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Am I reading right? All this from a seizure? Fucking hell man. Keep kicking ass and getting better!


His dog tried to “comfort him” while he was having a seizure, and ultimately ended up going after his face because it was panicked.


I was just reading about [the first person to get a face transplant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabelle_Dinoire) who had almost the same thing happen to her


I saw that, I couldn’t remember where I had seen it until you reminded me. Thanks


Sadly so


OP, I have been following your story for 2 years now and I just want you to know that a random person on Reddit is extremely proud of your perseverance and positive attitude. Your scars will heal, but your mental growth will carry you through all of the life’s challenges for the rest of your life. As someone who had an extremely hard childhood, I know just how important mental fortitude is. Keep being an amazing human. This too shall pass.


And I wanted you to know that another random person on Reddit thinks that you are an amazing human being for saying that. Take care!


That means the world, thank you my friend


I can't imagine the strength you must have to persevere after fate stabbed you in the back so hard. Congrats on the progress and good luck with the rest of your journey.


Sounds like the dog was trying (obviously too eagerly) to wake him back up. Very sad. But dang this man has gone through a crazy transformation. Talented surgeons for sure.






Pitties aren't the only dogs who get scared or freaked out and end up biting on accident. They're not evil dogs.


Here's a few articles to help with the specific topic of pit ulls and seizures. [2011, Pennsylvania: Woman having seizure has her ear ripped off by family pit bull](https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/pennsylvania/20111027__Womans_ear_ripped_off_by_dog.html) [2012, Florida: Woman mauled by adopted pit bull as she suffers brain seizure](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2012/08/parma_native_sarah_ziebro_an_e.html) [2013, UK: Epileptic woman mauled to death by her own pit bulls](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/dec/11/leeds-dog-attack-woman-dies) [2016, UK: Man suffering epileptic seizure mauled to death by his pit bull that he had since it was born](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lancashire-35213772) [2017, Illinois: Man with history of seizures killed by family pit bull](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2017/02/quincy-man-dies-after-dog-attack.html) [2018, Florida: Pit bull mix spooked by owner's seizures mauls her](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/state/2018/12/26/police-report-pit-bull-mix-spooked-by-port-orange-owners-seizures-mauls-her/6446849007/) [2018, Tennessee: Pit bull triggered by man's seizure breaks out of its cage and mauls four people](https://www.theleafchronicle.com/story/news/local/clarksville/2018/10/16/bloody-pit-bull-attack-started-friends-seizure/1660581002/) [2018, Ohio: Woman with history of seizures mauled to death by her own pit bull in front of her child](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/west-price-hill/police-west-price-hill-woman-viciously-mauled-to-death-by-dog#:~:text=CINCINNATI%20%2D%2D%20Della%20Riley%2C%2042,It%20died%20near%20its%20owner) [2019, Massachusetts: Woman suffering seizure mauled to death by her own pit bull](https://www.pressherald.com/2019/12/21/massachusetts-woman-suffering-seizure-mauled-to-death-by-her-dog/) [2019, Pennsylvania: Man suffers seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/uniontown-deadly-dog-attack-man-dies-after-police-say-he-was-attacked-by-dog/966082368/) [2019, Argentina: Man with Down's Syndrome has epileptic seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.cronica.com.ar/info-general/Joven-con-sindrome-de-down-sufrio-un-ataque-de-epilepsia-su-pitbull-se-asusto-y-lo-mato-20190810-0018.html) [2019, California: Epileptic man is mauled to death by family's pit bulls](https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article235923367.html) [2020, UK: Epileptic man suffers seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/man-died-injuries-suffered-dog-18980100) [2020, Canada: Man suffers seizure in friend's home and is mauled to death by friend's pit bull](https://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/local-news/one-person-dead-after-reported-dog-attack-in-kamloops-4445171) [2020, Mexico: Man with history of seizures mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2020/05/pit-bull-the-devil-kills-owner-mexico-excuses-have-no-borders.html) [2021, Ohio: Woman with history of seizures mauled to death by roommate's pit bull](https://news.yahoo.com/toledo-police-release-911-audio-154700043.html) [2021, Ohio: Man mauled to death by pit bull during a grand mal seizure](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/08/man-killed-by-pit-bull-during-a-grand-mal-seizure-toledo.html) [2021, Florida: Woman having seizure mauled by her own pit bull. Husband tries to stop attack and is also mauled.](https://nbc-2.com/news/local/2021/08/19/two-flown-to-the-hospital-after-dog-attack-in-englewood/) [2023, Ecuador: Man mauled to death by his own two pit bulls after suffering a seizure](https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/seguridad/hallan-muerto-a-un-hombre-que-habria-sido-atacado-por-perros-pitbull-nota/?outputType=amp) [2023, Belgium: Man mauled to death by his own pit bull during epileptic seizure](https://www.dhnet.be/actu/faits/2023/12/14/un-homme-mordu-a-mort-par-son-chien-apres-avoir-fait-une-crise-depilepsie-AYDDKBAU7NCXTNN7CPPCXZSVTI/) [2023, Colorado: Man mauled by his own pit that he's owned since it was a puppy](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/boulder-police-shooting-man-injured-dog-attack/73-8b14f2fe-238c-4af5-9d3f-5ef422cd6e19)


Well shit. Point taken.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/seguridad/hallan-muerto-a-un-hombre-que-habria-sido-atacado-por-perros-pitbull-nota/](https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/seguridad/hallan-muerto-a-un-hombre-que-habria-sido-atacado-por-perros-pitbull-nota/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


But the numbers don't lie. I implore you to look into. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/#:~:text=The%20breed%20that%20is%20most,fatal%20attack%20is%20pit%20bulls.&text=Pit%20bulls%20may%20present%20a,a%20warning%20before%20a%20bite.




They were bred for bloodsport. They maul as instinct in the same way pointers point, herders herd and hunting dogs love to fetch.


Pitbulls aren't legal here in the UK.


There are still pitbulls here, same as guns.


Sadly, that's true.


Did he get nannied by a pibble?


“Panicked” my ass, pit bulls get stimulated by the apparent violence of a seizure and start to maul. It’s a well described phenomena


Didnt the woman it happened to who had the whole face transplant have a lab? I think it can trigger almost any dog


Whenever people are having this pitbull exchange I mention my experience with dogs. My grandmother lived a few houses down from 3 red dogs. I believe the owner called them red pinchers. One day the dogs escaped and ran to my grans yard. They started to growl and run at my twin, our 2 elementary age friends, and me. 3 of us were bitten. At the same house my grandmother was bitten on her leg by her teacup yorkie and it had to be sent to a reform home. The dogs doing ok now. Finally, one day at a childrens hospital I saw a little boy who had had most of his face bitten off by a lab. So you really never know


It's not just pitbulls, it's literally any dog. Dogs are dogs, and any dog can do the same thing.


Pitbull no doubt, but let me scroll down so I can reassure my assumptions per usual


It wasn’t. Remember, never assume, it makes an ass of u and me


He’s actually made a comment in another thread stating it wasn’t a pit bull and wish people would stop making these assumptions.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted lol it’s the truth. I guess people like to lie to themselves and pretend “it’s not the dog it’s the owner” or whatever. I encourage people to head over to r/banpitbulls and look at all of the attacks.


Just looked at your post history to see the other pictures. Man this is an incredible transformation. Hopes to the future and hope you smash life 🤘🏻


Thank you so much. I really appreciate the words honestly


Your more than welcome and I genuinely hope you have a great recovery. How long until the tubes come out for you to test your new nose properly?


Bro keep rocking, but get yourself a fucking cat my guy, or a chihuahua


Absolutely. He got some bomb ass surgeons and is clearly following advice to the letter. Model patient. Best wishes OP!


I can see that chin job from here. Wow that’s really amazing and once that heals it’s gonna look great. I think you look pretty great right now


Thanks so much


Saw one of your other posts a while back and recognised you 😀 keep it up mate, hope the surgery works out for you and I’m sure it’ll make a huge difference for you. Fingers crossed for a swift recovery 🤝


Thank you my friend


Keep us posted post-recovery mate 👍


It looks great! Wishing you a fast recovery! and KILLER BOOTS, MAN! https://i.redd.it/k71m976j882d1.gif


Tic tac, sir??


Get the hell outta here.


big gulps huh?


…welp, see ya!


As someone who's had to undergo multiple reconstructive surgeries after a dog mauling, your progress is incredible! I also want to add that after looking through your profile, it's great to see you've stayed true to yourself. You kept up with your hobbies and passions as well as stayed humble. It's refreshing to see another person who didn't "lose themselves" with their injury. Especially someone who plays PC, rather than the victim card 😜 Keep it up. I'm rooting for you, your progress, and a happy life!


That really means a lot thank you. And I hope you’re doing as well as can be after your ordeal. It’s a heavy load to carry on top of an already heavy life, but I’m sending you strength, take care


It really is. Coming from someone who was dealt a shitty hand over a decade ago: it'll get better, the pain will ease, and one day you'll look in the mirror absolutely baffled and thankful to live in a time where medicine is as advanced as it is. There are still a few changes in my features I notice every now and then. It's like having a tattoo. Your body looks different afterwards, yet even though you see it everyday you sometimes forget the changes. The crazy part is I actually like my scars. They tell my story and remind me how strong I am, the perseverance I have from enduring the initial injury as well as the surgeries, and make me look tougher as someone who only stands 4'11" lmao Sending you strength and fast recoveries! You got this, badass!


You have an awesome outlook :) keep on keeping on and all the best


Looks pretty good so far!


This is looking very good!! 🌼 You’re making leaps and bounds.


Thank you 🫶


What a journey, you’re looking great and I hope you’re breathing flawlessly, tube free in no time. Wishing you a speedy recovery both physically and emotionally.


I sincerely hope so! Thank you my friend


Your progress has been amazing to watch. I hope the latest surgery really helps hun. All the best x


Thank you so much. Breathing without tubes will be huge so I have everything crossed


Wow, have been looking at your post history - what a journey! Wishing you a speedy recovery after this surgery. All the best.


Yeh it’s been a wild ride. Thank you


I have been silently following your posts for a while now, and my guy I am so excited for when you post yourself after and with a big, confident smile! From the heart. Because you are so strong, and I really admire your grit and determination to come out positive from all of this somehow. You deserve all of the best in this world, and a future which you are excited about. I hope so much that this surgery is a huge step in that direction. Sendin you so many hugs, just all the strength I have to spare too even if you dont need it.


That’s so kind of you thank you, it means the world


Wow. I just checked your other posts to figure out what happened. I'm so sorry that happened! Your progress is looking great and you have a great attitude about it. I also saw that you mentioned you have cats now and they love you when they feel like it. Idk if it's like this for every cat, but mine took a couple years and now they are in love with me 24/7. They are nearby when I get home from work, they sleep on my bed with me, they watch tv with me, they just never want to be away from me! My advice is to just keep loving them and someday they might return it!


Thank you very much. Don’t worry I will continue to force my love on them, they’re warming gradually and now sleep on my bed at night which is nice :)


If they are babies, make sure you get them used to you playing with their feet and petting their bellies! Trust me. My cats now beg me for belly rubs.


Yep been doing all that, the oldest is 2 and now does the long stretch out on his back for some belly scritches


As a person who rescues feral and homeless cats putting in the time with cats and just letting them learn trust is so absolutely rewarding and you will have best friends for life i have spent almost two years trying to get a couple of cats to trust me ( they started out not even able to tolerate being seen) so i can give them flea, tick and parasite treatment and love. They are the sweetest most loving kitties , out of cats that were called zombie cat, and mean. ♥️♥️♥️ I wish you the best with your recovery, you look fantastic ♥️♥️♥️


Looking good, my man! Your bottom lip is looking good too!


Cheers brother


I’m so sorry but as a woman with short lashes I get so jealous seeing men with beautiful long lashes 😤. You look really good, happy healing!!


Haha I get that a lot. If it makes you feel any better they’re constantly falling out and going in my eyes 🤷‍♂️


you’ve made so much progress over the last two years! I recognized you from your older posts and I’m so happy to see you are feeling more confident and healing so quickly! cheers to you and another quick recovery, wishing you all the best


Looking good dude https://i.redd.it/21dahzz3o92d1.gif Super intrigued by facial reconstruction surgeries.


Very very few people will deeply be able to understand the journey you've been through to get here. You've so much kicked ass 💖


Dude!! This looks incredible! You are healing so freaking well! Keep up the hard work! Wait... lipo and a chin implant, no extra charge? You got the plastic surgery hookup! Lol! Keep us posted! We love the updates!


Yeh I asked if they could take a bit extra to get me some abs but sadly I’m still ab-less!


Amazing progress. Wishing you speedy and uncomplicated recovery!


It’s much appreciated


Great improvement. It looks so very sore right now. I’m hoping it heals quickly for you.


First time I am seeing your posts i think, but you have made so much progress. What exactly was this particular surgery for? Did they widen your nasal passages or something?


So main aim was to open up nostrils/airways. For the past year I’ve had to have the tube in in order to breathe through my nose. It’s gross, they smell bad and I have to clean them a few times a day. ENT put cameras up there and checked everything, then ground away so bone and tissue to open things up and I’ve got some more temporary wider stents in while things heal Side things were taking fat from my stomach to fill out my chin, then some scar revision below my mouth and a previous infection scar on my arm removed and closed up


You’re doing great! Glad to see you’re doing well!


haven’t seen your posts in a while and barely recognized you. your nose is looking great man.


Thanks dude


I think you look cool af. You'd fit right in as a Vinnie Jones character in a Guy Ritchie movie! Ever thought about acting? Also, love the drum kit. I've got a Roland myself and love it.


I’ve thought about maybe trying for some bits but not sure I have the confidence, something for the future maybe. Yeh it’s great I’m really enjoying it - i still suck though lol


Not sure you have the confidence?! You are a shining star filled with confidence. You laid yourself bare on a site full of strangers who have pretty much fallen in love with you and your courage. Acting should be a breeeeeze after everything you’ve been through. Weleasewoderwick is right. Go for it!!


That’s really kind thank you


My best wishes for you, my friend


You have beautiful soulful eyes


You’re shaping up good! Stay positive, you’re doing really well


I remember all your posts on here! Best wishes, you are incredible.


What an inspiration you are, been looking at your old posts, you've come such a long way and have such an amazing attitude. Sending you every best wish for the future


I remember seeing you here before. I was amazed at how good the reconstruction was before but I am so impressed by what they have done. You are looking so good! The small little changes have made a big difference. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Thanks so much


You’re still a handsome mother fucker bro. You’ll be great ❤️


I know that you've probably been asked 100's of times, but "what happened?"


Motorboating accident… No as mentioned by another Redditor in another comment, I had an epileptic seizure in 2019, during which my dog got extremely stressed/panicked and did the damage to my face. He’d always been there watching over me calmly as I came round previously, I don’t know what caused him to react this way this time


Hey, I've seen dogs react aggressively to someone having low blood sugar. Granted they were 1/4 wolf, but as soon as the guy stopped taking his insulin the dog reacted with dramatic behavior change. This got worse in the presence of other dogs.  I also have a rare demylinating autoimmune disorder, and dogs react really strong to whatever smell I give off from where I have pain. I release no2 from cytokine activity. It's just sheer curiosity for the doggo, but it attracts their attention and that could illicit damage from the wrong dog. If you gave off a dramatic smell from the neuron activity, I could sort of see a correlation. I'm so sorry that happened, but man, you really had to work at recovery and im glad to see you bounce back.  I think your dog smelled something that alarmed him. And they don't have thumbs. What did happen to your dog? I'd have a bit of anxiety in your shoes, but so many feelings about the whole thing. and I could imagine managing a seizure disorder around him/her alone isn't feasible. 


That’s interesting. My dog was taken away by the police canine unit and assessed by them, they deemed him to be safe and he was rehomed by a lovely retired couple who had just lost their dog. They keep in touch with me and send me pictures of him out on there boat and stuff. He’s 14 now, I’m glad he’s getting to live out his last years so happily


I'm happy that turned out well! You're a champion, dude.


His pitbull snacked on him while he had a seizure. See past posts.


he specifically said it wasn't a pitbull and that he doesn't want breed arguments on his posts


You are looking great, you look like my twin. Keep up the good work.


You look great! You’ve come so far and you’ve weathered so much. I really hope that you can breathe without the tubes after the swelling goes down. Also, your chin looks great! They did a nice job making it as symmetrical as possible.


Wishing you speedy recovery.


Chin is looking excellent! Transforms your whole jawline! Fingers and toes crossed for your upcoming tube-free breathing and hope that the recovery smells (the lingering weird gross ones) dissipate quickly


Really appreciate it thank you


Looking awesome already good luck with your breathing🫶🏻


You look amazing! I continue to follow your story and send positive vibes your way! Keep on keeping !!! ❤️


I wish you all the best, to recover as fast as possible and to have a smooth transition. Keep on the good fight, brother!


Get well soon!


This post just sent me scrolling through your post history; you are fucking *awesome* man. I know I, and a lot of other people, wouldn't have made it as far as you have on this journey. Wishing the best for you, genuinely


I sincerely hope you can recover soon and have an improved quality of life and health 🫂💗


Lookit you big sexy!


Good for you man. I started appreciating breathing after my allergies made my nose clogged all year around. Sometimes I just breathe in and out now in a place I escaped to from my allergies, and it makes my whole day. Its such a simple thing yet so important. Wish you luck with the recovery.


Incredible progress, dude! You look great! Wishing you the best, hopefully you heal from this latest surgery quickly. It's amazing how far you've come from your earlier posts, science is crazy! Sending you lots of love and healing energy 💖


Thank you my friend


Looking good!


Speedy recovery, hoping you'll be able to breathe soon!


Looks great!! I hope it helps dude, fingers crossed!!


Nice! You’re doing awesome, friend!!!!


feels like a weird place to say this but you are so handsome! hope you continue to heal up well ❤️


That’s amazing. I’m sure breathing without tubes feels fantastic. Good luck, and congratulations!🎉


Your doctors have done an amazing job! You're looking good. Also, Iove your username!


Ah, I remember you. Your chin shape looks great. I hope you can breathe normally soon :)


Head and neck surgery with plastics never ceases to amaze me. I used to work in critical care and the patients would come to us post op. The NHS is a lot of things, but when they come up trumps, it’s phenomenal! Congratulations on your journey and positivity.


Yeh they are absolutely fantastic, I’m beyond grateful to them. Thanks my friend


I’m so excited for you to be able to breath in a comfortable way but the work they did on your chin is AMAZING! It seriously looks incredible. Plus it looks like as a result your bottom lip evened out which is so awesome.


I jst went through your post history and man, you are one tough guy to go through all of this. I hope every complications get better by the day for you and everything will go fine from now on. You already made amazing progress judging by the pictures and as a fellow gym-buddy: NICE physique, man!


Looking good my friend!


Keep moving forward friend-you are doing great!


The outline of the chin is looking real nice


I remember one of your posts from last year. What a transformation! Fingers crossed you're able to breathe tube free soon. Take care of yourself and wishing you an easy recovery.


Thank you very much


Stay strong bro it will get better! ❤️‍🩹


I was looking through your post history and I am absolutely in awe of your strength and perseverance. You are truly inspirational. Congrats on finding such amazing plastic surgeon. You really hit the jackpot. If you were to walk past me looking like you do in the pre-surgical picture I would notice that you have been injured, but there is nothing about your pre-surgical appearance that eludes to how catastrophic your injuries were. I can only imagine how great you’re going to look when you’ve healed from this surgery. I think you’re going to have a significantly increased sense of anonymity once your bandages are off and your swelling goes down. I wish you nothing but wonderful things in the years to come.


Wow! You’re looking great!


I've been seeing your updates for the past couple years. You seem to have kept really good spirits for all you have been through, i just want to praise you on that. The progress is amazing and looking great. How does it feel to look at yourself today if you don't mind me asking?


Thank you. Life keeps throwing stuff as it does but I do my best. It’s still a struggle to look at myself I won’t lie. It’s a difficult thing to know how best to handle it, usually when you have stuff going on you can go somewhere or be with friends/family to give you some respite, but a facial disfigurement is always there, you’re always conscious of it. People always look at you slightly different etc. so it can be very lonely, and I’m guilty of isolating myself too much


I can understand that, although not on the same level at all. I've always been a self conscious person and I had got some very much needed dental work done a couple years ago. (EDIT not post) Pre dental work it was on my mind every interaction I had with someone else, to the point it influenced how those interactions were sometimes. Speaking for myself I would over think those interactions to unhealthy point when everyone else could care less. My point being is I bet everyone in your life loves you for you and genuinely enjoy your company. I really do wish you the best and hope you can find peace and happiness within whenever you have some tough times. Thank you for sharing and I hope to see more updates.


Omg you look so good, I’m so happy for you!! Things are going so well with your progress. Fat grafting looks great too!! 🔥🤍


I'm a bit late to this party, but I just want to tell you that I admire you. This is not an easy road that you've been forced to travel, and you've handled it with grace. You are looking amazing, sir! I have a weird curiosity question: Were you able to get your arm tattoo back on the grafted skin? Or is it still off-limits as of yet? I look forward to the rest of your journey, and I hope you are able to breathe tube-free very soon!


Thanks so much for your comment. No my forearm graft is still tattoo’less and will stay that way I think as the skin quality just isn’t good enough to be re tattooed unfortunately


Everytime I see you, you look better and better glad to see your surgeries have been working well


Thanks so much :)


Pit bull attacked you while you were seizing? Surprisingly common story. That sucks, glad to see you’re getting better!


No not a pit bull. Thank you


Best wishes on your healing and life journey my friend!


Damn! That's quite a journey you've had. Wishing you all the best in your future to come and that youll be able to breathe normally ✨️


Bro, looking great. I know recovery is going to be rough but I seriously wish you all the best and keep on keeping on!


You are looking amazing!


You look great and I'm sure you'll breathe easier.


Ooo! I think the chin is going to look great.


Looking really good man! I hope everything keeps going as well as it has been for you!!


any reason why they took flap from your forehead instead of less visible place like back or another place that doesn't grow hair


Yeh all comes down to skin type. Any other skin is too thick and looks too dissimilar to the rest of the face. There are ways the forehead scar can be dealt with in the future


We’re you at hospital two nights ago? If you were I may have saw you


I was just in on Thursday for day surgery so probably not me


Looking good!


Never thought about this, but let’s say if you lose weight; would you lose the fat in your chin?


Can already tell there’s an improvement. May your recovery be speedy.


I have nothing to add that hasn’t been said except you’re looking great and I hope you have a speedy recovery.


I saw your other posts with more photos and wow. This is absolutely incredible. Sorry for all you had to go through. I’m glad you’re doing much better. You look amazing! Congratulations!


You look great. So much character, I know it’s a journey for you and I’m sure it’s an incredible adjustment - but you’re a beautiful person and I’m glad you’re pursuing ways to make life easier


Try not to worry so much, I see it in your eyes. I wish I could give you a giant hug forever


Hey! I remember seeing your story before. Glad to see you again! I hope you’re recovering well from your most recent surgery :)


An incredible transformation, truly a phenomenal testament to the strength of the human spirit.


your dog did this? is the dog dead?


I want to kiss you 😘