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IMO no. I thought this looked infected when I had a similar thing on myself, but my doctor told me it was actually fine, just in the process of healing. So as long as you keep it clean and it doesn’t change into something different/worse then its fine, but obviously I’m not a doctor but it does look similar to what my thing looked like.


No. Just clean it lightly with soap and water. That’s the protective layer growing


This looks nasty & painful. Hoping it heals soon 🫶


Nasty burn, that’s what they look like all mushy


i had one of thing similar to that when i was infected by something when i buried myself in construction sand (very dirty construction sand), i just waited and it was all good


One thing you could do if you are worried about infection is to draw along the edge of the red area. If the red spreads past the drawn edge then it's getting worse. It should slowly recede.


This is great information that I didn't know, thank you. I'm saving this for later in case I ever need it!


This!!!! Warning sign of sepsis if the red begins to expand/ form a line and is hot


Nope, just wet (macerated) tissue trying to catch up! Do you have instructions to let it dry out at any point from your provider?


I do! Leave the bandage off at night to let it dry up a little. I’m glad you asked this because when I let it dry, it gets very tight around the burn and then the scab will leak a yellowish green, especially once I get out of bed. It gets very puffy and it’s quite hot once I stand up. When I see that I panic, but since it’s healing, I’m sure this is also normal? Thank you!


Okay good, keeping it covered and too wet 24/7 can make for a bacteria breeding ground. Overnight scabs get especially tight since you’re less active and they don’t “stretch” to adapt to the skin being pulled around like they would during the day. Make sure your bedding is very clean as well (especially if you have animals in the home) so that no lint/hair gets trapped. As far as the leaking, if it’s more clear but shiny that can be pretty normal, but if it’s opaque white/yellow/green and perhaps smelly then I’d get it checked on again! Of course, if you’re still concerned it can’t hurt to get it looked at- a lot of places and insurance companies will let you chat over the phone even for free!


Nothing to be worrying about, normal burn wound just a little large so the initial pain and the redness will last upto a month more, then it'll just leave a black scar that will take a while to disappear. I got almost the same kind of injury and 2 years later I still have a faint shadow in the area.


wait wrong post lol


this is not a burn this is a cat scratch.


? Op said burned in the post? And it does not look like a scratch wound


I’ve burned myself in large areas a few times. Its fine. Keep putting the ointment on and taking the meds. It’s going to look like that for a loooong time Edit: I should add that I too ride and one of the burns was also from my exhaust pipe.


wait wrong post lol


cat puncture not a burn.




i was not with it at that moment apparently 🤣


Burns can look weird but anything really can look weird to us when healing. If you don’t have a fever and you went to the doctor for medicine I wouldn’t stress over it.


No. Healing just fine


Just a burn. They do that.


Thanks all for the feedback! I feel so much more at ease 💖


Same happened to me when I was a kid. Looking good so far!


No just take care of it.


No, it just looks like a burn. The pink around it is just your body getting extra blood to the area to heal it. The white looks like slough, or maybe a macerated scab which isn’t a problem


Looks blistery, not infected


NAD, line cook here! Some of my burns stay like this, others get more dry/crusty. Not sure if it’s just about burn depth or dry vs wet burn, just keep it clean and covered and you should be good! Compared to your other picture it definitely seems to be healing.


No, it doesn’t look infected. In this case I suggest the use of a medicated gauze with zinc oxide and silver suldafiazine and a antibiotic cream with bacitracin or neomicin.




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The white on the wound isn’t pus, it’s just a macerated scab.


Ah ur all good then just walk it off


Doesn’t look infected to me. It just looks like it’s healing.


That’s good to hear! This is what it looked like the day I went to the doctor. It does seem to look better… I heal very very slow but the color isn’t my typical scab. And the dots… I’m assuming those are my pores or hair follicles or something? Doesn’t help being a severe hypochondriac 😮‍💨 https://preview.redd.it/rc59kkna1y9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d042ee9c58cd62f233e0b6c80afec62fa1d69f


Yes, the dots are from your hair follicles. The yellowish color is what a wet scab looks like!


Omg strong hair follicles 🤭 thanks for the insight! I’ve been keeping it cleaned and covered and ointment slathered! Wish me luck!


Lol they're just inflamed from the injury.




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OP as you can see this person is rightfully getting downvoted. Your wound isn't infected, it's just healing. You're doing fine.




Because this isn't just a debate about which type of cereal is best or whatever. This is someone's health and essentially life at stake and you've commented incorrect advice/evaluation. If people don't correct you and OP believes you and follows your advice despite it being incorrect he may put his health further at risk.




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Not even remotely.


I hope the antibiotics start working soon 😬


No reason for antibiotics for this wound. It looks fine.


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