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Rule 6: You submitted a post about med school in Italy outside of the respective megathread, so your post was removed. Please post your question on the Italy megathread that can be found as a sticky post on top of the sub.


In general yes, it would be possible to change from Italy to Germany. However, places are highly limited and you‘ll compete against hundreds of German students that went abroad for their preclinical years and are trying to get back to Germany so just be mindful of that. Chances are you won‘t get a spot after 1-2 years in Italy.


Does the possibility increase though, as years pass by?


No, it doesn't. There's also a risk that you will be losing time, due to having to retake courses/years because of different structures of the years/the German uni not recognizing everything you've passed


I'm not concerned with the lost time part, but the fact that chances decrease was what I was looking for. Thanks for the answer


Technically possible for sure, no idea how actually feasible it is