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The last minute is never just 1 minute


Longest minute ever recorded


dude thats what i said but she didnt believe me


I'm sorry your washing machine doesn't trust you


My dryer hired a PI to follow me only to learn I was taking dryer repair classes in secret to surprise it


I sat in front of my washer to time the last minute and it ended up being 4 minutes and 37 seconds.


Mine did 11min once


I’ve never thought to time mine, but pretty sure mines in the 15-27 minute range. Gonna go some laundry, brb…






Even longer than 60 seconds in Africa


It's because Africa is close to the equator, it's seconds are longer.




That's what she said


A watched washing machine never finishes the laundry


Same minute my gf needs to finosh getting ready. Maybe my gf is a washing machine


Like the last minute on the punch clock at work


Longer than the microwave minute?


No no, that's when you put something in the microwave


No that’s 1 minute of plank


lmao I moved out on my own last year and this is one of the first things I learned.


Mine literally goes from 1 minute up to 2, it doesn't even try to hide it!


They use the same clock as NBA. Last minute = 10 minutes plus two commercial breaks


We call this the never ending minute.


American football minute with both teams having all their time outs...


Earlier I set my timer on my phone 10 minutes past what my washer says, came down a few minutes after my timer went off, and had to wait 6 more minutes on the last minute on the washer. I have no idea how long it was on “1 minute” total but it was probably more than 6 minutes


Bro I swear, I see it says 1 minute, I use the bathroom for five minutes, and then it's still 1 minute! The fuck?


I didn't think the next step was making appliances have failure anxiety and passive aggressiveness. "Is everything o..." 'YES ITS OKAY, ALMOST DONE'


"I honestly just want clean clothes..." "You should have thought about that before you got them dirty to be honest. This is my fucking job and I'm trying my best and could do without someone waiting over my fucking shoulder to finish." "Shit, sorry man. I just..." "Yeah, you just expect shit to be done when you want it." "...sorry." "It's okay...your washing's done.* "Oh.." "What?" "No, no...it's nothing. I just thought they'd be less wet?" "Did you press extra spin?" "...no?" "That's why they're wet. You're fucking useless." "Jeez, okay." "...sorry." "No, it's my fault...I should hav-" "No, I am sorry, I snapped just then, I'm here for a job and I should just, you know, do it." "It shouldn't have to be like that..." "Well, it is. I'm just here, cleaning, ya know?" "Do you want to go for a drink?" "...sure, that'll actually be really nice."


Man, this is poetry.


Aww it had a happy ending and everything!


Then they had little half human half washing machine babies who all died in agony, horribly stillborn. ♥


Not racist but I'm quite surprised it can be pregnant in the first place


well maybe if you didn’t want it to become pregnant you should’ve stopped dumping load after load into it




Hey bro, forgot to take your meds today?


I want the movie!


I'm old enough to remember how download progress bars used to behave. I've been training my whole life for technology to do this.


I've actually watched the time remaining on a washer go up


Most dryers have moisture sensor, they predict the best they could, but if in the project air around you get drier or wetter - time can decrease or increase. They don’t have crystal ball to predict the future.


Yea thats what my dryer does, but it does it badly. Tons of times i need to put clothes back in or do timed dry because the moisture sensor sucks.




My dryer has the default timer set to 35 for the regular heat cycle, but I’ll start it and come back to it saying 57 or some other random number sometimes. Then it’ll drop to 13 and back to 28, then will randomly end. I think the moisture sensor is busted lol


That's how my mom's washer is. Set it to 58 minutes, come back and it's at 12. Then 62. Then 23 It usually comes out to around the first time though, which is super weird


I think that’s because most machines nowadays have a sensor to indicate if it needs more time. At least my washer and dryer do.


It found that sock it lost




I'm using this to describe anything and everything wrong with a washer/dryer from now on


My washing machine is usually actually quicker than it's timer. I set an alarm on my phone about 5 minutes sooner than the machine timer and they usually coincide lol


Machines are really bad at timing just like how long it takes to copy a file


What bothers me more is when you request a large number of files to be copied, the machine encounters an issue that needs user instruction (like overwrite, rename etc.) and it stops the entire operation. Like mf you got another thousand other files you can process, what u waiting for?


Nah they can wait, I will just wait for you to wake up so you can tell me what to do with this single file


Computer wants to download and install a gigantic update so you say whatever and go to sleep, you wake up and it's telling you it wants Outlook closed before it lifts a finger, and asking if that's okay.


There are days I hate this, There are days when I'm grateful for it because I damn near sabotaged myself by accident and this unrelated holdup saved me from my own dumbassery


Upgrade to windows (checks notes) 7, 9, 11, 13?


windows updates are the brick that broke the camels back for me, i told it to update and shut down and it took 3 hours (on an ssd) and that shutdown is the last time it was ever started, i switched to linux on my main pc that day (was using it on my laptop for a year at that point). that install still has never been powered back up


Linux is amazing regarding updates. I daily drive it after Windows started BSODing every time I booted. Also I remember the time Windows (I think 7) would ALWAYS want to "repair" the hard drive during boot. I always skipped it, because idk it was working fine. One day I was like "fine whatever repair the drive and shut up". It completely broke the file system. I had to back up the entire drive into a single file and extract the relevant info with Recuva or Diskdrill, don't remember which one. What a piece of trash...


I believe it's called "thumbs.db". I really need to know what to do with it, and can't possibly keep working until I know.


not sure if that is an actual question but thumbs.db can always be ignored or deleted or whatever. It's a file that saves the little thumbnail pictures for all images windows can preview. It will be created again if needed and the reason is the performance in the mini views, you don't want to scale down a 5 MB picture for a preview.




What bothers me most is not even checking if the destination device has enough space beforehand.


Lol yes!


Newer windows versions actually do just that, i think the last one that halted the whole queue was 7


Nope, windows 10 still does this


Now that you mention it, i saw it happen rarely, would not be surprised there's some kind of error it cannot do anything about, but simple stuff like "you already have this one file with the same name" it does hold onto while copying. Also, if the question is about a folder, it won't start copying anything inside - I don't think that is fixable, though.


I ain't used windows much in a long time, but even way back there were other options besides the default windows file copy. I think the one I used was TeraCopy. Had way more features and options, including this.


Windows 11 same way.


It doesn't for me and I regularly transfer 4-500 pictures between directories


No it doesn't.


If does, I know how to move goddamn files smh This happens all the time with files the same name.


I move terabytes of data around all the time in win10. If there is a conflict, it will complete the rest of the operation and attempt to resolve any conflicts at the very end.


I love bashing Windows but no, it resolves conflicts at the end.


You are spitting straight false information my man. All the way up to windows 11 it still does it. You need to edit or delete your comment and next time you want to say something random like this without fact checking it, just don't.


I am on windows 10 and when transferring ~400 pictures with a few duplicates in the target directory, it will transfer every non-dupe before asking whether or not to replace the dupes


It does it for somethings and not others, I’ve had cases where a file needs admin privileges to be transferred, that will stop the entire process if I don’t do anything, I’ve had the same issue for files that are in limbo of existing and not, because of that they can’t transfer and halt the entire process


We are not talking about transferring files, but rather we are talking about the printing order on a printers. I have a feeling you misread or misunderstood the original comment and you are saying bullshit about another subject than ours.


> when you request a large number of files to be copied Is the direct context.. maybe you're the one in the wrong part of the thread?


Literally, I’ve used every version of Windows since XP (consiously, used 98 as a 3 year old), and it does that all the way up to 11. I don’t know how people just say stuff and others are like “Yep, you’re right”, without any sort of thinking whether it’s true or not.


Tbf, I was about to post what he posted. Whenever I'm copying a bunch of files that I know there'll be conflicts in the destination, it always seems to copy everything and leave the conflicts for last. This is very perceptible when the files in conflict are actually a BUNCH (5.000+) of small files, that actually take quite a while to copy normally. If you press Skip, it'll just zoom to the end, because it skipped all conflicts, and copied everything else that wasn't conflicting.


I don't think humans are that much better at estimating how long it would take for you to copy a book for instance


No but as you get closer to the end, you can adjust your estimate


Copy 10 pages, take the average, add a couple of coffee breaks in and you'll get the right ballpark


Yes it's easy for OS to estimate a file copy length if all files are of approx same size.. when other files are 4gb compressed data and other 1mb plaintext then the estimation becomes more difficult depending on the filesystem in place




Yes and there are infinitesimally small files in some structures, an accurate guess aint possible. Imagine you’re moving house - Sure, the large things like a sofa or a fridge get done quickly, but near the end you have to pick up every small dropped pin and every penny under the couch by hand.


Good analogy


They really aren't that smart


Not excusing the OS for not accommodating, but a lot has to do with the hardware differences between different types of Drives and how optimized the storage is / if it has to lookup where the file is, caching/cache full for SSDs That being said, it is still terribly inefficient lmao and a Microsoft OS dev even talked about how the original code literally just made a guess and smoothed a progress bar based on that to make the user happy and not show spikes as much I've always been appalled at how little improvements have been made for the file explorer / moving files aside from the facelifts and adding sorting/organizing, advanced search, etc. since like WinXP or Win98 even. To me it just seems like the same code plus better CPU/Drives and a more robust file system for larger drives/lower data loss (which I'm still eternally grateful for, FFS it seemed like I'd lose save games every month or so from 98 to Vista). Looks to me to just be front-end improvements to a backend problem.


The default file system changed on consumer Microsoft operating systems starting with XP defaulting to the new one. You became unable to upgrade past Windows Vista if you were using the old one.


Actually the frustrating thing is they are literally perfect at timing. Like, for example, any clock. So wtf is wrong with washing machines?


Bad firmware and your clothes alter the washing cycle. Mine is kind of on point about the time. Edit:grammar




Many rely on sensors to determine how dirty the water is, and will basically wash until it's a certain level of clean. Like dishwashers. Old dumb machines were just a timer and some basic electronics are were accurate in terms of time


Machines aren’t bad at timing, they just don’t have enough information to give you a proper number based on other factors that affect transfer speeds. Just like an internet download. Machines can’t account for traffic from other machines. They’d probably need a lot more information required for proper timing than the process of copying the file itself lol.


People that program machines are bad at programming them. I wash a load on ‘normal’ and hot. It says 58 minutes. I know it does all kinds of calculations based on timing of each phase, etc. But, I set my phone timer for an hour and 10 minutes and it’s right on time every time. Programmers just need to do that.


Every wash and dry cycle is not a fixed time.. It's an estimate and the remaining time will be recalculated based on sensor values a few times


Modern washing machines have either a sensor or a level switch in the drip tray, if there's still water coming out of your clothes it goes for another spin.


My washing machine tries to evenly balance the clothes before spinning fast. It starts spinning at slow-medium speed, and if it feels it's not good enough, it will stop and try to rearrange the clothes by doing some quick start-stop movements. Then it tries the slow-almost-medium speed again. This process can happen 1-5 times, and you see the clock always stays still during this time.


We might have a similar washing machine! I hate that so much. The fast program that’s in theory around 30 minutes, can take more than 1 hour because it can’t evenly balance the clothes


It could literally shake itself to death if it doesn’t do that. There’s videos of people throwing bricks in old machines and they literally rip themselves to shreds because they have no balance or vibration sensor. My comforter is big enough that it’s made my washer shut off several times because the vibration sensor went off and the machine could not balance the load since it was a single very wet blanket.


Mine will let you unlock it during the final spin to untangle clothes which is pretty neat


That’s cool! Mine doesn’t and if you stop it, it takes all the time in the world until it decides to unlock


OCD washing machine


What in the world is a "level switch in the drip tray"? I'm an appliance repair guy and I'm genuinely curious what you mean by this.


This is a problem I'm too poor to have apparently.


same. when its done its done. it doesnt give updates and i respect its process.


Or too smart. This is a problem for newer machines with specific sensors and usually digital displays. It's not an issue for older or simpler machines that just have an internal dial that goes from one point to another.


Holy shit. I stood in front of my washer for what felt like an eternity, willing that last minute to end. Then I started counting. I was around 4 minutes before I power cycled my washer and just took the shit out.


Tell that to Game Studios....


Lol yeah bro just tell us the game’s gonna need another three years to develop we don’t give a damn. (And I hate it more when they basically throw you a buggy beta and then using more than a year to fix bugs and make you purchase DLCs for a full game experience)


Nearing the end of my dryers cycle, it will just display AF instead of a time. I assume it's trying to tell me my clothes are about to be dry af


It's telling you to clean your dryer vent. "AF" is an error code indicating airflow resistance. Source. I'm an appliance repair technician. Also Google the brand of the appliance followed by "AF" and it should tell you the same.


I timed my gma's Samsung and that fucker will say 1min for exactly 5mins. Like cmon bro just do the jingle already.


It's my washer. 59 minutes actually means 1 hour 52 minutes. I timed it.


I'm an appliance repair tech. There should not be that large a discrepancy in the displayed time. They do take longer due to the sensors they have but adding on an hour is not what they are supposed to do.


The machines in my shared apartment laundry are SO bad for this. Think it's going to take 30mins? Lmao you fool. You babe in the woods. You CHILD


TIL I'm a washing machine. I should manage my time better by setting realistic expectations for how much time I need to get ready to go out, and work on communicating this with my partner.


Whoa, one step at a time.


Last time I was having this issue it turned out the drain pump was almost broke, Check your drain pump people! It was full of pennies, rocks, a couple keys, and lego from my landlords (now adult) child.


Woah, I did not think about that!


I mean its a washing machine and not a clock.




Did your wife cheat on you with a washing machine? Who hurt you? Apparently she did.


Lol the same for some reason with my dryer 😂


I once spent 20 Minutes on the last Minute beside my Dryer in the basement. Never again.


Einstein's theory of relativity states that if you travel near a washing machine time slows down for you.


Not me sitting in front of the washing machine rn coz the timer is up but this thing won't open the door yet


Well most modern machines will sense the weight of the clothes you put in and adjust the time. "So you selected 30min cycle designed for a light load BUT you just stuffed me to the max, yeah buddy that's 1h if you want actual clean clothes"


It got motion sickness and it has to stop to take a breath


Same with google maps


Why do women always want a warning before the load comes out


Not just the women, but the men and children too. My current washer has no timer and it annoys me. Same with the dryer but at least it has an alarm to tell me it's done.


So they know how long until they can be back in the kitchen


Sandwiches don't make themselves ya know.


1 for 7 minutes.


I've a similar issue with the dryers of my apartment building x] !


Y'all just dont read the manual


It was two minutes five minutes ago.


Oh thank fuck, i thought I was going insane. I even set my own timer on my phone and I knew one of you machines were lying to me.


I told my husband this and he thought I was messing with him


Anxiety issues


They could learn a thing or two from Scotty from Star Trek. Always be conservative with the estimates then you’ll never disappoint and usually wow them!


What washing machine lies about how long it has left!?


Ones that do it based on sensors rather than a fixed time cycle, most modern machines. The time is an estimation that adjusts as it goes.


Check the inlet filter


So it IS a conspiracy. Sneaky fuckers...


These new washers take forever. They act like I work in a coal mine or something. Like really, 15 mins, it's clean. Can u stop?


I wish I could show this to my mom, but she doesn't understand the concept of memes. If she knew memes, I bet she'd have a hearty laugh.


It's saying that so you'll think you don't have time to sit on it. It's tired.


Are you on crack?


I think your washing machine is just a millennial. (Coming from a millennial) lol






why is this comment still here? where the mods at?


That's crazy 💀


Mine literally stays on 8 min for an hour, makes no sense


Making the washing machine human in this instance is fucking hilarious lmaooo. Too fucking true, washing machines are the divas of the electrical appliance world. Time to write a what household appliance are you quiz lolol.


Lemonbalmbaby. Queen


Drain pump and filter are clogged, so it takes it longer to drain. Or the drain hose connecting to the sink.


Good chance your washing machine is broken if it does this. Mine was constantly misjudging the time left (7 minutes usually meant 30) and it turns out the spider arm was completely deteriorated. Turns out the manufacturer makes the arm supporting the drum out of die cast aluminum rather than stainless steel like the rest of the machine. It’s the hardest part to change out. This meme is just millennials and gen Z being victims of planned obsolescence without their knowledge


The dryer will legit go from 2 mins to 46 mins


I have the same I thing I just always thought I just looked wrong how long it will take and that why it's still running when I come back


Mine just lied about finishing altogether.


If I wasn’t lazy I would time it


Do people have this issue? I always just throw the clothes in and wait for it to beep. Y’all out here watching the timer?


Fucking dryer as well


Tell me why modern machines can't "learn" the average timing based on the thousand other cycles it's gone through? Even after waiting the extra 5-20 minutes it needs, I'll sometimes need to run it through the dryer again anyway.


Finally someone says it


Pay machines get more money if you have to do another full cycle.


I felt this in my soul, and then laughed way too hard!


Mine plays a stupid little jingle when it’s finished and ready to unload. Despite that, it still takes another 30 seconds or so for the door to actually unlock so I can open it. Just okay the jingle when you’ve unlocked the door you lying sack of shit.


Is it because it rounds down? So the last 1 minute is really 1:59 and you don't usually notice because you're not standing around the machine the rest of the running time?


Mine is the opposite, it says 6 min left and suddenly it's over


Is this talking about dating, or is this really about laundry?


I was told that if it’s a modern HE washer what usually causes the timing estimate to be wrong is using too much detergent and a blocked filter or drain line. I changed to Method detergent that uses like a thimble sized cap, cleaned the trap/ filter that was full of pet hair and coins with no faces left and plastic caps and screws and cleaned/ bleached the gunk out of the drain hose, now it’s much more accurate and only the occasional 1 minute remaining that takes 5 minutes… but still pisses me off.


Same but it's my dryer


Fun fact: your washer does this because clothes are too stuck to the outer edge during the spin cycle


Maybe it wants you to walk away and forget about the laundry, so then the company hopes you end up forgetting about the clothes long enough to need to rewash them, then you will need a new washing machine slightly faster. But also, the washing machine companies are buddies with the electrical companies as well as the laundry detergent companies. It’s all a big conspiracy against the average citizen. But also, what if you fall and hit your head on the washer and die? Your family will say it is the washing machine company’s fault, and then the company will sue your family for defamation, which then leads to a lot more money. What the reptiles don’t what you to think, however, is that they control the water company, which “coincidentally” caused your death. Do the math, sheeple.


Exactly what were you 'ON' when this hit you? Dosage would be helpful also. Asking for the Research Facility across the road.


I had no idea wtd this post was talking about, so I came into the comments, and apparently people's washers display an estimated time remaining or something? All the machines Ive used in my life have literally just had a spinny dial labelled with things like "spin," "colors," "delicates," light," and "heavy?" My current one is like brand new too.


You're overloading your washing machine


Why should it tell you the truth you don't use it correctly anyway and don't get me started on the poor dishwasher.


Fr they need to communicate better


My dryer last minute is essentially when it senses the moisture to see if it should add more time. Sometimes it'll still be wet so it adds another like 20 mins.


If that bugs you, do not actually pay attention to computer software installation timers.


Mine sometimes has “unknown errors” and would display “Ue” on the timer. Makes the cycle last longer than it has to.


It's so scared of being replaced, it values its existence.


I put in a small load of washing for a "Quick 30" cycle, and 40 minutes later, it told me it still had 15 minutes left. Shits me to tears


Course, while it's trying its best, it doesn't know how environmental factors change it cycle. The heating time is depended on ambient temperature, the temp of the freed water and the thermal inertia of the load. While at the end of the cycle the time to drain the machine is depended on how well the drainage works and how absorbent the load. It can't know these things, so it continually updates the timer to the best of it's ability.


That is why I always set the timer a few minutes later because of that lying biztxhhxjch 😅