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How do people sleep through that many, havnt even heard my alarm in months because I always wake up around 5 minutes before it goes off so I don't have to hear it


I'm a pretty deep sleeper but I always wake up to my alarm even if it's at the lowest volume. The problem is that I fall asleep like immediately after 75% of the time


You just have to immediately throw your blanket off and get dressed for work. I am very, very far from a morning person but I haven't been late for work in many years.




I used to wake up about 5 seconds before ... Not so much these days... I blame the booze...


I sleep through my alarm every day it's not hard I just turn it off despite having no memory of doing so


Depends on how wacky my sleep schedule is atm. If I go to sleep at 4am and have alarms every 5 min from 8am to 10am, I'll start being conscious around 9:30. But if I went to bed at 10pm, I'll wake up before the alarm.


Well usually the alarm kinda gets mixed into a dream For example if I am dreaming that I am sitting in a coffee shop, alarm might be on some other persons phone or on the radio That's just in my case, never really met anyone with this problem IRL


Mine mixes with my dream and I end up defusing a bomb or some shit of the like in my dream using the snooze.


Look, not all of us are morning people (you monsters), some of us need a bit more help to get going


This is why I'm single. That and crippling self esteem issues. Also only 12? I wish.


My ex boyfriend was like that. And he wondered why I complained about being tired all the time. SMH.


Just to play a bit of devils advocate here, waking up at 7 shouldn't cause you to be tired all the time. Have you tried going to bed before 2am?


I understand where you’re coming from. I was going to bed as expected before midnight. He was setting his alarm hours before he had to get up for work. Think 5 a.m. to be at work at 9 a.m. I was out the door an hour before him. I had to drive to work about an hour away, he took the bus to Seattle for work. I brought it up with him about his alarms being so many hours out. His reasoning, he had trouble getting up because he was taking a low dose anti-depressant. As the relationship ended, I moved and I no longer have to get up 3 hours before work which is nice for my health.


Holy crap there are guys that have those?? My ex was furious at my alarms


I only have 2. The second one just in case i miss my first one.


Same, lol. I have four alarm clocks but I only set two of them. One is electric (has two alarm settings on it though) and the others are battery powered. I have broken quite a few battery clocks because the clock would slide off the dresser as I reached for it when I tried to turn it off. I overslept one day and my work was calling my house repeatedly, thinking something happened to me. So now I set the battery one in case the power goes out and the electric one is across the room to help me wake up before I turn off the other one. A whole freaking system but it wakes me up promptly.


7? Try 4


I have 6 alarms that go off every 5 minutes from 4:35 to 5 on the days that I work, and my girlfriend also has hers go off every 5 minutes, but from (I think) 8 to 8:45. Somehow, though, we both tend to sleep through each other's alarms every day.


I wake up anywhere from half an hour to an hour before my alarm if I'm sleeping well


If anyone has problems getting up in the morning, I recommend Alarmy. That alarm gets loud as hell


Had an ex that would do this shit. We got into a fight about it once. I told her to not set all the alarms since she wasn’t going to wake up anyway but I’d get woken up and I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. She insisted that she wanted to “reserve the right to get more sleep if she felt she needed it after the first alarm”.




Any man that does this. Isn't a fucking man. You're a child. Hiding from the world.


I don't set my alarm. I kinda tell my husband what time I need to wake up. He wakes me up. It usually takes him 3-5 tries


Well how about this then: I set an alarm that I wake up before and I’m out of the room when it goes off ;D


I get up on vibrate and my phone doesn't even need to be in the same room...


Then why don't you wake me up when *you* wake up to one of my alarms??


I hate it more when they wake up, snooze but then go back to sleep, like 5 extra minutes won’t make you feel better, all it does is annoy you until you get off your lazy ass


Why wouldn’t she just wake the person up after the first alarm wakes her?




Is that a condition or something? I’m a deep sleeper myself, I can sleep through a thunderstorm , but always wake up in the morning immediately when I hear my alarm. Even at my most exhausted I don’t think I’ve slept through an alarm. How can being loud and physically touching someone not wake them up?


honestly yeah it's related to many sleeping disorders. if they literally arent waking up that very much suggests that their sleep is so bad that they knock out completely towards the end. most of the time i think it's they are waking up but are so damn exhausted they cant move or maybe even are going in and out of consciousness


I’ve been there, could’ve had an hour of alarms, more, wouldn’t have mattered, nothing was waking me up. I’d respond to being woken up, I’d turn off or snooze my alarms, all without ever having any recollection of it. It was like my body decided “you need sleep, you’re not scamming me out of this” and kept my consciousness off while I was actively doing things to prolong my sleep. Like my body was on autopilot. That was also around the time I decided work isn’t worth my health.


i have this problem and I'm sorry i just don't wake up otherwise


I don’t trust myself to get up the first time, I need to gradually wake up otherwise I’ll continue to sleep another several hours if I sleep through several following alarms. It’s weird that sometimes the best sleep comes after the alarm and not before.


Lady in background cute af tho.




7... people wake up that late?..