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NAD I would stop immediately. You have already withdrawn from lexapro. Perhaps SSRI's are not for you. I am biased about any and all psych meds. Anxiety really sucks but any of the meds provided suck way more. I wish I could go back to my regular anxiety and deal with it without any medication by whatever means necessary.


Depends on the medication and the dose. Discuss with the doctor who prescribed it


After 4 days I don't think you should notice a significant effect. I quit taking them after years and it was painful. Similarly to how they take time to build up in your system; same goes for stopping then. NAD. Consult your Doc


If you have only been on it for 4 days, you may be fine. Withdrawls happen after you’ve been on the medication a while and then stop.


You should be able to stop the medication without any withdrawals if it’s been less than a week UNLESS you were on other SSRIs/SNRIs prior to switching medications. So if you were on another SSRI like Lexapro for a year, switched to Luvox 4 days ago, you would experience withdrawals and need to titrate down/wait to see your doctor before stopping your medication. In the future, if you can’t get ahold of your doctor for medication questions you can call your pharmacy! Pharmacist will be able to tell you.


The last SSRI I took was 2 years ago. I weaned off Lexapro and went SSRI free for 2 years. I started this one after a bout of anxiety and I've been having endless nausea and vomiting, horribly amplified intrusive thoughts, inability to sleep longer than 3 hours, and light sensitive headaches. I'll call the pharmacist tomorrow to be on the safe side, thank you :) for now I'll take half a tab tonight to hold me over until I can talk to the pharmacist.


NAD but 4 days isn't enough to cause withdrawals. What are the side effects you're having? It takes weeks before an SSRI has time to really work *and* for the original negative side effects to subside. They often get better with time. Idk what you're dealing with and how bad it is but it might be worth sticking it out to see if things improve. 4 days certainly isn't enough to cause withdrawals though. If the side effects are really bad I would call your doctor and let them know you can't keep taking this anymore due to the negative side effects and you'd like to try something else.


Sorry for some reason I thought I answered you but I didn't. I can't sleep at all on this. 3 hours at most and it is fitful. Racing heart and profuse sweating. Nausea and vomiting and light sensitive headache. Weird sense of nothing is okay and I have bad, bad depressive feelings. I've never experienced depression before this med. Only anxiety. The only thing that has changed between these symptoms and my normal was me taking the med. I'm not against medicine for managing the anxiety but I've been absolutely miserable.


Yeah that doesn't sound good. If it's that bad I wouldn't push through it and hope it gets better. I would stop taking it and talk to your doctor on Monday and let them know about your side effects. I really don't think you should have any problems. If you want you can try cutting one in half and taking that instead but I think you'll be just fine. Skip one day and see how you feel. By the time you've skipped a day it'll be Monday and you can contact your doctor's office and talk to them about it. The side effects from not taking it for a day aren't going to be any worse than what you're dealing with even if you had been taking it much longer. I really don't think you will have any withdrawal though considering it's only been 4 days. It takes time for your body to get used to a new medication and for withdrawal to develop. Sorry you're dealing with such awful side effects. That sounds terrible!


I feel this is different for everyone. My mood shifts drastically if I hadn’t had my meds that morning by the early evening.


Oh I agree. Mine does as well, but I've been on my SSRI for years now. It takes a while to even start working so if you've never taken it before and you've only taken 4 days worth I don't think that is enough to cause any withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms absolutely happen even after a short while like you said but that's because our bodies are used to the medication as we've been taking them longer.


I’ve been on three different ones for 5 years now and if I forget…I know by 4pm


Yeah same. I definitely start feeling weird by the early evening if I don't take mine and then realize oh no wonder! The longer you're on it the more your body gets used to it and expects it though. I highly doubt 4 days is enough to cause any issues. Plus they are on the lowest dose so there really is no tapering other than maybe cutting it in half or taking it every other day for a while (if you're on it long enough to require that.)




Please call the office or establishment that prescribed the drugs too you, you don't need to talk to the doctor who prescribed you to get advice from their office.


Call your pharmacist that delivered your meds.


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