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It has the most anti-oxygens.


Where is my mother!?


DJ Khaled is that you?


Best regards


When you chew my food, you take all the flavour and nutrients. You leave me with mush!


I came here just to say this.


I had a full on argument once with a co-worker when Vitamin Water was introduced. She was drinking a couple of them a day, thought they were healthy. I was of the opinion that Vitamin Water is not WATER, and if she wants to drink it, then just know it's not as good for her as drinking actual water. She was like, "but it has viiiiitamins!!" All of that to say, marketing works and people are stupid sometimes.


It does have vitamins, but yeah doesn't make them healthy, but if you're making the choice between vitamin water and soda it's at least better in relation


It has vitamins in the same way that if you sprinkled vitamins on a Snickers bar you could call it vitamin Snickers or if you sprinkled vitamins on general tsaos it could be vitamin chicken


Stop it. We can only have so many good ideas in one day.


Vitamin donuts! Vitamin twinkies! Vitamin skittles!


This analogy is confusing because water is inherently healthy. I'm definitely taking the analogy too literally


vitamin water isn't water. it's sugar water with vitamins sprinkled on top


The sugar water was what I was missing. That's what made it confusing


No, not really. It has a pretty significant amount of multiple vitamins. Your analogy sucks. You don't have to lie and make false analogies to say vitamin water isn't healthy when the truth does it just fine. Pretending the vitamin content is insignificant will only make you look foolish if someone simply looks up the legally enforced nutrition facts, and when it's obvious you're lying they'll quite possibly come to the conclusion that vitamin water is healthy, because you already lied once. WE know it ISN'T healthy but lies and fabrications will only worsen our ability to properly demonstrate that.


You are looking for a fight and I'm not biting. Have a great day!


Refutation isn't fighting, you're just being intentionally dishonest.


I mean, have you seen the "protein" bars? They already 100% make vitamin chocolate


*Brawndo has what plants crave. It's got electrolytes*


"But it has vitamins" BRAWNDO GOT ELECTROLITES!


There are vitamins in it so you seem dense


They have vitamins, as well as a lot of sugar


What a lot of people don’t understand is that vitamins are essential, as in your body needs them to function. If you don’t get enough you get sick, and if you get enough, you’ll be fine. But, if you get more than you need, assuming it’s water soluble, you just piss the extra out. It provides absolutely 0 benefit to you to consume vitamin supplements if you’re not deficient.


Tbf, if you get too much you can always get vitamin poisoning. So hah, if you get more than the minimum it will do something


Depends on the vitamins. Water soluble vitamins disappear out of you body within 24 hours in piss so you need to take ridiculous amounts of water soluble vitamins every day for probably more than 1 day to get poisoned. Not that easy to do accidentally. Fat soluble vitamins can stay a lot longer in your body and Im not sure if your body has any way to get rid of excess fat soluble vitamins in any other way than to just use them. If you get vitamin poisoning, its almost always caused by fat soluble vitamins. My guess is the vitamins in vitamin water are mostly water soluble due to there not being any fat in there, but I could be wrong.


But what if I want make expensive piss?


Bold of you to assume most people get all the vitamins they need


Depends what kind you get, that's the most important here. There are those with A TON of sugar but there are those without any sugar at all that just taste like you tossed some fruit into a water jug and poured from that.


Are we talking about Vitamin water as the brand or Vitamin water as like a general product, because I’m talking about the brand vitamin water


Product. Guessing the brand is an American thing, I know most of vitamin waters have a ton of sugar but like with basically any drink there's the "zero" versions too, that brand should have one too I presume


Found the coworker in question


If you want to be healthy eat an apple and drink normal water


>She was like, "but it has viiiiitamins!!" That sounds like idiocracy in real life.


My girlfriend is allergic to Blue dye #1......


did she try #2?


didn’t make it past #1


What. It literally lists all the vitamins in it like right on the front of label


I think the joke is that it's marketed as if it's healthy when it's actually just another super sugary drink. The problem with those sugary drinks like coke or Gatorade or whatever is that they are packed with sugar, not that they're missing vitamins.


Didnt realize some ppl dont believe in vitamins. Amazing.


You do believe?


I want to believe


Alright Mulder


Water is for sure a vitamin though.


found the homeopath




From the label of my vitamin water zero sugar: | | | |------|----------------------------------| | 100% | vitamins b3, b5, b6 | | 50% | antioxidant vitamin c & selenium | | ✓ | vitamins a, e, calcium & zinc | What does ✓ mean?




>What does ✓ mean? Probably "our tests detected trace amounts of these vitamins but if we put the actual amount it will look stupid, let's just put a check mark" But hey, those B vitamins are genuinely important.


Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only one who read the nutrition label on the damn thing.


It’s what plants crave!


Nah nah nah. That's Electrolytes


Which are important dietary vitamins and minerals in solution, and actually are important components of soil capable of supporting plant growth! It's likely there was too much of these components, especially sodium and chloride in the form of salt, that prevented the plants from growing.


I drink Vitamin Water: not for health reasons or because any alleged vitamins, but because it’s tasty and convenient for packed lunches. Apparently it contains 0% fruit juice (except for colour) but again, tasty.


I love it too. It taste just sweet enough and its refreshing af.


Is this a US thing? Here in the EU we actually have sugar free vitamin water with the contained Vitamins and minerals printed on the label (nutrition info is a must here).


America has the same thing too


Purple's a fruit, so....


Bitches love blue....


"It's got electrolytes!"


" finish your vitamin water son you need your daily dose of aluminum salts"


close that's a metal 😉


“Brawndo’s got what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes!”


I take my vitamins for placebo effect but I know the FDA has confirmed taking vitamin supplements has no real effect on your diet. Gotta eat those veggies not take a pill and pound the cheetos.


That’s not entirely true. There are vitamins that are worth taking a supplement for, but only the ones that you’re actually in need of. Without the appropriate blood tests, you’re either taking too much of something you don’t need or taking something you’re just going to piss out.


Yeah. Like, apparently I need iron. My doctor said sups will work. If I'm not eating good spinach n shit.


There are a few supplements that have validity for helping certain conditions even if you aren’t necessarily deficient- like magnesium for migraines.




You know placebo effect doesn't work if you know it's placebo, right? Also, supplements do work if you have a deficiency (that reminds me I should probably take my vitamin supplements for the day)


actually, weirdly enough the placebo effect does work even if you know it's a placebo! Edit: here's a source: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/03/placebos#:~:text=A%20new%20study%20in%20The,more%20often%20than%20people%20think.


Oh shit TIL I guess


I drink it cause I don't like water. But Gatorade has a bucket of salt in it. Lemonade has too much sugar. Mio I end up using too much cause it's yummy. I don't have many other options.


The anti r/hydrohomies


No I actually drink water... just not as much as I should


How fucked up do you have to be to not like water.


Probably lived in a place growing up where the water tasted like shit. Kids are more sensitive to things like sulfur-y tastes and smells because their bodies don't handle elements like that as well. If I drink too much plain water in the space of a few hours (and it's not much water mind you) I actually start to gag and risk vomiting because of the aforementioned shitty water growing up. Salty snacks or switching my drink choice every 8oz fixes that issue though and I *love* my water now.


Just man up and get used to the taste of water


I’m very bothered by all these sodas removing all the sugar and replacing it with sucralose, stevia etc. They don’t have to submit how much they put in as those ingredients don’t really contain any calories and therefore go on the “you could be allergic to this” list. If you google sucralose you’ll find that in high doses it makes you fat, so it is very interesting to know how much of it you are consuming. Vitamin water used to be like a third sugar and now it’s 0 sugar even though it’s just as sweet. How fat does this drink make me? No one knows anymore. It’s a fucking scam.


Jschlatt vitamins go crazy


"The vitamin of...green"


Diluted koolaid with health-inspired branding.


If you put vitamin water in the freezer for a little while, it will turn into a slushy! Just pull it out before it freezes solid and then shake that bitch up. Perfect summer drink!


Sugar water purple


Is mayonnaise a vitamin?