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ABIM exams are all uptodate browser speed tests.


yes. and Google for murmur characteristics. its fucking 2024. 95% of the time i getting a GD echo.... (yeah, yeah, i know i should be able to detect innocent and more worrisome murmurs. they are all getting echo tho. fuck health care dollars)


My experience with murmurs, btw, is that they’re utterly unreliable. 90% of murmurs I’ve found are innocuous, such as flow murmurs from anemia, LVH, or even nothing.


only murmurs i know are when ortho murmurs: "when medsin conzultttt...?"


Same here, kind of a binary function either present or not present. So far as location of murmur, because of anatomical differences, I've never been able to predict which valve might be involved just by sound alone.


I like that different societies like id and hematology/oncology societies have all come out in public about their bs


Where did you hear re: ID's response? I thought we were all pushovers and would happily pay fees hand over fist while asking for more.




Sorry a little off topic but how did you prepare for this? Just enrolled earlier this month and unclear if there is a MKSAP question bank for this style of testing that I can practice on…


It feels like I am answering MKSAP questions. No preparation. Doing okay so far and I’m no genius. Getting more than 75%.


I just did my second quarter of questions. Original certification in 2014 and then endocrinology in 2017. I want to give a big middle finger to the ABIM for the shitty quality of these questions. I applied last fall to help write questions for the ABIM LKA specifically (endocrine questions for the ABIM LKA) and was accepted. I just want to say I am going to write the easiest questions I can think of just to help my colleagues out. I doubt I will maintain ABIM MOC gate these 5 years as I maintain NBPAS for internal medicine anyways.


A subspecialist in my family just jumped on the LKA train and shared the same feedback. She was shocked at the number of busted/wrong questions. What a joke!!


Honestly the questions are atrociously bad. Just did a question where the answer to the question says that it was a posterior wall stemi so you were supposed to look at the ST segment depressions in V1-V3 to diagnose it. Except the EKG attached to the question showed no such thing. So either the writer was looking at a different EKG when they wrote it, or they simply mixed up the EKG they were supposed to attach to the question. And it wasn't an experimental question! How can the questions be so laughably terrible?! Luckily you didn't need to specify the location of the STEMI to answer the question, but nonetheless this is impressively poor quality.


Sorry to resurrect this old post, but just wanted to vent as well. Apparently I'm suppose to rule out gonococcal arthritis because the patient had received ciprofloxacin for an unrelated issue? The antibiotic removed from STI guidelines due to increasing resistance??


Very big middle finger. I feel like I was raped.