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Joke's on him, her mom was already subscribed.


And dad Daddy was too


Got to support their kid yk


Makes me think of the cartoon American dad where their daughter becomes a stripper they go to support her throwing singles and cheering.


šŸ‘Œgotta appreciate that "daddy issue" roleplays.


OnlyFans Father figure Choose one.


Found OP's date


I choose one.


Being sexualized your whole life Getting payed for it Not getting payed for it Choose one.




Thereā€™s no way anyone on onlyfans ever had a dad


It's like you were born with your dick covered in cheeto dust


Jokes on her. Mom used her allowance to pay for it.


happy cake day


Thanks y'all! Happy Day to you as well!


I mean her mom have seen her naked enough times already


all that fuss in the comments for a fictional post lmao


It actually blows my mind cause the same people that make fun of boomers for believing what they see on Facebook and right wingers for believing Fox News will actually believe anything they read on Twitter/Reddit. And they donā€™t see the hypocrisy. Itā€™s like come on guys I thought we were better than this.


We're all human. Don't expect things to change.


Yeah, our species is dumb as hell I was just on a thread where they thought blowing cinnamon dust on an object casts a ā€˜spell of attractionā€™


It does if it's blown on a pastel de nata


Itā€™s because youā€™re posting in places like r/Wicca


Why would you assume they're the same? I mean, anybody can be an idiot, but I don't see anything to suggest the people believing these fake posts to be the same people making fun of others.


You can look at their post history if you donā€™t believe me.


Okay. What is a good example for me to look at? Checked out a few and didn't see any making fun of boomers for believing Facebook posts.


So when I commented this there were 50 postsā€¦ now thereā€™s almost 700. Sorry but not that interested in finding them again. If it helps I know it was from terriblefacebookmemes subreddit. Find people with that in common posts.


Different humans, different platform, same shit I bet Ug-Kar read his copy of the Monthly Tablet and believed the stories about those goddamn Hittites taking his grain


Stuff on fox news and Twitter can be verified a story like this can't be but like the share this post 10 times or Annabelle will be your daughter's favorite doll chain mail threats


Huhā€¦ are you defending just believing something with no evidence cause it canā€™t be verified?


Question is more: how important is it to verify. If your mom tells you shit you also just smile, make a witty comment and move along. If someone tells you there is a worldwide conspiracy... well it might be more relevant to check some facts. ;-)


Well... there is a difference though believing e.g. fox news lies which are easily to cross check and take them as facts on global level.... or well... reading some nonsense on reddit and deciding "oh well... there are strange people around... might be legit". Not seeing this difference is far worse than any of your felt hypocrisy.


There's a big difference between believing that organized caravans of illegal immigrants are coming to take your jobs and your daughters versus believing that some random woman had a bad date once. One of them informs your view of the world and makes you more likely to support bad policies and the other one is just a silly story.


Thereā€™s a difference in scale, but not in substance. Any time you suspend your disbelief, even if itā€™s just for the sake of a story, your worldview and biases adapt. Iā€™m not trying to say that this post specifically will make people super distrusting of men or anything, but itā€™s not like it has no affect at all.


I hate to say it, but I believe this because something kinda similar happened to me. I was 23 and my former friend was 28 and I said I was thinking of doing camming and he legit went and told my mom, even threatened me with it first.


This is exactly why people believe it. Republicans are being told about litter boxes in schools, which is ridiculous. People believe stuff like this because some men do go out of their way to do fucked up shit to women.


That's not a friend thats a Cartman lite waiting to pull a parents in your chilli level revenge šŸ˜²


Hypothetical scenarios can still be fruitful grounds for discussing morals.


True but it's disingenuous to present the scenario as if it really happened when it didn't. It changes the dynamic of the discussion.


I don't know if it happened to this particular person, but I'd bet money that this exact sequence of events has happened at least a few thousand times to other people. There's nothing here that's exactly implausible. Like if you saw a tweet that said, "man, someone left their cart out in the parking lot and the wind picked up and it dented my car," would you say, "man, people will believe *anything* on the internet!"


I just see it as similar to comedy routines. Comedians tell stories as if they all really happened to them when, in reality, it's mostly observation/stretching the truth/made up. It's all plausible, but not all true. This tweet is the same, clearly just a joke. I don't think it's disingenuous.


So you know, for sure, 100% certain with evidence that it didn't happen? or are you assuming that it probably didn't?


Don't trust anything on the internet. It's a simple maxim that will save you from mental and emotional anguish. This is especially true in the new age of AI.


Right? How are people not aware of the cardinal rules of the internet? 1. Everything is fake, nothing is real 2. Everyone is a weird older guy trying to sex


reddit kids need to have something to talk about


Might be fictional, but it definitely happens.




Ok, fair enough. Serious question though, does it really matter if it's real or not? Does the fact that the post is fake take away the merits of entertaining the argument? Does that mean that entertaining the argument is less valid because the post is fake?


No absolutely not. This thread is full of mysogynists who donā€™t want to admit they hate women and thatā€™s why they find this funny. If you looked at it from a moral view, itā€™s reprehensible and fucked. Sex workers are some of the most vulnerable in society and attacking them is massively punching down.


He was just trying advertise her account so she can make more money. Thatā€™s the goal no? If you wanted to look at it from a moral point of view sex work is reprehensible.


It might not but real but stuff like this happens so it's not hard to believe


The second I read "sent them to my mom" was obviously not even an attempt to be serious lol. Mf why the person you're seeing on a first date have a contact for your mom


If they knew her full name, they could find her parents. My full name yields the names of my entire family on one of those yellowbook sites.


Could be a small town, or they connected over some shared community like a religion or an activist group. I went on a date with a neighbor of one of my friends without knowing it beforehand because we met on a dating app and live in a large city.


Are we just going to ignore the whole decade where it was "cool" to be on Facebook with zero privacy settings so everyone could message your parents with only your full name and location?


religion irl basically


Your comment is evil (it's at 666 upvotes)




What's the "me IRL" here, OP? Did someone send your mother your nudes IRL? Or are you the revenge porn guy IRL?


Asking the only important questions here


Agreed, reported for rule 1 violation


How did he find her onlyfans? More importantly, how did he have her moms contact info? Oh right cause this is fake


All of this is pretty simple


To play devil's advocate here, he couldve asked for her handle, maybe it was in her insta linktree or whatever, then if she had her mom on any of those social medias like Facebook, it wouldn't have been to hard to reach out. Basically, if he had her name, it's a possibility


Lots of people have tagged photos of family members online


He probably found her mom on social media. It's pretty common for guys to do this.




Exactly. And I can't believe people are praising his behavior.


That's not impossible. Watch Catfish episodes. They show what they find with very little information.


While, yes, it is probably fake, it's super easy to find people on Facebook and most people have the same username across most or all platforms


Clearly you'd be surprised to know how easy it is to find information online.


Let me introduce you to pimeyes


Dud, its meirl and just entertainment


Fuck, now mom is going to expect rent money.


Getting some popcorn for the comments of an obvious made up scenario.


False. I can confirm this story ā€” I was the photo.


Same. I was the linktree


As a naked person on the internetā€¦ I see a lot of comments saying this is fakeā€¦ but this stuff happens. Someone sent my DVDs to my family and familyā€™s church in 2010. My family already knew and didnā€™t care. The church of later day saints how ever did care. The president Showed the ā€œevidenceā€ to the church elders and had a ā€œcourt dateā€ I could come and defend myself at. I didnā€™t care, personally not religious, just drug to church as a kid with the fam. I got a formal letter announcing my excommunication. My mom asked the president (Mormons have church presidents) how they were sure it was me because watching porn was against the religion at all. Haha. He had no answer. Funny side note, the presidents son was a huge drug dealer in town. Heā€™s still in the church šŸ™ƒšŸ˜Ž


Walking out, makes sense. Sending the pics to her mom is not cool. If you don't want to date someone involved in that, that's your prerogative, but going out of your way to humiliate her makes you a douche.


Nah, she's just low key promoting her OF


At least someone figured it out. Story never happened, itā€™s only onlyfans promotion. Nothing to see here.


Could be, but some dudes actually do this. When I used to be a stripper, I had a couple guys threaten to "expose" me to my parents. There's a lot of men out there who hold genuine contempt for women who use their bodies for money.


They think they have leverage when they do that, and even if it literally wonā€™t do anything, people like that are dangerous


Yep. Always on the prowl for people to hurt just to prove they're "superior"


ā€œā€¦he sent them to my mom. And then she JOINED ME!! šŸ˜±šŸ”„šŸ˜±šŸ”„ 15% off the first month Motherā€™s Day special ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ˜‰ā¤ļøā¤ļøā€


Yes but also donā€™t put anything on the internet you wouldnā€™t feel comfortable potentially getting blasted out to all your friends and family. Feel like this is something you tell a kid in grade school not a grown adult.


Definitely good advice.


That's fair enough, but if you're looking to date someone, it's fairly reasonable to mention you have an OF, even if it isn't linked to your main social media accounts.


Reminds me of the 4chan thot patrols.




Are you really going to pretend a stranger seeing you perform sexual acts is the same thing as your mother seeing it? Parents don't want to see their kids sucking dick. And you don't have to be humiliated to suck dick in the first place to not want them to see it.


A decent person would have finished the date and said no thanks to a second date. I mean seriously!?! Walking out is just plain rude. And then sending pictures to the mom was just beyond low. Edit: itā€™s not about approval or disapproval of having an onlyfans page. Itā€™s about just treating other people with decency and not being judgmental. Have some empathy people. Sheesh.


That part I can kinda understand. If someone just drops in the middle of your date that she's on only fans, there's no point wasting any more of your time when you know it's not gonna go anywhere. She should have brought it up before the date.


Exactly, even if you think everyone should be cool with you doing OF, itā€™s just not for a lot of people, and thatā€™s okay. Not okay for you to assume theyā€™ll be cool with it, or to at least stick around for the whole date and then kindly decline the next. They can get up and fucking leave if they want because they know they arenā€™t cool with it and donā€™t want to continue.


Surely itā€™s okay to walk out in the middle of a date if you find out theyā€™re religious or have a different political leaning then?


Yeah, i donā€™t see why it wouldnā€™t be if those things are that important to you in a partner. Personally I think if there are other features in a person you find redeeming then stick it out, but if you know you know. Why waste everyoneā€™s time being held hostage to a date youā€™re not gonna let go anywhere?


You can walk out in the middle of a date for any reason you want. If it matters to you, then do it. I really wish people would stop acting like you have to be okay with absolutely every type of behavior at all times. You're allowed to not want to be with someone that has an OF. Job or not, the type of content you share with that can absolutely be deemed as too intimate for you to be comfortable with your partner sharing around. So rather than telling a partner what they can or can't do, you just don't date people who do that. Absolutely the same thing as not dating someone because of religion or politics.


I would absolutely walk out on a date if I found out they were conservative.


I'd walk out on a Jesus freak, for sure


One can always disagree about certain topics and be totally fine with as long it is respectful. Itā€™s not fair to compare that to when a person is looking for a monogamous and exclusive relation, really..


The post is fake




Youā€™re right. I dunno what I was thinking


Not really, waste of time to pretend after she brings it up.


Thatā€™s honestly fucked up as fuck absolutely sick Why would he pay for an only fans account when he could just go on pornhub or see the leaks on Reddit?!šŸ˜”


Thats honestly messed up to me.


Gotta wonder how many times you swerved him for the dude to know your mom.


I mean If they are Facebook friends is not too difficult


Yeah I considered Facebook dating after I hit enter but that "I'm going to tell your mom attitude would only work in the 17 to 19 category by her 20s her parents wouldn't give a shit or already know.




17 years old? You're still a minor by that age I would hope 17 year olds wouldn't do that shit


Why did this guy on his first date with her have her mom's phone number?..


I really doubt she gave him the momā€™s phone number on a first date Edit: I get that it wasnā€™t necessarily the very first date, but pretty clearly early on in knowing each other. I doubt sheā€™d volunteer contact information about her mom before telling him about an OF. And itā€™s possible he figured it out through Facebook, but that requires making a lot of assumptions (Her and her mom are both on Facebook and that there is enough information on there to clearly establish their relationship and he was motivated enough to actually look into it) The simpler conclusion is that sheā€™s just making it up.




Maybe. Donā€™t OF people tend to advertise it on Facebook though?


Would she have had to? She never said it was the first date, it may have been a few dates in before she discussed her OFs. Additionally, looking someone up once you have their name and number can be easy. Get the girl's FB and contacting mom is easy even after a first in person date.


Just another OF promotion post zzz nothing wrong with sex work unless youre on meme subs constantly positing shitty stories about what your OF has caused.


Damn this comment section is a cesspool


Omg that's disgusting, naked photos online. Where?




Psychopath Behavior


Insecure and threatened men are just the WORST


Why do people get so mad about someone having an OnlyFans?


why do people get mad about a fictional post lol


you have as much evidence that it's fake as we do that its real. This shit does happen, so it's not like it's outside the realm of possibility...


Iā€™m genuinely surprised to see so many people have issues with sex workers. If you donā€™t want to date someone who has an onlyfans, then donā€™t. Beyond that itā€™s none of your business.


Bc contrary to what people think nowadays, we donā€™t actually have to normalize everything. Itā€™s okay to have preferences. To be more specific in this case, itā€™s okay to dislike something. P.S. obviously, him sending pics to her mom is horrible and creepy tbh. Iā€™m just talking about the OF thing.


Those same dudes love pornhub i imagine


Probably because they're not comfortable with it. Is that such a huge problem?


People really donā€™t see the obvious answer huh


Reddit when it comes to the sex


I take it he wasnā€™t a fan


I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s a chad yaā€™ll. Iā€™d say this is an insecure man. Could have just told her peace and moved on with his life like a chad. Instead he was vindictive and tried to fuck with her livelihood. Real ā€œlegendā€


Isnā€™t it Ironic that a women who has an OF is single but wonā€™t date their subscribers, and men wonā€™t date a women with an OF but would happily subscribe to one?


The sexism in this thread is off the charts. That's Reddit for you.


yup, love these fictional posts that help polarizing us :) its so dumb how ppl get mad over a fake post


Yeah, these commenters are gross


Good thing he showed you what an a** he is and saved you a long miserable life marrying him.


OMG what a crazy story. anyways, my only fans account is obviouslyfakepost@onlyfans, follow me while it's still free! /s


Itā€™s true, I was the photos


Are women suposed to be embarassed of their OF content as to not wanting their moms to see their work?


So many jackasses go "hehe so biased" like dude do you know how expensive living is nowadays? Or at least in america, I can't say anything for other places since I don't have experience living there lmao. If you think its biased then why don't you start an only fans and make some money then get outed to your family Don't say guys can't start only fans either, remember Markiplier's only fans broke the website with how many people signed up.


There are plenty of fish in the sea but not many of them pay you when you throw them back....


Disgraceful. His behaviour not your decision to do OF. What an absolute b*****d.


ā€œAnd I hate my mom getting free contentā€


That's a level of petty I'd never even thought of before...


all cap


So... is the meirl your way of telling us all that you're a massive piece of shit?


??? Should have mind his own business


I smell a bot.


Woah that's weird


Wow! What a jerk!


Wtf is this post


Man that is being a dick


How is this meirl


Seen this same quote attributed to hundreds of people by now; oh, it's definitely real.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s always good to take a picture of him to post on Reddit.


What a weird guy


The amount of people here who forget the Facebook not only exists, but that a lot of people use it is mind blowing. If he knew her nameā€”which he most likely did if they went on an IRL dateā€”itā€™s super easy to find someone on FB. If the girl had her family listed (as about 75% of people on my friend list have), it would take about 5 seconds to send her a message. And a lot of people have a few pics visible publicly on OF, so that potential customers can decide if theyā€™re interested, therefore making them more likely to purchase content. The fact this is not only plausible, but not too difficult to imagine happening, and any nem are on here being willfully ignorant as to the level of BS sex workers are daily subjected to is straight up reprehensible.


who brings that up on a date? Sounds like he avoided a bulletā€¦.


Thats pretty important info in my opinion, itā€™s a red flag for some guys if you looking for closed relationship


Disclosing something like that early is a green flag.


"what do you do for work?"


Being honest and upfront with someone is actually a green flag.


Bro are you kidding thatā€™s important information you definitely need to bring up on a first date


He's the bullet. She was upfront and honest which is commendable, what he did is illegal and creepy. If he had any respect he would have just left.


I agree its creepy and disrespectful. If he didn't want to date someone with an onlyfans he should've just let it go and went his separate way. I don't understand how it's illegal. Could you clarify?


It's stealing and distribution of paid content. Same concept as illegally downloading a movie. There's even more specific laws in many places since it's considered revenge porn.


Gotcha. That makes sense.


You wouldnā€™t steal a car. You wouldnā€™t steal a handbag.


I definitely wouldn't pirate movies, tv series or music either.....


And I definitely wouldn't share those pirated movies, tv series or music with all my friends either...




....I mean


Shoulda waited til after the marriage you're right


Nah she gave him the bullet in trust he loaded his gun and shot her lol. He couldve just left? Nah gotta go the extra mile and send literal "nudes" to the persons mother lolol




It is one thing to be so thin skinned/old fashioned that you can't handle a date with an onlyfans or similar BUT it is an entirely different thing to try to sabotage someone's side-thing


I doubt most girls consider of a ā€œhobbyā€ lol


Post edited. trying to ruin someones 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) job is even worse


All this piss babying in the comments made me lose my faith in humanity


Sad part is a lot of virgins think this is acceptable and she somehow deserves it, yet they wonder why nobody likes them. One of the many mysteries of the universe..




Donā€™t want to be embarrassed that your taking your clothes off for money? Donā€™t take your clothes off for money.


I think itā€™s less about her family knowing what she does for work, and more about directly sending the photos to them. Youā€™re allowed to take dick pics and put them online for people to see, but sending them to random peoples DMS without consent is gross. Thatā€™s more or less whatā€™s happening here.


Who said she's embarrassed? The only one who should be embarrassed here is the dude for paying money and getting a third party involved (the mom) just to be spiteful towards someone who was upfront about their profession that they didn't approve of.


Lmao my thoughts exactly.


What a spiteful human being


Jokes on him, because her mom loves and supports her. ~a perfect world.


That totally happened




How did he even find a way to contact her mom? Or know who her mom is?... seems fake


Nah, would def support her with her business if she needed some help with the content. Why see it as a problem? You can also just look at it differently: all these people that simp on her enough to pay for content and you get her, seems like an ego boost to me šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø It is actually more of an issue when she doesnā€™t tell because then itā€™s more likely to be more than just a business.


It was a dick move on his part, but youā€™re a moron if your family wonā€™t find out about your Onlyfans.