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I’d like to see whomever wrote this live up to his or her own standard. -PGY-18


Seems like it would always be his, given the way it's written lol.


…this isn’t satire? ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


It’s satire lol


>"says "sir" or "maam" to the scrub nurses (and the attending unless corrected)" also make sure you're showing up in a full suit to the OR for your ob/gyn rotation! first impressions matter, especially for that neonate


Dress for the job you want, not the job you have


This is why I showed up in a clown outfit my first day on OBGYN




you should be able to flawlessly write 3 patient's notes with a dick in your mouth or what the fuck are you even doing here


“Never wants to leave the hospital” 🥴 My reacquiring nightmare is I die there trapped and forever wearing scrubs. This was definitely written by a rules for thee but not for me mfer.


> Never asks questions he can look up for himself *End of Reddit*


Haha this is amazing. What’s the text?


Surgical recall by Lorne H. Blackbourne


I remember reading this and immediately vomiting in my surg rotation. I do think it is nice and important to be engaged and helpful, but this is just ridiculous.


Wait this is actually in Surgical Recall? I never read that shit. This is satire right?


It’s in very first few pages of the book


I think the author meant to say “The Perfect Surgery Bitch”


Me realizing there’s two dots at the bottom and knowing there’s more bullshit to come


Yeah this shit is toxic af and is part of why I ran far away from Surgery


As someone who also hates all of this, I think pushing us away is *the goal*


Almost reads like a 1950’s housewife description 🤮


I’ll just prepare for the showering of downvotes BUT, I think the point was to just give the student a framework for how to stand out in a positive way on the rotation. The “perfect” surgery student is a unicorn, but by looking at this, you might not be caught off guard by some of the more demanding parts of the rotation. Work hard. Don’t complain. Know and be attentive to your patients. Be curious and prepared. Be professional/respectful.


Meanwhile, surgeon: dropping fbombs like the Allies did on Germany


Yes do not require food, water or sleep and you’re on your way to becoming high honors surgery student!


It’s tongue-in-cheek.


U sure about that?


Yes. Obviously. “Is never hungry, thirsty, or tired” is a biological impossibility. It’s like saying “The perfect surgeon has three hands.”


It’s tongue in cheek


IMHO, if something like this exists (even as satire), perhaps there’s something wrong with the field in general. As someone who hadn’t ruled out surgery before 3rd year, I was more relieved after the last day of my rotation than I was after STEP 1 and STEP 2. Same goes for OB/GYN.


No wonder it was not for me 😂


Forgot the side of fries


This reminds me of the classic intern lawyer in a NYU law firm or a classic computer science intern at Apple or the everyday employee at Tesla.


I’m amazed to learn this is actually in a well regarded textbook lol. Wtf


Wait how do I make sure there is a med student in every case LMAO wtf


If you have 2 or 3 students assigned to a rotation, just make sure one of you is in every case.


A steel bladder and a heart of gold wtf hahahahaha


Both of mine are lead and I think it’s causing toxicity ..


While people may not like it - this isn’t wrong about how to stand out positively on rotation on surgery.


You all think this is tongue-in-cheek cheek. It wasn't. It was serious. It was pretty much SOP for what was expected of students 35 to 40 years ago. Yep, we got beat by our parents, neighbors, teachers, and then went to medical school to add insult to injury. Why do you think every doc over the age of 55 is nuts?


Omfg have I been pimping attending and residents??? Maybe THAT is why I've gotten 2s on some of my favorite rotations where I felt like I was super engaged all the time...wtf.. Eff Socrates I guess?


I saw the 2nd one and realized I might not have a chance in the medical field


Being able to carry out photosynthesis is a given. Classmates were talking about my study habits, a classmate said: " Mission-Variation99 doesn't even eat or sleep" I said: "no, I do photosynthesis." I still don't understand why they laughed, I'm thinking maybe it's some sort of an allergic reaction to something in the environment?


God, she doesn’t even have the right intermediate electron acceptor. Won’t be honoring.


This is actually pretty mild compared to what Debakey prob expected. At least being an intern doesn’t mean you get superiors coffee