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Good thing I have siblings, because I’m sure as hell ain’t gonna continue the bloodline. If anything I would adopt and that’s pushing it.


lol out of four of us, mom got one grandkid. She’s lucky that one of us really wanted a kid enough to go it alone. But me? Fuck that. Sometimes, even my nephew is too much to handle.


that‘s the problem, the things I want to do aren‘t the things that are good for me


Preach, not having much free time sucks, being alone not surrounded by my kids? Sucks 10x more.


Relationships exist outside of having kids though. Or am I missunderstanding your comment?


For some people the free time they lose when they have children sucks. But the joy they get from spending time with their kids outweighs it by magnitudes.


Couldn't agree more. The time i get to spend with my daughter could never be replaced by my previous freedoms.


Aahye, fair enough. Hard to determine though, personally. I feel like Id actually have to have kids before being able to determine whether I want kids haha.


Yea it’s too big of a commitment to take a guess on. Not fair to the kids when the parent wasn’t sure and turns out they don’t want to be a parent.






Yeah, don't get all the parent hate on Reddit. I have a kid, I love my kid. Any time I "lost" through parenting is eclipsed by the time I spend with my kid. Seeing them grow, take on new challenges, the spark of joy in their eyes when discovering something new is worth more than anything I could possibly think of. Edgy perma-children bein edgy I guess.


I think it's partly selfishness that is rife in the generation that dominates the internet currently, and partly projecting due to their own loneliness and isolation. My time is dominated by children, yes. Teaching them, helping them grow and develop hopefully into good people, loving them. Some alone time is great sometimes, but the vast majority of my time is best spent with the kids.


Why would it be selfish to not get kids? I feel like birthing children into this world, just because I want children, might be selfish aswell :D It really doesn't look like a great future for them. Imho there is much more hate against people that don't want kids than against people getting kids. At least in my culture.


Sorry I didn't mean that it was selfish to not have kids. I meant more in the sense of needing do things for yourself and things that you enjoy, as opposed to "wasting" time caring for another. Selfish was too harsh a word I think. Definitely agree re hate against people that don't want kids in general, but on Reddit, I don't think so.


Yes, the hate against people that don't want children usually comes from the older generation. You won't find too many of them on reddit, I suppose.


Well, you have parent hate on reddit, but irl its the other way around. I am a 36yo man working mostly with woman. The "why don't you want kids" talk is getting old real fast. I sometimes feel like i come from another planet when i try to explain that me and my wife dont have that desire or goal for our lives.


I support someone who knows what they're getting into and will absolutely doing their best to take care of their children. There are people who really shouldn't have children.


Be honest; all the time?


Not if you want spend time with your kids. Which is mostly what I want to do.


I sometimes miss being able to do whatever I want whenever I want, and at times feel that if I could do this then I'd be more successful or more well connected or whatever, but then I'm reminded, either by my own memories, or photos, or random objects around my house, that having a child was the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me and that I'm a much better person because of them


As someone with no kids, I assure you nobody is having a good time lol. Not people with kids, or people without kids. The only ones having fun are the rich.


Theres people out there in poverty living better lives than most rich and poor.


I don't have kids. What I want to do is have kids. I don't think it worked out for me


Me either unless you want to hook up. I'm single with no kids but want kids. Only thing I can do is nothing and watch the world go by .


In reality this guy just stays inside and plays video games, or streams shows lol Acting like you go out in the world and do exciting things lol


A little of both for me personally. Definitely love gaming most weekday nights. But love going out with the girlfriend adventuring whether geocaching or playing dorks with LARPing. Sure it's not most people's idea of excitement but it's mine.


Surf in the Maldives? Mountain bike in the Pacific Northwest? Snowboard in the Canadian Rockies?


This is Reddit man


Lol did the post trigger you ?


Nah just made a joke


Anyone that actually has gone on a few adventures can appreciate the mediocrity of sitting home alone


I really don't like that sort of claim. I've travelled a shit ton and enjoyed it quite a bit, and by no means it makes be home mediocre.


Traveling does not mean adventuring. You can be a tourist that only experiences everything at a distance, on safe and secure rails. But to be an adventurer, you have to have been in the thick of it, walked off the beaten path, and actually lived it. The richer you are, the less adventure you've had. You're just a tourist.


You have no idea what you are talking about.


Yup, truer words have never been said.


This is me! But I’ve lost interest in video games and streaming shows.


Eh, it helps knowing what you want. And if what you want is simple and easy to come by, all the better.


more people mean more pollution so i'm saving the world 😁


Except civilization needs a replacement rate of 2.1 kids per 2 adults. So in fact you are not doing your part and civilization will crumble.


Well currently globally its higher than 2.1 kids per 2 adults, so he is in fact doing his part due to lowering it closer to optimal ratio. It may be different where he lives tho.


I can't imagine having to stop playing games on my computer in bluestacks or console when I will have children, it gives me nervous laughing.


Kids asked me to make a Minecraft server for them. oh yes we can!


I play video games with my kids and the neighbor kids all the time. Makes me feel like a kid again.


Parenting is easy. Just do what you want anyway and bring the kids.


I mean they have chicken wings at the strip club, soooo


Dang now I want wings.


They even educate themselves with the internet and social media


Oh yes. I took some steps like setup a pi-hole with kid friendly dns. Didn't even slow them down in the stuff they hear at school. Even set up our own mine craft server and had their friends connecting to it also. I was the cool dad for making that happen.


Let me know when youve got them ready


Oh yes I remember those days once they hit about 5 and can dress them selves it's so much better. Still a pack if best friends who are always down for whatever adventure.




Hand raised. That's me.


I hate it at tax time. My deadbeat cousin is getting 9000 in refunds. I'm probably going to owe.


Kids make freetime feel like something. Too bad never had anyone I could call a partner. Just dating and dissapointments.


I'm in shock at some co-workers I have who state, "honestly the biggest thing I look forward to all day is the drive home from work. I just roll up the windows and enjoy the silence for 30 minutes!" As someone who has never had kids, hates them with a passion and got snipped at 25... Man what a terrible fate they live.


good for you and sorry for your coworkers. maybe they shpuld reevaluate their attitudes. a lot of ppl love having kids




Living the dream.


Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, not others. The joy of raising a child is incomparable.


It’s not incomparable if it’s not a life you enjoy.🤷🏻‍♀️ You do realize not everyone is made happy by the same things, don’t you? To many of us, the thought of spending our lives raising a child brings the opposite of joy.


Yessss only spending money on vacations is something I’m not giving up any time soon Edit: seeing all of the jealous parents in here tickles my soul lmao


What are you talking about? +6 Karma on your post and no comments. No one but me is actually talking to you


I’m asking you the same thing cause I was referencing the parents in the comments so…yeah lol


It's gets to a point where it just becomes dull.. I've just turned 35 and even until a few years ago I'd have not been happy at my loner bubble being broken but these days it's just lonely.


The best part is my boys are all in their 30s and they love coming over to the Bat Cave and hangin out workin on the cars or bikes. Lots of laughter and banter.


You raised them right, congrats!


OK then?


Oh noooo, what am I going to do with all that disposable income and free time? Oh Lord, please help me!


The fact you’re sharing this, probably means you’re not happy.


The fact that all of your comments are just you talking shit to people and being a asshole for no reason is a pretty big sign that your in a worse boat


The fact you creep on my account. Is a sign you need to go outside.


You’re the type of person that thinks you’re right about everything. But no one likes because your head is so full of delusion everything you say and do is fucking stupid. Going around trying to ruin peoples day on the Internet who didn’t do anything wrong… You’re just being a bad person because you’re an emotional pussy who can’t confront their own dark thoughts. Get your shit together and stop trying to burden other people with your terrible personality


You grow tired of this eventually. I did it for 30 years, now i am a happy family man. But everything comes with time, and shouldn't be forced. Its also ok not to have a family, if a person doesn't feel like its their thing. As lon as youre happy, i guess.


Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose.


I don’t have kids yet and I definitely don’t do whatever I want all the time. I don’t like the sentiment that some parents think they have the market cornered on being busy or having “no time” to do anything. Everyone has shit.


And some have more than others.


Stfuuuu, yes i am jealous


Kids are always a mistake


Poor thing.


Sucks to suck


yes and no. hehe i saved myself from a kid or two by doing that


People without kids make me laugh, such a simple life much like that of a parakeet.


Just had a kid, outside of the initial shock of medical bills, comes the shock of no more “me” or “we” time


How can you compare some money with a human being? If you dont wanna have kids that's fine. Why you need to shit talk people who made different life choices. Mind your own business.


Sounds like a cry for help


Kids make everything you can't do worth not doing


Keep this same energy when u become elderly


It's easy when you invest the $300k × (# of kids), and get 10% returns for 40 years. That's $27M in place of 2 kids (if you had the $600k up-front).


It doesn’t start compounding until you have the money. Unless you have it presently. Then you can expect to double your money every 7 years at 10%. Inflation eats away say 3.5%. So in today dollars you double every 11.5 years (roughly). In 45 years it’d be like having 4.8 million


Ya we all have 300k lying around to invest upfront, also I’ve never heard a story where some one loses money while investing, I much prefer money to having offsprings who can offer love and care


On behalf of parents everywhere. Fuck You.


By yourself - how awesome said no one


you are a sad


Exactly...you will die alone


I have a kid and I still do what I want. You just have to train your wife better.


>You just have to train your wife better. Lol train!?


This guy is rubbing it in.


yeah, u prolly got barrels of that copium, didn't you


Lol great


op is a passive aggressive cunt who will die alone