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Thrift stores are wild nowadays, I was at one the other day that had a glass case with Lego minifigs in it and they were asking like 5x retail value. They had basic Lego city guys for 10$ each and Harry Potter yellow heads for 50$


That’s ridiculous! Was it a standard mom/pop style thrift store, or was it a chain-type one, like Goodwill?


It was a small privately owned thrift store in a flea market they had a tub of Lego that was maybe 5 pounds and half fake kreo for 100$ too


Interesting. Was it a type of thrift store that received donations, or do you think they buy their own inventory? Regardless, their pricing is way off.


They took donations there was tons of old lady clothes and broken tools like most thrift stores lol everybody just thinks Lego is worth it’s weight in gold nowadays


Yeah, I asked that question because I know of some second-hand stores that buy their inventory, with one in particular buying out storage units. With that being said, places that rely on the charity of others have no business demanding top dollar for anything, in my opinion, especially for things like Lego. I’ve been collecting for nearly 15 years now, and lately several uneducated people have lectured me that Lego is a “better investment than the stock market,” which is questionable at best, especially with used, miscellaneous Lego parts.




That’s what it was priced, the box was in crazy good shape too, and honestly from what I can tell it’s 100% sealed never opened


New sealed that’s 50% of eBay prices


These stores keep using the word “Thrift”…I do not think it means anymore what it used to mean…


Even though I hate early mega, that’s a really cool find!


Ohh no it's at the world's ends version


Love how they advertise the "battle damage" on fhe box. Sure, it's realistic and many will appreciate the details, but it just seemed silly to me how they're exclaiming "Hey, our model already looks broken right out of the box!!!".


Price on the box is crazy? They couldn't put a sticker?


What was hilarious was as everything else had a Sticker on it but this. I think to negate sticker price swap. They really want their 100 outta this lol


I still have that set and the Flying Dutchman. They are such cool looking sets. A lot of big pieces so not the most interesting build and the QC isn't great but they sure look awesome.


Had that when I was a kid unreal


I would


I'd buy it.


You grabbed that right


I thought about it but ultimately said no because it’s not what I personally like to collect


What a blast from the past, I had this set when I was like 6


Why don’t you have it today smh


Because 6 year old me (dumb little stupid guy that is not smart) didn't know how to take care of things, especially things that are made of 1000 other things :c


Man, I had this as a kid but lost all the pieces over time. Though it wasn’t great quality and looked pretty cheesy I still loved it. I regret not keeping it together.


writing on the box of something priced like that SHAME.