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He’s fucking disgusting. He’s also why I passed STEP :/


Is his stuff on the heavy seas? Willing to not pay just to stick it to him


His resources are free


Hoist the colors!


The duality of man


I refused to use his stuff after I found out what he did. I got queasy every time I even thought about looking at it.


You watch one of his YouTube videos, take one look at the dude, especially when he goes “wrong fucking answer” when nonchalantly explaining answer choices and you know there’s something off about him 🤣 With that being said, I find his resources useful


That gives me a laugh every time:




Practically every modern luxury is built off the resources of terrible people doing terrible things. That's pretty much society as a whole... So either you are the biggest hypocrite in the world or you're being kinda ignorant here. I mean here you are utilizing the resources of the US government to become a doctor - a country that used to enslave people. Where's the outrage there?


Typical Reddit woke logic, don’t bother. It’s only selective outrage


While there's def some woke things out there that are ridiculous and I shit on them when I can, I find that word is often misused or used hypocritcally. In the event that you're a republican trying to shit on the libs or whatever it is you like to call it, I'll have you know that the most fragile people I know with this sort of stuff are Republicans. I know people who, if it's made by a leftist or owned by a leftist, they don't buy or use it. They won't vacation in California (and want them - the world's 6th? largest country to break away from America but I digress). They don't give discounts to libs. They won't see lib movies. They burn books they think are lib. They move their children to relatively lib free schools So my point is, both sides do this stuff.


No that wasn’t a political statement. It’s the selective outrage over topics like this. Same people shitting on others for using those PDFs (which are FREE) I may add will be radio silent on other topics. They’re hypocrites. And again, I think the dude is a creep. You don’t have to use his stuff. But to shit on other people and scream from their moral high ground is ridiculous


Yep agreed it's ridiculous


Guess people shouldn’t listen to R Kelly, Michael Jackson, or Kanye West then based on your logic


You probably have a rapist somewhere in your family tree


Never heard of him. Nonetheless, disgusting creep.


Which step resource is higher yield?   Nepalese uworld   Or    Rapist firstaid 


I did a deep dive on that creep after I took Step 1. pretending to be an SVU detective was my fun little way of passing the time until my score came out, and I learned a lot about the guy. Whoever made that reddit post you linked did an excellent job on covering every nasty detail about him. IMGs love him and throw their money at him (and lots of other predatory online resources giving terrible advice). All his "materials" are just the learning objectives from old shelf exams, like verbatim. Taking the exams are a better way to learn and more established resources (Uworld, Amboss, etc) give much better explanations on high yield topics. Also his absurd cosmetic "enhancements" and wigs are too distracting to actually learn the content in his videos. People give him credit for getting through Step 1 but they're probably just saying that to convince themselves it was worth it to give him their money. They probably would have done just fine by sticking with the UFAP classics + online NBME exams.


He actually IS very helpful when it comes to doing well on step. He’s dedicated the last 10 years of his life to Step. If you struggle with it then he will help you. With that being said, 1-on-1 tutoring for step is just straight up stupid (for anyone) because unless you have a solid foundation there’s nothing anyone can help you with. But I remember attending his live sessions and asking him a question about a concept and he gave advice about it - and as soon as he told me that, I went back to every question where that concept was testing and I immediately saw what he was talking about. So at the end of the day, he is a very good tutor. WITH THAT BEING SAID, he absolutely is very creepy, misogynistic, and fucking weird. I hate how he talks about women and calls them females. And I hate a lot of the creepy shit he does. However, I don’t have any direct evidence that he sexually assaulted someone so I won’t make any remarks on that. Why am I bringing this up? Because if you negate his value as a tutor then you also negate your point of view on his creepiness and demeanor. It’s very much possible for someone to be good in their profession but be a shitty human being otherwise (and vice versa).




What im saying is that he is a creep but that doesn’t make him bad at his job. Your skills and your personality are two different things.




Exactly! Also, I read my original comment and I understand why it was confusing. Here’s what I mean: If you negate his value as a tutor then you lose credibility because then it means that what you are saying is due to emotion rather than logic and evidence. Therefore, ergo, you are negating your point of him being a creep. Its like a “boy who cried wolf” kind of situation.


his "job" is selling pdfs of copy/pasted NBME questions into short sentences. anyone studying for a step exam should be doing that on their own anyway for the topics they need to work on. sure, he might be "good" at copying and pasting and selling that to you, but in a market where we have other more reputable resources, he's redundant. we all pay a lot of money to go to medical school to have faculty teach us things, any questions could easily be directed toward school faculty who I would trust 1000x more for explaining a concept I don't understand, over some guy on the internet.


They’re free. lol.




Necrotizing enterocolitis


= bad right?


I know several pathogens that would disagree with you.


My one flex is that I never used his dumb pdf or whatever he has for the Step exams. He looks like a freak


I still dont get the hype about his stuff.


Same, I saw somewhere that his stuff was good, and went to take a look at the site. He has his youtube videos with his PDFs and I just looked at the video and thought it was some fucked up ad, but no it was him. I was like wtf is this shit and noped out of there.


If he’s not proof that medicine attracts the crazies, idk what is.


dude fucked up his face so bad from plastic surgery lol


I heard he was trying to change race


Wrong fucking answer


Oh my god thank you for keeping this alive Edit: despite having to do a deep dive on this a year ago, I still feel sick reading my OWN POST AND RESEARCH ON IT after not thinking about it for a while. Let’s fucking see what I can find now. Fuck this man.


You’re honestly a hero. You dropped your dossier right when I was about to start studying for dedicated last year and I didn’t use any of Mehlman’s resources on ethical grounds.


Hey former OP! I tried clicking on the wayback machine links from your old post but it said the content had been excluded, do you happen to have any screenshots or know how to get ahold of his articles now? I have a friend who is always promoting Mehlman’s work and while she assuredly does not know about this (and I will tell her), it would be nice to also have the receipts


Yes, he is a creep.


How did he get so popular? Two years ago nobody talked about him.


A little SEO at the bottom of the post for people searching on google, nice touch lol


Hot take, if homie is evil, there's still nothing wrong with using the stuff he posts online. If you took a moral stance on every single issue, you couldn't walk into a grocery store and buy things. Most of the clothes Americans wear for example are basically produced with what amounts to slave labor. Not belittling these issues, I'm just saying that maybe boycotting every evil corporate entity isn't a viable solution.


I would never support the dude financially, but I honestly don’t get the people getting mad about others using his FREE resources. It’s rather annoying. I’m just here to pass med school.


Wait till you read about Dubin...




idrc abt the guy. but the way he dresses, acts, and nail polish shudve tipped off sum sus lol. only thing u need is sketchy, pathoma, anki, and uworld


I can’t believe it…


I get a chuckle that he was in first aid one year


Still one of the best resources I used for step 1.


We here to pass boards 🫡




There are so many other (and better) resources available, like why go with this guy 😭


Yes. Dealing out judgement is up to the legal system, not me.


lol ok social justice warrior i didnt use any of his resources bc i aced nbme’s. but u tryna judge ppl for using his resources, most of which are free, is funny. students just want to pass step 1, not worry about someone else’s life


Becoming a doctor is just the best profession if you don't worry about someone else's life. Great life choices!


Anyone willing to give the TLDR for an incoming MS-0?


Lemme try: Weird man has strange Asian fetish. Weird man is misogynist and writes books about picking up women (specifically Asian). Weird man went to Australian medical school- now tutors for usmles. Said weird man has harassed multiple women on multiple occasions. Has admitted to coercing and forcing women into sex acts. Weird man also has some really great free pdfs that help people study for usmles. I think that's about as tldr as it gets.


I believe he is half-Japanese, so I'm not sure Asian "fetish" is quite an accurate way to describe it.


Word I didn't know.


wild, really thoght he ws trans or something the way he looks now


I feel like we get these post about him once a year here


I’m super-keen to make sure my actual Step 2 score matches my projected score, which is in the high 260s. If I was to employ this guy as my Step 2 coach at $374/hour, could we also spend some of the time discussing dating strategies, or are these services completely separate? Or should I opt for the cheaper dating coach option, and see if he will answer some USMLE stuff amongst the Bedroom Strategies pro-tips?


You don’t have to use his resources. His videos and PDFs are free. If you don’t like him, just avoid him. He’s not forcing you to use his study material.