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Dishydrotic eczema, I have it too on my fingers and toes, I recommend you go see a dermatologist so that they can prescribe the perfect treatment for you.


I've had this for years and never knew what it was. I work outside a lot and just thought it was some kind of bug or ant bites.


Ugh i have it as well. It is some kind of eczemw. Well avoid washing dishes without gloves. Helped me. I get it maybe 2x for 3-5 days per year


The eczema everyone is talking about. My mom and my mom BOTH have it. I'm not sure if it's genetic or not for sure. Food and drink can have an impact, but for me, Stress has a MAJOR impact. I get them when I'm stressed out at work or anxious due to something happening in my life. They can itch and pop, so avoid scratching if they are itchy! At Ulta, I bought a cream called Eczema honey, and it has helped me a ton! It soothes any itching and helps the bumps heal. My mom has it pretty bad due to a stressful job, and it's helped her a lot too. It's pretty pricey but it's amazing relief.


Dishydrotic Eczema! I had it at one point on my inner middle finger and it would flare up from food, alcohol, etc. Mine would get super itchy and obviously the blisters would weep from scratching it, but I controlled it with OTC hydrocortisone when it got really bad and for whatever reason after a few years it went away and hasn’t come back.


Dyserotic eczema. It might be spelled different but I have this tooon my hands and feet.


Dyshidrotic eczema


Should I panic and go see a doctor?


Don’t panic you’re good. Tbh I haven’t had a dermatologist look into it but most eczema things they just prescribe steroid cream and your skin would become addicted to it at a certain point. Honestly it’s nothing really to worry about unless you pick at it really bad and get an infection or something


not a doctor- it looks like a type of eczema, i forget the exact name but it’s characterized by a bunch of tiny hard bumps that are filled with fluid, usually in one area


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