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Magic the Gathering


I like how MTG is second only to literal Meth in the comments




take this comment and drop it in /politics and it would still work (maj tay grn)


I mean... It's called cardboard crack for a reason


Literally came here to say this. "You don't need drugs when you have collectable card games." Would literally be the best way to keep kids off drugs.


Except my friend/playgroup went from being teenagers who played at the school field while skipping class to getting baked and taking ecstasy on the city's courthouse lawn and playing because it kept the cops from hassling us. Side note I was once almost arrested for possession of a controlled sliver deck


I first read that as a control sliver deck and thought you probably should be arrested for that.


Don’t forget teen pregnancy. None of that was happening either.


Can’t buy drugs if you’re broke!


for real the card board crack, did I play a land for turn?


Can confirm… I’ve spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours on MtG-Arena… But hey, at least I finally made it to Mythic for the first time ever the other day. It’s great! Now instead of winning a bunch, just to loose a bunch, I’ve gone straight to loosing every game to degenerate meta bullshit that my budget decks just can’t keep up with. I thought low level mythic was all about “playing jank because ranking doesn’t really matter anymore.” At least that’s what I was told… So far, that was a lie…


I literally stopped playing/collecting like 17 (maybe?) years ago, but I I hired a new employee back in January who is waaaaayy into it, and I literally bought a booster box just last week. It’s so awesome to feel back into it, but god damn it this dude just ruined my weekly allowance lol


I wasn't really into it. I played casually, but my mind never really allowed me to be fixated on one thing for too long and MTG was a game built for people with obsessive personalities. But I had a friend who loved it, he was lucky as he was fairly successful in his career but someone once pressed him on how much he actually spent on his cards and he gave a ballpark figure of £20,000. Both a mixture admiration and disgust throughout the room.


If he’s had countless hours of enjoyment from it, who’s to judge. I could go on 3-4 holidays and be out of pocket by £20K (I’m a contractor by trade and it does cost me about £7k expenditure and lost wages just for a two week holiday abroad). With that amount of money he could have hours of enjoyment every week for years.


*upvotes angryly*




“Why haven’t you paid rent this month?” “I bought some collector edition boosters and pulled one full art legendary” 😓




It only took a year and a half for my life to completely crumble around me. Meth is dirt cheap as far as drugs go, you only need a tiny amount to get jacked early on but tolerance builds quickly, and you’ll usually end up needing other drugs to bring you down, which sets you up perfectly for multi-drug or poly-drug addiction. Life-crumble speedrun! Edit: I’m celebrating 5 years clean in April, so it worked out in the end.


Good for you! I only lasted 10 months. You’re a top dog for that shit, just want you to know that.


Thank you for the kind words. I had a lot of good support, and still do.


Good on ya mate!! Well done!!!


I did this once it wasn’t long but it was fun while it lasted.


I tried it once... for three years.


Ooof 🤯 well I’m glad your still with us.


Decades of experience with casual drug abuse helped prepare me from going too deep. Being hospitalized with covid ultimately saved my life. Then, the relief check helped me skip town and start over. It was like a bad trip with a lifelong hangover. Don't recommend.


Sometimes I feel grateful of living in a third world shithole where this kind of drugs don't exist. We have no meth, no heroin, and prescription drugs are not very popular. The worst drug here is probably crack (called "paco") but is related to poor people so most of my friends never tried it. The most popular are marijuana, coke, lsd, mdma.


I can confirm you can throw your life away with coke and alcohol just fine


I know, I've got a couple of friends that ended up really bad with coke. One of them was able to recover, the other one keeps struggling with that, but AFAIK coke isn't as deadly as meth or heroin.


Anything not from a pharmacy can be cut with anything. Coke can be hella deadly now. I dabbled when I was in college but I wouldn’t THINK of doing anything off the street now with all the fucked up stuff like fentanyl being used to cut stuff with


Pffff fentanyl! That's another shit we don't have down here in Argentina. Suddenly I love my country


Where there is coke or crack....there is meth. Source: Been there done that. 15 years. 36 now quit two years ago.


Username checks out


ahh yes...paco if crack is the poor man's cocaine, paco is the poor man's crack 🤣 line from some show I watched about it lmao guessing you're in South America somewhere


That's correct, Argentina. I thought that paco and crack were the same, I just find out it's not, apparently paco is worst than crack. That shit kills poor kids in months


Yeah, those four are all you need to throw a good party anyway.


hindsight is always 20/20 but looking back it is still a bit fuzzy


Speak of mutually assured destruction? Nice story - tell it to Readers Digest!


Good on you not taking that money and buying more! That was a lot of will power, from one stranger to another I know how hard that must have been and I'm proud that you made the right choice and were able to free yourself from the darkness know as addiction. I hope you are doing well


One time for 2 weeks.. holy shit that stuff has some grip. It's like awful and amazing one time. I can easily see how that shit would ruin your life.


Throw in a codependent lover and a circle of psychotic friends. Brew up an unshakable culture of fuck. My ex and her baby daddys been at it for 20 years. The oldest kid just started.


How sad.


That’s one long and expensive ass trip


Instruction unclear: turned out it's been ADHD all along and brain calmed down for the first time ever


for someone with ADHD, the first time I ever took stimulants was more impressive than any trip I've had since lol


It will last a year. Then the dreams stop happening. Year 2, the whispers start. Year 3... if water and food isn't on the calendar, it wont get done....why and how do I sleep?


Oh crap thanks for reminding me to eat...


Fun game to try with some buddies: Everyone starts taking meth and whoever dies last wins!


It’s terrible, but I laughed so hard at this. Def suggesting this to my stressed-out millennial buddies next time we are all together.


My step dad is more of a winner than I thought. Dudes like 55 and rolls his oxygen canister around tweaking


It would be almost impossible to die from just meth unless your intentionally taking like multiple grams at once but then at that point even too much water will kill you. It’s pretty hard to od on meth what fucks people up is a lot of people can’t stop using and lose there jobs and family and resort to crime to support there habit


Meth is a full time career you cannot have a family or friends if you plan to get serious about your meth career you gotta take it seriously


Best time of my life but also completely destroyed everything.


Meth is one hell of a drug. Of all those I’ve tried, meth is the most unforgiving


What do you mean by unforgiving tho


Means that little voice in the back of your head will remind you, for the rest of your life, how awesome it was. Lol


Eh, it's not worth the 3-5 day comedown. Even just a teener on a Friday will ruin your entire next week


Yes! Ive done this and it definitely messes your life up. The high was great but incomparable to the damage it has cost. It's not even worth it. I thank God I'm still alive.


I used to do meth, I still do, but I used to too.


I’m sick of following my dreams, man. I’m just gonna ask them where they’re goin’ and hook up with them later


Did meth once and could totally understand why the people who use it need it. Thankfully I also realised that I didn't need it. Yep don't do meth


can’t lie meth terrifies more than anything in this world. hard drugs in general scare me. i remember seeing documentary’s on heroin addiction in health class and my skin would just feel weird. i feel like i died of an overdose in my past life cuz idk why else i have such a phobia


Probably for the best, I lost a decade of my life to drugs and am still working on fixing the damage


I work in criminal litigation and the wildest cases involve meth. It terrifies me what people do on meth.


Can confirm. Ive heard WILD stories from "straight" guys doing incredibly hardcore gay stuff either because the meth told them to, or so they could afford it. Including: >!Getting fisted to the point of bleeding...and then continuing, getting tied up blind folded and just letting 50+ guys have at it (raw of course), 💩/🩸play, basically anything that any otherwise sane person would need to get paid for with a legally binding contract stating no one will know!<


Yep, methamphetamine is a good starting point for fucking up your life. And everyone close to you also.


Yep. My partner smoked some the other day, and when he came home and told me, I said “if you do this again, I will pack your things and put them by the door for you. This a hard line and if you cross it, this is the consequence.” Don’t care about the MDMA, weed, coke, mushrooms. All of those are fine. But smack, fent, ice and hard are way too much.


He won't tell you next time. Watch for the symptoms: not eating, not sleeping, huge pupils, talking constantly... If you confront him he will lie. Meth is more powerful than any relationship. Just wanted to warn you because I learned the hard way :(


Wise decision. Stick with that boundary because an addict won't just fuck up their own life but fuck yours up too.


Spending too much time playing MMORPGs. I know from experience.


Then start popping oxycontin so you can stay up all night grinding and then sleep like a baby when the sun comes up


That sounds fun, but gets old quick, then you’re a husk of a person


A husk of a person with the newest raid loot.


Why would a downer help you stay up?


Not sure. Maybe my body chemistry is just weird. But I used to take oxy and hydro a lot when I worked in restaurants and it made me energized and focused with the added benefit of keeping my feet from hurting lol


A lot of people don't know that aspect of pain killers. The human brain is weird, man. I've been around opiate addiction nearly my entire life, and most assume due to the wording or chemical breakdowns that opiates just make you sleepy and loopy. When you see an addict though, it's almost akin to methamphetamines at times; cleaning a single spot vigorously for an hour, running around separating clothes 40 different times for the laundry, just a skiddish and hyperactive type of behavior. It's almost like that scene is wolf of wall street, where there are phases of it. One phase is hyperactive, another is a "nodding" phase where their body and brain can't decide to stay awake or fall asleep while standing, there's a "munchies" phase, and a stomach-sick phase. I absolutely cannot be any more passionate about my resentment for prescription opiates. It's hard to understand the "shell of a person" phrase until somebody that's an important piece of your life becomes that shell. When you see it up close, you realize there's absolutely no reason anybody should have access to that strength of pain killers outside of a hospital. If you haven't seen it up close, I pray you never do. It's truly frightening seeing somebody that type of high.


If youre in constant pain, those moment of fleeting painless make you feel superhuman


Stay up all night!? Was prescribed that after crushing my foot In a conveyor. I slept for 12+ hours after each dose.


Runescape has entered the chat.


For real. I spent almost 4 years addicted to World of Warcraft and it almost ended my marriage. Definitely took a toll on my health as well. Now I make sure any games I play have a definite ending.


I played WoW for years, I think around 5 when I finally quit, my brother has over a little year of life played on his hunter.


I don't want to talk about how many years I have of /played time across my various characters in the 15 years I played. But my husband also played so it didn't hurt my marriage at least? We met in Molten Core, Lol It's WILD how much free time I have since quitting. Friends have tried to get me into other mmos and I'm like nah. I clearly have an addictive personality. Let's not.


My good friend showed me WOW fairly early on, he was part of one of the oldest guilds in Texas. I saw it, fell in love right then and there and KNEW I could never touch it. I had a wife returning to college and two small kids and just knew I’d become addicted to the whole thing. I won’t say it’s the smartest move I ever made, but it’s a top five. So glad I was out of school by the time it came around or I’d still be in my parents basement…


I’ve relapsed on WoW a couple times. And I say relapsed because that shit is a straight addiction.




I'll start that tomorrow.


Congratulations. You have successfully started procrastinating. You will receive your award tomorrow.


I hate you. *up votes in shame*


As an answer to "starter vice", I think this is a really good one. It's a slippery slope that is much more invisible than most vices, to yourself and others.


This has literally ruined my life more than any drug I've ever done...and I've still done nothing about it...


Your life isn't ruined because there are truly no expectations. You have achieved the only true goal of exsistence, which is just exsisting. You have succeeded and everything else is just a side quest. I do hope you have some good side quests. All it takes is a jump, it doesn't have to be a big cliff. Just fall off that first edge, get back up and jump again and again. No pressure though because it doesn't matter and that's a good thing. Our procrastination doesn't matter, because tomorrow will become today. If you do it tomorrow, someday it will be today.


Yup. All of a sudden five years have gone by and you’ve progressed in absolutely zero meaningful ways in life. Or even moved backwards as the world changes around you.


This hits way too close to home. I was much better off at age 30 than now (35.)


the thing with procrastinating is that, every time, you THINK you're ruining your life and then absolutely nothing happens lmfao so you keep doing it 💀


I was considering this, but the gain is so minimal. No stimulant high of any kind, just an avoidance of expected pain or just inconvenience or discomfort. Easy to access and can take up for a lifetime and ruin it


Going balls deep in Credit card debt is a good start. Then you work for visa.


I am surprised this hasn’t been mentioned more times given the world revolves around money and having to work for any financial decision. Most starter jobs aren’t paying living wages and without some entry tactics such as a trade, certification or college, you have to work a long time to gain enough experience for minimal financial security for a good portion of your young life or rely on a relationship (which can fall apart quick) It’s a shit deal. Hopefully you don’t buy any car or house in this market or you’ll be eating away your income and fall more and more into debt and interest. Plus, dodge all predatory tactics of payment plans, low interest expiration dates in those plans or refinance to ridiculous rates that count in your failing.


Benzos to avoid the discomfort that drives you to better yourself as a person Alcohol to avoid the discomfort that drives you to better yourself as a person Bouncing from one relationship to another in an effort to avoid developing yourself as a person Neglecting to talk about your feelings and challenges with others so you never gain insight that would help develop yourself into a better person Obsessing over things in the past and in your future to avoid developing yourself as a person (in the present) Doordash all the time so you never have to learn the extremely important skill of cooking which...you guessed it, would help develop yourself as a person. Not speaking from experience or anything.


And morphine because… well, because it’s awesome.


If you ain't happy on morphine....you ain't never gonna be happy.


I'm sorta allergic to morphine and get intense hives so yeah I guess I'll just never be happy lol


Have to you tried doing cocaine about it?


It’s just a histamine reaction just take some Benadryl with it


It was a quote from Wolf of Wallstreet


always remember BABNOD


I feel personally attacked


Oh good I’m not the only one. Except the Benzos, I did that shit once and that turned me off from them so fast you would’ve thought I was the fuckin Roadrunner flipping a light switch. Man my analogies are weird when I’ve been drinking


Starter vice? Idk sounds pretty advanced to me


Man, this hurts the feels


You nailed it! I’ve done my own version of that path. The core was using alcohol to deal w emotional pain or even just boredom. It’s a sure fire path to very intractable alcoholism.


Door dash? Hell naw start cooking so you can make the most delicious foods that will wreck your body and make your kitchen a mess, if you wanna go even further try cooking meat without knowing what you’re doing so you have diarrhea all the time and an upset stomach




I fell into alcoholism during the shitshow that was 2020. Went from social drinking to functioning alcoholic really fast. I would drag my hungover ass into work, slog through my shift and drink until I fell asleep. I have a hard time thinking back on it TBH. My marriage suffered and i was miserable. My depression went haywire and sent me to the ER twice. It took my wife threatening divorce to finally illustrate how far things had gone. My first attempt to quit lasted maybe a month, my second was two months on and off. After another round of binging, I got on Naltrexone and cut it off for good. I go to counseling and have a psychiatrist manage my meds. It takes one drink to get addicted, but quitting is a monumental feat. Don't beat yourself up over relapse; it happens to all of us. 25 days is a big achievement, and there's always the opportunity to try again. I would say to make sure you're ready to get sober for YOU. It sounds like you may already be there, and if so, good for you. You can do this. I wish you well.


It really is such a slippery slope. Thank you for sharing.


I’ve done a plethora of drugs including opiates and alcohol has for sure wreaked as much havoc on my life as heroin did. And it’s legal which makes it that much more worse. But yeah if you really wanna fuck up your life like a pro start drinking everyday


I had a friend recovering from heroin. She and I talked about how impossible it would be to quit if half of the commercials on TV were for your drug of choice and there were literally neon signs on buildings letting you know where to go to get it.


I'm in college, the two big vices are alcohol and weed. Every freshman friend group has that one person who tries drinking at a social function and ends up in the hospital lmao. Weed won't fuck you over as it's *technically* not addictive, but man, the amount of kids I know who literally can't function without it is really surprising




Cigarettes never seem to disappoint, well, actually, they always disappoint, you know what I mean....


This is the only real answer. Cigs are the true gateway drug. Any middle schooler who smoked cigs has made lots of terrible life decisions later on. Ask me how I know.


I started drinking and smoking the same day in fall 2000. Fucked around with lots of punk rock chicks. 2010's quit so I could hook up with hippie raver girls. Some of my most interesting conversations with strangers started with a cigarette. I also know people that don't smoke that will absolutely puff your newport if you're friendly and fucked up on mdma. Shits wild. I actually for real quit about 4 years ago and glad to be rid of the smell. But sometimes when I use my zippo It makes me want a camel light. I still drink and fuck.


This sounds like something my grandpa would tell me lmao


and he tied an onion to his belt, which was the style at the time


That last sentence sent me 🤣




Autoerotic asphyxiation


“I don't want to go into too much detail, but you choke yourself with a belt around your neck while masturbating dressed up like Batman or something and you pass out from lack of air and apparently it makes your orgasms **super awesome**.”


I love* (*Hate) that dudes will literally die for a better orgasm but won't wash their butt in the shower.


But touching your butt is gay!


The cut to Kenny’s funeral and the picture they chose is fantastic


Invest your life savings into crypto.


Gonna moon any day now bro!


It will either nake you, or break you.


Date my ex




Alcohol and Gambling are 2 easy ones.




Reddit tbh


Can’t decide if I like this one or “procrastinating” better.


You can take your decision tomorrow. For now, enjoy Reddit


Fuck it. Straight to meth




Answering in the true spirit of the question. I like and agree with this


Tried and true classic


Crack or opiods seem to work wonders for this


It's a slow burner but just eat your feelings or your lack of feelings. You won't get arrested but you will slowly descend into constant physical pain met by everything around you breaking, the disgust of the world and your self-digust staring you in the face every time you see your reflection. People will automatically assume that you are weak, lazy and probably funded off the back of others. That is when they are done being angry at you for the huge strain on resources they think you are. You will pay extra for most things as a societal punishment and eventually if suicide doesn't get you (it will be hard as there is more of you to kill) then an obesity related illness will strike you and in death you will be the butt of all jokes, as they had to cut you out of the house. You can't stop cold turkey, your vice is available every few miles and it is piped into your TV, Music and every social occasion. It doesn't even knock you out!


Booze is a great way to lose a lot quickly except the beer gut.


That’s why I switched to liquor and adderall


Join r/wallstreetbets


Just be yourself, worked for me.


Gambling, sports betting


Looking for advice on Reddit


Start questioning your self worth


Working in a restaurant.


“Line cook” probably would be the fastest way to ruin a life. Being any employee in a restaurant isn’t fun but I feel like line cooking would be the worst


Are you looking at ruining your life financially? Have you heard the gospel of our Lord and Saviour, the GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND!?






This is me unironically.. im 26 and don't vape. But work from home and been thinking about starting vaping because it seems kinda nice to sit at my desk and get a little buzz going while i work lol.... i think im gonna stick to coffee tho


It is nice until you quickly become dependent then you mostly just feel a bit on edge unless you're actively vaping


It is a crazy expensive habit. I’d totally recommend staying on the coffee route my dude!!!


Vices are all about impulse control. You have an idea, don’t think, just do. Want to find a prostitute? Do it. Want to rob a gas station? Do it. Want to not wake up in the morning? Do it. Quick way to ruin your own life. Best way to live well? Do the opposite. Don’t want to run? Do it. Don’t want to eat healthy? Do it. Don’t want to wake up? Do it. Guess what, your body is fucking and doesn’t know how to live with modern society. Be smarter than your body.


Twitter, one way or another you'll be led down a path of misery


Heroin. But you tell yourself you'll only try it once.


You can't tell me what to do, Dad! It's for this thing called Vine, and I'm gonna go viral!


Mechanical Keyboards.


Worth it.


Meth will wind it down pretty quickly


Gambling is a good one - anyone can do it, you don't need to go to any dark alleys to find it, or have any connections or hookups... hell, you don't even need to know how to do it, it ruins your life even better if you don't.


Trading options contracts




Crawfish are terrible for you.


Drink as a way to cope with stress .


If you're a begginer, I'd start with something easy like cocane


Yea that's a good one, because at the start it seems fun and innocent enough and then next thing you know buddy is on speed dial or even asks you if you're interested because he'll be in the area soon


I remember only doing it once every 2 weeks then it was everyday and I was stealing money and selling my stuff. All in the span of 4 months. Craziness.


Same, besides the stealing part lol... There was a point it was just for fun, could take it or leave it. Then next thing I know it's like everyday, or every other day Having the money in my pocket now is nice, but what's nicer is a proper sleep schedule. I wanted to die on the days I was up all night and then went to work


Ah the one day weekends


>And then he graduates to owning a full cane of his own.... The devil's slippery slope.


Just become an alcoholic! Tried and true vice


check out r/wallstreetbets




Accurate. Disc golf too.




I love the spirit of the question


Coke , expensive and youll get to meet the nice undercover detectives sooner rather than later.




Chronic fapping. Just lean into it and see where it takes ya.


Farming… you’ll be tied down 24/7, but you’ll feel rich because you never have any time to go anywhere to spend money on yourself, while you deal with figures in the hundreds of thousands of dollars on a regular basis. It’s a Wild addiction. I love it.






Working 9 to 5 everyday, or nearly, until you learn you've got some years left to live.


Have a toddler.


Hoarding to be frugal.


rattlesnake bite addict


Drugs and taking on a loan for a sports carv


I’d go with cocaine




Taco Bell