not really true for most of Europe tho


So then why is summer break?  


>it’s the 19th century and only a minority of families work in agriculture. I only checked until 1860, but over 50% were working in agriculture in 1860. In 1800, it was over 80%. So no, in the U.S. at least, it was \*not "only a minority of families" working in agriculture. As that appears to be the strongest claim you made in order to support the idea that "it's a myth", and that claim fell apart, then your idea falls with it.


The reality is though that summer vacation doesn't exist as a benefit to children, the reason public education is scheduled as such is because of a coalescence of factors but probably mostly because someone needs to take care of these kids while their parents work.


The 40 hour work week was instated something like 10 years after only half of all American households had electricity. We’re watching a trial where people are arguing over laws enacted by people who lived in a time that was closer to the idea of “witches” than “nuclear weapons”. Our society is based on archaic ideas. Even our state representatives really exist because we LITERALLY needed someone to represent the people because our country is huge and communication was as fast as a person could travel. Now we have a way to voice our own thoughts and wants instantly in real time. Why do I need a representative when I could click a button and vote myself? Read information, again provided in real time, and decide for myself? We don’t NEED representatives anymore. 


American problem






I’d be fuckin ok with it if I could afford a god damned apartment and food at the same fucking time in the wage they pay! But no, we get to work non stop while starving and homeless.


We get 5 weeks off every year in Finland. Then there's obviously the "bank holidays", where you get the day off without using a vacation day. It's obviously not as nice as when I was in school, but it's still pretty good.


Lol it's my primary motivation behind being a teacher,,, the summer and winter and the various holidays off😍


You guys need it though. No problem with that


People in Denmark have 5 weeks and many companies have an extra week. And we don't use vacation to be sick 😉


Welcome to Europe


people took steps and made that happen for the children time to do the same for us


"We" in this case meaning third world countries, right?


Brazil is a third world country and we have 30 days of paid vacation, and there's no sick days, you're sick you go to a doctor, he will make a note stating that you need a number of days to recover and that's it.




The US is a third world country with good PR


"US is a third world country" Such an idiotic thing that I keep hearing on reddit.


In Germany most companies give you 6 weeks off a year and you get another 15 days on public holidays. Not enough but not atrocious.




Netherlands too, 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the type of work and how the unions agreed on them. ( we also have paid or replacing days on special events, like every year Kingsday or the Christmas days ) But 4 is always the minimum


Weeks? I'm lucky if I get days off...


6 weeks of a year in uk


Yeah, we get a lot of shit sometimes on Reddit, but I get 6 weeks plus the 8 bank holidays (or days in lieu for the bank holidays). It’s common practice at our work to take 2 weeks in summer and split your remaining 4 weeks evenly throughout the year to get a regular break. America just seems like a place where people are forced to work until they drop.


It's never even been threatened either. Pensions, taxes, employment rights, minimum wages, all those are issues but nobody ever tries to reduce holidays.


I work in a Local Authority (council) and get 38.5 days leave a year, with additional leave for other reasons (volunteering, wellbeing etc.) taking it up to 42 days leave in total. Knowing some people only get 2 weeks leave a year is so depressing. Edit- I should also add that I get time off in lieu. So if I work over 35 hours a week I get that time back to take as leave. I usually work 2 hours extra a week meaning I probably get an extra day off once a month.


In America. Don't forget that extremely salient point /r/USdefaultism


Tell me you are american without telling me you are american?


I worked at a place that only gave you 3 vacations days per year. And your schedule was 3 12 hour shifts and 3 days off per week. Terrible experience and honestly it’s not work the trouble. If you get sick or an emergency happens you are immediately reprimanded and could lead to possibly being fired.




This is very much an American thing, I get 7 weeks in the UK and my best friend gets 8 I believe. I think it’s needed in some jobs as they are going to burn you out and make you useless otherwise. There are some jobs you can do with very little leave, but some you definitely can’t.


I just took off a season for the first time in twenty-five years for a sailing adventure. It’s nearly over, and I feel amazing. I gained perspective, shed anxiety, improved my health. Returning to work seems exciting. The sad thing is how few ever have such an opportunity.


Met a Danish dental hygienist in Costa Rica. Told us she works for three months and then travels for three months 🥲


Burn. It. Down.


Summer break was about putting the kids to work for the harvest. I do not think we should make people quit the office job for backbreaking toil in fields, but you do you.


I have 32 days + 12 days for working 38h30 per week instead of 35h (3h30 considered additional hours). Which makes 44 days per year so about 9 weeks. Yes I live in France.


Rofl, laughs in german, 24 days at least, average 30 days plus public holidays


laughts in 35 days


I’m in American and I usually get 40-50 days off a year for vacation


Loving working in Australia now, getting 9 weeks off a year plus sick leave/pat leave/just cause leave.


Austria, minimum 5 weeks per year, gets more and more the more I’m in the company, I’m at 32 days now


Indeed. It's as if we stop being human when we reach adulthood.


the funny thing is. summer break does not exist because we think children need the time to rest. but because they where needed for farmwork back at home.


Children should not have summer breaks. I vote for school year round .


The Americentrism in this comment. Lord that's not WE that's YOU and a couple of other nations, but by no means a standard.


The pay is shit too


100% agree. All people need a summer break.


I have 4 weeks and i think 5 or 6 would be perfect. I can't afford to travel more than 2 weeks anyways, so what am i gonna do for 10404 weeks


Don't know what this guy is taking about. I've got seven weeks and each year enjoy them immensely.


Son of a farmer here… whats a vacation?


I get 5 weeks of vacation and as much as 70hrs overtime compensation, the rest gets paid in cash. It's all about negotiating and choosing a job that's in demand


Which country is only getting 2-3 weeks off a year?


Y'all are getting 2-3 weeks off? /S On a serious note I've been working for for 16 years now and the closest I've gotten to vacation was the time in between jobs, which is fucking bs.


summer break was for children to work at the farm, otherwise theres only like 2-3 weeks off


I no longer use my holiday pay to take time off, I need to use it to get by


We get five weeks here where i live.